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прагматика и медиа дискурс / Teun A van Dijk - News Analysis

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Waarheid, De, 144, 162-197, 264

Waletzky, J., 14

Warden, M., 35

Wazzan, S., 64, 73, 77, 95, 100, 109

Wellman, D., 151

Wenner, L. A., 200

White, S., 20

Willis, P., 8

Wilson, C. C., 156

Woollacott, J., 154

Wouters, H., 161

Wyer, R. S., 25


Young, J., 30, 157, 211, 262

Zierilczeesche Nieuwsbode, 264

Zwolse Courant, 264, 269




in case study Gemayel, 89-91 in foreign news, 55-57

in Tamil case study, 224-226

First vs. Third World press, 90-91

Agencies, See News agencies

Agency news, vs. correspondent's reports,


Agency reports, use of, 116-122

Agency, in case study about squatters, 273274

Amsterdam, squatting in, 256-260 Anti-antiracism, 183-185 Artificial intelligence, 5-6

Assassination, of Bechir Gemayel, case study of, 64-133

Actitudes, about squatting, 260


Blaming the victim, 197

British press, and minorities, 161-200

Case studies, minorities in Dutch press,


Case study Gemayel, 64-133 agency use, 116-122

correspondents' reports, 120-122

First vs. Third World, 71, 85-91 frequencies, 67-68

headlines, 70

local coherence, 104-108 local semantics, 99-108 methods, 66-67

opinion in news articles, 128-129 photographs in, 115-116 photographs, 70-71

quantitative results, 67-71 schematic structures, 91-99 size, 68-70

style and rhetoric, 108-115 thematic structures, 72-91 type of articles in, 71

Case study about squatters, 262-287 agency, 273-274 •

headlines, 268

local coherence, 274-276 local semantics, 270-276 metaphors in, 280

other media messages, 283-285 photographs in, 282

rhetoric in, 278-280 schematic structures, 270

style in, 276-278

thematic structures, 266-270



Case study, of Lebanon, 64-133

Categories, in domestic news, 139-143

Categmy, news schema, 15

Cognitive processes, in news about minorities, 205-208

Coherence, 11-12

in Tamil case study, 245-246 local, 104-108

Cohesion, 12

Communicative event, 8-9


of discourse, 5-6 of news, 28

Constraints, on foreign news production,


Content analysis, 1

Content categories, of foreign news, 50-57

Contents, of intemational news, 44-46

Context, model, 23

Contexts, of international news, 36-42

Contrast, 279

Conversation analysis, 4-5

Conversations, about Tamils, 247-248

Correspondents, 38

reports of, use of, 116-122

reports of, vs. agency news, 120-122

Crime, in Tamil case study, 236

Critical discourse analysis, 289-294


Descriptions, of Gemayel, 109-111


and coherence, 11-12 and grammar, 10-11

and reproduction of racism, 152-154 as communicative event, 8-9 comprehension, 5-6

and knowledge, 12-13 grammar, 6

structures, 8-18 Discourse analysis, 1-30

critica!, 289-294 development of, 3-8 integration of, 6-8 various directions of, 7-8

Distribution, of foreign news, 41 Domestic news, 139-143

Doubt markers, in news about minorities, 195

Dutch press, 144-149 topics in, 145-149

and minorities, 135-139 tamils in, 215-254



Economic refugees, 240-242

Editorials, 124-129

Ethnic minorities,

and topics in the press, 179-180 and the press, 135-213

Ethnic situation, in Netherlands, 158-161

Ethnicism, 149-152, See also Racism.

Ethnography, 3-4

Evictions, 257-260 Exaggeration, 278-279

Excelsior, thematic structure in, 80


First World press,

vs. Third World press, 42-64 intemational news in, 47-64

vs. Third World, in case study Gemayel,


Foreign news, See also International news actors in, 55-57

and photographs, 50 and type of article, 50

content categories of, 50-57

in First and Third World press, 47-64 issues of, 52-54

production, 37-41

dependence on news agencies, 37-38 regions in, 57-59

sources of, 59-61

Format, of news, 38

Freedom of the press, 46-47


in Tamil case study, 219-221

in news about minorities, 164-165 of foreign news, 48-50


Gemayel, Bechir, See also Case study Gemayel

assassination of, 64-133 descriptions of, 109-111

German press, and minorities, 161-200


and discourse, 10-11 discourse, 6

Grammatical analysis, 10-11

Granma, specification in, 102 Granma, thematic structure in, 78-80




about minorities, 185-188

in case study about squatters, 268 in Gemayel case study, 70

in Tamil case study, 226-230

Home News, See Domestic news

Ideology, 27-28

and intemational news, 44-46 and news production, 27-28

Illegality, in Tamil case study, 236

Immigration, 149-152


in Gemayel case study, 107-108 in news about minorities, 192-194

Indonesian times, thematic structure in, 83

Information order, 33-35

International news, 31-64

and First vs. Third World, 42-64 and ideology, 44-46

contents of, 44-46 contexts of, 36-42 flow, 33-34

and western media, 34-35

in First and Third World press, 47-64

Issues, of foreign news, 52-54


Knowledge, and discourse comprehension,


Leads, in case study about squatters, 268-


Lebanon, case study of, 64-133

Lexical style, 108-111

Linguistics, 1 Linguistics, text, 6

Local coherence, 104-108

in case study about squatters, 274-276 Local semantics

in case study about squatters, 270-276 in news about minorities, 191-200

in Tamil case study, 235-246


Macrostructure, 13-14, 170

Media discourse, 2

and reproduction of racism, 149-161 and squatting, 260-262



in case study about squatters, 280 in Tamil case study, 243-245

Method, of analysis, 66-67


and media, 135-213 headlines about, 185-188 in British press, 161-200 in Dutch press, 161-200 in German press, 161-200 in U.S. press, 161-200 news about, 156-158 roles of, 185-188

