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МВ для заочников І курс(англ., технари) №1790

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4. Для вираження дії, що передує дії, виражений дієсловом-

присудком, зокрема після дієслів to thank, to forget, to remember, to excuse, to apologize, а також після прийменників on і after:

I don’t remember seeing her.- Я не пам’ятаю, щоб я бачив її.

Герундій вживається в активному стані, якщо іменник чи займенник, до якого він відноситься позичає суб’єкт дії, вираженої герундієм:

Mary could not help laughing. - Мері не могла не засміятися.

Герундій вживається в пасивному стані, якщо іменник чи займенник, до якого він відноситься, позичає об’єкт вираженої ним дії:

He does not come without being invited. - Він не приходить, якщо його не запрошують.

Іменникові властивості.

Герундій у реченні виконує такі властиві іменнику синтаксичні функції:

1. Підмета:

Smoking is harmful. - Курити - шкідливо. 2. Предикатива:

His hobby is collecting stamps. - Його улюблене зайняття -

колекціонувати поштові марки.

3. Додатка (прямого і прийменникового):

He likes talking to me. - Він любить розмовляти зі мною.

She is fond of painting. - Вона полюбляє малювати.

4.Перед герундієм може вживатися прийменник, що відноситься до нього:

Nobody thought of going to bed. - Ніхто й не думав лягати спати.

5.Перед герундієм, як і перед іменником, може вживатися присвійний займенник чи іменник у присвійному відмінку:

Don’t fear my sister’s

staying Я наполягаю на тому,щоб

at home.

моя сестра залишилася вдома.



Після дієслів to avoid, to finish, to suggest, to leave off, to give up, to go on, to keep on, cannot help, to enjoy, to excuse, to forgive, to put off,


to postpone, to delay, to mind вживається тількі герундій (з усіх

неособових форм дієслова):


We finished dressing.

Ми закінчили одягатися.

Mary left off ironing.

Мері перестала прасувати.

Fancy going for a walk in such

Уявить собі прогулянку в таку



Герундій часто вживається після дієслів: to begin, to start, to continue, to propose, to like, to try, to refuse, to intend, to forget, to prefer: The children began playing. - Діти почали гратися.

Порiвняння герундія і віддієслівного іменника.




Віддієслівний іменник


1. Не вживається з артиклем:


Може вживатися з артиклем:


Reading the poem is pleasant.


The reading of poem is pleasant.

2. Не вживається у множині:


Може вживатися у множині:


I like this reading.


What are the readings of this









3. Герундій перехідних дієслів


Не приймає прямого додатка,

приймає прямий додаток:









прийменником of:


I like reading fiction.


The reading of this book is a must.

4.Може мати прислівник як













I like reading fiction slowly.


Why has he slow reading?


5. Може бути означенням з












I like the idea of reading in the


He showed me the readings data.

open air.







6.Може мати складні форми:


Не має складних форм.


His being sent to Kyiv will















Порівняння герундія і дієприкметника теперішнього часу.





Дієприкметник теперiшнього










1. Герундію може передувати


Дієприкметнику прийменник не













I am fond of reading.


He sat reading the book.






2. Герундію може передувати


Дієприкметнику цей відмінок



присвійний відмінок іменника


не передує.



чи займенника





I like Victor’s (his) reading.


He sat reading Victor’s book.



3. Може вживатися у реченні у


Не вживається у реченні у



функції підмета, додатка,


функції підмета, додатка








Reading is my hobby.





I like reading.





My dream is reading this novel.





4.Вживається у функції


Вживається у функції



означення чи обставини


означення чи обставини.



(герундію завжди передує










Before reading a book I take a


Reading a book I make notes.



copy-book to make notes.


I like to work in the reading room.



5. Не вживається для утворення


Вживається для утворення



групи тривалих часів.


групи тривалих часів.





He is reading a book now.


Контрольне завдання № 2

Варіант 1

1.Перепишіть речення, визначте часову форму і стан дієслівприсудків. Перекладіть речення на українську мову:

1.1.Radio astronomy recently(to give) mankind efficient means for penetration into space.

