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Sources of law means the origin from which rules of human conduct come into existence and derive legal force or binding characters. It also refers to the sovereign or the state from which the law derives its force or validity.

There are many factors of law that have contributed to the development of law. These factors are regarded as the sources of law. Legal customs, Divine right, Natural and legal rights, human rights, civil rights, and common law are often implied and unwritten sources of law that have been established over decades or centuries. Canon law and other forms of religious law form the basis for law derived from religious practices and doctrines or from sacred texts; this source of law is important where there is a state religion. Historical or judicial precedent and case law can modify or even create a source of law. The ultimate in written laws are the charter, the constitution, and the treaty, much of which form the foundation of modern legal systems. Legislation, rules, and regulations are often the source of laws which are codified and enforced by the legal system.

Source of law – the way in which fixed (find external expression) the rule of law. Some scholars identify the source and form of expression rights, others spend the difference between them, determine the source of the phenomenon of generating the rule of law, as a form of expression – as a kind of "container norms" that is different in nature from the source.

The term "source of law" is also used by some scholars to mean "legal monument", as well as to indicate the source of the moral law.

Sources of law – that is what management practices in dealing with legal matters. Under the source of positive law is commonly understood as a form of expression of public will to recognition of the existence of the right, in its formation or change.

Currently, the best known are the following sources of law: legal custom; normative legal act; legal precedent; the normative content of the contract; jurisprudence (doctrines and ideas).

The term "source" of law is deeply rooted, and therefore has many meanings: factors contributing to the emergence, development, maintenance of law: a system of socio-economic relations (material understanding); a set of legal ideas, opinions, theories, under the influence of which is formed and functioning right (idealist conception); historical monuments: Russian Truth in Kievan Rus, Hammurabi in Babylon; methods of external expression and consolidate the rule of law (specifically, legal awareness) (this is the actual form of law).

Formation of the modern legal system – a complex, lengthy, multi-process, and therefore requires a proper analysis. Circle of relations, which are subject to any legal act, always the subject of legal regulation, otherwise the act would not be legal, that is, so that the interests of society.

That is why it is so acute in Ukraine there is a question of lawmaking. It is important from the point of view of the state of legislative activity at a certain current stage of development and justification of the law with regard to social phenomena and changes in social relations, progressive or negative, which require their legislative consolidation. The practice demonstrates the need for fundamental changes in this field, a combination of deep fundamental research with application development, comparative analysis of legislation and legal reform.

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