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Grammar Workbook for Beginners.rtf
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Part IV Practice test

4.1 Which alternative is correct?

  1. The famous actress … now for the “Hello” magazine.

a) is interviewing b) is being interviewed c) interviews

  1. Is your car still for sale? – No, it … .

a) has sold b) is sold c) has been sold

  1. Sometimes mistakes … . It’s inevitable.

a) are made b) make c) are being made

  1. It’s a serious problem. I don’t know how it can … .

a) solve b) be solved c) to solve

  1. A new bridge … across the river. Work started last year and the bridge … to open next year.

a) is being built, b) is building, c) is being built,

is expected is expected expects

  1. The TV … . It’s working again now.

a) is being repaired b) has repaired c) has been repaired

  1. The restaurant ... a new waiter last week.

a) was employed b) employed c) has employed

  1. Simon regrets giving up studying French at school, as now he … a job in France.

a) has offered b) has been offered c) have been offered

  1. When the film “Gone with the Wind” came out, it … highly by critics.

a) praised b) has been praised c) was praised

  1. I’ve never seen these flowers before. What … ?

a) are they called b) do they call c) have they called

4.2 Open the brackets.

  1. Shall I do the cleaning? – It … (already/do).

  2. My suit … (make) in France, but I … (buy) it in Italy last April.

  3. My car … (repair) at the moment, so I can’t give you a lift.

  4. Can I be sure that the money … (put) in a safe place in the future?

  5. The boy … (hit) by a car when he … (cross) the street.

  6. Over thirty million hamburgers … (eat) by the British every year.

  7. Fred hopes he … (give) clear instructions before he … (start) work.

  8. You should … (book) the wedding reception a month before the wedding.

  9. ‘Heartbreak House’ … (not/write) by Charles Dickens.

  10. They … (open) the new restaurant this evening.

4.3 Correct these sentences.

  1. Many pet dogs are losing every year.

  2. The sick man was been taken to hospital.

  3. The man has followed by the police for the last half hour.

  4. All the food was ate at the party.

  5. Nothing will decided before next Saturday.

  6. The match is playing on Friday evening.

  7. Dangerous animals should keep in cages and never let out in residential areas.

  8. That picture didn’t be painted by Monet.

  9. Mickey Mouse cartoons have translated into sixty languages.

  10. Accident create traffic jams. It’s happened very often.

4.4 Translate into English.

  1. Ты слышала новость? Cегодня утром ограбили магазин. Грабителей арестовали.

  2. Водитель серьезно пострадал в аварии, его отвезли в больницу.

  3. Почему Дик не пришел на вечеринку в прошлую субботу? – Ему не прислали приглашение.

  4. Туристов собираются отвезти в центр города. Им покажут много достопримечательностей.

  5. Команда играла плохо в этом году. – Сколько матчей было проиграно?

  6. Это платье нельзя стирать. Ты испортишь его.

  7. На прошлой неделе из музея украли картину. К сожалению, картина еще не найдена.

  8. Не беспокойтесь. Качество пищи в нашем кафе контролируют каждый день.

  9. Хлопок не выращивают в этой стране. Его привозят из других стран.

  10. Английский язык очень популярен, на нем говорят более двух миллиардов людей.


Unit 1

1.1: 2 agrees 3 catches 4 dances 5 enjoys 6 fails 7 flies 8 goes 9 has 10 kisses 11 plans 12 studies

13 ties 14 travels 15 tries 16 visits

1.2: 2 speaks 3 is, teaches 4 writes 5 opens

6 are, cost 7 leads, eats 8 likes, wears 9 makes

10 changes 11 tells, tells

1.3: 2 Ella often watches television. 3 Children usually like sweets. 4 We always have lunch at 2 o’clock. 5 Dave never goes abroad.

6 My neighbours sometimes have noisy parties. 7 Kate never drinks coffee. 8 We often listen to English music. 9 Ray seldom eats chocolate.

10 Jane always enjoys parties. 11 Ann sometimes clears up the mess in her room. 12 The water in the lake seldom freezes in winter. 13 Many friends come to my birthday party every year. 14 I always enjoy my summer holidays.

1.4: 2 Susan doesn’t play the piano very well.

3 Tony and Stephen don’t know each other.

4 Mike doesn’t have a shower every day.

5 Nick’s parents don’t have a car. 6 My father doesn’t buy a newspaper every day. 7 Rose doesn’t prefer to go camping in summer.

8 David and Paul don’t do the same work in the office. 9 China doesn’t export wine and wool.

10 It doesn’t snow in summer. 11 Giraffes don’t come from Russia. 12 The Moon doesn’t go round the sun.

1.5: 2 has, doesn’t drive 3 like, don’t 4 speaks

5 don’t eat 6 don’t believe 7 talks

8 doesn’t know 9 doesn’t have

10 don’t understand 11 needs 12 don’t do

13 sees

1.6: 2 Who does little Toby like playing with?

3 Where do you travel every summer? 4 Who gives you a lot of homework? 5 What car does your father drive? 6 What school do Bianca’s children go to? 7 Who comes from Argentina?

8 What time does your local shop open? 9 What do you usually do at the weekend? 10 Who does Robert do business with? 11 How does the soup taste? 12 How long do you usually spend on your homework?

