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Unit 4, Part 3

Face reading has been practiced for thousands of years. Its formal name is physiognomy (fizzy-OG-nuh-me), which means interpreting the face to learn about the inner person. When you do this, a side benefit is that you discover new things about your own face you never noticed before.

Since 1986, I've done thousands of face readings for people like you. And most have made surprising discoveries about their physical faces. How could this be? Before they didn't pay close attention. Why should they? Most face parts weren't meaningful.

I'll emphasise three practical ways it can increase yourpersonal power.

All of us find ourselves in situations where we need to sell ourselves and negotiate with others. Most of us would like to do it better. For instance, Mickey Kantor, our U.S. trade representative, is no slouch in the persuasion department. But he has reportedly found himself at a loss when dealing with his 10-year-old daughter. "I have to negotiate with her every day and I usually lose," he has complained. Maybe you don't have to psych out a crafty kid or a foreign government, but better communication skills still could come in handy.

On a job interview--for any kind of job--wouldn't it help if you could get inside information about your prospective boss? Once hired, couldn't you serve your clients better if you knew more about them? And if your company should downsize, might your ability to read people help you to survive as one of the fittest?

A great Peanutscomic strip delivered this punch line: "I love humanity. It's just people I can't stand." Face reading helps you to deal with people. Some people's eyes light up at the thought of how their insights could bring sales.

Therefore, even if you don't stand to gain a nickel from reading faces, you'll profit inwardly when you explore this deeper human knowledge.

The power of face reading shows in relationships, especially those situations where people normally feel the opposite of powerful; meeting your prospective mother-in-law; wondering about your grumpy new next-door neighbour with the rottweiler. Face reading informs you of practical things, like how a person makes decisions, spends money, works most productively, handles details. Who has a goofy sense of humour? Who won't laugh unless the humour is wry and dry? Who is a deep-down nonconformist? The face parts are richly varied. And the Secrets they'll tell you go far beyond the stereotypes you're probably expecting. In fact, face reading is guaranteed to smash all the stereotypes that keep you from seeing people as individuals.

That is part of what brings you more power in relationships. Another part of relationship empowerment is that face reading gives you license to climb out of ruts. Bored with someone you see on a daily basis? Let face reading help you to appreciate that person in an entirely new context.

Daily we're bombarded by innumerable images of celebrities and models who have been cosmetically enhanced, possibly surgically altered, and definitely wearing identifiable hairstyles; next, photographers have placed flattering lights around them and then these unnaturally beautiful people have been retouched. Even theydon't look as good as their photos. All this is mighty discouraging. And we take this discouragement so deep, we take it for granted.

Face reading helps self-esteem. You'll discover that every detail about your face means something wonderful – the angle of your lips, the cheeks. Face Reading Secrets is based on this premise: God don't make no junk.

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