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(L) uncountable (abstract) nouns

Exercise 39, p.258: Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets with an appropriate article (where necessary).

1. (i) "One morning I woke up to find myself famous," Lord Byron said. Do you know what brought him —? (ii) I hope — hasn't spoiled him. (fame). 2. Romeo and Juliet's was — people like to speak about. (love) 3. (i) — and hate are bad qualities. (ii) This canvas is — of all her friends. (envy) 4. (i) You must learn to take — seriously at your age. (ii) "I hope you will be happy in — you have chosen," the headmaster said to the school-leavers. (life) 5. (i) There used to be — when I found books of adventure very exciting. (ii) — passes quickly if one is busy. (iii) Remember our skiing outings? Those were happy —! (time) 6. (i) Nobody took the trouble to tell us about — we were going to meet on our way. (ii) The nurse said the man was out of —. (danger) 7. (i) His face expressed only surprise, no — at the news. (ii) With him — comes first, (pleasure). 8. (i) He was making — not to show how angry he was. (ii) The work wasn't worth—. (iii) — brought good results. (effort) 9. (i) She never saw — of the situation, she has no sense of humour. (ii) The whole trip was —. (fun) 10. What you need is —, a lot of it. (exercise) 11. (i) I had __ with him. (ii) The weather is a safe topic for —. (conversation)

Exercise 40, p. 259: Translate the following into English.

1.Конечно, есть определенная опасность, что он не сможет разработать этот план, но пусть попытается. 2. Жизнь — это движение. 3. — Вы дали им знать о своем приезде? — Нет, я хочу, чтобы для них это было сюрпризом. 4. Мы долгое время не виделись, и нам обоим эта встреча доставила истинное удовольствие. 5. — Не хотели бы вы пойти со мной сегодня в театр? У меня есть два билета. — С удовольствием. 6. Она с удивлением посмотрела на вошедшего. 7. Он сделал над собой усилие и спокойно ответил на все вопросы экзаменатора. 8. Писатель прожил долгую и интересную жизнь.

Exercise.40, p. 286: Insert articles where necessary:

1. In __ heart of New York, __ few minutes away from __ skyscrapers, he had discovered __ little city within __ city. It was Greenwich Village. It was almost __ provincial town with inhabitants, who, it seemed, didn’t notice __ metropolis around them. (After G. Simenon)

2. After __ supper was over, and he had helped to dry the dishes, Paul nervously asked his father if he could go to __ Carters to get some help in __ geometry from Jim. Jim was at __ top of __ at __ school. Still more nervously Paul asked for car fare. He had to repeat __ request two times, as his father did not like to hear request for __ money, whether much or little. He asked Paul whether he could not go to ___ boy who lived nearer; but gave him dime.1(after Willa Cather)

3. Stevenson’s book “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” is about __ man who lived ___ double life. Dr. Jekyll made __ interesting discovery in his laboratory work. He found __ medicine which could give him __ different appearance. When he took __ medicine he became a deformed, ugly man, for whom people felt nothing but __ dislike and hate. As Mr Hyde he could live __ life full of __ pleasure. Yet he enjoyed ___ complete safety, because when his actions became too horrible he could change into ___ honest Dr. Jekyll again, for whom his friends felt __ respect and love.

But with __ time __ medicine no longer worked the way Dr Jekyll had planned. Sometimes he went to ___ bed as Dr. Jekyll and woke up as Mr Hyde. He had to make ___ choice: either to remain Dr. Jekyll and die to all ___ pleasures Mr Hyde enjoyed or choose the part of Mr Hyde and die to __ thousand interests Dr. Jekyll enjoyed.

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