1.7: 2 are, am 3 do 4 is, is 5 doesn’t 6 Are, do

7 don’t 8 isn’t, is 9 is, don’t 10 do 11 am not, am

12 don’t, aren’t 13 is, does 14 is, doesn’t

15 does, is 16 does, doesn’t 17 is, is 18 do

14 seems, enjoys 15 does the word “annually” mean, means 16 Do you prefer, depends

17 keeps, is 18 are having, have, are having

3.5: 1 am just writing 2 am 3 am getting on

4 study/am studying 5 am spending 6 am still staying 7 am looking for 8 go 9 study

10 am writing 11 think 12 cost 13 am saving

14 is getting 15 are having 16 am also learning

3.6: 1 are you doing 2 am looking 3 are getting

4 think 5 look 6 is carrying 7 fits 8 agree

9 seems 10 is thinking 11 are 12 aren’t 13 think 14 does Brain have 15 doesn’t work 16 sells

17 is working 18 Does Jessica have

19 is expecting 20 prefers 21 see

22 is Brian staying 23 don’t know

4.1: 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 a 8 c 9 b 10 a

4.2: 1 sit 2 doesn’t exist 3 is playing, think

4 looks 5 Is your sister 6 wants 7 are wearing

8 do you wash 9 aren’t having, rains

10 do you usually get

4.3: 1 What does he do for a living? 2 a man is trying 3 Skill comes 4 I am coming 5 It doesn’t rain much 6 We are thinking of moving

7 I wonder what is happening 8 Don’t you see

9 Tigers never attack, people don’t attack

10 I usually have

Unit 2

1.1: 2 cancelled 3 clapped 4 controlled 5 copied 6 cried 7 died 8 failed 9 finished 10 happened

11 mixed 12 phoned 13 planned 14 robbed

15 visited

1.2: 2 enjoyed 3 worked 4 phoned, invited

5 stopped 6 passed 7 called 8 showed

9 celebrated 10 jumped, saved

1.3: 2 went 3 had 4 found 5 met 6 got 7 took

8 bought 9 chose 10 became 11 felt

12 understood 13 brought

1.4: 2 didn’t buy 3 didn’t have 4 wasn’t

5 didn’t spend 6 didn’t do 7 didn’t bring

8 didn’t talk 9 didn’t cost 10 didn’t make

11 weren’t

1.5: 2 How did you travel there? 3 Where did you stay? 4 How long did you stay there?

5 Why was the weather horrible? 6 Where did you usually have meals? 7 What did you do every morning? 8 How many friends did you make? 9 Who did you have great fun with?

10 How often did you phone home?

11 What did you decide to do on the way home?

12 Why were you very tired?

1.6: 2 closed 3 did you do 4 didn’t arrive 5 won

8 Did your neighbour borrow, didn’t come

9 did Newton discover, was sitting, fell

10 Did you meet, was walking 11 were you doing, was watering 12 put, caught

3.5: 1 invited 2 decided 3 was cooking

4 was playing 5 was sleeping 6 rang 7 went

8 came 9 couldn’t 10 weren’t 11 went

12 was sitting 13 was eating 14 was enjoying

15 didn’t hear 16 wasn’t looking 17 took

18 started 19 wanted 20 saw 21 caught

22 escaped 23 returned

3.6: 1 lost 2 didn’t want 3 did you get 4 climbed 5 Did you frighten 6 was entering 7 thought

8 was 9 did they recognize 10 managed 11 saw 12 Were they 13 Did they forgive

14 didn’t punish 15 asked

4.1: 2 (a) I used to be 3 (d) She used to be

4 (c) She used to go 5 (e) We used to go

6 (b) He used to dance 7 (f) She used to spend

8 (h) I used to stay

4.2: 3 They used to be dirty. 4 There didn’t use to be many of them. 5 It used to be clean.

6 They used to be cheap. 7 They didn’t use to hurry. 8 They used to wear ordinary clothes.

4.3: 2 used to live, went 3 didn’t use to like, changed 4 used to earn, retired 5 started, used to be 6 Did you use to travel, found 7 used to be, built, became 8 moved, used to have 9 bought, used to go 10 used to be, became 11 started, used to talk, 12 used to give, found

4.4: 1 was 2 was 3 was raining 4 was getting

5 heard 6 used to make 7 looked 8 noticed

9 was turning 10 rushed 11 turned 12 asked

5.1: 1 c 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 c 9 c 10 c

5.2: 1 said, didn’t hear 2 improved, lived 3 was talking, was driving 4 wasn’t looking, turned 5 weren’t, happened 6 was he 7 chose, was studying 8 was raining, was sitting 9 saw, didn’t cost 10 didn’t do, decided

5.3: 1 you were born 2 I turned round

3 people even built 4 did Alice clean

5 weren’t they very happy 6 two people were talking 7 that they couldn’t control 8 visited

9 and I gave 10 Meg was waiting

Unit 3

1.1: 2 some 3 any 4 some 5 any 6 some, any

7 some 8 some, any 9 some 10 some 11 some

12 some, any 13 some

1.2: A 2 There isn’t any snow outside. 3 There weren’t any guests in the house. 4 Alice didn’t have any make-up on her face.

5 How much money did he borrow? 6 How many trees are there in the garden? 7 How many jobs did she have? 8 How much work did you do yesterday? 9 How many problems did you discuss? 10 How much free time have you got?

2.3: 2 much time 3 many countries

4 much luggage 5 much fun 6 many times

7 many interesting things 8 much traffic

9 many accidents 10 much information

11 much work 12 many mistakes

2.4: 2 a lot of 3 a lot of 4 much 5 many 6 a lot of 7 much 8 a lot of 9 much 10 many

2.5: 2 He plays football a lot. 3 She doesn’t talk much. 4 She doesn’t listen to the radio much.

5 He traveled a lot. 6 he drives a lot. 7 I don’t go out much. 8 They sleep a lot. 9 It cost a lot.

10 They don’t cost much.

2.6: 2 a few pictures 3 a few people

4 a little fresh air 5 a little sugar 6 a few words

7 a few stories 8 a little practice 9 a few presents 10 a few questions

2.7: 2 few mistakes 3 little sunshine 4 little free time 5 few hotels 6 little work 7 few chairs

8 little furniture 9 few places 10 few people

2.8: 2 a few 3 a little 4 a little 5 little 6 a few

7 a few 8 a little 9 little 10 few 11 little

12 a little 13 few 14 a few 15 a few

2.9: 1 much 2 a lot of 3 few 4 little 5 much

6 a few (many) 7 few 8 many 9 little 10 a few

11 few 12 a few 13 little 14 a few 15 a little

16 few 17 little 18 a few 19 a little

3.1: 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 b 9 b 10 b

3.2: 1 somewhere 2 every 3 someone 4 nothing 5 nowhere 6 much 7 lot 8 few 9 little 10 much

3.3: 1 any newspaper 2 There is something wrong 3 We bought nothing (We didn’t buy anything) 4 I didn’t take any money with me and I couldn’t buy anything 5 everybody was already in the living room 6 too much butter

7 few mistakes 8 How much money do you need? – Not much. Just a few dollars.