1.2.Ukrainian chemical science( to solve) many complex problems


1.3.Becquerel`s discovery (to follow) by an intensive research work of Marya and Pierre Cuire.

1.4.Heat energy(to transmit) in two different ways.

2.Перепишіть речення. Підкресліть Participle Ι, Participle ΙΙ. Визначте функції кожного з них (чи то є означення, обставини чи дієслово-присудок) перекладіть речення на українську мову:

2.1.Nylon was the first synthetic fibre used in clothing.

2.2.The atoms forming our planet are built of negative electrons, positive protons and ordinary neutrons.


2.3.This kind of treatment when used makes the metals heat resistant. 2.4.When passing through an electroscope, X-rays cause its


3.Перепишіть речення, підкресліть модальні дієслова або їх еквіваленти. Перекладіть речення на українську мову:

3.1.One object may be larger than another one, but it may weight


3.2.Mass can also be defined as a measure of inertia. 3.3.You didn’t have to think about this experiment. 3.4.I think you ought to be starting.

3.5.You`re not to come here any more.

4.Перепишіть речення, поставте їх у пасивний стан і перекладіть їх на українську мову:

4.1.We hare their voices in the hall. 4.2.I bought this book a week ago.

4.3.The secretary has recently brought this letter. 4.4.They are preparing the meal now.

4.5.I shall post that letter tomorrow.

5.Перекладіть речення на англійську мову:

5.1.Я щойно купив книгу. Ось вона. 5.2Робота була виконана вчасно. 5.3.Ти можеш мені сказати, де він?

5.4.Перекладаючи тексти, я користуюсь словником. 5.5.Вона полюбляє танцювати.

6.Прочитайте і перепишіть текст. Перекладіть на українську мову. Складіть план із 10 запитань різного типу до нього і напишіть відповіді на них:


Marya Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867/ Her wish was to study at the Sorbonne in Paris and after many years of waiting, she finally left her native land in 1891.

In Paris Marya began a course of hard study and simple living. She determined to work for two Master’s degrees-one in Physics and the other in Mathematics. Thus she had to work twice as hard as the ordinary student. She had scarcely enough money to live on. Night after night, after her hard day’s work at the University, she got to her poorly furnished room and worked at her books steadily for hours. Though she was often weak


and ill, she worked in this way for four years. She had chosen her course and nothing could turn her from it.

Among the many scientists, Marya met and worked with Pierre Curie who was already famous throughout Europe for his discoveries in magnetism. But in spite of the honor he had brought to France by his discoveries, the French Government could only give him a very little salary as a reward, and the University of Paris refused him a laboratory of his own for his researches.

Pierre Curie and Marya Sklodovska, both of whom loved science more than anything else very soon became the closest friends who worked together constantly and discussed many problems of their research. In 1895 Marya Sklodovska became Mc. Curie. Theirs was not only to be a very happy marriage but also one of the greatest scientific partnerships.

Having obtained her Master’s degree in Physics and Mathematics, she wished to obtain a Doctor’s degree. Together with her husband Marya got interested the work of a French scientist named Bequerel who working with a rare metal called uranium had discovered that this metal emits rays very much like X-rays. These rays made marks on a photographic plane when it was wrapped in black paper. There were

many questions concerning uranium that puzzled the Curies. Here, they decide, was the very subject for Marya Doctor’s thesis.

The research was carried out under great difficulty in an old cold room at the University without proper apparatus and very little space for research work. Soon she discovered that the rays of uranium were like no other known rays as its rays were much more powerful that any yet found. She called the new element “radium”, because it was more strongly radioactive that any known metal. In 1903Marya and Pierre together with Becquerel were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics and in 1911-in Chemistry.

Контрольне завдання № 2

Варіант 2 1. Перепишіть речення, визначте часову форму і стан дієслів-

присудків. Перекладіть речення на українську мову:

1.1.Today scientists still (to look) for the substance as a source of energy.

1.2.The Mendeleyev System (to serve) for almost 100 years as a key to discovering new elements.


1.3.Synthetic rubber products (to develop) between 1914 and the 1930s.

1.4.the intensity of this process (to influence) by many factors.

