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Young D.C. - Computational chemistry (2001)(en)

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Computational Chemistry: A Practical Guide for Applying Techniques to Real-World Problems. David C. Young Copyright ( 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

ISBNs: 0-471-33368-9 (Hardback); 0-471-22065-5 (Electronic)

Computing NMR Chemical

31 Shifts

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a valuable technique for obtaining chemical information. This is because the spectra are very sensitive to changes in the molecular structure. This same sensitivity makes NMR a di½cult case for molecular modeling.

Computationally predicting coupling constants is much easier than predicting chemical shifts. Because of this, the ability to predict coupling constants is sometimes incorporated into software packages that have little or no ability to predict chemical shifts. Computed coupling constants di¨er very little from one program to the next. This chapter will focus on the more di½cult problem of computing NMR chemical shifts.


NMR chemical shifts can be computed using ab initio methods, which actually compute the shielding tensor. Once the shielding tensors have been computed, the chemical shifts can be determined by subtracting the isotropic shielding values for the molecule of interest from the TMS values. Computing shielding tensors is di½cult because of gauge problems (dependence on the coordinate system's origin). A number of techniques for correcting this are in use. It is extremely important that the shielding tensors be computed for equilibrium geometries with the same method and basis that were used to complete the geometry optimization.

It is also important that su½ciently large basis sets are used. The 6ÿ31G(d) basis set should be considered the absolute minimum for reliable results. Some studies have used locally dense basis sets, which have a larger basis on the atom of interest and a smaller basis on the other atoms. In general, this results in only minimal improvement since the spectra are due to interaction between atoms, rather than the electron density around one atom.

One of the most popular techniques is called GIAO. This originally stood for gauge invariant atomic orbitals. More recent versions have included ways to relax this condition without loss of accuracy and subsequently the same acronym was renamed gauge including atomic orbitals. The GIAO method is based on perturbation theory. This is a means for computing shielding tensors from HF or DFT wave functions.

The individual gauge for localized orbitals (IGLO) and localized orbital



local origin (LORG) methods are similar. Both are based on identities and closure relations that are rigorously correct for complete basis sets. These are reasonable approximations for ®nite basis sets. The two methods are equivalent in the limit of a complete basis set.

The individual gauges for atoms in molecules (IGAIM) method is based on Bader's atoms in molecules analysis scheme. This method yields results of comparable accuracy to those of the other methods. However, this technique is seldom used due to large CPU time demands.

There have also been methods designed for use with perturbation theory and MCSCF calculations. Correlation e¨ects are necessary for certain technically di½cult molecules, such as CO, N2, HCN, F2, and N2O.

Density functional theory calculations have shown promise in recent studies. Gradient-corrected or hybrid functionals must be used. Usually, it is necessary to employ a moderately large basis set with polarization and di¨use functions along with these functionals.

The methods listed thus far can be used for the reliable prediction of NMR chemical shifts for small organic compounds in the gas phase, which are often reasonably close to the liquid-phase results. Heavy elements, such as transition metals and lanthanides, present a much more di½cult problem. Mass defect and spin-coupling terms have been found to be signi®cant for the description of the NMR shielding tensors for these elements. Since NMR is a nuclear e¨ect, core potentials should not be used.


There is one semiempirical program, called HyperNMR, that computes NMR chemical shifts. This program goes one step further than other semiempiricals by de®ning di¨erent parameters for the various hybridizations, such as sp2 carbon vs. sp3 carbon. This method is called the typed neglect of di¨erential overlap method (TNDO/1 and TNDO/2). As with any semiempirical method, the results are better for species with functional groups similar to those in the set of molecules used to parameterize the method.

Another semiempirical method, incorporated in the VAMP program, combines a semiempirical calculation with a neural network for predicting the chemical shifts. Semiempirical calculations are useful for large molecules, but are not generally as accurate as ab initio calculations.


The simplest empirical calculations use a group additivity method. These calculations can be performed very quickly on small desktop computers. They are most accurate for a small organic molecule with common functional groups. The prediction is only as good as the aspects of molecular structure being par-


ameterized. For example, they often do not distinguish between cis and trans isomers. Due to the limited accuracy, this method is more often used as a tool to check for reasonable results, but not as a rigorous prediction method.

