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15 Underline the word in each set which does not collocate with the word capitals.

  1. BIG grin crowd power occasion sister filmstar business

  2. STRONG faith tree friendship tool bomb tea muscles

  3. GREAT leader discovery part area danger deal university

  4. TALL child temperature tree giraffe skyscraper bottle house

  5. HIGH speed hopes wall rent man heels flyer

  6. LARGE amount collection occasion area tree family bottom

  7. THIN layer chance soup paper neck person figure

  8. SLIM girl hope waist cloth man chance evidence

  9. LAST night time gossip bus chance animal dance

  10. ATEST fashion film discovery year trend chapter news

  11. SHORT man money dress story journey hair holiday

  12. PHYSICAL strength world exercise energy plants effort conditions

  13. SMALL distance town business mistake food problem cut

  14. WEAK bridge clothes pulse heart argument character excuse

Exercise 16. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition.

  1. I lived in Paris ________ five years, ____ 1970 _____ 1975.

  2. Beethoven began his musical education _____ the age of five.

  3. We never see our cat. _____ the day it sleeps, and it goes out _____ night.

  4. I don’t usually go out _____ the evening, except ______ Monday evening, when I go to play snooker.

  5. Generations of my family have lived in the same house ____ 1800.

  6. A How long are you staying here? B _____ the end of the month. Then I have to go home.

  7. I mustn’t forget my library books. I must take them back _______ the 24th.

  8. I’m just going out to get a newspaper. If anyone rings, tell them I’ll be back _____ a few minutes.

  1. Are you going away _______ Easter, or are you staying at home?

  1. I met my husband in Wales. ______ the time, I was working in a travel agent’s.

Exercise 17. Choose the appropriate preposition.

  1. I saw him riding into town on / by his bicycle yesterday.

  2. He’d rather go on / by bus than drive there himself.

  3. She sent him home in / by a taxi.

  4. That’s much too far to travel on / in foot.

  5. Did you take the tunnel to France, or did you go on / in the ferry?

  6. She rode through town on / by her horse.

  7. Let’s go home in / by taxi - I can’t be bothered to walk.

  8. She sometimes gets sick when travelling on / by sea.

  9. He flies round the world in / by his own private jet.

  10. The quickest way to get there is on / by air.

Exercise 18. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition

  1. I applied ____ the job that I saw advertised ____ the paper.

  2. I think you’re quite right. I absolutely agree _____ you.

  3. They are arguing ____ who’s going to win the World Cup.

  4. Water consists ____ hydrogen and oxygen.

  5. After six months of working overtime, she succeeded _____ paying off her debts.

  6. It took him a long time to recover ____ the injuries he sustained in the car crash.

  7. I’d like to complain ____ the manager _____ the state of my room. It isn’t very tidy.

  8. Compared ____ many countries, the cost of living in Spain is quite low.

  9. She was concentrating so hard _____ her book that she didn’t hear me come into the room.

  10. Do you believe _____ reincarnation? I do.

  11. Who does that car belong _____? It’s in my way.

  12. Could I speak ____ you for a moment ____ our plans for next month? It’s rather important.

  13. Gold is not affected ____ moisture.

  14. The work was divided ____ four students.

  15. The ship cruises ____ Odessa and Batumy.

Exercise 19.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition.

  1. What are you worrying ____ ? i. Who do you agree ____ ?

  2. What do you hope ____ ? j. Who did you cooperate ____ ?

  3. What exam are you preparing ____ ? k. Who have you just danced ___?

  4. Where are you hurrying ____ ? l. What disease did she die ____ ?

  5. Who are you waiting ____ ? m. Who has it happened ____ ?

  6. What are you listening ____ ? n. Who have you learned it ____ ?

  7. What railway station does this train arrive ____ ?

  8. What have you congratulated John ____ ?

Exercise 20. Ask questions using the preposition at the end.

Пример: I’m waiting.

Who are you waiting for?

  1. Sh! I’m listening. What ____________ ?

  2. Jane’s talking. Who _____________ ? What ___________ ?

  3. Sh! I’m thinking. What ______________ ?

  4. They’re looking everywhere. What ______________ ?

  5. She’s going on holiday. Who _____________ ?

  6. I’m going out. Who _____________ ?

  7. I had a dream last night. What ________________ ?

  8. I had an argument with Bert yesterday. What ________________ ?

  9. Jerry ‘s in love. Who _____________ ?

Sophie’s getting married. Who ___________________

Exercise 21. Choose the right variant.

