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Water pollution

By definition “Water pollution” is the presence in water of any substance that interferes with any of its legitimate uses: for public water supplies, recreation, agriculture, industry and others. There are different forms of water pollution, domestic, industrial, agricultural wastes. Domestic wastes include sewage ,detergent and everything else going down the drains of a city into its sewer system. These wastes are discharged either through sewer system or through separate outlets directly into water ways. Agricultural wastes include pesticides insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, fertilizers and animal wastes. Industrial wastes is wastes from factories and plants.

Organic wastes can generally in a free-flowing stream or artificially in a waste-treatment plant.

Noise Pollution.

Noise pollution is one ecological problems it is caused by technological progress transport, industry, airports, railway stations, super markets and activities. The noise pollution can be also caused by man’s activities: concert, sport games at the stadium, banging, children crying, a dog’s barking, shouting arguing old so on. Noise weakens man’s energy and breaks down his nerves. As noise is really harmful it is necessary to reduce it. There are special laboratories to control and measure noise.

Scientist measure noise in decibels. It is believed that workers who work unprotected for two or three years at a level of 100 decibels or more suffer some permanent injury to hearing even though they feel no pain. The human ear drum can be ruptured by a sudden explosion and also by a sustained sound of intensity of 156 to 164 decibels. There are some means of noise pollution treatment: pollution-free electric car, using plastics as sound absorbency barrier and damping materials.

Soil Pollution.

Soil pollution is a major problem today. The main sources of soil pollution are industrial waste and the use of pesticides and insecticides. The destruction on forests, rising salinity in the soil and erosion of farmlands affect soil pollution fertility. Even killing insects leads to ecological imbalance as insects provide food for birds. Fruit and vegetables sprayed with chemicals affect their health.

Soil pollution is directly proportional to the volume of industrial waste, the use of pesticides and insecticides, the destruction of forests, rising salinity in the soil, erosion of farmlands. Soil pollution is inversely proportional to people health.

Air Pollution.

A man can live without food for weeks and without water for days, but.he can live without air for only a few minutes. Accordingly, air is the most immediately vital resource.

By general definition, air pollution is the introduction of hazardous materials into the atmosphere as the result of man's activities. Some pollutants, such as smoke from forest fires, may stem from either natural or human causes.

In order to understand the problem of air pollution more fully, let us briefly examine the nature and size of our atmosphere. "Pure" air is, of course, a mixture of many kinds of gases, including about 78 per cent nitrogen, 21 per cent oxygen, less than 1 per cent argon, 0,03 per cent carbon dioxide, traces of several other gases and varying amounts of water vapour. So far, contrary to popular belief, the percentage of oxygen in the air has not been reduced significantly with the advent of air pollution. However, man's activities are reducing the world supply of green plants which are the only sources of oxygen at an alarming rate.

The problem of air pollution is further complicated by the existence of inversion layers over many of the world's major cities. An inversion layer is a layer of warmer air over a cooler surface layer of air, and results from an area's topographical character and proximity to water. The inversion layer acts as an air trap, preventing air pollutants from mixing with upper layers of ah

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