2.Перепишіть речення. Підкресліть Participle Ι, Participle ΙΙ. Визначте функції кожного з них (чи то є означення, обставини чи дієслово-присудок), перекладіть речення на українську мову:

2.1.Molecular crystals are solids constructed of molecules

2.2.A body moving with a certain velocity carries within itself the kinetic energy of motion.

2.3.While absorbing the energy of cosmic rays the upper atmosphere becomes radioactive.

2.4.Unless properly treated the metal must not be applied for space technology.

3.Перепишіть речення, підкресліть модальні дієслова або їх еквіваленти. Перекладіть речення на українську мову:

3.1.Energy can exist in many forms and each form can be transformed into the other.

3.2.The computers should become an integral part of the organization of industrial processes of all types.

3.3.These metal parts had to be subjected to X-ray examination. 3.4.The chemists may use the reactor to analyze various substances

for their exact composition.

4.Перепишіть речення, поставте їх у пасивний стан і перекладіть їх на українську мову:

4.1.His father always praises him when he works hard. 4.2.A great artist painted this picture.

4.3.They will discuss your report tomorrow. 4.4.Jack has just spilled the milk.

4.5.They went home after they had finished the work.

5.Перекладіть речення на англійську мову:

5.1.Вивчення іноземної мови-необхідно. 5.2.Приходь до мене, коли будеш вільний. 5.3.Вони дивились на сплячу дитину.

5.4.вони зможуть прийти вчасно. 5.5.Їм задали багато запитань.


7. Прочитайте і перепишіть текст. Перекладіть на українську мову. Складіть план із 10 запитань різного типу до нього і напишіть відповіді на них:


On March 29, 1919 there was an eclipse of the Sun. For years astronomers had eagerly awaited it, since it would enable them to check a revolutionary new theory in physics, proposed four years earlier by a scientist named Albert Einstein. Delicate cameras were set up and waiting on the day of the eclipse. Pictures would be taken of the stars that appear in the suddenly darkened sky around the Sun.

Einstein had said that the position of the stars would be somewhat changed, since the rays of starlight passing near the Sun would be bent by the Sun's mass. To many scientists this sounded impossible. How could light, which was immaterial, they argued, be affected by gravity? If Einstein were correct, the picture of the Universe built up by great Newton more than two hundred years earlier would have to be considerably revised.

The eclipse came. The pictures were taken and developed. The distances of the Stars from the Sun and from one another were carefully measured. There could be no doubt about the results. Einstein was right. The light rays had been bent by the attraction of the Sun. One of the key points of Einstein's theory had been experimentally confirmed.

It was said that only twelve persons in the world really understood exactly at that time what Einstein meant in his theory of relativity. Yet throughout the civilized world everyone who read the newspapers knew that Einstein was a genius, that he had overthrown the foundations on which physics, chemistry and astronomy had rested for two hundred years, and upset all earlier concepts of the Universe. Later they learned that this revolution had made possible the development of the photoelectric cell, television, a whole series of electronic inventions, and, finally, the harnessing of atomic energy.

Einstein had an effect on science and history that a few men ever achieved. By 1914 he gained world fame.

He himself explained relativity by this very simple illustration: «When you sit with a nice girl for an hour, you think it is only a minute; but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it is an hour. Well, well - so that's relativity. It sounds all right to me; but if you don't believe


me and would like to try it out, I'll be glad to sit with the girl if you 'II sit on the stove».

Контрольне завдання № 2

Варіант 3

1.Перепишіть речення, визначте часову форму і стан дієслівприсудків. Перекладіть речення на українську мову:

1.1.The reactor (to become) a major source of heat and electricity


1.2Scientists (to find) already of measuring the sizes and position of bodies in the Universe.

1.3.Elements (to transform) into other elements both by man and by


1.4.The launching of sputniks in the 60th (to follow) by many achievements in science and engineering.

2.Перепишіть речення. Підкресліть Participle Ι, Participle ΙΙ. Визначте функції кожного з них (чи то є означення, обставини чи дієслово-присудок)ю перекладіть речення на українську мову:

2.1.These reactions convert hydrogen into helium, giving off a great amount of light and heat.

