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Grammar Workbook for Beginners.rtf
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5.2 Open the brackets using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

  1. I (say) hello to him, but he (not hear).

  2. My German (improve) a lot after I (live) in Germany for six months.

  3. The woman (talk) on her mobile while she (drive) her car.

  4. She (not look) at the road when the lights (turn) red.

  5. We (not be) on the road when the accident (happen).

  6. How long he (be) Prime Minister?

  7. I (choose) that college because my best friend (study) there at that time.

  8. It (rain) and I (sit) comfortably on the sofa with a book.

  9. When I was in the shop, I (see) a pair of jeans that (not cost) too much.

  10. I (not do) my test, so I (decide) not to go to university.

5.3 Correct these sentences.

  1. Do you know exactly where you was born?

  2. I was turn round and saw Jim.

  3. The cows in Holland are famous for good milk and meat. People even builded a monument to a cow.

  4. How often did Alice cleaned her room when she was living with her parents?

  5. Why didn’t they be very happy when they were married?

  6. I entered the bank and saw that two people talked with the teller.

  7. They understood that they didn’t can control their child any more.

  8. The city looked very crowded when we visitted it.

  9. I tried to speak to the child who was crying and I was giving him a toy.

  10. It was 5 o’clock in the evening and Meg waited for her husband.

5.4 Translate into English.

  1. Почему ты вчера проснулся так рано?

  2. Что вы делали вчера вечером, когда я пыталась дозвониться вам?

  3. Ты был на дне рождения у Марка на прошлой неделе?

  4. Он рассказал мне свою историю и потребовал моей помощи.

  5. Было 10 утра. Я готовился к экзаменам.

  6. Мы поймали кота, когда он нес рыбу к двери.

  7. Пока Том звонил в полицию, я утешала его жену.

  8. Я не могла прийти к тебе, потому что мы переезжали в новую квартиру.

  9. Я думал, что твои друзья знали о нашем разговоре.

  10. Женщина улыбалась, когда она смотрела на свои старые фотографии.

Unit 3

Some, any, no, every and their compounds

Much, many, a lot (of), little, a little, few, a few

Part I

Some, any , no, every and their compounds

Exercise 1.1

Choose the correct item.

  1. There are some/any books on my desk.

  2. I need some/any more time.

  3. There is hardly some/any milk in the fridge.

  4. Would you like any/some soup?

  5. Where can I sit down? – You can take some/any seat you like.

  6. We need some/any eggs, but we don’t need some/any sugar.

  7. Could you pass me any/some cake, please?

  8. She has any/some tea and cake, but she doesn’t have some/any sandwiches during the break.

  9. I’d like any/some bread, please.

  10. There are some/any pictures on the wall.

  11. Can I have any/some mineral water, please?

  12. There are some/any forks and spoons, but there aren’t no/any knives here.

  13. Would you like to look at any/some pictures of our family?

Exercise 1.2

A. Write these sentences again with any.

  1. We’ve got no questions. We haven’t got any questions.

  2. There’s no snow outside.

  3. There were no guests in the house.

  4. Alice had no make-up on her face.

  5. The boy has got no pocket money.

B. Write these sentences again with no.

  1. She hasn’t got any friends here. She’s got no friends here.

  2. There aren’t any policemen near the house.

  3. Clara hasn’t got any hobbies.

  4. There isn’t any information for you.

  5. He didn’t have any explanation.

Exercise 1.3

Fill in some, any, no + one of these words.









money (2)




  1. I want to wash my hair, but there isn’t any shampoo in the bathroom.

  2. The house has got … in it. It’s empty.

  3. After lunch I asked the waiter for … .

  4. Could you lend me … ? – I have … in my wallet, but I have … in the bank.

  5. I’m going to the post office. Have you got … to post?

  6. I need to book a hotel in Germany as I haven’t got … who could put me up there.

  7. There are … in my village, just a post office and a pub.

  8. Julia never has … in the morning. She isn’t hungry.

  9. There is … in the fridge. What are we going to eat?

  10. What film would you like to watch? – Let’s watch … you’ve got. I don’t care.

  11. I phoned you yesterday but there was … .

Exercise 1.4

A. Make the following sentences negative in two ways.

  1. There is something in the bowl. There isn’t anything in the bowl.

There is nothing in the bowl.

  1. She will go somewhere tomorrow.

  2. There is something new in this theory.

  3. I saw somebody talking to Jane.

  4. John went somewhere cold on holiday.

  5. There was someone in the kitchen.

B. Give positive answers to the questions.

  1. Are you doing anything special tonight? Yes, I’m doing something.

  2. Do you know anybody who can speak Hindi?

  3. Does he live anywhere near the supermarket?

  4. Would you like something to eat?

  5. Did you see anyone famous at the conference?

  6. Did anybody help him with the car?

Exercise 1.5

Complete the sentences. Use some or any but don’t repeat the noun.

