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Robert I. Kabacoff - R in action

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CHAPTER 13 Generalized linear models








Trtprogabide -0.152701











Signif. codes:

0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*'

0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

Null deviance: 2122.73 on 58 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 559.44 on 55 degrees of freedom

AIC: 850.7

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

The output provides the deviances, regression parameters, standard errors, and tests that these parameters are 0. Note that each of the predictor variables is significant at the p<0.05 level.

13.3.1Interpreting the model parameters

The model coefficients are obtained using the coef() function, or by examining the Coefficients table in the summary() function output:

> coef(fit)












In a Poisson regression, the dependent variable being modeled is the log of the conditional mean loge(λ) . The regression parameter 0.0227 for Age indicates that a oneyear increase in age is associated with a 0.03 increase in the log mean number of seizures, holding baseline seizures and treatment condition constant. The intercept is the log mean number of seizures when each of the predictors equals 0. Because you can’t have a zero age and none of the participants had a zero number of baseline seizures, the intercept isn’t meaningful in this case.

It’s usually much easier to interpret the regression coefficients in the original scale of the dependent variable (number of seizures, rather than log number of seizures). To accomplish this, exponentiate the coefficients:

> exp(coef(fit))












Now you see that a one-year increase in age multiplies the expected number of seizures by 1.023, holding the other variables constant. This means that increased age is associated with higher numbers of seizures. More importantly, a one-unit change in Trt (that is, moving from placebo to progabide) multiplies the expected number of seizures by 0.86. You’d expect a 20 percent decrease in the number of seizures for the drug group compared with the placebo group, holding baseline number of seizures and age constant.

It’s important to remember that, like the exponeniated parameters in logistic

Poisson regression


regression, the exponeniated parameters in the Poisson model have a multiplicative rather than an additive effect on the response variable. Also, as with logistic regression, you must evaluate your model for overdispersion.


In a Poisson distribution, the variance and mean are equal. Overdispersion occurs in Poisson regression when the observed variance of the response variable is larger than would be predicted by the Poisson distribution. Because overdispersion is often encountered when dealing with count data, and can have a negative impact on the interpretation of the results, we’ll spend some time discussing it.

There are several reasons why overdispersion may occur (Coxe et al., 2009):




The omission of an important predictor variable can lead to overdispersion. Overdispersion can also be caused by a phenomenon known as state dependence. Within observations, each event in a count is assumed to be independent. For the seizure data, this would imply that for any patient, the probability of a seizure is independent of each other seizure. But this assumption is often untenable. For a given individual, the probability of having a first seizure is unlikely to be the same as the probability of having a 40th seizure, given that they’ve already had 39.

In longitudinal studies, overdispersion can be caused by the clustering inherent in repeated measures data. We won’t discuss longitudinal Poisson models here.

If overdispersion is present and you don’t account for it in your model, you’ll get standard errors and confidence intervals that are too small, and significance tests that are too liberal (that is, you’ll find effects that aren’t really there).

As with logistic regression, overdispersion is suggested if the ratio of the residual deviance to the residual degrees of freedom is much larger than 1. For your seizure data, the ratio is

Residual deviance



= 10.17

Residual df




which is clearly much larger than 1.

The qcc package provides a test for overdispersion in the Poisson case. (Be sure to download and install this package before first use.) You can test for overdispersion in the seizure data using the following code:


>qcc.overdispersion.test(breslow.dat$sumY, type="poisson")











Not surprisingly, the significance test has a p-value less than 0.05, strongly suggesting the presence of overdispersion.

You can still fit a model to your data using the glm() function, by replacing


CHAPTER 13 Generalized linear models

family="poisson" with family="quasipoisson". Doing so is analogous to our approach to logistic regression when overdispersion is present.

> fit.od <- glm(sumY ~ Base + Age + Trt, data=breslow.dat, family=quasipoisson())

> summary(fit.od)


glm(formula = sumY ~ Base + Age + Trt, family = quasipoisson(), data = breslow.dat)

Deviance Residuals:












-6.057 -2.043 -0.940












Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)














< 2e-16 ***








Trtprogabide -0.15270












Signif. codes:

0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for quasipoisson family taken to be 11.8)

Null deviance: 2122.73 on 58 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 559.44 on 55 degrees of freedom


Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

Notice that the parameter estimates in the quasi-Poisson approach are identical to those produced by the Poisson approach. The standard errors are much larger, though. In this case, the larger standard errors have led to p-values for Trt (and Age) that are greater than 0.05. When you take overdispersion into account, there’s insufficient evidence to declare that the drug regimen reduces seizure counts more than receiving a placebo, after controlling for baseline seizure rate and age.

