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Безличные предложения

В законченном английском предложении должно быть подлежащее и сказуемое. В отличие от русских безличных предложений, в которых нет подлежащего: «Холодно», «Моросит», в английских безличных предложениях имеется подлежащее it, которое, однако, выполняет лишь формальную роль и на русский язык не переводится:

It is cold. – Холодно.

It is raining. - Идет дождь.

It is 5 o’clock p.m. – Сейчас 5 часов вечера.

It is difficult to translate the text. – Трудно перевести этот текст.

Ex.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения.

1. It is snowing now. 2. It began raining early in the morning. 3. It is nice to see you. 4. It is time to go home. 5. It is known that

he is a good sportsman. 6. It is 9 o’clock a. m. 7. It is difficult for me to read English books in origin.

Ex.2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What it is necessary for you to do to know English well? 2. For whom it is easy to learn English? 3. When it is difficult for you to get up early? 4. Why it is difficult for you to get up early in winter? 5. Why it is so difficult to get accommodation at Moscow hotels in summer? 6. What equipment is it most important for us to buy abroad now? 7. Do you think it will be interesting for you to go to Great Britain? 8. Why will it be interesting for you to go there?

Ex.3. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Зимой мне трудно бывает вставать рано. 2. Нам необходимо рассмотреть все эти вопросы на этой неделе. 3. Ему легко изучать английский, потому что он знает французский и немецкий. 4. – Нравится ли вам в нашем городе? – Мне здесь очень нравится, хотя сейчас морозно и часто идет снег. 5. Идет сильный дождь. 6. Преподаватель сказал, что нам будет интересно прочитать эту книгу. 7. Я не думаю, что вам будет трудно вести переговоры (negotiations) на английском языке.

Настоящее продолженное время


Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I am walking


She is walking



You are walking


Am I walking?


Is she walking?



Are you walking?


I am not walking.

Heis not

She walking

It (isn’t)

Weare not

You walking

They (aren’t)

Типичные обстоятельства: now, at this moment, at present

The boys are writing letters now. - Мальчики пишут письма сейчас.

Are the boys writing letters now?

The boys are not writing letters now.

Ex.1. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

1. My sister is playing the piano now. 2. The teacher is explaining the rule. 3. We are learning the new words. 4. Ann is standing at the window. 5. We are going to the park. 6. John is taking a piece of chalk and writing a sentence on the blackboard. 7. I am doing my homework. 8. Jane is speaking on the telephone. 9. She is cooking supper.

Ex.2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.

1. She (to read) magazines. 2. He (to work) hard at his French. 3. Mr. White (not to give) a lecture. 4. He (to write) a letter to his brother. 5. I (to prepare) for the test. 6. They (to work) at this factory. 7. She (to sit) in an arm-chair and (to watch) TV. 8. I (to have) supper with my friends. 9. Her brother (not to go) to school. 10. He (to stand) at the table. 11. They (to swim) in the river. 12. What you (to do)?

Ex. 3. Выразите несогласие с партнером.

Model: Are you writing? – Nothing of the kind. I’m not writing.

1. Is your friend reading a newspaper? 2. Are the students having a history lesson? 3. Is Nick visiting Moscow now? 4. Are you waiting for me? 5. Are your parents working? 6. Is your friend standing at the blackboard? 7. Are you looking through the window?

Ex.4. Выберите нужную форму глагола.

1. Is he (work, working) today? 2. Do you (know, knowing) the answer? 3. She’s (study, studying) the new text. 4. They’re (listen, listening) to the radio. 5. Does he (go, going) there every day? 6. Do you (take, taking) many examinations each term? 7. I’m (write, writing) a letter to my friend. 8. Is he (finish, finishing) his work? 9. Are you (learn, learning) the new words? 10. Do you always (read, reading) newspapers? 11. Does he (watch, watching) TV regular? 12. Are the students (have, having) a lecture in Economics?

Ex.5. Составьте вопросы из данных слов. Помните о порядке слов.

  1. you / what / are / doing?

  2. cooking / are / you / what?

  3. tonight / out / you / going / are?

  4. playing / we / time / tennis / what / are?

  5. crying / daughter / why / is / your?

  6. dinner / are / Ken / and / Ellen / for / coming / when?

Ex.6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite или Present Continuous.

1. Where is John? He (to play) football in the yard. 2. I not (to like) the pictures you (to look) at now. 3. He (to read) books in three languages, and now he (to read) a French novel. 4. She usually (to do) her homework at home, but now she (to do) it at the library. 5. In autumn many birds (to fly) to the South. 6. What that woman (to do) there? She (to sell) vegetables. 7. What you (to buy) here? I (to buy) an English text-book. 8. Look! How many birds (to fly) high up in the air! 9. There are many children in the garden. Some of them (to run) about, others (to sit) on the benches and (to laugh)! 10. Where you (to go) now? I (to go) to the library to prepare for my examination.

Ex.7. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимания на времена.

1. Я никогда не принимаю ванну по утрам. 2. Никто сейчас не смотрит телевизор. 3. Она хорошо играет на пианино. 4. Кто там играет на пианино? 5. Сейчас я читаю журнал. 6. Эта девочка редко играет в саду. 7. Куда ты идешь? – Я иду в библиотеку. 8. Джон ненавидит кошек. 9. Дождь все еще идет. 10. Он всегда ждет здесь свою сестру после работы.

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