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Get Ready for English Test.doc
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One of these days you may find it possible to visit England. From the moment you go on ________ (11) the ship or the airliner, you will see signs and ____________ (12) that will give you ____________ (13) information.


If you come by air, ________________ (14) is forbidden while the plane is on the ground, while it is __________________ (15) and until it has risen to a good _________________ (16). You can find two leather belts fastened to the sides of your seat. The ends of these must be fastened together so that the belt is across your lap. When the plane is well up in the air you are allowed to smoke and may unfasten your ______________ (17).

If you come by ship you may find ________________ (18) notices to show you parts of the ship, for example dining-saloon or boat deck where you will find the boats that can be lowered to the water if there is any ________________ (19) of the ship sinking.

Most of us still have to use trains in a large station where there will be a waiting room where you may rest until it is time to ________________ (20) your train. Passengers are everywhere: in the refreshment room, on the platforms. Those who have not taken precaution of getting their tickets _________________ (21) have to wait in queues at the __________________ (22). At the bookstalls people choose books, magazines or newspapers for the __________________ (23). At the cloak-room others deposit or withdraw their ________________ (24).

Nowadays, those who wish to travel, either for pleasure or on business have at their disposal ___________________ (25) means of transport, from humble inexpensive bicycle to luxurious ships that cross seas and oceans from one continent to another.

to be forbidden – быть запрещенным; a lap – колено; humble – обычный, простой; a queue – очередь

53 Law

I. Соотнесите следующие английские выражения в колонке а с их русскими эквивалентами в колонке b. Запишите свой выбор в колонке с.


  1. legal activities a) консультация юриста 1. b

  2. legal advice b) правомерная, законная деятельность 2.

  3. legal age c) юридическое лицо 3.

  4. legal entity d) решение суда 4.

  5. legal decision e) совершеннолетие 5.


  1. to enjoy one’s legal rights a) правовая защита 6.

  2. to enter the legal profession b) судопроизводство 7.

  3. legal procedure c) использовать законное право 8.

  4. legal protection d) законные права 9.

  5. legal rights e) стать юристом 10.


  1. legal costs a) юрисконсульт 11.

  2. legal expert b) профессиальная этика юриста 12.

  3. legal document c) судебные издержки 13.

  4. legal ethics d) правовой документ 14.

  5. legal language e) юридическая терминология 15.

II. Соотнесите слово в колонке b с его определением из колонки a. Запишите свой выбор в колонке с.


  1. a solemn appeal to a court to witness one’s a) case 1. f

determination to speak the truth


  1. the use of magic power, especially with the aid of b) witness 2.

evil spirits

  1. an accepted social custom or practice c) trial 3.

  2. the trying of a person in a law court d) evidence 4.

  3. any proceeding, action, cause, lawsuit or e) witchcraft 5.

controversy initiated through the court system

by filing a complaint, petitioner information

f) oath

g) convention


  1. a person who gives evidence in a law court a) injury 6.

  2. payment for damage or loss, restitution b) trial 7.

  3. a punishment imposed for a violation of law or rule c) case 8.

  4. harm or damage done or suffered d) evidence 9.

  5. a form of proof legally presented at a trial e) witness 10.

through witnesses, records, documents, etc f) penalty

g) compensation

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