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3D Game Programming All In One (2004)

17.91 Mб



Color command (UVMapper Edit menu), 408 Color dialog box (Paint Shop Pro), 280

color matching, photography, 354–355 colors property, 601

Colors tab (Materials palette), 291 fadeColor property, 530

columns property, 344 command interface control, 340 command property, 164, 340, 634 commands

Animation menu (MilkShape), 394 Audacity tool shortcut keys, 550 Camera menu (Mission Editor), 589 Edit menu

Audacity tool, 547 Configuration, 500 Duplicate, 432 Duplicate Selection, 390 Hide Selection, 389, 425 MilkShape 3D, 392 Mission Editor, 588 New UV Map, 387 UVMapper, 408

Effect menu (Audacity tool), 549 Face menu (MilkShape), 394 File menu

Audacity tool, 546 Import, 387 Merge, 429 MilkShape 3D, 392 Mission Editor, 588 Preferences, 404 Save As File, 507 Save Model, 387 UVMapper, 407


overview, 32

in UltraEdit-32, 39–41 Help menu (UVMapper), 408

Project menu (Audacity tool), 548 Vertex menu (MilkShape 3D), 392 View menu (Audacity tool), 547 WheeledVehicleData, 618–619 Window menu (MilkShape), 397 World menu, 590

CommandToClient() function, 207–209, 250, 677

CommandToServer() function, 206–207, 242, 250, 678

comments, defined, 50 common code, 129 compilation errors, 82–83 Compile() function, 678

Compile Quake 1 MDL command (MilkShape Tools menu), 395

compound statements, 52 compression, lossy, 285 computation, 58 concatenation, strings, 59 conditional expressions, 71–73

Configuration command (Edit menu), 500 configuring

QuArK, 500–501 UltraEdit-32, 33–35

Connect() function, 212

console library, Torque Game Engine, 24 constantAcceleration property, 601 constantThumbHeight property, 225, 343 constraints, game design, 585–586 constructs, entities, 509–510

ContactTol command, 618 ContainerBoxEmpty() function, 678 ContainerFindFirst() function, 679 ContainerFindNext() function, 679 ContainerRayCast() function, 679 containers, parent controls, 346 ContainerSearchCurrDist() function, 679

ContainerSearchCurrRadiusDist() function, 680 ContainerSearchNext() function, 680

Content Editor, Torque GUI Editor, 345–346 continue keyword, 54, 735

continuous-mesh model, character models, 417 Control class, 25

control/client/client.cs module, 160–164 control/client/interfaces/menuscreen.gui module,


control/client/interfaces/playerinterface.gui module, 165–168

control/client/interfaces/splashscreen.gui module, 169

control/client/misc/presetkeys.cs module,


control/client/misc/screens.cs module, 169–171 control/client.cs module, 144–148

control code, 129, 139–140

Team LRN

control flow, Torque Game Engine, 23 Control Inspector, Torque GUI Editor, 346 control/main.cs module, 159

control modules. See modules

Control Panel command (MilkShape Window menu), 397

control/player.cs module, 151–153 control/server/misc/item.cs module, 197–202 control/server/players/player.cs module, 180–186 control/server/server.cs module, 175–180 control/server/weapons/crossbow.cs module,

190–197 control/server/weapons/weapon.cs module,


control/server.cs module, 149–151 Control Tree, Torque GUI Editor, 346 controls, GUI

discussed, 336–337 GuiButtonCtrl class, 340–341 GuiCheckBoxCtrl class, 341–342 GUIChunkedBitmapCtrl, 337–338 GUIControl class, 339 GuiScrollCtrl class, 342–343 GuiTextEditCtrl class, 344–345 GuiTextListCtrl class, 343–344