9 We got little information 10 a lot of vegetables

Unit 4

1.1: 2 a, a, a 3 a, –, a 4 an, –, – 5 –, –, – 6 a, –, – 7 a, a, – 8 a, –, an 9 a, –, – 10 a, a, a 11 –, –, –

12 –, – 13 a, a 14 –, an

1.2: 2 I’ve got some toothpaste, a toothbrush, a purse, some money and a credit card. 3 I bought a hat, a pair of shoes, some perfume, a pen and some CDs.

3.2: 2 OK 3 to the doctor 4 OK 5 OK 6 OK

7 OK 8 in the bank 9 OK 10 at the station

11 OK 12 OK 13 to the theatre

14 to the post office

3.3: 2 the post office 3 the bank 4 school

5 hospital 6 work 7 the theatre 8 the hairdresser 9 home

3.4: 2 other 3 the other 4 other 5 the other

6 another 7 the other 8 the other 9 other

10 another 11 another 12 other

3.5: 2 the United States 3 Belarus

4 the Mississippi 5 the Canaries 6 Lake Superior 7 the Himalayas 8 the Gobi 9 France 10 the Nile 11 the Mediterranean 12 Madrid 13 the Pacific 14 Australia 15 the Black Sea

3.6: 2 the Grand Hotel 3 the Royal Cinema

4 OK 5 OK 6 OK 7 the Museum of Modern Art 8 OK 9 the Palace Theatre 10 the National Theatre 11 OK 12 the Science Museum

13 the National Gallery 14 the Mir Cinema

15 the Hilton Hotel

4.1: 2 a nice house, The house 3 the postcard

4 a very small country 5 the name, the owner, the shop 6 the salary 7 a good opportunity

8 a problem, the car 9 the phone, the bathroom 10 a company 11 the light, the house

12 a new girlfriend, a guide, a museum

13 an activity 14 The hat

4.2: 2 –, – 3 The, the 4 –, a, a 5 a, the 6 the, the, a 7 the, the 8 –, a 9 the, the, a 10 the, –, – 11 a, a 12 a, a 13 –, –

4.3: 1 –, the 2 a, an, a 3 the, a 4 the, a, –, –

5 a, –, the 6 –, – 7 the, the 8 a, – 9 –, a 10 the, – 11 –, a 12 a, the, the 13 the, a 14 the, a, a

4.4: 1 the, the, the, a 2 the, –, an, the, the

3 a, the, –, the, a, – 4 –, the, –, the 5 the, a, the

6 an, the, – 7 a, –, the 8 the, a, the 9 –, –

4.5: 2 The best time, a holiday, the end

3 the country, the loveliest, the world 4 the sun, a star, the Earth, a planet 5 a good mood, the sea 6 an expensive hotel, a night 7 the potatoes, a kilo, the local shop 8 a busy airport 9 a taxi, the city centre, the rush hour 10 the office, a large building 11 the Seychelles 12 the children

4.6: 1 the 2 – 3 the 4 the 5 a 6 the 7 the 8 a 9 – 10 – 11 the 12 the 13 – 14 the 15 the 16 – 17 – 18 the 19 a 20 the 21 a 22 the 23 the 24 – 25 the 26 – 27 – 28 – 29 the 30 – 31 – 32 a 33 the

34 the 35 the 36 – 37 – 38 the 39 –

4.7: 1 the 2 a 3 a 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 an 9 the 10 a 11 – 12 the 13 – 14 – 15 – 16 – 17 the 18 – 19 – 20 a 21 the 22 a 23 the 24 – 25 the 26 the 27 a

1.6: 2 I wanted him to tell me the way to the station. 3 I’d like you to call the doctor.

4 Mum wants him to help her.

5 The teacher expected us to do the test well.

6 I didn’t want her to phone before 8 o’clock.

7 would you like me to lend you some?

8 do you want Father to take you home?

9 I expected them to come much later.

10 Val’s parents didn’t want him to get married. 11 Would you like me to make you some coffee? 12 We didn’t expect the weather to change so soon. 13 Our neighbours wouldn’t like us to know the truth. 14 I don’t want her to stay outside in such cold weather.

2.1: 2 smiling 3 reading 4 making, cooking

5 seeing, hearing 6 having 7 going 8 doing

9 swimming 10 opening 11 having, leaving

12 eating 13 selling

2.2: 2 I can’t stand getting up early.

3 She’s looking forward to visiting the new cinema. 4 I don’t feel like going to work.

5 My sister really enjoys going out with her mates. 6 Do you mind waiting for me outside, please? 7 My car keeps breaking down.

8 We finished redecorating our house only two days ago. 9 My parents discussed moving to the country yesterday. 10 I miss going to the health club.

2.3: 2 He goes skiing twice a year.

