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Optimization of calculations of processes of ability to live

The scientific and technological revolution influences ecology, is created air cleaning machines

With the help of computers facilities it is possible to build models of processes which time of course are imperceptible for the person.

The scientific and technological revolution has led to prolongation of a human life

With the help of computer facilities people receive the big volume of the information and as an opportunity of remote training.

At a scientific and technological revolution it is required less labour

The scientific and technological revolution has led to unemployment

Occurrence of new chemical compounds that results in environmental contamination

With development of a scientific and technological revolution new illnesses have appeared, is more often some steel to arise epidemics

At development of computer technics, people became more closed

During a scientific and technological revolution there was a pollution explosion

The level of the charge of the electric power has increased

The senior generation badly adapts to new, quickly changing to conditions of existence

Introduction of computers in all spheres of ability to live of the person

Development of a scientific and technological revolution result in reduction of volume of global resources

Hotbed effect

Stay of cultural development of the person

The Thorns and Roses STP

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