Convert Old MS3D Format command (MilkShape Tools menu), 395

coordinate systems axis, 90

Cartesian coordinates, 95 Computer Graphics Aerobics, 90 left-handed, 90

object space, 90 rectangular coordinates, 95 right-handed, 90

vertices, 92 world space, 91

XYZ-axis system, 90–93

Copy command

Audacity Edit menu, 547 Mission Editor Edit menu, 588

Copy Keyframes command (MilkShape Animate menu), 394

covers, terrains, 369, 378–380

Cox, Steve (UVMapper program creation), 406 CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check), 246 CreateCanvas() function, 680

createPlayer function, 610 createServer() function, 143, 240

Index 779

cropping images, 355–357

cross-platform software, disadvantages, 11

CS Hand Offset option (Preferences dialog box),


Cube brush (Torque Map Editor, QuArK), 505 current frame number box (Keyframer tool), 404

Cut command

Audacity Edit menu, 547 Mission Editor Edit menu, 588

cuts, axial extrusion, 416 cycleGame function, 656

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), 246 Cylinder button (MilkShape Model tab), 399 cylinder shapes

character models, head modes, 418–419 MilkShape 3D, 384–386

Cylinder tool (MilkShape), 485

Cylindrical Cap unwrapping method, 410, 412 Cylindrical unwrapping method, 409, 412


data blocks defined, 108

overview, 128–129

sound, creating and programming, 550–555 data-manipulation tasks, 4

databases, support infrastructures, 22 datablock keyword, 735

datablock property, 530, 599 DbgSetParameters() function, 680 DeactivateDirectInput() function, 680 DeactivateKeyboard() function, 681 DeactivatePackage() function, 681

Death Match, 3 deaths

death animation, 444, 455–457 tracking, scoring techniques, 628–629

Debian Linux distribution, 11 Debris class, 728

Debug() function, 681 Debug_debugbreak() function, 681 debugging

best practices, 86–87 compilation errors, 82–83

problem solving techniques, 83–86 using trace() function, 141

Debug_testx86unixmutex() function, 681 Debug_testxunixmutex(), 681

Team LRN


decimal systems, 46 declarations, forward, 48

Decompile Genesis command (MilkShape Tools menu), 395

DecreaseFSAA() function, 682 DecreaseNPatch() function, 682 decrement operators, 62 dedicated servers, 230–232, 662 default keyword, 54, 735 defaultLineHeight property, 343

DefaultMessageCallback function, 268

Delete All command (MilkShape Edit menu), 392

Delete button (MilkShape)

Groups tab, 401 Materials tab, 402

Delete command (Audacity File menu), 547

Delete Keyframe command (MilkShape Animate menu), 394

Delete Selection command (MilkShape)

Edit menu, 392 World menu, 590

DeleteDataBlocks() function, 682 DeleteVariables() function, 682

Delta Force, 22, 217

DEM (Digital Elevation Model), 367 Density control (Paint Brush tool), 295 density property, 154, 184 DepthGradient property, 535 description property, 552 DestroyedLevel command, 618 DestroyServer function, 179, 240 Detag() function, 682

developers, roles of, 11–12 development, gaming industry, 1–2 dialog boxes

Add Noise (Paint Shop Pro), 286 Box Mapping, 409

Color (Paint Shop Pro), 280 Cylindrical, 409

Cylindrical Cap Mapping, 410 Find, 36–37

New Image (Paint Shop Pro), 279 Planar Mapping, 409

Preferences (MilkShape 3D), 404–406 Project Setup, 35

Replace, 37 Soft Focus, 314

Texture Coordinate Editor, 494–495

Torque Game Engine (DTS) Exporter Animation Settings option, 460 Collision Mesh option, 459–460 Other Settings option, 460

Diffuse button (MilkShape Materials tab), 402 Digital Elevation Model (DEM), 367

digital images versus film, 352–353

Dimensions command (UVMapper Help menu),


direct messaging

CommandToClient function, 207–209 CommandToServer function, 206–207 discussed, 205

online cheating, fighting against, 209 direct movement, translation, 105–106 Direct3D, advantages/disadvantages, 10 directed graphs, 103

DisabledLevel command, 618 DisableMouse() function, 683 dismounting, 615–616 display options, layers, 292 distant object textures, 278

DistortGridScale property, 535 distortion, 515, 518 DistortMag/DistortTime property, 535 distributions, Linux operating systems, 11