Please remember that this example is used for demonstration purposes only. The results shouldn’t be taken to imply anything about the efficacy of progabide in the real world. I’m not a doctor—at least not a medical doctor—and I don’t even play one on TV.

We’ll finish this exploration of Poisson regression with a discussion of some important variants and extensions.


R provides several useful extensions to the basic Poisson regression model, including models that allow varying time periods, models that correct for too many zeros, and robust models that are useful when data includes outliers and influential observations. I’ll describe each separately.

Poisson regression



Our discussion of Poisson regression has been limited to response variables that measure a count over a fixed length of time (for example, number of seizures in an eight-week period, number of traffic accidents in the past year, number of pro-social behaviors in a day). The length of time is constant across observations. But you can fit Poisson regression models that allow the time period to vary for each observation. In this case, the outcome variable is a rate.

To analyze rates, you must include a variable (for example, time) that records the length of time over which the count occurs for each observation. You then change your model from


or equivalently to

To fit this new model, you use the offset option in the glm() function. For example, assume that the length of time that patients participated post-randomization in the Breslow study varied from 14 days to 60 days. You could use the rate of seizures as the dependent variable (assuming you had recorded time for each patient in days), and fit the model

fit <- glm(sumY ~ Base + Age + Trt, data=breslow.dat, offset= log(time), family=poisson())

where sumY is the number of seizures that occurred post-randomization for a patient during the time the patient was studied. In this case you’re assuming that rate doesn’t vary over time (for example, 2 seizures in 4 days is equivalent to 10 seizures in 20 days).


There are times when the number of zero counts in a dataset is larger than would be predicted by the Poisson model. This can occur when there’s a subgroup of the population that would never engage in the behavior being counted. For example, in the Affairs dataset described in the section on logistic regression, the original outcome variable (affairs) counted the number of extramarital sexual intercourse experience participants had in the past year. It’s likely that there’s a subgroup of faithful marital partners who would never have an affair, no matter how long the period of time studied. These are called structural zeros (primarily by the swingers in the group).

In such cases, you can analyze the data using an approach called zero-inflated Poisson regression. The approach fits two models simultaneously—one that predicts who would or would not have an affair, and the second that predicts how many affairs a participant


CHAPTER 13 Generalized linear models

would have if you excluded the permanently faithful. Think of this as a model that combines a logistic regression (for predicting structural zeros) and a Poisson regression model (that predicts counts for observations that aren’t structural zeros). Zero-inflated Poisson regression can be fit using the zeroinfl() function in the pscl package.


Finally, the glmRob() function in the robust package can be used to fit a robust generalized linear model, including robust Poisson regression. As mentioned previously, this can be helpful in the presence of outliers and influential observations.

Going further

Generalized linear models are a complex and mathematically sophisticated subject, but many fine resources are available for learning about them. A good, shor t introduction to the topic is Dunteman and Ho (2006). The classic (and advanced) text on generalized linear models is provided by McCullagh and Nelder (1989). Comprehensive and accessible presentations are provided by Dobson and Barnett (2008) and Fox (2008). Faraway (2006) and Fox (2002) provide excellent introductions within the context of R.

13.4 Summary

In this chapter, we used generalized linear models to expand the range of approaches available for helping you to understand your data. In particular, the framework allows you to analyze response variables that are decidedly non-normal, including categorical outcomes and discrete counts. After briefly describing the general approach, we focused on logistic regression (for analyzing a dichotomous outcome) and Poisson regression (for analyzing outcomes measured as counts or rates).

We also discussed the important topic of overdispersion, including how to detect it and how to adjust for it. Finally, we looked at some of the extensions and variations that are available in R.