Mitigation, 195-196

Model, context, 23

situation, 21-22


Narrative analysis, 3-4 schema, 14

Necessity, 271

Negation, 272 New York Times,

schematic structures in, 94-95 specification in, 100-102

thematic structure in, 72-78 New international information order

(NHO), 33-35

News agencies, 33-34, 59-61, 116-122

quantitative data about use of, 122-124


about Third World, 44-46

about squatters, 255-287 and style, 10-11

as communicative event, 8-9 as discourse, 1-30

categories, in domestic news, 139-143 comprehension, 28

domestic, 139-143

flow, intemational, 33-34 format, 38

international, 31-64 participants, as social actors, 19 processing, 18-30

processing, and social cognition, 19-20 processing, and social representation, 27-


production, and ideology, 27-28 report, relevance structure of, 15 reports, and discourse structures, 8-18 schema, 14-16

schema, 39


News (cont.),

schema, 91-22 schema, category, 15 structures of, 8-18

television, about Tamils, 248-251 values, 39

Newspapers, selection of, 65


in case study about squatters, 279-280 in Tamil case study, 243-245

rhetoric of, 115-116


Objectivity, 271

Opinion, in news articles, 128-129


Pais, el, thematic structure in, 81-82

Perspective, 196-197, 272


in case study about squatters, 282-282 in foreign news, 50

in Gemayel case study, 70-71, 115-116 in Tamil case study, 222

Pragmatics, 5

Presentation, in news about minorities,



and racism, 135-213 and squatting, 260-262 tamils in the, 215-254

Processing news, 18-30 about minorities, 200-208

Psychology, 5-6

Public opinion, in Tamil case study, 246247


Qualitative research, 35-36 Quantitative results,

in case study Gemayel, 67-71

in case study about squatters, 266


Racism, 149-152

and the press, 135-213 reproduction of, in media, 149-161

Radio news, in case study about squatters, 283-284



economic, 240-242 in the press, 215-254

Regions, in foreign news, 57-59 Relevance structure, of news report, 15 Renmin ribao, thematic structure in, 82 Reproduction of racism,

and discourse, 152-154 media and, 149-161.

Reuter, use of, 116-122


in Gemayel case study, 108-115

in case study about squatters, 278-280 of numbers, 115-116

Rhetorical structure, 16

Roles, of minorities, 185-188

Russian formalism, 3


Schema, 14-16 news, 39

Schematic structures,

in case study about squatters, 270 in Gemayel case study, 91-99

in Tamil case study, 233-235

Script, 13, 21

Selection, and foreign news, 38

Semantics, local,

in case study about squatters, 270-276 in Gemayel case study, 99-108

in news about minorities, 191-200 in Tamil case study, 235-246

Semiotics, 3-4 Sentence

complexity, 111-114 length, 111-114

Sharpening, 195-196

Situation model, 21-22


in Tamil case study, 221

in news about minorities, 167-168 of foreign news, 48-50


cognition, and news processing, 19-20 relevance, of discourse analysis, 289-294 representation, 25-28

and news processing, 27-28 Sociolinguistics, 5


and foreign news, 41, 59-61 Speakers, in news about minorities, 191-


Specification operations, 100-104

Squatter press, 285


about squatters, 283-284





and press, 135-139




in the press, 251-2S7









and the role of the pr~, ztu


in Amsterdam, 256-ZT




Strategic processing, 23-2.4




Strategies, of news compir


nsion 20


Structuralism, 3-4








of discourse, 8-18




of international news



Style, 10-11





in case study about squatters, 276-278

in Gemayel case study, 108-115


in news about minorities, 191_.100


syntactic, 111-114




in Tamil case study,




Subjects vs. topas, 170




Summarization, 14




Superstructure, 14-16




Svenska dagbladet, thenutie stnteture

in, 82

Syntactic style, 1 11-114







Tamil case study, actors in, 224-226 frequencies, 219-221

headlines in, 226-230

local semanties in, 235-246 metaphors in, 243-24,5

numbers, 243-245 photographs

Thematic stnIctures in, 233-235 style in, 235-246

thematic struetures in, 230-233 topics in, 222-224

Tamils, 215-254

Television news,

in Tamil case study, 248-251 in case study


Text, See also Discourse linguistics, 6 processing, 5-6

The Netherland, ethnic situation in, 158-


Thematic clustering, 88-89

Thematic structures,

First vs. Third World press, 85-91 in Tamil case study, 230-233

in case study Gemayel, 72-91

in case study about squatters, 266-270 in news about minorities, 169-191 quantitative results, 85-91

Theme, 13-14. See also Topic, Thematic structures

Third World,

and international news flow, 33-34 news about, 44-46

vs. First World, 42-64 Topic, 13-14

vs. subject, 170


and ethnic groups, 179-180 in Dutch press, 145-149

in news about minorities, 169-191 in Tamil case study, 222-224

Type of arbole,

in foreign news, 50

in news about minorities, 169


U.S. press, and minorities, 161-200 Unesco, 32-35

Universal, El, thematic structure in, 80-81

Western Europe, racism in, 149-152 Western media, 34-35

World model, journalistic, 39-40