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There is/are … . Be. Have

Exercise 19 p. 15 Study the following charts.

  1. With Countable Nouns

1. There is (‘s)

a (some)

book on the table.

There is


Pen and some pencils in my bag.

2. There are (‘re)

some (a few)

chairs in the room.

3. Is there

any (a)

river in this place?

4. There was


wind yesterday.

5. There were


factories in this district.

6. There will be (‘ll be)

a lot of

students at the meeting

7. There won’t be


visitors tomorrow.

  1. With Uncountable Nouns


bread in the breadbox.


sugar in the cup.

There is

a little

butter on the plate.


money in my bag.

a lot of

oil in our country.


work at our office today.

Exercise 20 p. 15 Use the correct form of the verb ‘be’.

1. The hour was late, there — no taxis. 2. There — a lot of students at our University now, there — more next year. 3. — there no talk about it at supper? 4. — there time to do this work tomorrow? 5. There — a lot of people at the meeting tomorrow. 6. There — little snow in this part of the country last year. 7. There — only a few new houses here some years ago. 8. The street was very noisy when there ___ a bus line here. 9. There ___ a lot of coal in the Donbas. 10. There ___ lot of fruit in our garden next summer.

Exercise 21 p. 16 Make up sentences of your own according to the patterns in the above charts.

1. a beautiful picture; on the wall. 2. a lot of children; in the garden, 3. any factories; in this town; before the war? 4. a few English books; in my library, 5. a rich library; at our University. 6. one thousand words; in this dictionary. 7. any water; in the glass? 8. time; for this work; tomorrow. 9. how many parts; in this book? 10. a picture of London and two maps; on the wall. 11. a lot of fruit; in Bulgaria. 12. traffic lights; at every corner in this city. 13. any gold; in this part of the country? 14. no guests; in the house; last Sunday. 15. milk; a little; in the bottle. 16. much money; not; in my pocket; when I was a student. 17. how many; films; at the festival; of the Moscow Studio? 18. heavy traffic; in the centre of the city.

Exercise 22 p.16 Replace the Russian words by suitable English equivalents.

1. He takes (мало) sugar in his tea. 2. There is (немного) sugar in the sugar-bowl. 3. She has (немного) books on this subject in her library. 4. There are (много) interesting books in my bookcase. 5. There are (совсем нет) factories in this town. 6. There is (сколько-то) bread in the house. 7. There is (немного) butter in the butter-dish. 8. I had (мало) money on me at the moment. 9. You won't get (много) advice from him. He is too young. 10. Is there (какая-нибудь) river in those parts? 11. Give me (какую-нибудь) book on the Economy of this country. 12. There is (большое) traffic in this part of the city. 13. There is (много) fruit in the Caucasus. 14. Did you get (сколько-нибудь) information from this book?

Exercise 23 p. 16 Express the opposite idea.

1. There are few government offices in this part of the town. 2. There is only one bridge across the river in this place. 3. When I was there last, there were no houses on the left side of the street. 4. There isn't any sugar in my tea. 5. We had a fine spring, there will be a lot of apples this year. 6. There is some writing paper on the desk. 7. There was no time to visit the museum. 8. There are several bookshops in this street.

Exercise 24 p. 16 Complete the following, using 'there is ... there are ...'. Use 'a lot of, 'much', 'many', 'few’, 'a few', 'little’, 'any', 'no’ where necessary.

1. This is the older part of the city (historical places). 2. Moscow is a very big city (more than 5,000 streets, avenues, and squares). 3. The theatre is not far from here (still a shorter way across the square). 4. This side street is very quiet (traffic). 5. The film was interesting to me (people who did not like it). 6. It's very late (time to go there on foot). 7. The sky is dark (a heavy rain in a few minutes). 8. The lecturer was a very interesting man (questions when the lecture was over). 9. I am sorry we are late (another train for at least two hours). 10. Nobody is at home (light in the windows). 11. Don't leave yet (supper soon). 12. We'll have a hard time this spring (examinations). 13. I have an invitation to the party (interesting people).

Exercise 25 p.17 Change the following sentences, using 'there is ...', 'there are ...'.

1. We have about 5,000 male and female names in the list of Russian names, but not all of them are popular today. 2. The Rossiya Hotel is the biggest in Russia and in Europe. It has 3,071 rooms and may have 5,374 guests. 3. Moscow has a lot of markets and soon it will have another two. 4. "Have you tram-lines in Moscow?" "Yes, we have, but not many." 5. They still had several empty seats in the plane when we arrived at the airport. 6. They have a very good dance band in that restaurant. 7. Hurry up. We have no time for tea. 8. Some five years ago they had no metro in their town. Now they have several lines and no transport problems. 9. We shall have a heavy rain in a moment, I think. 10. They had no railway in that part of Siberia for a long time. 11. They will have a good film on at our local cinema tomorrow. 12. How many students have you got in your class?

Exercise 26 p.17 Translate the following sentences into English, using 'there is ..., there are ...'.

(A) 1. В Лондоне много театров. Все они в Уэст-Энде. 2. В Сити нет жилых домов. 3. Днем на улицах Сити очень много народа, а ночью улицы пустые. 4. На Оксфорд Стрит очень много магазинов. 5. В Ист-Энде мало парков, там много фабрик и заводов.

(B) 1. В России много больших рек. 2. Сколько озер в Российской Федерации к востоку от Урала? 3. На Волге много больших промышленных городов. 4. Сколько рек в Москве? 5. На Тверской много высоких красивых домов. Много там и магазинов. 6. В Москве девять железнодорожных вокзалов.

(C) 1. Сколько слов в этом словаре? 2. Раньше эта улица не была шумной, а теперь на ней большое движение. 3. В этом году в нашем саду будет очень много цветов. 4. У нас в аудитории нет часов. 5. В этой библиотеке есть читальный зал? 6. Сколько будет аудиторий в новом здании вашего института? 7. — Почему твой портфель такой тяжелый? — В нем словарь, учебник и несколько тетрадей. 8. В бутылке мало молока. 9. В этой части страны мало холодных месяцев, но в каждом месяце бывает несколько холодных дней. 10. Раньше в этом городе не было кинотеатров, а теперь здесь три кинотеатра и клуб.

Exercise 30 p. 18 Open the brackets, using the correct form of the verb 'be' and retell the texts.

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