Each of the statistical approaches covered so far has dealt with directly observed and recorded variables. In the next chapter, we’ll look at statistical models that deal with latent variables—unobserved, theoretical variables that you believe underlie and account for the behavior of the variables you do observe. In particular, you’ll see how you can use factor analytic methods to detect and test hypotheses about these unobserved variables.


and factor analysis

This chapter covers

Principal components analysis

Explorator y factor analysis

Other latent variable models

One of the most challenging aspects of multivariate data is the sheer complexity of the information. If you have a dataset with 100 variables, how do you make sense of all the interrelationships present? Even with 20 variables, there are 190 pairwise correlations to consider when you’re trying to understand how the individual variables relate to one another. Two related but distinct methodologies for exploring and simplifying complex multivariate data are principal components and exploratory factor analysis.

Principal components analysis (PCA) is a data reduction technique that transforms a larger number of correlated variables into a much smaller set of uncorrelated variables called principal components. For example, you might use PCA to transform 30 correlated (and possibly redundant) environmental variables into five uncorrelated composite variables that retain as much information from the original set of variables as possible.



CHAPTER 14 Principal components and factor analysis

In contrast, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a collection of methods designed to uncover the latent structure in a given set of variables. It looks for a smaller set of underlying or latent constructs that can explain the relationships among the observed or manifest variables. For example, the dataset Harman74.cor contains the correlations among 24 psychological tests given to 145 seventhand eighth-grade children. If you apply EFA to this data, the results suggest that the 276 test intercorrelations can be explained by the children’s abilities on four underlying factors (verbal ability, processing speed, deduction, and memory).

The differences between the PCA and EFA models can be seen in figure 14.1. Principal components (PC1 and PC2) are linear combinations of the observed variables (X1 to X5). The weights used to form the linear composites are chosen to maximize the variance each principal component accounts for, while keeping the components uncorrelated.

In contrast, factors (F1 and F2) are assumed to underlie or “cause” the observed variables, rather than being linear combinations of them. The errors (e1 to e5) represent the variance in the observed variables unexplained by the factors. The circles indicate that the factors and errors aren’t directly observable but are inferred from the correlations among the variables. In this example, the curved arrow between the factors indicates that they’re correlated. Correlated factors are common, but not required, in the EFA model.

The methods described in this chapter require large samples to derive stable solutions. What constitutes an adequate sample size is somewhat complicated. Until recently, analysts used rules of thumb like “factor analysis requires 5–10 times as many subjects as variables.” Recent studies suggest that the required sample size depends on the number of factors, the number of variables associated with each factor, and how well the set of factors explains the variance in the variables (Bandalos and Boehm-Kaufman, 2009). I’ll go out on a limb and say that if you have several hundred observations, you’re probably safe. In this chapter, we’ll look at artificially small problems in order to keep the output (and page count) manageable.

Figure 14.1 Comparing principal components and factor analysis models. The diagrams show the observed variables (X1 to X5), the principal components (PC1, PC2), factors (F1, F2), and errors (e1

to e5).

Principal components and factor analysis in R


We’ll start by reviewing the functions in R that can be used to perform PCA or EFA and give a brief overview of the steps involved. Then we’ll work carefully through two PCA examples, followed by an extended EFA example. A brief overview of other packages in R that can be used for fitting latent variable models is provided at the end of the chapter. This discussion includes packages for confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, correspondence analysis, and latent class analysis.

14.1 Principal components and factor analysis in R

In the base installation of R, the functions for PCA and EFA are princomp() and factanal(), respectively. In this chapter, in this chapter, we’ll focus on functions provided in the psych package. They offer many more useful options than their base counterparts. Additionally, the results are reported in a metric that will be more familiar to social scientists and more likely to match the output provided by corresponding programs in other statistical packages such as SAS and SPSS.

The psych package functions that are most relevant here are listed in table 14.1. Be sure to install the package before trying the examples in this chapter.

Table 14.1 Useful factor analytic functions in the psych package






Principal components analysis with optional rotation


Factor analysis by principal axis, minimum residual, weighted least squares, or


maximum likelihood


Scree plots with parallel analyses


Plot the results of a factor or principal components analysis


Graph factor or principal components loading matrices


Scree plot for factor and principal components analysis



EFA (and to a lesser degree PCA) are often confusing to new users. The reason is that they describe a wide range of approaches, and each approach requires several steps (and decisions) to achieve a final result. The most common steps are as follows:

1Prepare the data. Both PCA and EFA derive their solutions from the correlations among the observed variables. Users can input either the raw data matrix or the correlation matrix to the principal() and fa() functions. If raw data is input, the correlation matrix will automatically be calculated. Be sure to screen the data for missing values before proceeding.

