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Англ. Методические рекомендации к ИДЗ.doc
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This text is about a magnificent architecture of Indian famed monument, the Taj Mahal. The large complex of the Taj Mahal consists of a mausoleum, a mosque, a guesthouse, two formal gardens flanking a reflecting pool, and other buildings behind an immense detached gateway.

Реферат– это сжатое изложение основной информации текста на основе ее смысловой переработке. Реферат строится в основном на языке оригинала, поскольку в него включаются фрагменты из первоисточника. Это обобщения и формулировки, которые мы находим в тексте и переносим в реферат.

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The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum built at the request of Emperor Shah Jahan to hold the body of his wife Mumtaz Mahal The building constructed entirely of white marble is amazing in its design. The most recognizable geometric element is the use of symmetry; and replicating forms are abundant. The technique of building is called "forced perspective". Inside, the entire affair is decorated with designs made from precious gems. Some are flower patterns, others are Islamic script.

A mausoleum is only one part of a much larger complex. There is also a mosque, a guesthouse, two formal gardens flanking a reflecting pool, and other buildings behind an immense detached gateway. The gardens illustrate a detailed knowledge of hydrology. Throughout the gardens is a system of gravity-powered fountains.

At one time it was believed the Taj Mahal was designed by French silversmith Austin de Bordeaux, or Geronimo Veroneo of Italy. Both of these theories were later proven wrong.

Перед выполнением задания 10 прочитайте текст, затем подумайте, на какие смысловые части (абзацы) его можно разделить. Информативный центр абзаца обычно совпадает с содержанием пункта плана. При составлении плана текста следует использовать номинативные предложения, отражающие основную мысль отдельной части текста.

10. Составьте план текста и перескажите текст:

1. The architecture of a mausoleum.

2. The tomb of the Taj Mahal.

3. The gardens of the Taj Mahal.

4. The Taj Mahal's mosque.

5. The project of renovation at the Taj Mahal.

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