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Travelling by Train in Britain

One … the first things a foreigner notices about British railways is the platforms. They are higher than in most parts … the world. The platform is almost … a level with the floor of the carriages. You do not, therefore, have to climb … into the railway carriage with your luggage.

The trains that go to and from London are very crowded … the times when people are traveling to work, since about a million people travel … London to work each day. There are cheap tickets after a certain time … the day, usually about 9.30 when everyone has gone to work. These are called cheap day return tickets. It is often nearly 50 per cent cheaper to travel … London after 9.30 than before this time.

On many fast trains to London there is a dining-car … which you can buy lunch, dinner or coffee. On others there is a buffet … which it is possible to buy snacks and drinks. Sometimes a waiter … the dining-car brings round cups of coffee to the passengers.

There are only two classes in Britain – first and second. A first-class ticket costs 50 per cent more than a second-class ticket. On long journeys, there is a ticket inspector, who visits every passenger to see if he has the right ticket and is not traveling … wrong class.

In England, train passengers seldom converse … their fellow-travellers even on a long journey – this is more a national custom than a matter … etiquette. When the passenger reaches the end … his journey and leaves the train, he has to give his ticket to the ticket collector … the exit before he can leave the station.


with; at (3); of (5); in (2); from; out; up; to (2); on

Ex.8. a) Прочитайте и переведите диалог;

b) Обсудите виды транспорта, их достоинства и недостатки и выберите оптимальные для каждого вида отдыха;

с) Составьте свой диалог (обсудить: какие страны сейчас пользуются наибольшей популярностью у отдыхающих; какой вид транспорта чаще всего выбирают люди для путешествия; преимущества и недостатки всех видов транспорта).

Different means of travel

Alex: Personally I hate seeing people off. I prefer being seen off myself. I’m extremely fond of travelling.

Bert: But what method of travelling do you prefer?

A.: For me there is nothing like travel by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and of course far quicker than any other method. Besides, flying is a thrilling thing. Don’t you agree?

B.: I think I should like to say a word or two for trains. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable corner seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you have a meal in the dining-car; and if a journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper. Do you know a more exciting place than a big railway-station?

Cecil: I do.

A.: And that is?

C.: A big sea port. For me there is no travel so fine as by boat. I love to feel the deck of the boat under my feet, to see the rise f all of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in my face and hear the cry of the sea gulls.

A.: Well, I suppose that’s all right for those that like it, but not for me. I’m always seasick, especially when the sea is a little bit rough.

B.: I’ve heard that a good cure for seasickness is a small piece of dry bread.

A.: Maybe; but I think a better cure is a large piece of dry land.

David: Well, you may say what you like about aeroplane flights, sea voyages, railway journeys or tours by car, but I like a walking tour most. What does the motorist see of the country? But the walker leaves the dull broad highway and goes along little winding lanes where cars can’t go. He sees the real country, the wild flowers, the young birds in their nests, the deer in the forest; he feels the quietness and the calm of nature. And besides, no one can deny that walking is the cheapest method of travelling.

Ex.9. Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом.


1. Easter is one of the greatest church … . 2. During my … I went to the coast. I spent a marvelous time there. 3. He has six weeks … each year. 4. George Washington is called the Father of the Nation and his birthday is a national … . 5. My Hawaiian … just ended and I feel fantastic! 6. Notary public does not work on weekends and legal … . 7. “Phil, where were you last month?” – “I was on …”. 8. My Uncle Tom loves his work. He rarely takes a … . 9. “Why don’t we go hiking for the next bank … weekend?” – “It’s a great idea!” 10. Kevin spent his … alone, but it sure was full of adventures.

Ex.10. Прочитайте и инсценируйте следующие анекдоты:


A traveler, on arriving at a small railway station, asked the station master:

“Can you tell me how many hotels you have here?”

“We have two,” he answered.

“Well, which of the two will you recommend?”

“Frankly speaking, whichever one you go to, you’ll be sorry you didn’t go to the other,” was the answer.


“Do you know the difference between English, Scottish, and Irish?”

“No, what is it?”

“Well, in leaving a train, an Irishman walks off without looking to see whether he has left anything behind; an Englishman looks back to see whether he has left anything; and Scotsman looks back to see whether anybody else has left anything.”

Ex.11. Прочитайте и переведите диалоги; инсценируйте их, сделав некоторые изменения.

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