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Согласование времен (the sequence of tenses)

Времена по смыслу





He learns English.

She is playing tennis.

They have returned.





You translated the text.

She was watchingTV.

They had returned by 7.





We shall call on him.

You will be wearing that hat.

She will have received your letter by Sunday.

Времена по согласованию





He said that

he learned English.

she was playing tennis.

they had returned.





He said that

you had translated the text.

she was watching TV.

they had returned.





He said that

they would call on him.

you would be wearing that hat.

she would have received your letter by Sunday.

Перевод прямой речи в косвенную

Прямая речь (Direct Speech)

Косвенная речь (Indirect Speech)

  1. Утверждения

She said: “We have moved into a new house.”

The announcement said, “The plane landed a minute ago.”

She said(that) theyhad movedinto a new house.

The announcement said that the plane had landed a minute before.

  1. Вопросы

А. Общие

Is it true?” he wondered.

I asked, “Have they got married?”

Mother asked, “Did you meet them?”

Б. Специальные

“What time is it?” I inquired.

“How many languages can you speak?” the interviewer asked her.

He wondered if it was true.

I asked whether they had got married.

Mother asked if we had met.

I inquired what time it was.

The interviewer asked her how many languages she could speak.

3. Просьбы, приказания

Open your case,” the officer ordered the passenger.

Wash up after dinner,” Mother said to her daughter.

Don’t tell anybody about the accident,” her brother said.

Could you help me?” she asked.

The officer ordered the passenger to open his case.

Mother told her daughter to wash up after dinner.

Her brother asked her not to tell anybody about the accident.

She asked me to help her.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

this это that тот, этот

these эти those те, эти

now теперь then тогда

today сегодня that day в тот день

tomorrow завтра the next day на следующий день the day after tomorrow two days later через два дня, два

послезавтра дня спустя

yesterday вчера the day before накануне

next year в будущем the next year в следующем году


ago тому назад before раньше

here здесь there там

Ex.1. Поставьте сказуемое главного предложения в прошедшее время и сделайте соответствующие изменения в придаточном предложении.


Model: I think I know it. – I thought I knew it.

1.They say the hotel is a mile from the shore.

2.They write they are going to the south coast of Spain for their holiday.

3.He says he doesn’t even know such problems exist.

4.I think the game is worth the candle. Do you know when they are going to discuss the preliminary project?


Model: She says she heard it on the radio. – She said she had heard it on the radio.

1.He knows she didn’t say that.

2.I think he recognized me.

3.She says she didn’t see it.

4.It is really surprising that the factory was built in record time.


Model: I hope you have settled it. – I hoped you had settled it.

1.She thinks she has lost the key.

2.He says he has never thought of that.

3.We are surprised to see that nothing has changed.

4.He says the detective parts have been replaced.


Model: I am sure everything will be all right. – I was sure everything would be all right.

1.The experts find the construction will cost an enormous sum.

2.He says we will have a short rest when we get to the river.

3.Everybody understands the new project will require a great effort.

Ex.2. Переведите на русский язык.

1. My friend said that he had finished his scientific research the day before. 2. The teacher asked us when Byron was born. We said that Byron was born on January 22, 1788. 3. They said that they were going to take their exam in history the next week. 4. I was asked if I knew about our meeting. I answered that I should be there at 5 o’clock. 5. His sister told me that she would study medicine at the Institute. 6. The students said that the story for home reading was very interesting. They also said that they liked detective stories. 7. He said that he had served in the Far East two years before. 8. We were told that we could go in for different sports at our school. 9. They asked when the seminar in Administrative Law would take place. 10. My friend said that he was very busy that week with his report. 11. She said that she would speak to them if she saw them the next day. 12. They asked me when I was leaving for Omsk. 13. They told us to take part in the sport competition on Saturday. 14. We didn’t know if our friend was married. 15. The students said that they would study many new subjects the next year.

Ex.3.Разыграйте ситуации, как показано в образце. Участники: А., B., C., D.


A: I love detective stories.

B: (to C.) Excuse me, what did A. say? I couldn’t catch it.

C: She said she loved detective stories. I hate them.

D: (to E.) Excuse me, what did C. say? I didn’t hear the end.

E: He said he hated detective stories. I prefer historical novels.

A: Excuse me … and so on.

Ex.4. Передайте высказывания в косвенной речи.