2.2.The formula E = mc2 deduced by Einstein is perhaps the most well - known equation in the world.

2.3.Soils containing too much sand or clay are of less value in agriculture.

2.4.Plastic articles are often difficult to repair if broken.

3.Перепишіть речення, підкресліть модальні дієслова або їх еквіваленти. Перекладіть речення на українську мову:

3.1.Laser light can be used to transmit power of various types.

3.2.The application of digital computers should include all forms of automatic control in science and industry.

3.3.These new materials had to withstand much higher temperatures than metals.

3.4.Ethylene gas may be obtained by cracking petroleum.

3.5.The medicine is to be kept in a cool dark place.

4.Перепишіть речення, поставте їх у пасивний стан і перекладіть їх на українську мову:

4.1.The postman delivers us newspapers and magazines. 4.2.The secretary will change our time-table in a week.


4.3.Jack has done this experiment quite successfully. 4.4.Our friends are making preparations to meet them. 4.5.He signed the letter without hesitation.

5. Перекладіть речення на англійську мову:

5.1.Цього тижня він вже одержав листа від неї. 5.2.Коли збудували цю школу?

5.3.Я буду такий сумний, якщо ти не прийдеш. 5.4.Він сидів, не дивлячись на неї.

5.5.Ви можете скористуватися моїм планом.

7.Прочитайте і перепишіть текст. Перекладіть на українську мову. Складіть план із 10 запитань різного типу до нього і напишіть відповіді на них:


Edison is known as one of the greatest inventors of his time. He invented so much that it is difficult to say which of his achievements is the greatest. He was an experimentation and a practical man more than a theoretical.

Edison did not have any education. He went to school only for three months. Then he left it because the teacher considered him a dull boy. His mother became his teacher. The boy loved books and his mother said that he had a wonderful memory. When he first visited a public library and saw a lot of shelves with books he decided that he would read

all the books and then he would know everything in the world. He measured the shelf and decided to read a foot of books every week.

In 1868 Edison built his first patented invention - an electromagnetic device.

It is told that he planned to ask three thousand dollars for his invention, though he secretly decided he would sell it for two thousand if necessary. He was invited to a meeting of businessmen who were interested in buying his invention, but when he was asked to name the price he was very nervous and quite unable to speak «It is no use asking us a big price», said one of the businessmen, «we have already decided how much we will pay. Forty thousand dollars is our limit».

With this money Edison established a workshop and began his career as a professional inventor at the age of twenty-two.

All his inventions were the result of hard work. He sometimes made thousands of experiments. According to his words the idea that a genius


works only by inspiration was absurd. «Genius is 2 percent inspiration and 98 percent perspiration», he often said.

Контрольне завдання № 2

Варіант 4

1.Перепишіть речення, визначте часову форму і стан дієслівприсудків. Перекладіть речення на українську мову:

1.1.Quantum mechanics already greatly (to influence) the nuclear


1.2.The problem of the structure of matter constantly ( to occupy) the minds of many scientists.

1.3.Today many polymeric materials (to produce) on a massive


1.4.Many compounds can (to decompose) when they (to act) upon by different forms of energy.

2.Перепишіть речення. Підкресліть Participle Ι, Participle ΙΙ. Визначте функції кожного з них (чи то є означення, обставини чи дієслово-присудок)ю перекладіть речення на українську мову:

2.1.Natural rubber is a thermoplastic material that becomes soft when heated and hard when cooled.

2.2.Matter composed of any chemical combination of elements is called a compound.

2.3.The smallest particle having all the characteristics of an element is called an atom.

2.4.While bombarding the upper layers of the atmosphere, cosmic rays reach the surface of the earth.

3.Перепишіть речення, підкресліть модальні дієслова або їх еквіваленти. Перекладіть речення на українську мову:

3.1.Heat can be divided into three different types.

3.2.A great number of plastics should find their application in the electrical industry.

3.3.The existence of an X-ray laser in the future may be possible. 3.4.Chemical means had to be used for the separation of compounds

into their elements.

3.5.She must be in the laboratory.

4.Перепишіть речення, поставте їх у пасивний стан і перекладіть їх на українську мову:

4.1.They repair radio sets at our plant.