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английский учебник ав.Антонов.doc
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Active Vocabulary

an option - выбор

an employer - наниматель, работодатель

an employee - служащий, работающий по найму

to consider - рассматривать, принимать во внимание

to be suitable for the position - соответствовать должности

personnel office - отдел кадров

an applicant - кандидат на должность

valuable source - ценный источник

employment agency - агентство по найму

consulting firm- консультационная фирма

to advertise- помещать объявления, рекламировать

resume - резюме

two sets of qualifications - два вида характеристик

experience - (рабочий опыт)

to evaluate through interviews - оценивать через интервью

Comprehension Questions

1. Which options should an employer first consider when he wants to hire a new employee?

2. What service does a personnel department provide?

3. In what way can be the new employees be found outside one's company?

4. What qualifications does the employees consider in choosing an employee?

5. What is meant by "professional qualification" for a job?

6. What personal characteristics does the administrator consider when choosing an employee?

Vocabulary Practice Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.

1. We are going to interview three ... |

or the position. | 1 to advertise

2.If you need applicants for this po- |

sition, ... in a special section of the |

local newspaper. | 2 resume

3. Personnel office will help you to |

find a new... | 3 employee

4. All the information about the staff |

of the firm can be found in ... | 4 applicant

5. She has a good ... for the position: |

a college degree, good work experience. | 5 personnel office

6.1 want to find a new secretary, |

so I'll call an employment... | 6 qualification

7. If you are an applicant for the |

I position, you have to write your ... | 7 agency

8. Don't ask him ... questions, it will |

be impolite. | 8 personal

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

1. Его должность в компании очень важна.

2. Администратор ставит цели, принимает на работу, увольняет.

3. Она не любит работать по принуждению.

4. Я привычен к канцелярской работе.

5. Управляющий должен быть компетентным.

6. Руководитель этой группы - очень талантливый спе­циалист.

7. Нам нужно нанять нового служащего.

8. Поместите объявление в газету.

9. Этот руководитель с большим опытом.

10.Мы должны рассмотреть два вида характеристик.

11 .Кандидаты на должность должны послать резюме.

12. Вы найдете всю информацию в отделе кадров.

13.Обратитесь в агентство по найму.

14.Наниматель должен обратиться в консультационную фирму.

Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the proper present tense (Present Indefinite, Present Continuous or Present Perfect).

1. The vice president usually do set) objectives for the staff.

2. Don'1 disturb me, please, I (to work) with annual report.

3. This firm often (to advertise) in different newspapers and magazines.

4. We advertised in the special section of the newspaper but we (not to receive) the resumes yet.

5. We (to evaluate) already the candidates through the interview.

6. We (to look for) a specialist suitable for the position at the present moment.

7. He (to sent) just his resume and the letter of interest.

8. They (to fire) the manager. He was not suitable for the position,

9. You have to wait a little. He (to consult) with the executive.