Case study, of Lebanon, 64-133
Categories, in domestic news, 139-143
Categmy, news schema, 15
Cognitive processes, in news about minorities, 205-208
Coherence, 11-12
in Tamil case study, 245-246 local, 104-108
Cohesion, 12
Communicative event, 8-9
of discourse, 5-6 of news, 28
Constraints, on foreign news production,
Content analysis, 1
Content categories, of foreign news, 50-57
Contents, of intemational news, 44-46
Context, model, 23
Contexts, of international news, 36-42
Contrast, 279
Conversation analysis, 4-5
Conversations, about Tamils, 247-248
Correspondents, 38
reports of, use of, 116-122
reports of, vs. agency news, 120-122
Crime, in Tamil case study, 236
Critical discourse analysis, 289-294
Descriptions, of Gemayel, 109-111
and coherence, 11-12 and grammar, 10-11
and reproduction of racism, 152-154 as communicative event, 8-9 comprehension, 5-6
and knowledge, 12-13 grammar, 6
structures, 8-18 Discourse analysis, 1-30
critica!, 289-294 development of, 3-8 integration of, 6-8 various directions of, 7-8
Distribution, of foreign news, 41 Domestic news, 139-143
Doubt markers, in news about minorities, 195
Dutch press, 144-149 topics in, 145-149
and minorities, 135-139 tamils in, 215-254
Economic refugees, 240-242
Editorials, 124-129
Ethnic minorities,
and topics in the press, 179-180 and the press, 135-213
Ethnic situation, in Netherlands, 158-161
Ethnicism, 149-152, See also Racism.
Ethnography, 3-4
Evictions, 257-260 Exaggeration, 278-279
Excelsior, thematic structure in, 80
First World press,
vs. Third World press, 42-64 intemational news in, 47-64
vs. Third World, in case study Gemayel,
Foreign news, See also International news actors in, 55-57
and photographs, 50 and type of article, 50
content categories of, 50-57
in First and Third World press, 47-64 issues of, 52-54
production, 37-41
dependence on news agencies, 37-38 regions in, 57-59
sources of, 59-61
Format, of news, 38
Freedom of the press, 46-47
in Tamil case study, 219-221
in news about minorities, 164-165 of foreign news, 48-50
Gemayel, Bechir, See also Case study Gemayel
assassination of, 64-133 descriptions of, 109-111
German press, and minorities, 161-200
and discourse, 10-11 discourse, 6
Grammatical analysis, 10-11
Granma, specification in, 102 Granma, thematic structure in, 78-80