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Методичні вказівки
до виконання контрольної роботи №4 з англійської мови для студентів ІІ курсу технічних спеціальностей заочної форми навчання
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Методичні вказівки до виконання контрольної роботи №4 з англійської мови для студентів ІІ курсу технічних спеціальностей заочної форми навчання / Укл: О.О. Калантаєва: - Запоріжжя: ЗНТУ, 2010 – 62с.
Укладач: О.О. Калантаєва, викладач
Рецензент: Т.О. Сокол, ст. викладач
Експерт: О.В. Явтушенко, доц., к.т.н.
Відповідальний за випуск: О.О. Калантаєва
Затверджено на засіданні
кафедри іноземних мов Протокол № 7 від 11.05.2010
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Вимоги до виконання і оформлення контрольних робіт
Дані методичні вказівки мають метою допомогти студентам заочної форми навчання в самостійній роботі над розвиненням практичних навичок читання та перекладу літератури за фахом на англійській мові.
Кожне контрольне завдання пропонується в п’яти варіантах. Ви повинні виконати один з п’яти варіантів згідно з останніми цифрами номера залікової книжки: студенти, у яких шифр закінчується на “1” або “2”, виконують варіант №1, на “3”
або “4” – №2, на “5” або “6” – №3, на “7” або “8” – №4, на “9” або “0” – №5.
Виконувати письмову контрольну роботу слід в окремому зошиті, на обкладинці якого ви вказуєте своє прізвище, номер контрольної роботи і студентський шифр.
Виконуючи контрольну роботу, залишайте в зошиті широкі поля для зауважень, пояснень рецензента. Матеріал контрольної роботи слід розміщувати згідно наступного зразку:
Ліва сторінка |
Права сторінка |
Поля! англійський текст |
Український текст! Поля |
Слід виконувати контрольну роботу в тій послідовності, в якій вона дається в цьому посібнику.
Якщо контрольна робота виконана, не додержуючись вказівок або не повністю, вона повертається без перевірки.
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Контрольне завдання №4
Для того, щоб правильно виконати завдання №4, необхідно засвоїти матеріал наступних розділів рекомендованих підручників :
1.Умовний стан. Типи умовних речень. Conditional sentences.
2.Незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс. Absolute Participle Constructions.
3.Об`єктний інфінітивний комплекс. Complex Object.
4.Суб`єктний інфінітивний комплекс. Complex Subject.
Рекомендована література:
1.Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. М., 1999. – 717 с.
2.Верба Л.Г. Грамматика современного английского язика:
справ очник. – К., 2001 – 368 с.
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Варіант №1
1.1. Перепишіть речення та перекладіть рідною мовою. Визначте тип умовного речення.
1.1.1.If I were an electrician I should know how to reduce the resistance of the conductor.
1.1.2.A torque would have been applied to the body if we had produced angular acceleration.
1.1.3.If the students had received and read books on their speciality they would not have broken the device.
1.1.4.The volume of gas will be proportional to its absolute temperature provided its pressure remains constant.
1.1.5.If you study the Physics of semiconductors, you will know the properties of the p-n junction better.
1.2. Поставте дієслово у дужках в потрібному часі, зважаючи на тип умовного речення. Перекладіть речення рідною мовою.
1.2.1.If the sand (to be) not refractory enough, it will fuse with the
1.2.2.I should come and see you off if I (not to live) so far away.
1.2.3.He (to call) her up yesterday if he had been in town.
1.2.4.We (to deliver) the lathes in December provided we receive your order within the next ten days.
1.2.5.Your health (to improve) unless you took better care of yourself.
1.3. Перепишіть речення і перекладіть рідною мовою, звертаючи увагу на незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс (The Absolute Participle Complex).
1.3.1.A hold-back gear being installed, the run back of the belt became impossible.
1.3.2.A fault between wires occurring, the rectifier is short-circuited and the current flows through the relay and its associated circuit.