Another technique employs a database search. The calculation starts with a molecular structure and searches a database of known spectra to ®nd those with the most similar molecular structure. The known spectra are then used to derive parameters for inclusion in a group additivity calculation. This can be a fairly sophisticated technique incorporating weight factors to account for how closely the known molecule conforms to typical values for the component functional groups. The use of a large database of compounds can make this a very accurate technique. It also ensures that liquid, rather than gas-phase, spectra are being predicted.


In general, the computation of absolute chemical shifts is a very di½cult task. Computing shifts relative to a standard, such as TMS, can be done more accurately. With some of the more approximate methods, it is sometimes more reliable to compare the shifts relative to the other shifts in the compound, rather than relative to a standard compound. It is always advisable to verify at least one representative compound against the experimental spectra when choosing a method. The following rules of thumb can be drawn from a review of the literature:

1.Database techniques are very fast and very accurate for organic molecules with common functional groups.

2.Ab initio methods are accurate and can be reliably applied to unusual structures and inorganic compounds. In most cases, HF calculations are fairly good for organic molecules. Large basis sets should be used.

3.For large molecules, the choice between semiempirical calculations and empirical calculations should be based on a test case.

4.Correlated and relativistic quantum mechanical calculations give the highest possible accuracy and are necessary for heavy atoms or correla- tion-sensitive systems.


Introductory descriptions are in

M. F. Schlecht, Molecular Modeling on the PC Wiley-VCH, New York (1998). E. K. Wilson, Chem. & Eng. News Sept. 28 (1998).

P.W. Atkins, R. S. Friedman, Molecular Quantum Mechanics Third Edition Oxford, Oxford (1997).


M. Karplus, R. N. Porter, Atoms & Molecules: An Introduction For Students of Physical Chemistry W. A. Benjamin, Inc., Menlo Park (1970).

Books about NMR modeling are

B.Born, H. W. Spiess, Ab Initio Calculations of Conformational E¨ects on 13C NMR Spectra of Amorphous Polymers Springer-Verlag, New York (1997).

I. Ando, G. A. Webb, Theory of NMR Parameters Academic Press, London (1983).

The following book gives a tutorial and examples for using ab initio methods. Some printings have an error in the listed TMS values. An eratta is available from Gaussian, Inc.

J.B. Foresman, á. Frisch, Exploring Chemistry with Electronic Structure Methods Second Edition Gaussian, Pittsburgh (1996).

Review articles are

U. Fleischer, C. van WuÈllen, w. Kutzelnigg, Encycl. Comput. Chem. 3, 1827 (1998). M. BuÈhl, Encycl. Comput. Chem. 3, 1835 (1998).

M. Kaupp, V. G. Malkin, O. L. Malkina, Encycl. Comput. Chem. 3, 1857 (1998).

C.J. Jameson, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 47, 135 (1996).

D.B. Chesnut, Rev. Comput. Chem. 8, 245 (1996).

J.R. Cheeseman, G. W. Trucks, T. A. Keith, M. J. Frisch, J. Chem. Phys. 104, 5497 (1996).

D. B. Chesnut, Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 29, 71 (1994).

C.J. Jameson, Chem. Rev. 91, 1375 (1991).

D.B. Chesnut, Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 21, 51 (1989).

C. Giessner-Prettre, B. Pullman, Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 20, 113 (1987).

C.J. Jameson, H. J. Osten, Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 17, 1 (1986).

The group additivity technique is presented in

E.Pretsch, J. Seibl, W. Simon, T. Clerc, Tabellen zur StrukturaufklaÈrung Organischer Verbindungen mit Spektroskopischen Methoden Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1981).

Computational Chemistry: A Practical Guide for Applying Techniques to Real-World Problems. David C. Young Copyright ( 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

ISBNs: 0-471-33368-9 (Hardback); 0-471-22065-5 (Electronic)

32 Nonlinear Optical Properties

Nonlinear optical properties are of interest due to their potential usefulness for unique optical devices. Some of these applications are frequency-doubling devices, optical signal processing, and optical computers.

Most of the envisioned practical applications for nonlinear optical materials would require solid materials. Unfortunately, only gas-phase calculations have been developed to a reliable level. Most often, the relationship between gasphase and condensed-phase behavior for a particular class of compounds is determined experimentally. Theoretical calculations for the gas phase are then scaled accordingly.


