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Grammar Workbook for Beginners.rtf
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Part VI Practice Test

6.1 Which alternative is correct?

  1. I … my homework.

a) just have done b) have just done c) just did

  1. How … to open the door?

a) you’ve managed b) have you managed c) did you manage

  1. Bella Freud was born in London and … there since 1990.

a) lives b) has been lived c) has lived

  1. You are quite popular. How many albums … in your career?

a) did you make b) you have made c) have you made

  1. I … my family since I … to study in London.

a) don’t see, came b) haven’t seen, came c) didn’t see, have come

  1. The band … Spain twice so far.

a) has been toured b) toured c) have toured

  1. My brother Joe and I … a band, all our life.

a) have always had b) always have c) always had

  1. Bob Dylan … so many fantastic songs for so many years.

a) has written b) is writing c) wrote

  1. We …Tom Cruise at a film premiere.

a) saw b) have seen c) have saw

  1. Who … Gone with the Wind?

a) has wrote b) has written c) wrote

6.2 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

  1. Last year we (play) in concerts in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.

  2. It’s ages since we (watch) a good comedy.

  3. They (tour) the States a few times.

  4. I never (wear) black these days. I (look) older in black.

  5. Shakespeare never (go) to university.

  6. Mr Pill (work) as a doctor for 30 years. Then he (retire) and (move) to London.

  7. I (not hear) from her for two years. I wonder where she is now.

  8. Mrs Zero is a teacher. She (teach) Maths for ten years.

  9. We (not watch) a video in class before.

  10. How long you (work) for the company? – For two years. I like this job.

6.3 Correct these sentences.

  1. I’ve never been in Japan but I’d like to go there one day.

  2. I never have made such mistakes.

  3. You work a lot lately.

  4. He’s flown all over the world to spend time with his wife, isn’t he?

  5. We haven’t had many problems as far.

  6. Where have you found your notebook?

  7. As you’ve waken the baby try to get her back to sleep now.

  8. I live in London since I was ten years old.

  9. It is taken half an hour to get to work.

  10. What time have you gone to bed? – Sue called me at ten, and then I went to bed.

6.4 Translate into English.

  1. Они уже записали свой альбом? – Да. И они записали уже 6 хитов.

  2. Почему произошла авария? – Автобус проехал на красный свет.

  3. В этом году вы были очень заняты, не так ли? – Да, мы побывали в 10 турах!

  4. Сколько музыкальных произведений написал Моцарт?

  5. Я преподаю французский два года. Это трудная, но интересная работа.

  6. Она одна из самых умных женщин, которых я когда-либо встречал.

  7. Кейт любит роскошные вещи. Она всегда была такой.

  8. Ты когда-либо слышала что-нибудь о его происхождении? – Я только знаю, что его отец был известным художником.

  9. Я потерял паспорт! – Где ты потерял его?

  10. Как долго ты изучаешь английский? – Год. До этого я пять лет изучал немецкий в школе.

Unit 9

Present Perfect Continuous

Part I

Forming the Present Perfect Continuous

Exercise 1.1

Complete the sentences with a verb in the Present Perfect Continuous tense form.













  1. I have been making a pie. That’s why my hands are all covered with flour.

  2. His mobile … for fifteen minutes. I wonder why he doesn’t answer it.

  3. He … extra hours. That’s why he looks so tired.

  4. You … English for a year and don’t even know the alphabet!

  5. We … about it for the past three hours and haven’t come to an arrangement yet.

  6. You … at each other for over an hour. Perhaps you should stop now.

  7. I … to upgrade my computer recently. I’ve spent a fortune!

  8. You are shaking like a leaf. I wonder what you … .

  9. He … in Seattle for a few months.

  10. I … of buying a netbook lately.

  11. The world population … very fast recently.

  12. You … the Internet for the last four hours! Isn’t it time to stop?

Exercise 1.2

Complete the questions. Put the verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Your clothes stink! What have you been doing (do)?

  2. Why are your hands dirty? … (mend) the washing machine?

  3. I’m a receptionist. – How long … (work) as a receptionist?

  4. Sorry I’m late. … (wait) long?

  5. The ground is wet. … (rain)?

  6. Sandra is hot and tired. … (play) tennis?

  7. My brother has just come home. … (fish) all day long?

  8. George has a black eye and Harry has a cut lip. … (fight)?

  9. Betty’s eyes are red. … (cry)?

  10. Tom has just come from the beach. … (lie) in the sun?

  11. Your boyfriend’s hands are covered in oil. … (repair) the car?

  12. I can’t go out. I’m looking after my sister’s baby. – How long … (look after) her?

Exercise 1.3

Match a line in A with a line in B and write sentences about Laura.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10



  1. Laura is tired

Laura is tired because she’s been pottering in the garden.

  1. She is crying

  2. Her flat smells of onions and garlic

  3. Her flat is so clean and tidy

  4. Her clothes are wet

  5. She is furious

  6. She is sunburnt

  7. She is out of money

  8. Her eyes hurt

  9. She’s got paint on her clothes


bathe her kids

clear up the mess


paint the walls

potter in the garden

read for two hours



wait for a bus for an hour

watch a soap opera

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