1.3.3.The temperature of the melting ice rising, the movement of its molecules is speeded up.
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1.3.4.Automation appeared at the time when the proper state of science was achieved, its roots spanning many centuries and many lands.
1.3.5.The workpiece having been sandblasted, all scale was removed.
1.4. Перепишіть речення, перекладіть речення англійською мовою, вживаючи незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс
(The Absolute Participle Complex).
1.4.1. Тому що оператор не зміг виключити напругу, апарат згорів .
1.4.2. Професор вийшов з лабораторії, студенти пішли за ним. 1.4.3. На морі був сильний шторм, тому судно втратило рівновагу.
1.5. Перепишіть речення і перекладіть рідною мовою, звертаючи увагу на об’єктний інфінітивний комплекс
(Complex Object).
1.5.1.We believe the molecule of pyridine to be just like one of benzene.
1.5.2.You know the pressure to decrease as altitude increases.
1.5.3.A tooth clutch allows the rope to be adjusted for various lengths of haul.
1.5.4.We heard the construction of railway facilities benefit fully from their ability.
1.5.5.They saw concrete piers be prefabricated on shore in large hollow sections.
1.6. Перепишіть речення і перекладіть рідною мовою, звертаючи увагу на суб’єктний інфінітивний комплекс (Complex Subject). Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1.6.1.The cell is said to be polarized when a small torch bulb is joined to the terminals.
1.6.2.The water seems to be boiling.
1.6.3.He is announced to have been appointed director of the big enterprise.
1.6.4.Coal was found to be rather abrasive.
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1.6.5. The weather appeared to be improving.
1.7. Перекладіть англійською, вживаючи об’єктний інфінітивний комплекс (Complex Object) та суб’єктний інфінітивний комплекс (Complex Subject).
1.7.1. Я бачив, як вони під`їхали до будинку.
1.7.2. Вона не очікувала, що ії запитають про наслідки.
1.7.3. Оператор спостерігав, як ящики було упаковано та увезено на склад.
1.7.4. Вона не любить, коли діти роблять завдання в класі. 1.7.5. Здавалось, проект заслуговує нагoроди.
1.8. Перепишіть текст за фахом та перекладіть його рідною мовою.
1.8.1. Електротехнічний факультет
An induction motor or asynchronous motor is a type of alternating current motor where power is supplied to the rotor by means of electromagnetic induction.
An electric motor converts electrical power to mechanical power in its rotor (rotating part). There are several ways to supply power to the rotor. In a DC motor this power is supplied to the armature directly from a DC source, while in an induction motor this power is induced in the rotating device. An induction motor is sometimes called a rotating transformer because the stator (stationary part) is essentially the primary side of the transformer and the rotor (rotating part) is the secondary side. Unlike the normal transformer which changes the current by using time varying flux, induction motors use rotating magnetic fields to transform the voltage. The primary side's current creates an electromagnetic field which interacts with the secondary side's electromagnetic field to produce a resultant torque, thereby transforming the electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Induction motors are now the preferred choice for industrial motors due to their rugged construction, absence of brushes (which are required in most DC motors) and—thanks to modern power
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electronics—the ability to control the speed of the motor. The basic difference between an induction motor and a synchronous AC motor is that in the latter a current is supplied into the rotor (usually DC) which in turn creates a (circular uniform) magnetic field around the rotor. The rotating magnetic field of the stator will impose an electromagnetic torque on the still magnetic field of the rotor causing it to move (about a shaft) and rotation of the rotor is produced. It is called synchronous because at steady state the speed of the rotor is the same as the speed of the rotating magnetic field in the stator.