When light is incident on a material, the optical electric ®eld E results in a polarization P of the material. The polarization can be expressed as the sum of the linear polarization PL and a nonlinear polarization PNL:

P ˆ PL ‡ PNL


PL ˆ w…1† E


PNL ˆ w…2† EE ‡ w…3† EEE ‡


The susceptibility tensors w…n† give the correct relationship for the macroscopic material. For individual molecules, the polarizability a, hyperpolarizability b, and second hyperpolarizability g, can be de®ned; they are also tensor quantities. The susceptibility tensors are weighted averages of the molecular values, where the weight accounts for molecular orientation. The obvious correspondence is correct, meaning that w…1† is a linear combination of a values, w…2† is a linear combination of b values, and so on.

The molecular quantities can be best understood as a Taylor series expansion. For example, the energy of the molecule E would be the sum of the energy without an electric ®eld present, E0, and corrections for the dipole, polarizability, hyperpolarizability, and the like:

E ˆ E0

ÿ m E ÿ

2! a E2


3! b E3


4! g E4


















As implied by this, the polarizabilities can be formulated as derivatives of the dipole moment with respect to the incident electric ®eld. Below these derivatives are given, with subscripts added to indicate their tensor nature:







aij ˆ













bijk ˆ



















gijkl ˆ











These expressions are only correct for wave functions that obey the Hellmann± Feynman theorem. However, these expressions have been used for other methods, where they serve as a reasonable approximation. Methods that rigorously obey the Hellmann±Feynman theorem are SCF, MCSCF, and Full CI. The change in energy from nonlinear e¨ects is due to a change in the electron density, which creates an induced dipole moment and, to a lesser extent, induced higher-order multipoles.

After examining these de®nitions, several conclusions can be drawn, which have been veri®ed theoretically and experimentally. One is that a molecule with a center of inversion will have no hyperpolarizability …b ˆ 0†. Molecules with a large dipole moment and a means for electron density to shift will have large hyperpolarizabilities. For example, organic systems with electron-donating groups and electron-withdrawing groups at opposite ends of a conjugated system generally have large hyperpolarizabilities.

The de®nitions given above re¯ect static polarizabilities that are due to the presence of a static electric ®eld. Nonlinear optical properties are the result of the oscillating electric ®eld component of the incident light. Static hyperpolarizabilities are often computed and then employed to predict nonlinear optical properties by using an experimentally determined correction factor. Alternatively, time-dependent calculations can be used to predict experimental results directly. There are several di¨erent nonlinear optical properties due to several incoming photons of light …n1; n2; n3† and result in an exiting photon of the same or a di¨erent frequency …ns†. The list of outgoing and incoming photons is typically denoted with the notation ÿns; n1, n2, n3. The nonlinear optical properties are summarized in Table 32.1. Each of these can be computed from the appropriate frequency-dependent terms.


There are several ways in which to compute polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities from semiempirical or ab initio wave functions. One option is to take




TABLE 32.1 Nonlinear Optical Properties










Polarizability a




Static polarizability




Frequency-dependent polarizability

Hyperpolarizability b

0;0,0 ÿn;n,0 ÿ2n;n,n 0;n,ÿn


0;0,0,0 ÿ3n;n,n,n



0;0,n,ÿn ÿ2n;0,n,n






Static hyperpolarizability


Electro-optics Pockels e¨ect


Second harmonic generation


Optical recti®cation


Two-wave mixing

Second Hyperpolarizability g


Static second hyperpolarizability


Third harmonic generation


Intensity-dependent refractive index or


degenerate four-wave mixing


Optical Kerr e¨ect or AC Kerr e¨ect


DC-induced optical recti®cation


DC-induced second harmonic generation


or electric-®eld-induced second




Electro-optic Kerr e¨ect


Three-wave mixing


DC-induced two-wave mixing


Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering

the derivatives de®ned above either analytically or numerically. Analytic derivatives have been formulated for a few methods. This is sometimes called the derivative Hartree±Fock method or DHF (note that the acronym DHF is also used for the Dirac±Hartree±Fock method). Numerical derivatives can be used with any method but require a large amount of CPU time. The researcher should pay close attention to numerical precision when using numerical derivatives.