Divide Edge command (MilkShape Vertex menu),


DnetSetLogging() function, 683 do keyword, 54, 735

Doctor Dobb's Journal Web site, 744 DoExitGame() function, 657 DoJump function, 175

dollar sign ($), 54 DoPitch function, 175 DoScore method, 624 double-quoted strings, 124 double-sided surface, 94

double-slash operator (//), 50 down-stream industry, 2 DoYaw function, 175

Drag command, 618 drag property, 154, 184

dragCoefficient property, 601

Drop Camera At Player command (Mission Editor Camera menu), 589

Drop Player At Camera command (Mission Editor Camera menu), 589

Team LRN

Drop Selection command (World menu), 590 DumpConsoleClasses() function, 683 DumpMemSnapshot() function, 683 DumpNetStringTable() function, 683 DumpResourceStats() function, 684 DumpTextureStats() function, 684

Dungeons & Dragons, 4

Duplicate command

Edit menu, 432 File menu, 547

Duplicate Selection command (Edit menu), 390, 392

dynamic objects, shapes as, 104


Echo command (Audacity Effect menu), 549 Echo() function, 83, 684

EchoInputState() function, 684 edges, shapes, 94

Edit Area check box (Mission Area Editor), 594 edit boxes, GUI, 335

Edit-Compile-Link-Run cycle, 48

Edit ID3 Tags command (Audacity Project menu),


Edit menu

Audacity tool, 545, 547 Configuration command, 500 Duplicate command, 432 Duplicate Selection command, 390 Hide Selection command, 389, 425 MilkShape 3D, 391–392

Mission Editor, 588

New UV Map command, 387 UVMapper, 407–408


Mission Area Editor, 593–594 Mission Editor, 587–589 programming features, 31 Terrain Editor, 534–537, 590–592 Terrain Terraform, 592

Terrain Texture Editor, 592–593 text, 31


bookmark capabilities, 41 configuring, 33–35 discussed, 31

Find in Files feature, 38

grep command capabilities, 39–41

Index 781

Help feature, 45 installing, 32

macro commands, 43 program setup, 32

Project Setup dialog box, 35 projects and files, setting up, 32 search capabilities, 35–37

UEPM (UltraEdit Project Maker), 32 World Editor, 589–590

EditTSCtrl class, 728

Effect menu (Audacity tool), 545, 549 ejectionOffset property, 600 ejectionPeriodMS property, 600 ejectionVelocity property, 600 elements and arrays, 56

else keyword, 54, 735


navigation keys, 154 properties, 154


key bindings, 202 properties, 184

emap property, 154, 184

Emissive button (MilkShape Materials tab), 402 emitter property, 599

emitters, particles, 604 EnableMouse() function, 684 EnableWinConsole() function, 685 endGame function, 656 EndMission function, 246, 258 engine vehicle sound, 576 EngineBrake command, 618 EngineSound command, 619 EngineTorque command, 618

ENormals flag (special materials, MilkShape), 462 entities, 509–510

enumerate property, 344

Envelope tool (Audacity toolbar), 543 environment mapping, 102, 185, 461–462 environmental sound effects, 578–579 envMapIntensity property, 535 envMapOverTexture property, 535 envMapUnderTexture property, 535 Eraser tool (Paint Shop Pro), 298

Error() function, 685 errors

compilation, 82–83 error function, 83

Team LRN


escapeCommand property, 642, 655 Eval method, 655

evaluation expressions, 52 for loop, 65 order of, 62 precedence, 56


list of, 24

simulation of objects, 24 triggers

creating, 620–621, 623 kill tracking, 629–630 onEnterTrigger, 621 onLeaveTrigger, 621 onTickTrigger, 621 scoring, 622–629

SetImageTrigger method, 629

Everquest, 22

examples. See programs; scripts

Excavate function, 537 exclamation point (!), 73 Exec() function, 566, 685 executable code, 51

Exit command

Audacity File menu, 546 MilkShape File menu, 392

ExpandEscape() function, 685 ExpandFilename() function, 552, 685 exploded skyboxes, 514