2Select a factor model. Decide whether PCA (data reduction) or EFA (uncovering latent structure) is a better fit for your research goals. If you select an EFA approach, you’ll also need to choose a specific factoring method (for example, maximum likelihood).


CHAPTER 14 Principal components and factor analysis

3Decide how many components/factors to extract.

4Extract the components/factors.

5Rotate the components/factors.

6Interpret the results.

7Compute component or factor scores.

In the remainder of this chapter, we’ll carefully consider each of the steps, starting with PCA. At the end of the chapter, you’ll find a detailed flow chart of the possible steps in PCA/EFA (figure 14.7). The chart will make more sense once you’ve read through the intervening material.

14.2 Principal components

The goal of PCA is to replace a large number of correlated variables with a smaller number of uncorrelated variables while capturing as much information in the original variables as possible. These derived variables, called principal components, are linear combinations of the observed variables. Specifically, the first principal component

PC1 = a1X1 + a2X2 + … + akX k

is the weighted combination of the k observed variables that accounts for the most variance in the original set of variables. The second principal component is the linear combination that accounts for the most variance in the original variables, under the constraint that it’s orthogonal (uncorrelated) to the first principal component. Each subsequent component maximizes the variance accounted for, while at the same time remaining uncorrelated with all previous components. Theoretically, you can extract as many principal components as there are variables. But from a practical viewpoint, you hope that you can approximate the full set of variables with a much smaller set of components. Let’s look at a simple example.

The dataset USJudgeRatings contains lawyers’ ratings of state judges in the US Superior Court. The data frame contains 43 observations on 12 numeric variables. The variables are listed in table 14.2.

Table 14.2 Variables in the USJudgeRatings dataset










Number of contacts of lawyer with judge


Preparation for trial


Judicial integrity


Familiarity with law




Sound oral rulings




Sound written rulings


Case flow managing


Physical ability


Prompt decisions


Wor thy of retention





Principal components


From a practical point of view, can you summarize the 11 evaluative ratings (INTG to RTEN) with a smaller number of composite variables? If so, how many will you need and how will they be defined? Because our goal is to simplify the data, we’ll approach this problem using PCA. The data are in raw score format and there are no missing values. Therefore, your next decision is deciding how many principal components you’ll need.

14.2.1Selecting the number of components to extract

Several criteria are available for deciding how many components to retain in a PCA. They include:

Basing the number of components on prior experience and theory

Selecting the number of components needed to account for some threshold cumulative amount of variance in the variables (for example, 80 percent)

Selecting the number of components to retain by examining the eigenvalues of the k x k correlation matrix among the variables

The most common approach is based on the eigenvalues. Each component is associated with an eigenvalue of the correlation matrix. The first PC is associated with the largest eigenvalue, the second PC with the second-largest eigenvalue, and so on. The Kaiser–Harris criterion suggests retaining components with eigenvalues greater than 1. Components with eigenvalues less than 1 explain less variance than contained in a single variable. In the Cattell Scree test, the eigenvalues are plotted against their component numbers. Such plots will typically demonstrate a bend or elbow, and the components above this sharp break are retained. Finally, you can run simulations, extracting eigenvalues from random data matrices of the same size as the original matrix. If an eigenvalue based on real data is larger than the average corresponding eigenvalues from a set of random data matrices, that component is retained. The approach is called parallel analysis (see Hayton, Allen, and Scarpello, 2004 for more details).

You can assess all three eigenvalue criteria at the same time via the fa.parallel() function. For the 11 ratings (dropping the CONT variable), the necessary code is as follows:


fa.parallel(USJudgeRatings[,-1], fa="PC", ntrials=100, show.legend=FALSE, main="Scree plot with parallel analysis")

This code produces the graph shown in figure 14.2. The plot displays the scree test based on the observed eigenvalues (as straight-line segments and x’s), the mean eigenvalues derived from 100 random data matrices (as dashed lines), and the eigenvalues greater than 1 criteria (as a horizontal line at y=1).

All three criteria suggest that a single component is appropriate for summarizing this dataset. Your next step is to extract the principal component using the principal() function.

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