  1. He used the business profits to ___ his own nest. His employees gain nothing.

fill feather enrich build

  1. She is so quick to criticize other people. I think she should learn to set her own ____ in order first.

home business house place

  1. He paid an absolute fortune for a really tiny flat. There’s not enough room to swing a _____ .

cat handbag monkey rope

  1. Don’t be so impatient. You can’t hurry the decorating if you want to do it well. _____ wasn’t built in a day.

New York St Paul’s Rome Colossus

  1. Friends may let you down, but your family will always stand by you. Blood is thicker than ____ .

tea wine tears water

  1. My car has just about had it. It’s on its last ___ . We’ll have to get a new one.

legs life way routes

  1. Politics is a cut-throat business where your friends can be more treacherous than your enemies, but, as they say, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the _____ .

forge kitchen hearth desert

  1. I don’t know what she’s got to be so cocky and self-important about. Someone should put her in _____ .

place boots cradle post

  1. I believed him! He looked so sincere. I feel such a fool now. He really led me up the _____ .

river garden path wrong road high street

Exercise 22.

Fill in the blanks with may /might or can/ could and make all necessary changes.

1. You___(warn) me about it beforehand. 2. The weather is changing. It___(start) raining. 3. No, he___ (not hear) your name. We tried to speak in a whisper. 4. He___(not hear) your name. That's why he did not say anything. 5. She ___ (not notice) us. We were standing too far away. 6. She___(not notice) us though we were standing beside her. 7.___I use your name as a referee? 8. She___(not hear) the news, that's why she looks as if nothing had happened. 9. She___(not hear)

the news, nobody___tell her about it. 10. The professor says that I___(rewrite) the essay. 11.___I use your phone? 12. He___(help) them when they were in trouble. 13.___he (say) it? No, it's not like him. He is a man of few words.

Exercise 23.

Choose the right variant.

1. О don't like the way you study. I think you___harder!

a) might have worked

b) might work

c) could work

d) could have worked

2. Let's wait a little. He___.

a) may have come

b) could have come

c) may come

d) might have come

3. She ___ of the plan herself. Somebody has suggested it to her.

a) can't have thought

b) may not have thought

c) can't think

d) may not think

4. They___our telegram, that's why they did not meet us.

a) couldn't have received

b) can't have received

c) may not have received

d) may not receive

5. She___my letter! — Don't be so angry with her.

She___it by mistake,

a) may not read, may do

b) cannot read, can do

c) might not have read, can't have done

d) can't have read, might not have done

6. He___it. I don't believe you.

a) is not able to say

b) might not say

c) can't have said

d) might not have said

Exercise 24.

Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs making necessary changes (you may have several variants).

1. He is in the garden. He___(read) a newspaper in the summerhouse. 2. Her son ___ (get) into trouble yesterday. I've seen him today and he looked quite happy and gay. 3.1 don't remember him well but it seems to me he___(be) in charge of the Finance department last year.

4. He___already (get) used to driving on the left. He has been living in London for a year. 5. He___(receive) an emergency call, that's why he is out. 6. They___(not take up) this problem. It has been already solved. 7. Where is Mr. Black? — He___(receive) a foreign delegation.

They ___(come) at two o'clock. 8. Why haven't the Smiths arrived yet? — They ____ (lose) their way. They don't know the road well. 9. You___(introduce) me to your wife long ago. 10. He „___ (buy) a new car. He is deeply in debt. 11. He ___(buy) a new car, but I am not

sure. 12. They___already (arrive). Look, the windows are open. 13. Where is John? — He___(smoke) in the corridor. 14.1 think for your children's sake you___ (do) it. 15. You___(buy) this book for me. You know I have wanted to have it. 16. A wife___(obey) her husband, the Bible says. 17. You,___(wait) for me, I knew the road well and found my way myself. 18. Judging by his papers on the writing table he___(work) for several hours.

19.___it (be) Nick? He has changed a lot. 20. They___ (not know) of the plane's delay, otherwise they did not come at 2 o'clock.

Exercise 25.

Find and correct the mistakes if any.

1.1 must not dress in my best. When I came, everybody was wearing jeans and T-shirts. 2. He must have known that she needed his help. 3. He had to have an accident in the thick fog. 4. You should phone her long ago. I am sure she is looking forward to your call. 5. With your knowledge of the language you may read the article. 6.1 may not imagine Mary teaching students. She used to be so impatient. — You know time changes people. She is able to become quite different. 7.1 am sure you might have done it much better. You did not try. 8.1 was so angry, I must have thrown my boot at him. 9. May you do me a favour, please? 10. May I ask you to do me a favour, please?

Exercise 26.

Translate into English using the modal verbs.

