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Section 9 complex sentences and adverbial clauses of result

Exercise 1 p. 58.

Write out the conjunctions used to join the adverbial clauses of result and point out the sentences with asyndetic subordination. Answer the following questions:

1) With which words in the principal clause can the conjunction that be correlated?

2) With which conjunction is the adverbial clause of result usually separated by comma?

1) When they reached the front it was dark, and the shutters were closed, so that nothing of the interior could be seen (Hrd). 2) So heavy was the stress of the storm just at this place that I had the hardest task to win my way up the hill (Wl).13) They replied in such a voice that he no longer pretended ignorance (Gls). 4) Roses on the veranda were still in bloom, and the hedges evergreen, so that there was almost nothing of middle-aged autumn to chill the mood (Gls). 5) So great was the shortage of paper in the Confederacy now that Gerald’s note was written between the lines of her last letter to him (Mtl). 6) I’m so crazy about music I don’t care what colour he is (Prk). 7) Several shots were fired; but such was the hurry of the Marksmen that no one appeared to have taken effect (Stv).

Exercise 2 p. 59.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate conjunctions and separate the adverbial clause of result by a comma wherever necessary.

1) Also she spoke in a curiously loud and ringing tone … what she said echoed audibly all the way down the room (Mrd). 2) The activity of translating which had seen the plainest thing in the world, turned out to be an act so complex and extraordinary … it was puzzling to see how any human being could perform it (Mrd). 3) None of them had seen the Marcians, and they had but the vaguest ideas of them … they piled me with questions (Wl). 4) Whenever I have gone there have been either so many pictures … I have not been able to see the people, which was worse (Wld). 5) The marriage of Soames with Annette took place in Paris on the last day of January 1901 with such privacy … not even Emily was told until it was accomplished (Gls). 6) Bosinney’s office was in Sloane Street, close at hand … he would be able to keep his eyes continually on the plants (Gls). 7) He was under a considerable debt of gratitude to his hostess; on the other hand, Denver’s position was such … minor considerations really had to go to the wall (Sy). 8) But the inflections of the English verb are so scanty … we need not be surprised to find that the distinction between indicative and subjunctive is very slight (Sw).

Exercise 3 p. 59.

Paraphrase the sentences using adverbial clauses of result.

Model: The child was looked after well enough by the others for her not to worry about him.

-- The child was looked after so well that she didn’t worry about him.

1) He continued to sing with so much energy to hear the sound of wheels (after CD). 2) She felt excited and happy enough this morning to include the whole world in the affection (after Mtl). 3) She leaped to her feet, her heart hammering too Wldly for her to sit still (after Mtl). 4) Melly’s hands were shaking too much for her to read the letter (after Mtl). 5) He was too intent upon his reflections to be conscious of my approach (after CD). 6) Mr. Rokesmith has been so polite as to place his sitting room at our disposal today (after CD).

Exercise 4 p. 60.

Use inverted word order in the complex sentences with adverbial clauses of result according to the patterns.

Pattern I

Principal Clause

So + predicative + subject expressed by a noun

e.g. Her joy was so great that she stood fascinated.

So great was her joy that she stood fascinated.

1) The summer night was so hot and still that through every open window came in but hot air (Gls). 2) His remarks were so strong that she, startled, relapsed into silence (Mtl). 3) Her Dutch is so rusty she can no longer speak it (Prk). 4) After an hour Scarlett’s hands were so swollen and bruised she could hardly flex them (Mtl).

Pattern II

Principal Clause

So + predicative + subject expressed by a pronoun

e.g. She was so glad that she could not utter a word.

So glad was she that she could not utter a word. Or:

So glad she was that she could not utter a word.

1) She was so amused by his bland impudence that she laughed and overlooked his past misdeeds (Mtl). 2) He was so intent upon his reflections that he was unconscious of my approach (CD). 3) He was so friendly I was beginning to think he was struck on me (Dr). 4) He is so talented and so loved in society that I believe he is a general favorite (ChB). 5) They were so high that the breeze did not bring them the grumble of the surf below (Gdn).

Pattern III

Principal Clause

So + adverbial modifier + subject expressed by a noun or pronoun

e.g. He (the man) spoke so excitedly that we could hardly understand him.

So excitedly did he (the man) speak that we could hardly understand him.

1) He ran so quickly that I couldn’t catch him (Hrb). 2) Marigny looked at him so fixedly that he waited to hear what the others had to say (Tracy). 3) He worries so much about his position that he cannot sleep at night (Hrb). 4) Sir Wigmore started so violently that he knocked his brief over upon the head of the Clerk to the House of Lords sitting below him (Sy).

Exercise 5 p. 61.

Translate the sentences into English using adverbial clauses of result. Give variants with inverted word order wherever possible.

1) Девочка была так напугана, что не могла двинуться с места. 2) Лектор говорил так убедительно, что никто не сомневался в правильности его утверждений. 3) Она смотрела на меня так пристально, что я не могла не обернуться. 5) Всю ночь море так сильно бушевало, так что пароходы не могли подойти к берегу. 6) Кинофильм произвел на учеников такое сильное впечатление, что они говорили о нем целую неделю. 7) Море успокаивалось, так что рыбаки надеялись, что они смогут отправиться рыбачить утром. 8) День был такой солнечный и морозный, что никому не хотелось сидеть дома, и в лесу было много лыжников.