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It had









Had broken?







It had not


We (hadn’t)



Типичные обстоятельства: already, предлог by

When we came they had discussed all problems. – Когда мы пришли, они обсудили все проблемы. (действие завершилось до начала другого действия в прошлом)

Had they discussed all problems when we came?

When we came they hadn’t discussed all problems.

Ex.1. Переведите на русский язык.

1. We had already built this plant by the end of 1997. 2. I had already written my exercise by half past six. 3. At nine o’clock he had already left. 4. I had written my exercise before he came. 5. They had returned home long before I rang them up.

Ex.2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite и Past Perfect.

1. He (to study) better than his father (to do). 2. They (to spend) their vacation last year at the same village where they (to live) many years ago. 3. When we (to come) she already (to send) the children away and (to be free) to speak to us. 4. Yesterday I (to buy) a new watch as I (to lose) my old one. 5. He (to open) his eyes (to look) around and (to think) for some time, trying to remember what (to happen) to him. 6. They (to see) at once that the man (to travel) a lot. 7. After they (to go) at last I (to go) to bed.

Ex.3. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Мистер Браун ушел за 2 часа до того, как они прибыли. 2. Она болела 6 лет, перед тем как умерла. 3. Он написал письмо к 6 часам. 4. Они ушли из клуба до того, как мы пришли. 5. К тому времени дети ушли в школу. 6. Я сделал домашнюю работу до того, как ты позвонил. 7. Он повторил слова к тексту к 7 часам. 8. Джейн выучила французский до того, как приехала в Париж.

Ex.4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite и Past Perfect.

1. When they … (to finish) talking, they shook hands and went out separately. 2. I … (not yet, to do) half the work when he came in. 3. When he was young, he … (to like) collecting stamps. 4. I saw him the very moment he … (to enter). 5. After I … (to have) some dry biscuits, I had a drink. 6. We … (to understand) it after the teacher … (to explain) it to us. 7. What … (he, to say) when he saw you? 8. I told him that I … (never, to do) such a thing until then. 9. He … (to eat) quickly, then he got up and walked out. 10. As soon as he … (to finish), he looked round.

Ex.5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

Model: Why didn’t you invite Dick to your party? (to go to Moscow)

Because he had gone to Moscow.

1. Why did she refuse to go to the pictures with you? (to see the film) 2. Why couldn’t you get into the flat? (to lose the key) 3. Why did you come so soon from your holiday? (to spend all the money) 4. Why didn’t you Ann on Sunday? (to go for the weekend) 5. Why didn’t you ring Tom up? (to quarrel with him) 6. Why didn’t Mike bring the photos to the party? (not to develop them) 7. Why didn’t you send him a letter at once? (to send a telegram) 8. Why didn’t you give Nina the book yesterday? (to give it to Lena) 9. Why were you late for classes yesterday? (to miss the 8o’clock train) 10. Why didn’t you cook salad? (not to buy vegetables)

Ex.6. Закончите предложения.

  1. We walked home after we (закончили работу в саду).

  2. They thought that (она еще не пришла).

  3. Did you ever see him after he (закончил институт).

  4. I went down to the beach after (они ушли).

  5. Before she entered the Medical Institute she (работала няней).

  6. The girl felt easier after she (поговорила с ним).

  7. When I turned round (она уже вышла из комнаты).

  8. When Mother came home (дети уже легли спать).

  9. She didn’t want to speak to him (после того, как они поссорились).

  10. He couldn’t believe that (мы сделали это сами).

Ex.7. Джейн опаздывала в различные места вчера. Что происходило, когда она приходила в то или иное место?

Model: When she arrived at the station her train had already left.

1. the station her train / already / leave

2. the theatre the play / already / start

3. the post-office it / already /close

4. the dress shop they / sell / the dress she wanted to buy

5. Jack’s house he /go out

6. the tennis court the game / nearly / finish

7. the café her friend / just / leave

8. the University her classes / already / begin

Ex.8. Сделайте сложное предложение, соединив два простых.

Model: The children went to bed. They did their lessons.

The children went to bed after they had done their lessons.

  1. She wrote a very good article. She studied the problem thoroughly.

  2. The train started. He kissed her tenderly and wished good luck.

  3. He rose to fame. He wrote the novel “Pickwick Papers”.

  4. The sun rose. The party made for the top of the mountain.

  5. She learned the poem by heart. She listened to the record many times.

  6. He spent a few years in the Far East. He settled down in his native town.

  7. He was a widower for a year. He met Mrs. Jones.

  8. She fell ill. They moved to Siberia.

  9. We packed our things. The taxi arrived.

  10. The bell rang. The children ran out of the classroom.

Ex.9. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite, Past Continuous или Past Perfect.

1. When … the ceremony (to take place)? 2. Two cars (to stand by) for an hour ready to start. 3. I could read from his face that he (to hesitate) to tell the truth. 4. She (to lead) him to the cab that (to wait) at the door. 5. My father (to be) forty and (to be) a widower for fifteen years. 6. He (to stand up) quickly and (to clasp) his hands which (to tremble). 7. I (to meet) him for the first time the day before yesterday. 8. He asked her where she (to stay) because he (to want) to see her again. 9. Hardly … e (to take) our seats when he (to come over). 10. Watson (to know) that his friend always (to smoke) pipe after pipe when he (to think) over a difficult problem.

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