3 He goes walking four times a week.

4 He goes swimming once a week.

5 He goes fishing once a month.

6 They go dancing three times a week.

2.4: 2 of working 3 at writing 4 about moving

5 in joining 6 about educating 7 about getting

8 for baking 9 to seeing 10 with reading

11 of giving 12 for losing 13 without feeling

14 with opening

3.1: 2. A – wrong B – right

3 A – right B – wrong 4 A – wrong B – right

5 A – right B – wrong 6 A – wrong B – right

3.2: 2 would like to play 3 don’t like living

4 would like to tell 5 would like to play

6 would like to buy 7 wouldn’t like to be, would like to work 8 does your daughter like reading, likes reading 9 Do you like living, like pottering 10 would like to have, likes travelling

3.3: 2 to look 3 to skate 4 to help 5 living 6 do

7 drinking 8 to go out 9 to spend 10 playing

11 to sell and move/to move 12 sneezing

13 climbing/to climb 14 talking 15 to go

4 She’s going to the theatre with Paul at 6p.m. on Tuesday. 5 She’s seeing the doctor at 11a.m. on Wednesday. 6 She’s going shopping with Mum on Wednesday afternoon.

1.2: 2 Are you studying next week? 3 What are you doing next weekend? 4 When are you taking exams? 5 Are you playing football tomorrow?

6 Are you seeing anyone tomorrow evening?

7 Are you going home at the weekend?

8 What time are you leaving home on Monday? 9 Are your friends coming to see you tonight?

1.3: 2 are going to be late 3 is going to graduate 4 am going to show 5 is going to fall

6 Are you going to watch 7 am going to send

8 is going to explain 9 are going to use

10 Is he going to change 11 am going to wear

12 are going to produce

1.4: 2 It’s going to rain. 3 She’s going to cook something. 4 He’s going to fall down.

5 They’re going to watch a film. 6 The dog is going to run away. 7 She’s going to ride into a tree. 8 He’s going to win the race.

1.5: 2 are moving/are going to move

3 is meeting/is going to meet 4 is flying

5 is going to get 6 is coming 7 are going

8 is seeing 9 are arriving/are going to arrive

10 are going to miss 11 is going to tell

12 are going to step 13 am going to have

14 are driving/are going to drive 15 are having/are going to have 16 is going to rain

2.1: 2 I’ll make you a cup of tea. 3 I’ll have pasta, please. 4 I’ll give it to you. 5 I’ll do it for you. 6 I’ll lend you some. 7 I’ll answer it.

8 I’ll help you to tidy it. 9 I’ll send you a postcard. 10 I’ll show you. 11 I’ll give you a lift.

2.2: 2 will feel 3 will make 4 won’t happen

5 won’t sleep 6 will come 7 will be 8 won’t see 9 will get 10 will like 11 won’t enjoy

12 will stay

2.3: 2 am 3 will be 4 was 5 will be 6 was

7 will be 8 will be

2.4: 2 Shall I turn 3 Shall I make 4 Shall I give

5 Shall I turn 6 Shall I help 7 Shall I give

2.5: 2 What time shall we meet? 3 What shall we buy? 4 Who shall we invite? 5 What shall we cook? 6 What time shall we begin?

3.1: 2 are going 3 am going 4 are having

5 I’ll make 6 is going to leave 7 will snow

8 I’ll call 9 I’ll have 10 I’m seeing 11 I’m going to sneeze 12 I’ll buy 13 you’ll catch 14 will go

3.2: 2 are you doing 3 will invite 4 am going

5 will wait 6 will eat 7 is taking

7. The Grand Hotel is a lot more expensive than the Sea View Hotel. 8 The staff in the Sea View Hotel are friendlier than in the Grand Hotel.

9 The views from the Sea View Hotel are lovelier than from the Grand Hotel.

10 The Grand Hotel is noisier than the Sea View Hotel. 11 The Sea View Hotel is much more peaceful than the Grand Hotel. 12 The Grand Hotel is warmer than the Sea View Hotel.

1.5: 2 The moon isn’t as hot as the sun. 3 Bob pays as many bills as Val (does). 4 Ann isn’t as lucky in business as Jane. 5 Are you as old as your sister? 6 My work isn’t as good as Sally’s. 7 Andy didn’t win as much money as Harry (did). 8 Their daughter is as spoilt as their son.

9 Is the table as big as the desk? 10 Swedish houses aren’t as primitive as their country cottages. 11 The days in summer aren’t as short as in winter. 12 The Swedes don’t work as long hours as Londoners (do).

1.6: 2 My birthday is on the same day as Tim’s. 3 Your eyes are the same colour as mine.

4 I arrives at the same time as you (did). 5 Ann has got the same salary as Betty. 6 The bedroom is the same size as the living room. 7 Her hair isn’t the same colour as mine. 8 Fred had the same drink after dinner as Kevin (did). 9 John works for the same company as Sam (does).

10 Dave didn’t watch the same programme as Alison (did). 11 Carol keeps her purse in the same place as Mike (does).

1.7: 2 as 3 than 4 as 5 than 6 as 7 than 8 as

9 than 10 than 11 as 12 than 13 than

2.1: 2 busier, the busiest 3 thinner, the thinnest

4 more comfortable, the most comfortable

5 safer, the safest 6 better, the best 7 less, the least 8 more expensive, the most expensive

9 cleverer, the cleverest (more clever, the most clever) 10 fewer, the fewest 11 more dangerous, the most dangerous 12 hotter, the hottest

13 father/further, the farthest/the furthest

14 heavier, the heaviest 15 more boring, the most boring 16 worse, the worst 17 more,

the most 18 luckier, the luckiest

2.2: 2 the most comfortable apartment

3 the most expensive flowers in 4 the happiest day of 5 the cheapest hotel in 6 the best singer in 7 the most wonderful place in 8 the saddest film

9 the dirtiest city in 10 the oldest student in

11 the poorest people in 12 the most intelligent of 13 the youngest student in 14 the most difficult of 15 the strangest of

5.3: 1 the wealthiest 2 as expensive as

3 much farther 4 of their life 5 much nicer than

6 a lot more expensive 7 much more difficult

8 twice as big as 9 the same colour as the skirt 10 angrier

Unit 9

1.1: 2 has been ringing 3 has been working

4 have been studying 5 have been arguing

6 have been shouting 7 have been trying

8 have been doing 9 has been living

10 have been thinking 11 has been increasing

12 have been surfing

1.2: 2 Have you been mending 3 have you been working 4 Have you been waiting 5 Has it been raining? 6 Has she been playing 7 Has he been fishing 8 Have they been fighting? 9 Has she been crying? 10 Has he been lying 11 Has he been repairing 12 Have you been looking