Export as WAV command (Audacity File menu),


Export command (MilkShape File menu), 392 Export() function, 686

Export Labels command (Audacity File menu),


export options (MilkShape special materials), 461

Export Selection as WAV command (Audacity File menu), 546

Export Terraform Bitmap command (Mission Editor File menu), 588

Export UVs command (UVMapper File menu),

407 expressions

branching, 74–75 conditional, 71–73 defined, 52 evaluations, 52 logical, 73–74

operands, 72

order of evaluation, 62 regular, 39

statements, 52 variables, 53

extent property, 164, 338, 652 external methods, terrains, 367 extrapolation, 28

Extrude button (MilkShape Model tab), 399


fabric textures, 362

Face button (MilkShape Model tab), 399 face handlers, 505

Face menu (MilkShape 3D), 393–394

Face To Front command (MilkShape Face menu),


Fade In command (Audacity File menu), 549 Fade Out command (Audacity File menu), 549 fadeColor property, 530

fake phone shading, 100

Falcon 4, 6

fall animation sequence, torque-supported, 444 false keyword, 54, 735

fast phong shading, 100 fBm Fractal function, 537

fenders, vehicle models, 473–474

FFT Filter command (Audacity File menu), 549 fidelity

simulator games, 6 terrains, 366

field of view (FOV), 515

File menu

Audacity tool, 545–546 Import command, 387 Merge command, 429 MilkShape 3D, 391–392 Mission Editor, 588 Preferences command, 404 Save As File command, 507 Save Model command, 387 UVMapper tool, 407

File Tree View (UltraEdit-32), 33 FileBase() function, 686 FileExt() function, 686 FileName() function, 686 FileObject class, 728

FilePath() function, 686

Team LRN


listed files, Find in Files feature, 38 open files, Find in Files feature, 38 project files, Find in Files feature, 38 setting up, UltraEdit-32, 32

texture files, saving, 284–285

Fill tool (Paint Shop Pro), 516–517 film versus digital images, 352–353 Filter function, 537

Filter Textures option (Preferences dialog box),


filterflags parameter, 229 Find dialog box, 36–37

Find in Files feature, UltraEdit-32, 38 FindFirstFile() function, 647, 687 FindNextFile() function, 646, 648, 687 FindServer interface, 635–636, 648–650 First-Person Point-of-View (1st PPOV) games, 3,


First-Person Shooter (FPS) games, 3 FirstWord() function, 687

Fit in Window command (Audacity View menu),


fitParentWidth property, 344 flags

flags parameter, 228

mesh option (MilkShape special materials), 462–463

option (MilkShape special materials), 461–462 flat shading, 99, 469

Flatten function, 537 flesh-tone RBG settings, 324 flipCode Web site, 744 flipping objects, 393

Float command (Audacity View menu), 547 FlowAngle/FlowRate property, 535 FlushTextureCache() function, 687 FlyingVehicle class, 729

fog effects, 523

folders, game root, 129–130 fonts, text, 306

footstep sounds, 560–563 for keyword, 54, 735

for loop, 65–66

forums, as support infrastructure, 22 forward declarations, 48

forward slash (/), 61 FOV (field of view), 515

Index 783

FPS (First-Person Shooter) games, 3, 662–663 frames, 339, 382

freedom of terrains, 366

Freehand Selection tool (Paint Shop Pro), 300 FreeMemoryDump() function, 687 freestanding particles, 595

Freeverb2 command (Audacity File menu), 549 freeware and shareware tools, 750–752

front view, MilkShape 3D, 382 full transformation, 97 function block, 51

function body, 51 function headers, 51 function keyword, 54, 735 functions. See also methods

activateDirectInput(), 667 activateKeyboard(), 667 activatePackage(), 667 Add Dirt, 537 AddCardProfile(), 668

addMaterialMapping(), 668 addMessageCallback, 268 AddOSCardProfile(), 669 AddTaggedString(), 669 AddToServerGuidList, 241 Adjust Height, 537

