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Is crime by kids out of control?

We asked some young people for their opinions. Who do you agree with?

What role models do we have? All the kids want money and nice clothes but they don't want to work hard. People boast about how much they are able to steal. David, 15

I think that most teenagers behave like idiots when they are with their friends. At home they are nice kids but they do silly things to impress their group of friends. Yaz, 17

Adults complain about the bad behaviour of the younger generation but adults are to blame because they're the ones who set the examples to us. Julie, I6

Young people (11 - 14) know that the police can't arrest them. There should be punishments for children that commit these crimes. Tom, 14

Teenagers hang around in groups on the streets. I find it frightening to walk past them on the way home from school. Ellis, 14

Выберите между глаголами get и become. В каких предложениях возможно использование обоих глаголов?

  1. All the kids want to get / become money and nice clothes.

  2. Adults must get / become better role models.

  3. Most teenagers get / become idiots when they're in a group of friends.

  4. Ellie gets / becomes frightened when she walks past groups of teenagers on the street.

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