By way of contrast, the induction motor does not have any direct supply onto the rotor; instead, a secondary current is induced in the rotor. This changing magnetic field pattern induces current in the rotor conductors. These currents interact with the rotating magnetic field created by the stator and in effect causes a rotational motion on the rotor. However, for these currents to be induced, the speed of the physical rotor must be less than the speed of the rotating magnetic field in the stator, or else the magnetic field will not be moving relative to the rotor conductors and no currents will be induced. If by some chance this happens, the rotor typically slows slightly until a current is re-induced and then the rotor continues as before.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1.How does the motor transform mechanical power into electrical one?
2.Which parts of the motor are movable and stationary?
3.Why are induction motors now the preferred choice for industrial motors?
4.What is difference between an induction motor and a synchronous AC motor?
5.What should we do for these currents to be induced?
1.8.2. Інженерно-фізичний факультет
Arc furnaces represent by far the majority of applications, including the melting of steel, grey iron, brass, bronze and gunmetal,
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as well as many nickel alloys. There are two main types of arc furnace: the direct arc furnace and indirect arc furnace.
The direct arc furnaces are so called because the arc is struck directly between the electrode and the metal to be melted. The electrodes are of graphite or amorphous carbon and the furnaces are either single phase units for very small furnaces or more generally three-phase units with three overhead, vertically disposed electrodes suspended over what is normally a bowl-shaped refractory hearth. The furnace is housed in a robust steel shell, on one side of which are mounted three columns on which run the arms carrying the electrodes. These not only support the weight of the electrodes, but also carry the conductors and water-cooling pipes to the electrode clamps.
The electrodes are raised and lowered on their masts either by electric motors or by hydraulic rams. Practically all furnaces used for melting are of tilting type, usually mounted on rocker trunnions situated under the surface or at the sides of the shell. At right angles to the electrode arms is a pouring spout and diametrically opposite is a charging or operating door. Small furnaces (up to 1.5 tons in capacity) are charged through this door by means of a chute or by hand, whereas nearly all larger furnaces are top charged by removing the roof. The operating door on a top-charged furnace is used for making alloy or slag additions, for rabbling the molten metal and for removing the slag if necessary.
Indirect arc furnaces are called so because the arc is struck between two carbon electrodes and is therefore independent of the charge, which is heated indirectly by radiation. The furnace is charged through the door after the withdrawal of the electrodes and the furnace is filled below the level of the electrodes. The rocking does not start until the charge begins to subside.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1.What is the difference between direct and indirect arc furnaces?
2.Where are the arc furnaces used?
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3.What are the electrodes made of?
4.How is the direct furnace charged?
5.What is the purpose of the three columns?
1.8.3. Машинобудівний факультет
A milling machine is a machine tool used to machine solid materials. Milling machines evolved from the practice of rotary filing. Rotary filing and, later, true milling were developed to reduce time and effort spent hand-filing. The full story of milling machine development may never be known, because much early development took place in individual shops where few records were kept for posterity.
Milling machines exist in two basic forms: horizontal and vertical, which refers to the orientation of the cutting tool spindle. Both types range in size from small, bench mounted devices to roomsized machines. Unlike a drill press, which holds the workpiece stationary as the drill moves vertically to penetrate the material, milling machines also move the workpiece against the rotating cutter, which cuts on its flanks as well as its tip. Workpiece and cutter movement are precisely controlled to less than 0.001 in (0.025 mm), usually by means of precision ground slides and leadscrews or analogous technology. Milling machines may be manually operated, mechanically automated, or digitally automated via computer numerical control (CNC).
Milling machines can perform a vast number of operations, some very complex, such as slot and keyway cutting, planing, drilling, diesinking, rebating, routing, etc. Cutting fluid is often pumped to the cutting site to cool and lubricate the cut, and to sluice away the resulting swarf. In the vertical mill the spindle axis is vertically oriented. Milling cutters are held in the spindle and rotate on its axis. There are two subcategories of vertical mills: the bedmill and the turret mill. In a turret mill the spindle remains stationary during cutting operations and the table is moved both perpendicular to and parallel to the spindle axis to accomplish cutting. In the
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