
- •И. Р. Гальперин стилистика английского языка
- •Contents
- •Irony 133
- •Interjections and Exclamatory Words 140
- •Part iintroduction
- •I. General notes on style and Stylistics
- •2. Expressive means (em) and stylistic devices (sd)
- •3. General notes on functional styles of language
- •4. Varieties of language
- •5. A brief outline of the development of the english literary (standard) language
- •6. Meaning from a stylistic point of view
- •Part II stylistic classification of the english vocabulary
- •I. General considerations
- •In accordance with the already-mentioned division of language into literary and colloquial, we may represent the whole of the word-stock
- •2. Neutral, common literary and common colloquial vocabulary
- •3. Special literary vocabulary a) Terms
- •B) Poetic and Highly Literary Words
- •C) Archaic, Obsolescent and Obsolete Words
- •D) Barbarisms and Foreignisms
- •E) Literary Coinages (Including Nonce-Words)
- •4. Special colloquial vocabulary a) Slang
- •B) Jargonisms
- •C) Professionalisms
- •D) Dialectal words
- •E) Vulgar words or vulgarisms
- •F) Colloquial coinages (words and meanings)
- •Part ш phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices general notes
- •Onomatopoeia
- •Alliteration
- •Part IV lexical expressive means and stylistic devices a. Intentional mixing of the stylistic aspect of words
- •B. Interaction of different types of lexical meaning
- •1. Interaction of primary dictionary and contextually imposed meanings
- •Metaphor
- •Metonymy
- •2. Interaction of primary and derivative logical meanings Stylistic Devices Based on Polysemantic Effect, Zeugma and Pun
- •3. Interaction of logical and emotive meanings
- •Interjections and Exclamatory Words
- •The Epithet
- •Oxymoron
- •4. Interaction of logical and nominal meanings Antonomasia
- •C. Intensification of a certain feature of a thing or phenomenon
- •Periphrasis
- •Euphemism
- •Hyperbole
- •D. Peculiar use of set expressions
- •The Cliche
- •Proverbs and Sayings
- •Epigrams
- •Allusions
- •Decomposition of Set Phrases
- •Part V syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices a. General considerations
- •B. Problems concerning the composition of spans of utterance larger than the sentence
- •Supra-Phrasal Units
- •The Paragraph
- •C. Compositional patterns of syntactical arrangement
- •Stylistic Inversion
- •Detached Construction
- •Parallel Construction
- •Chiasmus (Reversed Parallel Construction)
- •Repetition
- •Enumeration
- •Suspense
- •Climax (Gradation)
- •Antithesis
- •D. Particular ways of combining parts of the utterance (linkage)
- •Asyndeton
- •Polysyndeton
- •E. Particular use of colloquial constructions
- •Ellipsis
- •Break-in-the-Narrative (Appsiopesis)
- •Question-in-the-Narrative
- •Represented Speech
- •A) Uttered Represented Speech
- •B) Unuttered or Inner Represented Speech
- •F. Stylistic use of structural meaning
- •Rhetorical Questions
- •Litotes
- •Part VI functional styles of the english language
- •Introductory remarks
- •A. The belles-lettres style
- •1. Language of poetry
- •A) Compositional Patterns of Rhythmical Arrangement Metre and Line
- •The Stanza
- •Free Verse and Accented Verse
- •B) Lexical and Syntactical Features of Verse
- •2. Emotive prose
- •3. Language of the drama
- •B. Publicists style
- •1. Oratory and speeches
- •2. The essay
- •3. Journalistic articles
- •C. Newspaper style
- •1. Brief news items
- •2. Advertisements and announcements
- •3. The headline
- •4. The editorial
- •D. Scientific prose style
- •E. The style of official documents
- •Final remarks
- •Contents
Detached Construction
a sentence by some specific
consideration of the writer is placed so that it seems formally independ-
ent of Ще^ш^1У^^ parts of structures are called lie t ached. They seem_tCLjdanЈle in the sentence as isolated parts. """""The detacfted part, being torn away from its referenf, assumes a greater llegree of significance and is given prominence by intonation. The structural patterns of detached constructions have not yet been classified, but the most noticeable cases are those in which;.. aiLjIttri-bute or an adverbiajjnqdifier is placed not in immediate proximity to Its referent, but in somebiher positFon", aTTfi thefollowingexamples:
1) "Steyne rose up, grinding his teeth, pale, and with fury in
his eyes." (Thackeray)
2) "Sir Pitt came in first, very much flushed, and rather unsteady in his gait." (Thackeray)
Sometimes a nominal phrase is thrown into the sentence forming a syntactical unit with the rest of the sentence, as in:
"And he walked slowly past again, along the river—an evening of clear, quiet beauty, all harmony and comfort, except within his heart." (Galsworthy)
The essential quality of detached construction lies in the fact that the isolated parts represent a kind of independent whole thrust into The sentence or placed in a position which will'make the phrase (or word) seem independent. But a detached phrase cannot rise to the rank of a primary member of the sentence—it always remains secondary from the semantic point of view, although structurally it possesses all the features of a"primary:'~member. This clash of the structural and semantic aspects of detached constructions produces the desired effect—forcing the reader to interpret the logical connections between the component parts of the sentence. Logical ties between them always exist in spite of the absence of syntactical indicators.
