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(A) with the names of meals

Exercise 43 p. 44 Study the following patterns:

It's time for dinner.

What a good dinner! You are a fine cook.

The dinner she gave us was well-cooked.

After dinner we shall have coffee.

Exercise 44, p.44 Insert the article where necessary.

1. — supper will be served at nine. 2. Father usually reads his morn­ing paper at — breakfast. 3. She had — breakfast of toast with butter which she washed down with a cup of coffee. 4. He left house soon after __ breakfast and promised to be back some time before — lunch. 5. We shall have — light supper because we had — good dinner. 6. Do we have time to watch the film on TV before — supper? 7. She invited us to stay for — dinner, and — dinner, I must say, was very good. 8. There will be nobody to — dinner except the family.

Exercise 45 p.44 Translate the following.

1. Что у нас сегодня на ужин? 2. В кафе напротив всегда можно получить горячий завтрак. 3. По воскресеньям у нас обычно кто-нибудь бывает к обеду. 4. У вас достаточно времени для небольшой прогулки перед завтраком. 5. Твоя сестра угостила нас прекрасным обедом. 6. Мы позавтракаем на террасе, хорошо? 7. Врачи рекомендуют ранний и легкий ужин. 8. Купить что-нибудь на обед? 9. Закажи, пожалуйста, обед из трех блюд на меня тоже. 10. Я больше всего люблю кашу на завтрак.

(B) with names of materials

Exercise 46 p. 45 Study the following patterns.

This country exports coffee.

The coffee is of high quality.

Have a cup of hot coffee.

Exercise 47 p. 45 Explain the use of the article. Translate the sentences.

1. Waiter, a coffee and two teas, please. 2. I met him at a dinner at Smith's house. 3. "Essentuky" is a mineral water. 4. Of all the teas I like the green tea most; it's a nice drink on a hot day. 5. A hot coal fell from the fire on the carpet. 6. Have an ice-cream. 7. Hungary is famous for its wines. 8. This is a light Caucasian wine.

Exercise 48 p. 45 Insert the article where necessary.

1. He usually has a glass of — water with his dinner. 2. There are places where — water is as precious as gold. 3. — water in the lake is so clear that you can see every single stone. 4. After a hard day's work I like — hot milk. 5. Come quickly, — milk is getting cold. 6. Don't sit on — sand, it's damp after the rain. 7. My shoes are full of — sand. 8. There are people who will eat — ice-cream in the street even in winter. 9. Why is — coal better for heating than wood? 10. ___ coal of Newcastle is rich in carbon. 11. Put the bottle into the ice-box to cool — wine for dinner.

Exercise 50 p. 70 Translate the following.

1. Густой туман окутал весь город. 2. Давай подождем, дождь скоро прекратится. 3. Ветер с запада обычно приносит дождь. 4. Как используется сила ветра? 5. Ветер был сильным, и идти было трудно. 6. Сильный мороз погубил фруктовые деревья. 7. Вчера вечером шел сильный снег, выпало много снега. 8. Посмотри, снег около фабрики совсем черный. 9. Он выглянул в окно — везде лежал снег: на деревьях, дорожках сада, клумбах (flower beds).

(c) with parts of the day and seasons

Exercise 51 p. 70 Study the patterns:

It is early/late morning (evening, etc.).

It was a bright Sunday morning of early/late autumn (spring, etc).

They came in the morning (afternoon, etc); in (the) autumn (winter, etc).

It was a rainy morning (night, etc); a rainy autumn (spring, etc).

I met him on the morning of the exam; in the autumn of 1980.

He is here since Friday morning (autumn, etc).

Exercise 52 p.70 Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.

1. — autumn has come and early in — morning sheets of — ice cover the puddles on the road. 2. — rain never stopped in — night and — morning started with — dull rain typical of — late autumn 3. We had — cold winter last year with a lot of — snow. — frost didn’t let go even during — day. 4. The champion said he would always remember — winter of 1980 when he went mountain-skiing for the first time. 5. All through — winter the old hunter is alone in the taiga, the first tourists come only in — summer. 6. You can get to Yakutsk only by plane but in — bad weather there may be no flights and the passengers have to wait in the airport all through — night hoping that — weather may change for the better in —morning and they will be able to catch a plane some time during — day. I have been waiting here since Monday noon. 7. It was — late afternoon on — foggy September day when we left the town in our car. 8. We are expecting them in — evening, some time after seven.

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