Adjust Selection, 537 alGetString(), 669 alListener3f(), 670 AllowConnections, 670 alxCreateSource(), 670 alxGetChannelVolume(), 671 alxGetListener3f(), 671 alxGetListenerf(), 671 alxGetListeneri(), 671 alxGetSource3f(), 672 alxGetSourcef(), 672 alxGetSourcei(), 672 alxListener(), 673 alxListenerf(), 552 alxlsPlaying(), 673

alxPlay(), 552, 673 alxSetChannelVolume(), 673 alxSource3f(), 674 alxSourcef(), 674 alxSourcei(), 675

alxStop(), 675 alxStopAll(), 675

Team LRN





arguments, 70

DeleteVariables(), 682


Backtrace(), 675

DescreaseNPatch(), 682


BackUp, 175

DestroyServer, 179, 240


Bitmap, 537

Detag(), 682


Blend, 537

DisableMouse(), 683


BuildTaggedString(), 676

DnetSetLogging(), 683


CalcExplosionCoverage(), 676

DoExitGame(), 657


Call(), 676

DoJump, 175


calling, 70, 126

DoPitch, 175


Cancel(), 676

DoYaw, 175


CancelServerQuery(), 677

DumpConsole(), 683


Canyon Fractal, 537

DumpMemSnapshot(), 683


ChatMessage, 267

DumpNetStringTable(), 683


ChatMessageAll, 653

DumpResourceStats(), 684


chatPageDown, 640

DumpTextureStats(), 684


Clear Empty, 537

Echo(), 83, 684


ClearTextureHolds(), 677

EchoInputState(), 684


client module functions, list of, 269–270

EnableMouse(), 684


ClientCmdChatMessage, 267

EnableWinConsole(), 685


ClientCmdMissionStart, 262

endGame, 656


CollapseEscape(), 677

EndMission, 246, 258


CommandToClient, 207–209, 250

error, 83


CommandToClient(), 677

Error(), 685


CommandToServer(), 206–207, 242, 250, 678

Excavate, 537


Compile(), 678

Exec(), 685


Connect(), 212

ExpandEscape(), 685


ContainerBoxEmpty(), 678

ExpandFilename(), 552, 685


ContainerFindFirst(), 679

Export(), 686


ContainerFindNext(), 679

fBm Fractal, 537


ContainerRayCast(), 679

FileBase(), 686


ContainerSearchCurrDist(), 679

FileExt(), 686


ContainerSearchCurrRadiusDist(), 680

FileName(), 686


ContainerSearchNext(), 680

FilePath(), 686


CreateCanvas(), 680

Filter, 537


createPlayer, 610

FindFirstFile(), 647, 687


CreateServer(), 143, 240

FindNextfile(), 646, 648, 687


cycleGame, 656

FirstWord(), 687


datablocks, 108

Flatten, 537


DbgSetParameters(), 680

FlushTextureCache(), 687


DeactivateDirectInput(), 680

FreeMemoryDump(), 687


DeactivateKeyboard(), 681

Fruit program example, 67–69


DeactivatePackage(), 681

GameConnection(), 143


Debug(), 681

GetBoxCenter(), 688


Debug_degub_debugbreak(), 681

GetBuildString(), 688


DecreaseFSAA(), 682

GetCompileTimeString(), 688


DefaultMessageCallback, 268

GetControlObject Altitude(), 688


defined, 26, 66

GetControlObjectSpeed(), 688


DeleteDataBlocks(), 682

GetDesktopResolution(), 689

Team LRN

Index 785

GetDisplayDeviceList(), 689 GetField(), 689 GetFieldCount(), 689 GetFields(), 690 GetFileCount(), 690 GetFileCRC(), 690 getGroup, 652

getHelp, 634 GetJoystickAxes(), 690 GetMaxFrameAllocation(), 690

getMissionDisplayName, 646–647 GetModPaths(), 691 GetRandom(), 691 GetRandomSeed(), 691 GetRealTime(), 691

