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II . Practice the dialogues for good reading and learn them by heart.

  1. - So, what do you think of this dress?

  • Er, it’s OK, but I don’t think it’s your size. I like the colour, though – it’s quite fashionable.

  1. - Are you taking this suit or shall I show you something else?

  • Actually, I’d like to have a look at some other models. This one is too conservative for me.

  1. - Who’s that man?

  • Which one: in a red T-shirt or worn-out jeans?

  • No, the tall one, in black. That suit does look expensive!

  • Oh, that’s our General Manager.

III. Make up short conversations of your own. Follow the given models (1), (2) and (3). Make use of the active vocabulary.

IV. Read the conversation and pay attention to the meanings it expresses.

  • Look at this catalogue, Jim. These ski parkas are on sale, and the models are brand-new!

  • What’s on your mind? You have one already!

  • But I bought it a long time ago, it’s all shabby and worn-out!

  • Right, so one year is a long time ago now, I see. And besides, I thought you stopped buying so many casual clothes, and planned to dress smartly and elegantly.

  • You don’t understand! That was last year’s style – now informal clothes are in trend.

  • I think your parka still looks fashionable, even though it is from last year.

  • That’s because you are not a woman.

V. Think of a new dialogue of your own. Get ready to act it out.

    1. Describe the clothes that you usually wear :

  1. At university

  2. On your days off

  3. When you want to look smart

  4. At home

Don’t forget to mention the following things:

  1. style ( casual, formal, fashionable, smart, tight, loose etc)

  2. items of clothing ( jacket or jumper, trainers or slippers, skirt or trousers, shirt or T etc)-shirt

  3. fabrics ( cotton, wool, linen, silk, leather, lycra etc)

  4. patterns ( plain, flowery, striped, checked etc)

  5. colours

    1. Answer the questions:

  1. What clothes are fashionable nowadays?

  2. What do young people wear?

  3. Is there one fashion for everyone or different styles for each person?

  4. Does age have anything to do with fashion and the clothes we wear?

Part II


  1. Look at the following extracts of written language and match them to their sources below:

  1. Small, slim, blue-eyed blond, GSH, early 30’s WLTM hunky male 28 – 38 for fun and friendship. Call me on 09765-567892.

  2. The first man was small and wiry, with sharp, strong features. Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, with wide shoulders: and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws.

  3. The police are looking for a man of average height and medium build in his mid-twenties. He was last seen wearing a dark green or grey anorak.

  4. The tallest man in medical history is Robert Pershing Wadlow who was born on 22nd February 1918 in Illinois, USA, and who died on 15th July 1940 in Michigan. He was last measured on 27th June 1940 and was found to be 272cm tall.

  1. An extract from a novel.

  2. An extract from a newspaper report.

  3. An extract from the Guinness Book of Records.

  4. An advertisement in a lonely hearts section of a newspaper.

What do you think WLTM and GSH mean?

  1. Which of the people in Exercise 1 (a – d) answer the following descriptions?

( In some cases more than one answer is possible)

1) with noticeable features

E.g. 1 - b (with sharp, strong features)

2) below medium height

3) broad-shouldered

4) fair- haired

5) 8 ft 11 inches tall

6) medium height

7) a little over 30

8) thin and muscular

9) about 25

10) enormous

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