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Basic English for Beginners.doc
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VI. A. Прочитайте тексты.


“On Saturday mornings I usually get up late and do the housework. Then I meet some friends in town for lunch, and I go shopping in the afternoon.”

But this Saturday is different! Today Isabel is getting married. She’s in church with all her family and friends. She’s wearing a white dress, and her husband is standing next to her.


“On my birthday I sometimes go out with friends, or I go out to a restaurant with my family. My Mum usually makes me a birthday cake.”

But this birthday is different! It’s Leo’s eighteenth birthday, so now he’s an adult. Now he’s having a big party with all his friends. They’re dancing and drinking beer. Leo’s wearing a blue jumper.


“On Christmas Day we usually all go to my parents’ house. We open our presents, then have a big lunch at about 2.00 in the afternoon.”

But this Christmas is different! Mark and his wife are in Australia. They’re visiting friends. Now they’re having a barbecue next to the swimming pool. It’s hot and they’re wearing swimsuits.


“I usually hate Sunday evenings because I don’t like Mondays. I do my homework and get ready for school.”

But this Sunday evening is different! Becca’s getting ready to go on a skiing holiday tomorrow. Now she’s packing her bags. She’s trying on her ski clothes. She’senjoyingthisSundayevening.

Б. Ответьте на вопросы по каждому тексту.

1. What does he/she usually do on this day?

2. Why is today different?

3. What is he/she doing?

4. What is he/she wearing?

В. Расспросите друг друга и расскажите о том, как обычно проходит ваш выходной день (день рождения) и как это происходит сегодня.

Г. Принесите свою фотографию или фотографию друга. Расскажите, кого мы видим на фотографии, где вы находитесь, чем занимаетесь, какая на вас одежда.

VII. Дополните предложения, используя am (‘m not), is (isn’t), are (aren’t), do (don’t), does (doesn’t).

  1. … you like pizza? – Yes, I … .

  2. What … you doing? – I … reading.

  3. … she drive to work? – No, she walks.

  4. Where … you live? – In London.

  5. Look! He … wearing yellow trousers!

  6. … he like skiing? – Yes, he … .

  7. George … like cheese.

  8. This film is terrible! We … enjoying it.

  9. … Luke cooking dinner? – No, he … .

  10. They … go out in the evening. They always stay at home.

  11. I … going to work today because it’s Sunday.

  12. She has a dog, but she … have a cat.

  13. … he learning English? – No, he … . He … learning Spanish.

  14. … they play tennis at the weekend? – Yes, they … .

  15. What … they usually do in the evening? – They usually work but this evening they … watching TV.

  16. I … wear jeans.

VIII. Прочитайте предложения. Определите, какое действие обозначают выделенные глаголы: настоящее (Present) или будущее (Future).

Example. I’m going to the cinema tomorrow. (Future)

Where is Jack? Is he working? (Present)

  1. Look! He’s wearing a red and green shirt.

  2. What are you doing tomorrow?

  3. I’m really enjoying this meal. The fish is delicious.

  4. Where are you going on Tuesday?

  5. What’s the weather like? – The sun’s shining, but it’s a bit cold.

  6. Where’s Joe? – He’s watching TV in the living room.

  7. Next weekend they’re staying at home.

  8. Are you going out tonight?

  9. I’m seeing John on Wednesday.

  10. Anna’s starting school on Monday.

  11. He’s making some chairs for the garden.

  12. We’re getting a new car next week.

  13. My parents are coming to stay with me this weekend.

  14. She’s learning French and Italian at school.

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