GetRecord(), 691 GetRecordCount(), 692 GetRecords(), 692 GetResolution(), 692 GetResolutionList(), 692 GetServerCount(), 692 GetSimTime(), 693 GetSubStr(), 693 GetTag(), 693 GetTaggedString(), 693 GetTerrainHeight(), 693 GetVersionNumber(), 694 GetVersionString(), 694 GetVideoDriverInfo(), 694 GetWord(), 652, 694 GetWordCount(), 694 GetWords(), 695 GLEnableLogging(), 695 GLEnableMetrics(), 695 GLEnableOutline(), 695 GoAhead, 175, 562–563 GoLeft, 175

GoRight, 175 GoToWebPage(), 695 Hydraulic Erosion, 537 IncreaseFSAA(), 696 IncreaseNPatch(), 696 InitBaseClient(), 143, 239 InitBaseServer(), 143, 239 InitCanvas(), 143

InitContainerRadiusSearch(), 696 initialControlSet(), 215 InitializeClient(), 143, 217–218, 642

InitializeServer(), 143 InputLog(), 696 IsDemoRecording(), 696 IsDeviceFullScreenOnly(), 697 IsEventPending(), 697 IsFile(), 697

IsFullScreen(), 697 IsJoystickDetected(), 697 IsKoreanBuild(), 698 IsNameUnique, 255 IsObject(), 698 IsPackage(), 698 IsPointInside(), 698 IsWriteableFileName(), 698

LaunchDedicatedServer(), 699 LaunchGame(), 161 LightScene(), 265, 699 LoadMission, 246, 250, 258 LoadMissionStage2, 246, 250 lockMouse(), 699

ltrim(), 699 mAbs(), 699 mAcos(), 700 main(), 51

makeTestTerrain(), 700 mAsin(), 700 mAtan(), 700 MathInit(), 701 MatrixCreate(), 701

MatrixCreateFromEuler(), 701 MatrixMulPoint(), 701 MatrixMultiply(), 702 MatrixMulVector(), 702 mCeil(), 702

mCos(), 702 mDegToRad(), 702 member, 127 mFloadLength(), 703 mFloor(), 703 MissionStartPhase, 250 mLog(), 703 MoveShape(), 109, 117 mPow(), 703 mRadToDeg(), 703 msg(), 704

mSin(), 704 mSolveCubic(), 704 mSolveQuadratic(), 704

Team LRN

786 Index

mSolveQuartic(), 704 mSqrt(), 705 mTan(), 705 nameTolD(), 705 nCycleExec, 656 nextResolution(), 705 nextToken(), 706 objects, 126 onChatMessage, 268 onConnect(), 213

onConnectionAccepted(), 213 onConnectionDropped(), 214 onConnectionError(), 214 onConnectionRequest(), 212 onConnectionTimedOut(), 214 onConnectRequestRejected(), 213–214 onConnectRequestTimedOut(), 213 onCyclePauseEnd(), 656 onDataBlockObjectReceived(), 216, 265 onDataBlocksDone(), 216

onDrop(), 215 OnExit(), 140

onFileChunkReceived(), 216 onGhostAlwaysObjectReceived(), 216 onGhostAlwaysStarted(), 217 OnMissionDownloadPhase, 265 OnMissionEnded, 258 OnMissionLoaded, 179, 258 OnServerCreated(), 178, 258, 595, 620 OnServerDestroyed, 258

OnStart(), 140, 159, 231

OpenAlInitDriver, 706 OpenALShutdownDriver(), 706 Paint Material, 537 PanoramaScreenShot(), 706 parameters, 71

ParseArgs, 138, 230 pathOnMissionLoadDone(), 707 PermDisableMouse(), 707 PlayDemo(), 707

PlayJournal(), 707 PortInit, 240 PrevResolution(), 707 problem decomposition, 66 ProfilerDump(), 708 ProfilerDumpToFile(), 708 ProfilerEnable(), 708

ProfilerMarkerEnable(), 708

PurgeResources(), 708 QueryMasterServer(), 709 QueryStatus(), 225 Quit(), 709 RedbookClose(), 710