1. Что здесь происходит? Не могли вы бы вы ска­зать, в чем дело? — Должно быть, полиция ловит опасного преступника (criminal), и поэтому здесь нельзя прейти. 2. Он мог бы объяснить мне с самого начала, как это важно. 3. Тебе следует поторопиться. Мы можем опоздать. 4. Какой скучный фильм я посмотрел! Не сто­ило ходить в кино, я мог бы посмотреть что-нибудь по телевизору. 5. Тебе следовало бы сесть на диету (go on a diet) еще полгода назад. Посмотри на себя! Ты поправи­лась (gain) на 3 килограмма. Тебе нельзя есть сладкое. 6. Неужели она потеряла мой номер телефона? 7. Поче­му он молчит (keep silence)? — Может быть, он не рас­слышал ваш вопрос. Не могли бы вы его повторить? 8. Ты должен уважать (respect) своих родителей. 9. На­верное, он сегодня не придет. Уже восемь часов, а он должен был прийти в семь. 10. Вряд ли они уже верну­лись. Они там впервые и могут задержаться (stay long).

Exercise 27

Choose the right variant.

1. "They___an excellent vacancy last week. You ___an opportunity of getting it," he reproached me.

a) had, mustn't miss

b) have had, might not have missed it

c) had, shouldn't have missed

d) were having, couldn't miss

2. He had to earn___living at___an early age,___?

a) ___, such, hadn't he

b) his, such, didn't he

c) himself, so, hadn't he

d) to, so, didn't he

3. We___a camera because we never___a chance to use it.

a) might not have taken, had

b) should not have taken, have had

c) needn't have taken, had

d) mustn't have taken, had had

4. The line is busy; somebody___on the telephone now.

a) should be speaking

b) should have been speaking

c) must be speaking

d) can't be speaking

5. You___this! See how___she is.

a) ought not to say, distressing

b) ought not to have said, distressed

c) won't be able to say, distressing

d) cannot have said, distressed

6. He says that nothing___, because it is too___. But I don't believe a single word___; they___us.

a) should do, lately, of him, mustn't have failed

b) can't be done, late, of his, oughtn't fail

c) mustn't be done, lately, of him, shouldn't have failed

d) can be done, late, of his, can't have failed

7.1 managed to come here at half past six. But I___. They___.

a) needn't have hurried, had already left

b) needn't hurry, have already left

c) mustn't have hurried, had already left

d) shouldn't hurry, have already left

8. If she doesn't take care of___, she___have a nervous breakdown and___to hospital.

a) hers, may, should go

b) her, can, need to go

c) herself, may, may have to go

d) herself, must, must go

9. He___his wallet himself, it___.

a) might lose, couldn't be stolen

b) may have lost, can't have been stolen

c) could have lost, must not have been stolen

d) ought to lose, shouldn't be stolen

10. You___a message at least! We___for two hours.

a) should send, waited

b) must have sent, were waiting

c) could send, have been waiting

d) might have sent, had been waiting

11. The only trouble is that I___my exams in spring and___them now.

a) couldn't have taken, must have

b) couldn't take, must have

c) mustn't have taken, must have had

d) can't take, must have had

12. The plane___at 5 a.m. and in this hurry-scurry she___the tickets on the table.

a) had to take off, can leave

b) was to take off, must have left

c) was to take off, needn't leave

d) must have taken off, shouldn't leave

13. Why___he take the scandal on himself? It is not

a) must, fairly

b) may, fair

c) should, fair

d) could, fairly

14. You___to him. His information is___.

a) shouldn't listen, misled

b) needn't have listened, misleading

c) can't have listened, misled

d) mustn't have listened, misleading

15. It is not worth___ to___bed if he___at five.

a) to go,___, have to get up

b) going, the, must have got up

c) to have gone, the, is to get up

d) going,___, doesn't have to get up

16. They have made me___that I___selfish about it.

a) think, may have been

b) to think, must be

c) thinking, might have been

d) thought, should have been

17. It___late when I___home; there were no people in the street.

a) must have been, was going back

b) must be, am going

c) can't have been, was going

d) could not have been, went

18. You___worry, you___always rely on me in this matter.

a) must not, need

b) need not, may

c) can, need not

d) should, must

19. You___this device. It___dangerous.

a) couldn't have touched, may be

b) must not touch, may be

c) shouldn't have touched, ought to be

d) needn't touch, must have been

20.1___my job. I___you before.

a) needn't have put off, should ask

b) shouldn't have put off, need to ask

c) needn't have put off, should have asked

d) shouldn't put off, should ask