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Module 1 Higher education in Russia


  1. Discuss the following questions in groups.

1) What is the importance of getting higher education?

2) Do all countries have the same higher educational system?

3) What are some of your best (worst) memories of elementary and high school?

B. Make up groups of four. Study the following reasons of getting higher education. Present your point of view to the class.

The primary purpose of higher education is to ….

The primary purpose of higher education should be to ….

~ to have fun ~ to learn how to learn

~ to learn job skills ~ to develop artistic skills

~ to prepare for tests ~ to make friends

~ to make connections ~ to become open-minded

~ to develop your body ~ to learn how to research

~ to increase IQ ~ to become cultured

~ to prepare for living in society

C. Read and answer the questions about the following people who proved their teachers wrong and express your own opinion on each story.

  1. Who did more than get married and raise a family?

  2. Who followed the teacher’s advice and didn’t go on to university?

  3. Who failed an exam in a subject which she later proved to be very good at?


  1. You will hear a radio discussion comparing the educational achievements of boys and girls in school. First, discuss these questions.

  1. How is achievement assessed in schools in your country - by exams, continuous assessment, both?

  2. Do boys and girls do equally well at school or are there any differences?

  1. Read these questions. Then listen to the discussion once to answer them.

  1. The presenter mentions a report. What does the report show?

  2. The following possible reasons are mentioned. Number them in the order they are mentioned.

Girls are more intelligent than boys.

Very few primary school teachers are men,

Girls are studying harder than in the past.

Girls and boys have different learning styles.

Most boys think that studying hard is not masculine.

3) What are some schools doing to help boys?

C. Listen again. Say whether these statements are True or False.

  1. The presenter thinks that a report published today will shock people who work in education.

  2. Caroline believes that girls are more intelligent than boys of the same age.

  3. Caroline suggests that the attitudes of their friends may influence boys more than girls.

  4. Tim feels that current methods of assessing students may benefit girls more than boys.

  5. Caroline says that better career prospects encourage girls to study harder.

  6. Tim and Caroline agree that there are advantages if boys and girls study in separate classes.

  7. Tim and Caroline both feel that parents must accept more responsibility for boys' attitudes towards studying.

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