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1. Occupation

means an activity in which one engages; the state of being occupied; that which occupies one's time.

Which occupation will he choose for himself?

Look for an occupation suited to your abilities.

2. Profession

is an occupation in which special education or training is required, as the profession of an architect.

Law, Architecture and Medicine, are professions.

3. Trade

is a skilled occupation, especially in handicraft, an occupation requiring mecha­nical skill.

Dressmaking is a, useful trade.

He is a hairdresser (tailor, blacksmith) by trade.

Ex. 2. Study the following text.

Centuries ago there were only few jobs. People were farmers, bakers, butchers or carpenters, for example. Today work has become so specialized that thousands of different kinds of jobs have been created. Many require very special qualifications. Machines, auto­mation, assembly lines and high technology have created new jobs and killed old ones. Much heavy, dangerous or unpleasant work is now done by time-saving and money-saving machines.-,Of course, people are needed to design, develop, produce and operate the machi­nes. But those who have to work on an assembly line or at a machine all day, five days a week, sometimes get bored and frustrated. Most of them agree, however, that it is still better than being unemployed. People who are unemployed for a long time often lose their self-respect.

What will work be like in the future? Not only high technology, but also job sharing and more flexible working hours may change working conditions. Nobody can be sure which jobs are safe. People now have to go on learning all their lives, so that they can react to a changing job situation. For skilled people there will usually be opportunities — especially if they are willing to move.

Ex. 3.

a) Learn the following job-titles which are found in a wide range of different work places.

Boss, director, manager, executive, administrator, secretary, clerk, skilled worker, unskilled worker, labourer, receptionist, public relations officer, safety officer, union official, economist, personnel officer, sales assistant, adviser, education officer, research-worker supervisor.

b) Learn the following professions (jobs that require considerable training and/ or qualifications) and trades (skilled manual jobs and other training).

Lawyer, dentist, hairdresser, mechanic, architect, priest, farmer, vet, librarian, physiotherapist, child-minder, police officer, accountant, engineer, scientist, chef, firefighter, civil servant, tailor/dressmaker, designer, builder, carpenter, plumber

I) accountant 2)surgeon

  1. lawyer

  2. journalist

  3. capienter 6)barber

  1. architect

  2. nurse

  3. turner

10) secretary


12) engineer

  1. sculptor

a) person who practises law, especially a barrister or solicitor.

b) worker who makes and repairs, especially the wooden parts of buildings and other structures of wood.

c) person whose profession is to keep and examine business accounts.

d) a person who designs and supervises the construction of tlie buildings. e) a doctor who performs operations.

f) a person engaged in journalism (work of writing for editing or publishing journals).

g) a person who cares for people who are ill or injured..

h) employee in an office, who deals with correspondence, keeps records, makes arrangements and appointments for a particular member of the staff..

i) a person whose trade is shaving and cutting men's hair.

j) a workman who builds with bricks.

k) a person who works a lathe.

I) a person who writes lectures on economic or political economy.

m) an artist who sculptures.

n) a person who works in a branch of engineering; a person who designs engines, machines, bridges, railways.

o) a skilled or trained person who controls communications.

Ex. 5. Practise the dialogue.

A.: Did you hear that Jerry lost his job?

B.: Oh, he did? Gee, that's too bad.

A.: Yeah, the company wasn't making money, so they had to lay off some employees.

S.; So what's Jerry going to do now?

A.: Well, he's thinking of starting his own business.

B.: Oh, that's great. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my job. Maybe I'd go back to school.

What would you do? A.; Well, first I think I'd probably take a vacation. After that, I guess, I'd try working for

myself, too.

Ex. 6 Read the text and comment on it.


In the United States a lot of people out of work. Tracy Kowalsky is 19. She dropped out of high school two years ago and got a job 1 as a check-out clerk in a supermarket. She was fired four' months ago and hasn't been able to find another job year.

"My old man just doesn't understand. He started working in; the steel mill there in town when he was 16. Things are different now, but he thinks I should start bringing home some money. I'm on unemployment, but it isn't very much and I'm just fed up with standing in line to sign for it very other week. I hate having to ask my folks for money. My mom gives one a couple of dollars now and then, and she can't stand having me around the house all day. I've almost given up looking for a job. I look at the paper every day, but I'm really tired of going through the want ads. There are at least fifty people for every job. I was interested in becoming a receptionist for a dentist or a doctor because I like meeting people, but now I'd take any job that came along. People ask me why I don't move to California or maybe Houston, but I really don't want to leave my family and my friends. Anyway, I'd be scared of living all alone in a strange place."

Ex. 7. Read about the profession of a manager which is popular nowadays and answer the questions below. Use a dictionary if necessary.

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