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unit 3 Pronouns 2011.doc
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That, who, what, which, whose, whoever, whichever, whom

I know that you took the money. I wonder who helped you to do it.

Let’s see what you know about English pronouns after studying them at school.

1. Translate into Russian:

1. I like it here. 2. Ours is the best. 3. None were in time. - Whoever told you that! 4. That was a picture of myself. 5. That’s a friend of mine. – Which? –The one in a red dress. 6. Who’s that over there? 7. Like me, he is a student. 8. They cost 5 dollars each. 9. There is nothing here to look at. 10. Hardly anybody else will come.

11. The coat is both good and cheap. 12. That’s a nice tie over there. 13. One should do one’s duty. 14. It’s nobody’s business but mine. 15. You don’t seem yourself today. 16. That’s the man whose car’s been stolen. 17. One for all, and all for one. 18. She works every other day. 19. Blame only yourself. 20. Don’t hurt yourself.

При помощи личных местоимений мы указываем

на ситуативное распределение ролей в разговоре:

I – говорящий,

we – говорящий и кто-то еще,

you – слушающий или слушающий и кто-то еще, и т.п.

It не указывает на средний род, как в русском языке

(пальто, лето, счастье и т.п. оно),

так как грамматического рода в английском нет.

It показывает что различия

по биологическому полу не важны или их вообще нет.

the catit (если чужая или бродячая)

or he/ she (если пол известен и важен – опять котята!)

the tableit

the baby it (если пол не известен или не важен)

It может соотноситься со всей ситуацией в целом.

She failed the exam.It upset her.

(ситуация в целом)

Холодно. Its cold. Скользко. It’s slippery

2. Use quickly he, she or it.

1. a stray dog 2. your favourite toy tiger 3.our dog 4. our life 5. money 6. a mouse 7. your tooth 8. your relative 9. a friend of yours 10. your cousin 11. your garden 12. the ship’s crew 13. your teacher’s cat 14. your mother’s money 15. the ship’s captain

3. Add question-tags.

1. Father is out, isn’t ___? 2. There is nobody in the corridor, is ___? 3. Nothing is missing, is ___? 4. Everybody likes to dream, don’t ___? 5. Your dog doesn’t bark at strangers, does ___? 6. Anybody can read, can’t ___? 7. Any cat is fluffy, isn’t ___? 8. Nobody wants to be lonely, do ___? 9. Deer live in forests, don’t ___? 10. Just look! My car is beautiful, isn’t ___?

4. Choose it or there quickly.

1. ___ is windy today. 2. ___ is a strong wind blowing. 3. ___ is no time left. 4. ___’s not the time to argue. 5. ___’s just the time to have a bite. 6. ___ is no place like home. 7. ___’s dark. 8. ___’s no moon tonight. 9. ___ was slippery yesterday. 10. ___’s one way out, I’m sure. 11. ___’s not easy at all. 12. ___’s far from here.

У личных местоимений сохранился

давно вымерший объектный падеж

В этой форме они употребляются в роли дополнений и обстоятельств.

I see him. She’s sitting by me right now.



I – me

we – us



he – him

they – them

she – her


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