  1. Ann didn’t make any mistakes but I made some. (I/make)

  2. Where’s your baggage? – … . (I/not/have)

  3. Do you need any paper? – No, thank you. … . (I/have)

  4. Could you lend me some wine glasses? – I’m sorry but … . (I/not/have)

  5. The fish in the shop didn’t look very fresh, so … . (I/not/buy)

  6. There were some nice tomatoes in the shop, so … . (I/buy)

  7. Lily didn’t have any money, so … . (I/give her)

Exercise 1.6

Fill in some, any + thing, body or one.

  1. I heard a noise, but my father didn’t hear anything.

  2. … left a book in the classroom. It’s on the table.

  3. He doesn’t know … about this exotic country.

  4. I’m hungry. I didn’t have … to eat all day.

  5. … took my dictionary. I don’t know who it was.

  6. There’s … at the door. I’ll open it.

  7. Please, don’t say … to my father.

  8. Has … in the group got a dictionary?

  9. I saw … at the theatre who looks like you.

  10. Please, give me … warm. It’s cold here.

  11. Is there … you want to offer me? – Yes, I want to offer you … that will make you happy.

  12. It’s your birthday, not mine. So you can invite … you like.

Exercise 1.7

Choose the correct item.

  1. There is anything/nothing in the cupboard. We have to go to the supermarket.

  2. I can’t see my bicycle anywhere/nowhere.

  3. The question was very difficult. Anyone/No one could answer it.

  4. I like the people here. Somebody/Everybody is friendly.

  5. Dick’s house is full of books. They’re somewhere/everywhere.

  6. I’ve got anywhere/nowhere to sleep tonight.

  7. Did you go anywhere/somewhere on Sunday? – No, I went anywhere/nowhere.

  8. We can start the lesson. Somebody/Everybody is here.

  9. They asked him about the journey but he said anything/nothing.

  10. Do you know somebody/anybody here? – No, anyone/no one.

  11. She put my pen anywhere/somewhere again. I can’t find it anywhere/nowhere.

  12. Don’t worry. The children are somewhere/anywhere in the garden.

  13. Somebody/Everybody who arrives in Paris is charmed by its beauty.

  14. Anything/Nothing interests Tom more than computers.

Exercise 1.8

Fill in some, any, no, every + thing, body/one, where.

  1. I want to go somewhere interesting on holiday, to India for example.

  2. Dave can’t find his CD player … .

  3. The pudding was so tasty that … liked it.

  4. I looked for my watch … but didn’t find it.

  5. Did you buy …. in Gucci shop? – No, I bought … . It’s a very expensive shop.

  6. There is … in the white box. I wonder what it is.

  7. In this small town … knows everything.

  8. There is … in the room. All the students went home.

  9. He eats … in the evening. He’s losing weight.

  10. I hope … enjoyed the concert. It was great.

  11. Harry never travelled … abroad.

  12. In spring there are flowers … .

  13. He decided to do the work himself, so he didn’t ask … for help.

  14. How much did you pay for these books? – I didn’t pay … . They’re a present from my aunt.

  15. Alan wrote a letter to … . I think to his girlfriend.

Exercise 1.9

Complete the sentences with one necessary word.

  1. What would you like for dinner? – Something delicious.

  2. When Jill decided to sell her car, she phoned round her friends but … wanted to buy it.

  3. Did … from your office give you birthday presents?

  4. When my rich uncle died, he didn’t leave … to us.

  5. I know … who is afraid of cats!

  6. Nick never uses his car. He goes … by motor-bike.

  7. I’ve got a lot of clothes but … matches this bag!

  8. … needs friends.

  9. What would you like for your birthday? – You can give me … you can think of. I like all your presents.

  10. Chris can help you. He knows … about computers.

  11. I don’t like cold weather. I want to live … warm.

  12. I’m looking for my dog. I can’t find her … .

  13. David has a bad memory. He can’t remember … .

  14. Would you like … to drink? – Yes, please. I’d like … refreshing.

  15. Where would you like to go tonight? – We can go … you like. Just spend this evening with me.

Exercise 1.10

Fill in each space in the text with a suitable word. Use some, any, no, every or their compounds.

The school trip is the day after tomorrow, and I want to tell (1) … about a few things. I hope there isn’t (2) … who is always late and who can miss the bus. Last year (3) … students didn’t go on the trip because they arrived late. There is hardly (4) … space left on the bus, so remember to put your backpacks in the boot. (5) … can smoke on the bus. I recommend (6) … to put on light clothes. The fortress is (7) … in the south of the country. After we arrive, we’ll have a 20-minute walk, so wear (8) … comfortable on your feet. On the bus I don’t want to hear (9) … loud music. If you want to know (10) … about the fortress and its history, there will be (11) … at the entrance to show us around and answer (12) … questions. After that (13) … talking is possible during the museum tour. The town is small, so there is (14) … to have lunch for a large group of tourists. I advise (15) … to take (16) … home-made food so that (17) … feels hungry on the way home. Does (18) … have (19)… questions?

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