RedbookGetDeviceCount(), 710 RedbookGetDeviceName(), 710 RedbookGetLastError(), 710 RedbookGetTrackCount(), 710 RedbookGetVolume(), 711 RedbookOpen(), 711 RedbookPlay(), 711 RedbookSetVolume(), 711 RedbookStop(), 711 ReferenceDistance, 564 RemoveField(), 712 RemoveRecord(), 712 RemoveTaggedString(), 712 RemoveWord(), 712 ResetLighting(), 712 ResetMission, 246, 258 ResetServer, 241

RestWords(), 713 Rigid Multifractal, 537 Rtrim(), 713 SaveJournal(), 713

SceneLightingComplete, 265 Schedule(), 115, 178–179, 713 ScreenShot(), 713

Select, 537 SendMacro(), 206

server modules, list of, 270–272 ServerMessage, 268 serverPlay3D, 560, 562

Set Empty, 537

Set Height, 537 SetDefaultFov(), 714 SetDisplayDevice(), 714 SetEchoFileLoads(), 714 SetField(), 714 SetFov(), 715 SetFSAA(), 715

SetInteriorFocusedDebug(), 715 SetInteriorRenderMode(), 715 setLagIcon(), 215 SetLogMode(), 715 SetModPaths(), 716 SetNetPort(), 716

Team LRN

SetNPatch(), 716 SetOpenGLAnisotropy(), 716 SetOpenGLInteriorMipReduction(), 716 SetOpenGLMipReduction(), 717 SetOpenGLSkyMipReduction, 717

SetOpenGLTextureCompressionHint(), 717 SetRandomSeed(), 717

SetRecord(), 717 SetResolution(), 718 SetScreenMode(), 718 SetServerInfo, 718 SetShadowDetailLevel(), 718 SetVerticalSync(), 718 SetWord(), 719 SetZoomSpeed(), 719 ShapeBaseImageData, 570 ShowMenuScreen(), 161 Sinus, 537

Smooth, 537 Smooth Ridges, 537 Smooth Water, 537 Smoothing, 537 SpamAlert, 242 StartGame, 178 StartHeartbeat(), 719

StartRecording(), 719

StopHeartbeat(), 719

StopRecording(), 720 StopServerQuery(), 720 Strchr, 720

Strcmp(), 720–721

StripChars(), 721 StripMLControlChars(), 721 StripTrailingSpaces(), 721 Strlen(), 721

Strlwr(), 722

Strpos(), 722

Strreplace, 722 Strstr(), 722

StrToPlayerName(), 723 Strupr(), 723 SwitchBitDepth(), 723 TellAll(), 207 TelnetSetParameters(), 723 Terrain File, 537 TestShape(), 109

that return values, 71 Thermal Erosion, 537

Index 787

Toggle3rdPPOVLook, 175 ToggleFullScreen(), 723 ToggleInputState(), 724 ToggleMessageBox, 637 ToggleNPatch(), 724 Trace(), 141, 724

Trim(), 724 Turbulence, 537

UpdateLightingProgress, 266 Usage(), 138

utility functions, Torque Game Engine, 25 ValidateMemory(), 724

VectorAdd(), 725

VectorCross(), 725

VectorDist(), 725

VectorDot(), 725

VectorLen(), 725 VectorNormalize(), 726 VectorOrthoBasis(), 726 VectorScale(), 726 VectorSub(), 726

VideoSetGammaCorrection(), 260, 726 Warn(), 83, 727

WeaponImage, 570 without parameters, 70

without return values, 70–71 funForce property, 154


Gamasutra Web site, 744 game design

constraints, 585–586

requirements specification, 584–585 game engines

block diagram, 16 overview, 16–17

Game module, server-side, 256–258 game root folders, 129–130 GameBase class, 729 GameConnection class, 729 GameConnection() function, 143 GameConnection object, 211–212

initialControlSet() function, 215 onConnect() function, 213 onConnectionAccepted() function, 213 onConnectionDropped() function, 214 onConnectionError() function, 214 onConnectionRequest() function, 212

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