1.3: 2 because she’s been watching a soap opera 3 because she’s been cooking 4 because she’s been clearing up the mess 5 because she’s been bathing her kids 6 because she’s been waiting for a bus for an hour 7 because she’s been sunbathing 8 because she’s been shopping

9 because she’s been reading for two hours

10 because she’s been painting the walls

2.1: 2 have you read 3 have walked 4 have been walking 5 have been walking 6 has eaten

7 has been eating 8 have only heard

9 have changed 10 has lived 11 have you been 12 have been making, have you made

13 has been roasting 14 have been picking, have picked

2.2: 2 has planted 3 have been drinking

4 have done 5 has been working 6 has spoken

7 has been interviewing 8 have been swimming 9 has swum 10 have been smoking

11 has smoked 12 have heard

13 has been coughing 14 have taught, have never met 15 has been hoping

2.3: 2 How long have you been making them? How many doughnuts have you made?

3 How long have you been looking for a job? How many interviews have you had?

4 How long have you been travelling?

How many countries have you been to?

5 How long has she been doing the shopping? How many things has she bought?

6 How long has he been fishing? How many fish has he caught? 7 How long has he been selling them? How many newspapers has he sold?

3.4: 1 Have you been waiting 2 have applied

3 saw 4 thought 5 have been looking 6 replied 7have always enjoyed 8 believe 9 think 10 learn 11 Do you know 12 will do 13 helps 14 prepares 15 Did you enjoy 16 were 17 was 18 passed

19 enjoyed 20 Do you have 21 have been thinking 22 Have you ever had 23 worked

24 were you 25 did you leave 26 was

27 didn’t enjoy 28 helped 29 have asked

30 wanted 31 will get

4.1: 1 c 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 c 9 c 10 a

4.2: 1 have been travelling, have come

2 have you been revising 3 has found, graduated 4 am writing, have written 5 is playing

6 have been watering 7 was having, woke

8 went out, haven’t come back 9 saw, was,

have you ever 10 look, Have you been sleeping

4.3: 1 I have been waiting 2 have you been learning 3 They have been living 4 for two years 5 It has been real fun 6 have they been learning 7 I’ve known 8 he is still absent 9 has already smoked 10 has been wearing, I met

2.1: 2 agreeing 3 beginning 4 blowing

5 controlling 6 coming 7 doing 8 getting

9 happening 10 offering 11 occupying

12 running 13 shining 14 spoiling 15 stopping 16 tying 17 visiting 18 waiting

2.2: 2 is having 3 are building 4 is swimming

5 is cooking 6 are writing 7 are making

8 am doing 9 is happening 10 are wearing

11 are spending 12 am helping

2.3: 2 They are watching a football match.

3 He is riding a bike. 4 He is working at the computer. 5 She is doing her homework. 6 He is serving drinks. 7 She is singing. 8 They are playing chess.

2.4: 2 He isn’t playing the piano. 3 He isn’t laughing. 4 He is wearing glasses. 5 He isn’t wearing a hat. 6 He isn’t writing a letter. 7 He is talking to his girlfriend. 8 He isn’t showing her his holiday photos. 9 He is wearing a watch.

10 He isn’t eating a sandwich.

2.7: 2 Where are your cousins going? 3 What is Kit studying? 4 Is the train coming? 5 Are the children enjoying the film? 6 Where is Sue sitting? 7 What are the students doing? 8 Who are you writing to? 9 Why are the students laughing? 10 Is Ted enjoying the course?

11 What are you thinking about? 12 What are all the people looking at?

3.1: 2 speaks 3 are they speaking 4 am going

5 enjoys, isn’t enjoying 6 is Nick getting on

7 is singing, sings 8 am working 9 are moving 10 send 11 am reading 12 read 13 are having

14 do you read 15 is sitting

3.2: 1 Yes, he does. No, he isn’t. He is playing tennis. 2 No, he isn’t. Yes, he does. He’s a driver. 3 Yes, he is. Yes, he does. He’s cooking dinner. 4 Yes, he does. No, he isn’t. He studies.

3.3: 2 doesn’t like, prefers 3 does your husband leave 4 does it cost 5 does Meryl do

6 is she doing 7 do the banks close 8 like, helps 9 are you running, am hurrying 10 acts

11 is acting 12 plays, is playing

3.4: 2 believes 3 doesn’t fit, don’t look

4 is, doesn’t need 5 Do you see, am looking

6 is, is getting 7 am thinking, live, don’t see

8 does your dad think, thinks 9 hear, are redecorating 10 don’t understand 11 Do you know, think, don’t remember 12 are all those people waiting, want, is coming 13 are saving

6 did you pay 7 happened 8 didn’t wake up, missed 9 discovered, was 10 was, lost, saved

11 did you spend, didn’t need

1.7: 2 were you born 3 did you start 4 wasn’t

5 did you go 6 was your favourite subject

7 weren’t 8 did you know, you were

9 did you live, were, didn’t live

10 weren’t you, didn’t tell 11 was the weather

2.1: 2 He was cleaning his bicycle. 3 He was playing chess. 4 He was playing the guitar.

5 He was playing tennis. 6 He was dancing.

2.2: 2 She was fishing. 3 She wasn’t talking on the mobile phone. 4 She wasn’t wearing high boots. 5 She wasn’t wearing a hat. 6 She wasn’t carrying a bag. 7 She was looking at the water.