Detached constructions in their common forms make the written vari^^^langua^l'jalcin to* the spoken variety where the relation between the component parts is effectively materialized by means of into-TTation. Detached construction, as it were, becomes a peculiar device bridging the norms of written and spoken language.
This stylistic device is akin to inversion. The functions are almost the same. But detached construction produces a much stronger effect, inasmuch as it presents 'parts of the uttexance^significant from the author's ppiflt^Tyle^vIffi''T''.^^'nDif"'less independent manner. " """"Here are some more examples of-detached constructions:
"Daylight was dying, the moon rising, gold behind the poplars." (Galsworthy)
"'I want to go,7 he said, miserable" (Galsworthy) "She was lovely: all of her—delightful." (Dreiser)
The italicized phrases and words in these sentences seem to be isolated, but still the connection with the primary members of the corresponding sentences is clearly implied. Thus 'gold behind the poplars' may be
interpreted as a simile or a metaphor: the moon like gold was rising behind the poplars, or the moon rising, it was gold...
Detached construction sometimes causes the simultaneous realiza-tion~ofTwo grammatical meanings of a word. In the "sentence" Ч want to go,' He said, miserable", the last word might possibly have been understood as an adverbial modifier to the word said if not for the comma, though grammatically miserably would be expected. The pause indicated by the comma implies that miserable is an adjective used absolutely and referring to the pronoun he.
The same can be said about Dreiser's sentence with the word delightful. Here again the mark of punctuation plays an important role. The dash standing before the word makes the word conspicuous and, being isolated, it becomes the culminating point of the climax— lovely... —delightful, i. e. the peak of the whole utterance. The phrase all of her is also somehow isolated. The general impression suggested by the implied intonation, is a strong feeling of admiration; and, as is usually the case, strong feelings reject coherent and logical syntax.
In the English language detached constructions are generally used in the belles-lettres prose style and mainly with words that have some explanatory function, for example:
"June stood in front, fending off this idle curiosity — a little bit of a thing, as somebody said, 'all hair and spirit'..."
Detached_cpnstruction as a stylistic device is a typification of the synractical peculiarities of colloquial language.
Detached construction is a stylistic phenomenon which has so far been little investigated. The device itself;js_clQsely connected wiibLlUe intonation pattern of the utterance. In conversation any word or phrase or even sentence may be made more conspicuous by means of intonation. Therefore precision in the syntactical structure of the sentence is not so necessary from the communicative point of view. But it becomes vitally important in writing.1 Here precision of. syntactical-relations is the only way to make the utterance fully communicative. Therefore when the syntactical relations become obscure, each member of the sentence that seems to be dangling becomes logically significant.
A variant of detached construction is p a re n t h e sis,
"Parenthesis is a qualifying, explanatory or appositive word^ phrase, clause, sentence, or other sequence which interrupts^ syntactic construction without otherwise affecting it, having often % cffafacteristic intonation and indicated in writing by commas, brackets or dashes."2
In fact, parenthesis sometimes embodies a considerable volumejDf predicativeness, thus giving the utterance.an. additional nuance of meaning or a tinge of emotional colouring.