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The cinema in the usa

When the American goes to the pictures, he expects to see a large programme: a newsreel (which is usually the first item on the programme), a cartoon, a documentary and a feature film (a full-length film in a cinema programme). Sometimes two feature films are included in the programme).

Foreign films are shown with subtitles or are dubbed into English.

The programme may have one or two intervals during which is a continuous showing of the programme from opening till closing time. In that case exact show times are not fixed and the seats are not reserved. You may enter or leave the hall any time during the show and take any seat you like.

There is a parking ground near big cinemas. For those who want to see a film without leaving the car there are drive-in cinemas (so-called drive-ins).

A great number of films are released in the USA every year. Hollywood films differ in genre and artistic value. Hollywood’s early films were westerns, horror films, comedies. Then there were romance films.

There are films based on novels and films which describe historical events. In such films you see familiar characters brought to life.

Hollywood has changed greatly since the time of westerns. American films of today are realistic and up-to-date. They are made with great professional skill. Camera work, setting and acting are usually excellent. But there are also second-rate films, which critics call stupid. Such films are not entertaining. Well, critics know best, but one thing is certain: there is too much sex, cruelty and violence on the American screen. More than is good for the viewer.

Ex.3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты и составьте с ними свои предложения.

полнометражный фильм, мультфильм, большое количество фильмов выпускается, фильм ужасов, операторская работа, игра актеров, критикам виднее, жестокость и насилие.

Ex.4. Закончите предложения:

  • Foreign films are shown … .

  • You may enter or leave the hall … .

  • … are drive-in cinemas.

  • Hollywood films … .

  • … which are describe historical events.

  • American films … .

  • There are also … .

Ex.5. Опишите свой любимый жанр, не называя его, чтобы ваши одногруппники могли отгадать. Используйте лексику по теме.

Ex.6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1) What Russian films do you like best?

2) What Russian films would you advise your foreign friend to see if he / she is interested in

  • detective stories?

  • comedies?

  • historical films?

Ex.7. Дайте синонимы/ антонимы следующим словам.

Synonyms Antonyms

  • touching • unreal things

  • absorbing • bad

  • lousy • funny

  • frightful • a long-drawn-out story

  • dull • rotten

  • funny • a feature film

  • to go to the cinema • the acting is artificial

• dramatic situations

Ex.8. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.

1. I don’t like films which …of unreal things. 2. Yesterday I went … for a sensational comedy. 3. This horror film kept me in … , as it had a … plot. 4. Will you … this new film? They say, it is impressive and the acting is superb. 5. I couldn’t help … while watching a melodrama. 6. Children shouldn’t watch action films, they teach aggression and … . 7. Did this musical … your attention? 8. The director of the film says that the detective story will be … with real events.

Ex.9. Прочитайте мнения подростков о боевиках и скажите кому из них этот жанр нравится, а кому нет и почему.

Pamela: Action films? What a bore! Criminals, shooting, explosions. Nothing else. I agree that such films have the right to exist. They have some positive features. They are dynamic, dramatic and full of special effects. But they are unrealistic. Some people watch violence to cool off (успокаиваться) and such films are good for them. But other people can get sick and nervous especially teenagers. There are better ways to cool off, I think. But I consider it is up to you to decide to watch the film or not.

Gary: I do love action films. Why? They are very dynamic and really exciting. They grab your attention from the first scene. I like films with a mysterious plot. They keep me in suspense. Action films are so various that can suit different tastes. Some people think that action films teach only to fight and to kill. I don’t agree with such opinions. They teach people to defend justice and to be strong and brave. I think it is not bad to want to look like the heroes of action films.

Susan: If you ask me, there’s too much violence in films. Killing seems normal now. Action films are stuffed with fights of different types. They haven’t even got any plot – only fighting, killing and rough language. I do hate such films. They are horrible and frightful. They make me want to scream. I think they teach violence and aggression. If you keep seeing shooting and fighting, you won’t care if it happens in real life. Such films set a bad example.

Ex.10. Выразите свое мнение о боевиках. Свои мысли оформите в виде таблицы.



1. …

2. …

1. …

2. …

Ex.11. Сопоставьте фильм с его продюсером.

The Lord of the Rings I, II, III Alain Chabat

Jaws Andy Wachowski

Titanic Gore Verbinski

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Mel Gibson

Asterix: Mission Cleopatra Steven Spielberg

The Pirates of the Caribbean: Peter Jackson

the Curse of the Black Pearl

Matrix: Revolution Chris Columbus

Brave Heart James Cameron

Ex.11. Групповая работа: подготовьте следующие творческие задания:

  • Популярные американские актеры;

  • Проект афиши и устную рекламу фильма;

  • Премия «Оскар».


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