8 She wasn’t eating ice-cream.

2.3: 2 What were you doing … – (c) 3 Was it getting dark … – (a) 4 Was he climbing a tree … – (d) 5 Was he driving fast … – (b) 6 What was she dreaming about … – (f) 7 Where was he going … – (i) 8 Were they jogging … – (g)

9 Were you making so much noise … – (h)

10 Why were you speaking so loudly … – (k)

11 Was strong wind blowing … – (j)

3.1: 2 was working, had 3 arrived, was still cooking 4 broke down, phoned 5 showed, went 6 did you hear, was blowing 7 didn’t need

8 thought 9 knocked, was having 10 was having, went off 11 didn’t understand, was going on, were shouting 12 came, was helping

3.2: 2 We were waiting at the bus stop when we saw the car. 3 Jack was listening to his car radio while he was driving home. 4 He heard about the accident while he was listening to the news. 5 Two men were crossing on a red light when the car hit them. 6 The driver didn’t stop when he saw the men. 7 It was raining when Jack was driving/drove to the police station. 8 He was thinking about his article in the newspaper while he was talking to he police officer. 9 It stopped raining while Jack was driving back home.

10 A TV programme about road accidents began while Jack was writing his article.

3.3: 2 No, they weren’t. 3 Yes, it was.

4 Yes, he did. 5 No, I didn’t. 6 No, they weren’t.

3.4: 1 broke, happened, was climbing, fell

2 landed, got off, were waiting 3 were having, came, were dancing and drinking, asked

4 were you doing, cut, was working 5 did the noise wake, started, was still sleeping

6 didn’t go 7 was the plane flying, hit, wasn’t flying

5 The boy hasn’t got any pocket money. B 2 There are no policemen near the house. 3 Clara has got no hobbies. 4 There is no information for you. 5 He had no explanation.

1.3: 2 no furniture 3 some tea 4 some money,

no cash, some money 5 any letters 6 any friends 7 no shops 8 any breakfast 9 no food 10 any film 11 no answer

1.4: A 2 she won’t go anywhere tomorrow. She’ll go nowhere tomorrow. 3 There isn’t anything new in this theory. There is nothing new in this theory. 4 I didn’t see anybody talking to Jane. I saw nobody talking to Jane.

5 John didn’t go anywhere cold on holiday. John went nowhere cold on holiday. 6 There wasn’t anyone in the kitchen. There was no one in the kitchen. B 2 Yes, I know somebody. 3 Yes, he lives somewhere near there. 4 Yes, I’d like something. 5 Yes, I saw someone. 6 Yes, somebody helped him.

1.5: 2 I don’t have any. 3 I have some.

4 I don’t have any. 5 I didn’t buy any.

6 I bought some. 7 I gave her some.

1.6: 2 somebody 3 anything 4 anything

5 someone 6 somebody 7 anything 8 anyone

9 somebody 10 something 11 anything, something 12 anyone

1.7: 2 anywhere 3 no one 4 everybody

5 everywhere 6 nowhere 7 anywhere, nowhere

8 everybody 9 nothing 10 anybody, no one

11 somewhere, anywhere 12 somewhere

13 everybody 14 nothing

1.8: 2 anywhere 3 everybody 4 everywhere

5 anything, nothing 6 something 7 everyone

8 nobody 9 nothing 10 everyone 11 anywhere

12 everywhere 13 anybody 14 anything

15 someone

1.9: 2 nobody 3 anybody 4 anything 5 someone (no one) 6 everywhere 7 nothing 8 everybody

9 anything 10 everything 11 somewhere

12 anywhere 13 anything 14 something, something 15 anywhere

1.10: 1 everybody 2 anyone 3 some 4 any

5 nobody 6 everyone 7 somewhere 8 something 9 any 10 something 11 somebody 12 any (some) 13 no 14 nowhere 15 everybody 16 some

17 nobody 18 anyone 19 any

2.1: 2 much 3 much 4 many 5 many 6 much

7 many

2.2: 2 How much bread did you buy?

3 How many children do they have? 4 How much wine do we need?

4 I want to buy a newspaper, some postcards, some stamps, a magazine and an envelope.

5 I’d like some coffee, some white bread, some butter, a piece of cake and some chocolate.

6 I got some flowers, a CD, a cookery book, a dictionary and a camera. 7 We visited a museum, a gallery, some shops, an old castle and a farm.

1.3: 2 any 3 some, some 4 some, a, some

5 some, some, a 6 a, some 7 some, a 8 a, some, a 9 any 10 a, some 11 a, some 12 a, some

1.4: 1 a, a 2 an 3 – 4 an, – 5 a, an 6 –, – 7 a 8 a

9 –, a, –, – 10 a, a 11 a

1.5: 2 a born leader 3 very good advice

4 hard work 5 soft pink wool 6 great fun

7 a fashion magazine 8 warm clothes, cold weather 9 credit cards, paper money

10 great progress 11 sweet red wine

12 good health 13 very important information

14 delicious orange marmalade 15 bad luck

16 very good news

2.1: 2 parties 3 The shops 4 the cake 5 cake

6 computers 7 the computers 8 The water

9 cold water 10 the sugar 11 the people

12 the children 13 children 14 the words

15 words 16 flowers 17 the flowers

2.2: 1 a, a, the 2 a, the 3 the 4 the 5 a, a, the, the, a, a 6 the, the 7 the, a 8 the, the 9 a, an, a, a, the, the 10 the 11 a, a 12 a, the 13 a, the

2.3: 2 on the wall in the bedroom 3 OK

4 the capital 5 the remote control, the television 6 the flight attendant, the city 7 the manager

8 The kangaroo 9 The telescope, the sky 10 OK 11 the Browns 12 the weather 13 OK

14 the second turning, the third building

15 the tallest

2.4: 2 the sea 3 page 20 4 the Times 5 French

6 New Year 7 town 8 nature 9 the moon

10 space 11 the violin 12 Mr Brown

2.5: 2 an Internet cafй, the next turning

3 the Internet 4 OK 5 the youngest, the only student 6 the same room 7 The last task, the right answer 8 an hour, the capital, Last week the train 9 the same street, the left side

10 the wrong address 11 the right decision, the main thing 12 the only problem, a place

3.1: 2 They called the police. 3 He studies at university. 4 I went to the station. 5 She goes to church. 6 He went to the airport. 7 They went to the cinema. 8 He stayed in hospital. 9 They go to work. 10 I go to the dentist. 11 He stayed in bed. 12 I go to the bank.

