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Tropes (figures of speech) are the complex system of stylistic devices which for the purpose of scientific analysis can be classified into two main groups: figures of substitution (lexical stylistic devices) and figures of combination (lexico-syntactic stylistic devices). The firs group consists of figures of quality (metaphor, metonymy, epithet, antonomasia, allegory, personification, irony) and figures of quality (hyperbole, meiosis, litotes). Tropes that belong to this group are created on the bases of substitution of one meaning of a word for another as well as interaction between its logical (dictionary) and contextually imposed meaning or any other semantic operation that lead to the change of word meaning.

The second group includes figures of identity (simile), of contrast (oxymoron, antithesis, paradox) and of inequality (climax, anticlimax, zeugma and pun). The stylistic function of lexico-syntactic stylistic devices is to add logical, emotive, expressive information not to a single word but to the whole utterance. The emphasis here depends both on the lexico-semantic aspect of the words that participate in the creation of tropes and on the specific arrangement of utterance components.

Tropes perform aesthetic and cognitive function. They are indispensable means of creating images within the structure of a literary text and foregrounding a certain notion by highlighting its specific characteristics. Tropes help to approach the understanding of a certain notion, object, phenomenon through the image of it. In other words tropes are the means of imagery world perception (образного сприйняття світу). They are the powerful instruments by which the human thought is created and shaped.

The source of tropeic language is mythology, religeon and folklore of the nation.

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