1. The expert said, “There is a similarity between the two projects”.

2. He said, “The purpose of my visit is to exchange opinions with you”.

3. The air hostess says, “The plane is landing”.

4. He said to us, “The machine meets the highest requirements, without any doubt”.

5. The finance manager said, “I can only give you preliminary figures”.

6. The interviewer said, “It has been a useful exchange of ideas.

Ex.5. Выберите необходимое наречие и местоимение.

1. He asked me if I had visited my friends (yesterday, the day before). 2. They said the conference in Criminal Law would take place (tomorrow, the next day). 3. I was asked when I was going to return (here, there). 4. I am sure that (this, that) is well-known all over the world. 5. He said he would take part in scientific work (next year, the next year). 6. They knew their friends were going to Kiev (now, then). 7. She said she had been to the city of Smolensk a year (ago, before). 8. We are told that we shall take our English exam (next year, the next year). 9. He said that the lecture in Criminalistics would take place (today, that day). 10. She said that we could find the articles in (these, those) journals. 11. They didn’t know if they would watch the football match (tomorrow, the next day).

Ex.6. Передайте высказывания в косвенной речи.

1.”How much time is left?” he asked.

2. She asked, “How far is the bus stop?”

3. We asked her, “How well does your colleague speak Russian?”

4. He asked, ”Why can’t the definite answer be given soon?”

5.”What are you looking for?” he asked the boy.

Ex.7. Переведите на английский язык.

1.Она спросила, почему отменили встречу.

2.Он спросил, сколько машин нам потребуется.

3.Они спрашивают, когда была основана компания.

4.Мы спросили продавца, надежна (solid) ли эта модель.

5.Я не знал, много ли времени займет предварительное обсуждение проблемы.

6.Я спросил его, может ли он подвезти (give a lift) меня до дома.

Ex.8. Передайте высказывания в косвенной речи.

1. He asked, “Is it true?”

2. He asked me, “Is it very frosty outside?”

3. She asked me, “Do you agree with me?”

4. She asked me, “Are you hungry?”

5. He asked, “Would you like to have another look at the text?”

6. He asked us, “Must we really make serious changes in the programme.

Ex.9. Переведите на английский язык.

1.Она спросила, почему отменили встречу.

2.Он спросил, сколько машин нам потребуется.

3.Они спрашивают, когда была основана компания.

4.Мы спросили продавца, надежна (solid) ли эта модель.

5.Я не знал, много ли времени займет предварительное обсуждение проблемы.

6.Я спросил его, может ли он подвезти (give a lift) меня до дома.

Ex.10. Передайте просьбы в косвенной речи.

1.”Please switch it on”, he said to me.

2.”Please explain it again”, she said to him.

3. She said to the children, “Don’t make so much noise!”

4.”Please be especially careful with this piece of equipment”, he said to me.

5. The manager said to his secretary, “Please cancel all the appointments for tomorrow.”

6. He said to me, “Please don’t forget to make all the necessary calls.”

Ex.11. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. He said, “Bernard Shaw was given the Noble Prize for Literature in 1925”. 2. “When will the Music Festival take place in Edinburgh?” she asked. 3. He said, “I shan’t be able to attend the meeting tomorrow”. 4. “Are you going to visit your parents on Sunday?” they asked me. 5. My friend said to me, “Please wait for me a little”. 6. “How long did you do your homework?” the teacher asked us. 7. My friend said to me, “I know that you are going to take part in our scientific conference”. 8. She said, “I have already met this man”. 9. “Can you help me to translate this article?” my brother asked me. 10. The students said, “We have passed our exams in History”. 11. “Were you born in Moscow?” he asked me. 12. The teacher said to us, “Please bring your dictionaries for the next lesson”. 13. He said, “I didn’t watch TV yesterday”. 14. He said to us, “Don’t tell anybody about it”. 15. “What foreign languages do you study at your school?” she asked. 16. They said, “We haven’t read today’s newspaper yet.

Ex.12. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

1. He said,

“The students need more practice in speaking”.

“These exercises are too difficult for me”.

“I don’t feel well today”.

“Nobody can do this work as well as my friends”.

“I’ll come back in a few minutes”.

“I have already seen this film”.

2. He asked me,

“Where does your sister live?”

“How old are you?”

“What time is it?”

“Where are you going?”

“How long have you studied English?”

“Do you like to study at the Moscow Law Institute?”

3. I didn’t know,

“Where does she work?”

“Where did your brother go?”

“Does he know history well?”

“What is her husband’s name?”

“When will he visit his friends?”

4. I said to him,

“Wait for me outside”.

“Come back in an hour”.

“Don’t tell anybody about it”.

“Go to the cinema by bus”.

“Bring me the textbook in economy”.

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