28 the 29 The 30 a 31 the 32 the 33 a 34 The

35 the 36 the 37 a 38 the 39 – 40 the

5.1: 1 c 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 b 8 b 9 c 10 b

5.2: 1 the 2 – 3 the 4 the 5 –, – 6 –, – 7 the 8 –

9 an 10 the

5.3: 1 get very useful information 2 a car park, a new shopping centre 3 the cinema

4 down Twin Street 5 the fifth day 6 to space

7 in wet weather 8 a business partner 9 to work 10 from Texas University

Unit 5

1.1: 2 to join 3 to go out 4 to go 5 to be 6 to get 7 to buy 8 to look for 9 to help 10 to talk

11 to celebrate 12 to live

1.2: 2 It’s expensive to buy a house. 3 Is English easy to speak? 4 Jack was surprised to see me last night. 5 German is difficult to learn.

6 Is it safe to drink this water? 7 This question is impossible to answer. 8 Is it possible to visit him tomorrow? 9 They were glad to get home yesterday evening. 10 I am pleased to hear this news. 11 Are you proud to have such a well-trained dog? 12 It was too hot to stay outdoors yesterday afternoon. 13 My children are happy to have a pet at home.

1.3.: 2 I have no idea where to go on summer holiday. 3 I need a new mobile, but I don’t have any money to buy it. 4 Can you tell me how to get to the bank? 5 Do I need a key to open the door? 6 She needs somebody to talk to.

7 Is there anybody to help me? 8 I’m so angry! I have nothing to tell you. 9 My partner has an interesting project to discuss. 10 English is the first language to learn if you want to be successful.

1.4: 2 They are going to Turkey to visit their friends in Istanbul. 3 She bought a new TV to present it to Sally for her wedding. 4 He got up so early not to miss his train. 5 She goes to the hospital to look after her granny who is ill.

6 She bought a new dress to wear at her birthday party. 7 They are saving money to buy a country house. 8 He is going out to do some shopping.

9 He went to the railway station to meet his parents. 10 She is phoning the theatre to change her ticket. 11 He went downstairs to turn off the light in the living room.

1.5: 2 to 3 to 4 for 5 to 6 for 7 to 8 for 9 to 10 for

3.4: 2 answer 3 going 4 to phone 5 to see

6 to pass 7 raining 8 to find 9 borrowing, to do 10 travelling, flying/to fly 11 to cook 12 laugh 13 to work/working 14 going

15 having, eating/to eat

3.5: 2 B What would you like to drink? A I think I’d like to drink some orange juice, please.

3 B When did she learn to swim? A She learned to swim when she was four years old.

4 B What do you want to talk about? A I want to talk about Pete.

5 B When did you finish writing it? A I finished writing it at 3 a.m.

6 B Where would you like to go? A I’d like to go to the cinema.

7 B Do you mind being away from home for so long? A No, I don’t mind being away from home, because I like travelling a lot.

8 B Where do you prefer to have/having your summer holidays then? A I prefer to have/having my summer holidays in Scandinavian countries.

9 B Why did she decide to go there? A She decided to go there because she entered a language school.

10 B What does she want to do there? A She wants to do some research on wildlife.

3.6: 1not replying 2 to thank 3 to stay 4 to come 5 driving 6 sitting 7 to catch 8 meeting

9 walking 10 breathing 11 smelling 12 admiring 13 to buy 14 bringing 15 playing 16 know

17 seeing 18 hearing 19 to tell 20 to show

3.7: 1 to help 2 to research 3 using 4 think

5 to join 6 swimming 7 swim 8 having

9 to swim 10 having 11 to travel 12 visiting

13 to stay 14 making 15 to improve

4.1: 1. c 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 c 8 a 9 b 10 c

4.2: 1 to baby-sit 2 seeing 3 phoning, asking

4 talking 5 cooking, have 6 having, to join

7 to become 8 watching 9 to eat

10 to train/training

4.3: 1. wished to change jobs, his boss made him work 2 learn to speak 3 fond of listening

4 is planning to go dancing

5 worry about watering 6 can’t stand doing

7 Do you mind closing 8 apologise for breaking 9 avoid talking 10 promised not to tell

Unit 6

1.1: 2 On Monday afternoon she’s visiting Aunt Sophie. 3 She’s meeting Carol at 3p.m. on Tuesday.

8 is going to buy 9 ’ll tell 10 ’ll turn

11 am going to have (’ll have) 12 isn’t coming 13 ’ll take 14 is going to have 15 will help

3.3: 2 ’ll have 3 am seeing/am going to see

4 ’ll lend 5 Shall we meet, am taking 6 ’ll send

7 am going to enter 8 am going to take

9 is going to be 10 is going to break 11 ’ll wait 12 will fall

3.4: 2 We’re going to buy 3 I’m afraid I can’t.

4 OK 5 I’ll buy her a CD then. 6 He’ll help you. 7 Why are you going to see/are you seeing him? Are going to start/are starting 8 Shall we go to the cinema?

3.5: 1 are working 2 are you doing/are you going to do 3 are going 4 is coming 5 will come 6 will travel 7 shall we fly? 8 ’ll find 9 ’ll stay 10 are going to swim 11 am going to take

12 ’ll need 13 ’ll call

3.6: 1 am going to visit 2 will feel 3 will stay

4 am meeting 5 will be 6 am not going to leave

7 will be 8 am going 9 Shall I pick 10 ’ll wait

4.1: 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 a 6 c 7 b 8 a 9 a 10 b

4.2: 1 are you seeing, are meeting 2 are going to have 3 will move 4 will be 5 is going to paint

6 will have 7 won’t take 8 is going to pick

9 is your mum arriving 10 Is everybody coming

4.3: 1 I won’t forget 2 will be against

3 won’t he? 4 am going 5 it’ll snow 6 You’re going to miss 7 I’m visiting 8 I’m going to Mike’s party 9 I’ll see you 10 Shall we go

Unit 7

1.1: 2 younger 3 larger 4 fewer 5 more patient

6 lovelier 7 worse 8 better 9 quieter

10 more attractive 11 faster 12 slower 13 greater 14 more 15 more generous 16 more careful

17 weaker 18 farther/further

1.2: 2 more expensive than 3 healthier 4 cheaper 5 more exciting 6 better 7 taller 8 worse than

9 more intelligent than 10 more interested

1.3: 2 much more complicated 3 a lot more careful 4 far lazier 5 much more, a lot fatter than 6 a little busier than 7 a lot kinder than

8 a lot more stressful than 9 a bit richer than

10 much younger 11 much longer than

1.4: 2 The Grand Hotel is bigger than the Sea View Hotel. 3 The Sea View Hotel is cheaper than the Grand Hotel. 4 The Grand Hotel is cleaner than the Sea View Hotel. 5 The Grand Hotel is more comfortable than the Sea View Hotel. 6 The Sea View Hotel is colder than the Grand Hotel.

2.3: 2 Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 3 Africa is the biggest continent.

4 The Nile is the longest river. 5 Jupiter is the largest planet. 6 Monaco is the smallest country. 7 Lake Baikal is the deepest lake.

3.1: 2 better 3 the most expensive 4 the youngest 5 wetter 6 the most boring holidays 7 the easiest 8 more generous 9 the worst 10 the most modern 11 higher 12 the shortest 13 safer 14 more polite (politer)

3.2: 2 These dresses are the least expensive in the shop. 3 An elephant is less dangerous than a tiger. 4 We had the least comfortable room in the hotel. 5 My new boss is less rude than my old boss. 6 It’s the least successful film he has ever made. 7 This crossword is the least difficult. 8 It was the least modern city I visited. 9 Hetty Green was less generous than Milton Petrie. 10 Kate’s dress was less dirty than Alison’s. 11 Chris is the least attentive child in the class. 12 Living in the country is less noisy than living in a big city.

3.3: A 1 smaller than 2 the smallest, in 3 colder than 4 the dirtiest of 5 more expensive than

6 the most expensive, in 7 the worst, of

8 the most horrible, of B 1 the most famous, in

2 the tallest 3 the youngest, in 4 better than

5 older than 6 faster than 7 the most exciting

8 the most popular in

3.4: 1 the best 2 more exciting than

3 funnier than 4 the most handsome, in

5 more talented, than 6 the most amazing, in

7 more amazing 8 the funniest, of

4.1: Adjectives: friendly, lovely, noisy, quick, tidy Adverbs: carelessly, easily, happily, quietly, slowly Adjectives and adverbs: far, fast, hard, late, well

4.2: 2 worse 3 more quietly 4 the earliest

5 the best 6 the fastest 7 more beautifully

8 the most comfortably 9 more angrily 10 later 11 the most happily 12 more attentively

4.3: 2 farther/further 3 louder/more loudly

4 livelier 5 more carefully 6 friendlier

7 expensive 8 more difficult 9 the most intelligent 10 harder 11 less 12 earlier

13 the most generously 14 more quietly

15 more slowly/slower 16 worse

5.1: 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 c 7 a 8 a 9 b 10 c

5.2: 1 the worst 2 more suitable 3 the easiest

4 less 5 more boring 6 the strictest 7 longer

8 best 9 closer 10 earlier

8 How long has she been answering the phone? How many phone calls has she answered?

9 How long has she been writing letters?

How many letters has she written?

10 How long has she been translating it?

How many pages has she translated?

2.4: 1 have been 2 has been working

3 haven’t heard 4 has been revising

5 has just passed 6 has been repairing

7 hasn’t felt/hasn’t been feeling 8 has visited

9 Have you been

3.1: 2 Jake has been playing the cello for two years. 3 My brother has been living/has lived in Bern since last year. 4 It’s been raining since six o’clock. 5 I was cooking from eleven to twelve./I cooked lunch for an hour.

6 My granny has been wearing glasses for ten years. 7 I’ve been driving a car since I got it for my birthday. 8 Gary has been playing football for several years. 9 Harold worked as a sales manager for five years. 10 Mary has been a nurse since April. 11 The kids have been playing computer games since lunch. 12 Sam has had his own sports club for three years.

13 Ronald Reagan was the President of the USA for nine years. 14 I’ve been an assistant surgeon for a week. 15 My sister has been talking on the phone since I came home.

3.2: A 1 have been spending 2 moved, haven’t seen 3 have lived (have been living), don’t know 4 have you been, have been waiting 5 began,

has already been operating 6 hasn’t come, is,

has been, has been revising, has prepared,

was writing, saw B 1 are, Have you been running?, have made up, want, have been exercising, have you been doing, have you lost

2 haven’t heard, left, have you been doing,

have got, have found, have bought, haven’t been wasting 3 haven’t seen, have you been, have been visiting, did you go, went 4 Is it raining,

it isn’t, is, has been raining, has it been raining, was raining, got 5 Have you been, have,

have been, have you been doing, have you been working, haven’t, have been preparing, worked

3.3: 1 decided 2 have been saving

3 have never had 4 have lived 5 married

6 didn’t mind 7 insisted 8 have been searching

9 haven’t found 10 saw 11 didn’t like

12 decided 13 went 14 was 15 asked 16 were

17 liked/likes 18 is sure 19 will persuade

20 hasn’t figured out 21 will get 22 hopes

23 will change

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