A second method is to use a perturbation theory expansion. This is formulated as a sum-over-states algorithm (SOS). This can be done for correlated wave functions and has only a modest CPU time requirement. The randomphase approximation is a time-dependent extension of this method.

The electric ®eld can be incorporated in the Hamiltonian via a ®nite ®eld term or approximated by a set of point charges. This allows the computation of corrections to the dipole only, which is generally the most signi®cant contribution.

Time-dependent calculations have been completed with a number of di¨erent methods. There are three formulations giving equivalent results; TDHF,


RPA, and CPHF. Time-dependent Hartree±Fock (TDHF) is the Hartree±Fock approximation for the time-dependent SchroÈdinger equation. CPHF stands for coupled perturbed Hartree±Fock. The random-phase approximation (RPA) is also an equivalent formulation. There have also been time-dependent MCSCF formulations using the time-dependent gauge invariant approach (TDGI) that is equivalent to multicon®guration RPA. All of the time-dependent methods go to the static calculation results in the n ˆ 0 limit.


Polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities have been calculated with semiempirical, ab initio, and DFT methods. The general conclusion from these studies is that a high level of theory is necessary to correctly predict nonlinear optical properties.

Semiempirical calculations tend to be qualitative. In some cases, the correct trends have been predicted. In other cases, semiempirical methods give incorrect signs as well as unreasonable magnitudes.

Ab initio methods can yield reliable, quantitatively correct results. It is important to use basis sets with di¨use functions and high-angular-momentum polarization functions. Hyperpolarizabilities seem to be relatively insensitive to the core electron description. Good agreement has been obtained between ECP basis sets and all electron basis sets. DFT methods have not yet been used widely enough to make generalizations about their accuracy.

Explicitly correlated wave functions have been shown to give very accurate results. Unfortunately, these calculations are only tractable for very small molecules.

There have been some attempts to compute nonlinear optical properties in solution. These studies have shown that very small variations in the solvent cavity can give very large deviations in the computed hyperpolarizability. The valence bond charge transfer (VB-CT) method created by Goddard and coworkers has had some success in reproducing solvent e¨ect trends and polymer results (the VB-CT-S and VB-CTE forms, respectively).


Unfortunately, it is necessary to use very computationally intensive methods for computing accurate nonlinear optical properties. The following list of alternatives is ordered, starting with the most accurate and likewise most computationintensive techniques:

1.Time-dependent calculations with highly correlated methods

2.Explicitly correlated methods



4.CISD, CCSD, or MP4


6.MP2 or MP3

7.SCF or DFT

8.Semiempirical methods where they have been shown to reproduce the correct trends


Introductory descriptions are in

S.P. Karna, A. T. Yeates, Nonlinear Opticial Materials: Theory and Modeling S. P. Karna, A. T. Yeates, Eds., 1, American Chemical Society, Washington (1996).

R. W. Boyd, Nonlinear Optics Academic Press, San Diego (1992).

Review articles are

H. A. Kurtz, D. S. Dudis, Rev. Comput. Chem. 12, 241 (1998).

R. J. Bartlett, H. Sekino, Nonlinear Opticial Materials: Theory and Modeling S. P. Karna, A. T. Yeates, Eds., 23, American Chemical Society, Washington (1996).

D. M. Bishop, Adv. Quantum Chem. 25, 1 (1994).

D. P. Shelton, J. E. Rice, Chem. Rev. 94, 3 (1994).

J. L. BreÂdas, C. Adant, P. Tackx, A. Persoons, Chem. Rev. 94, 243 (1994). D. R. Kanis, M. A. Ratner, T. J. Marks, Chem. Rev. 94, 195 (1994).

A. A. Hasanein, Adv. Chem. Phys. 85, 415 (1994).

W. T. Co¨ey, Y. D. Kalmykov, E. S. Massawe, Adv. Chem. Phys. 85, 667 (1994). D. M. Bishop, Rev. Mod. Phys. 62, 343 (1990).

Mathematical treatments are in

W. Alexiewicz, B. Kasprowicz-Kielich, Adv. Chem. Phys. 85, 1 (1994). D. L. Andrews, Adv. Chem. Phys. 85, 545 (1994).

G.C. Schatz, M. A. Ratner, Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry Prentice Hall, Englewood Cli¨s (1993).

C.E. Dykstra, J. D. Augspurser, B. Kirtman, D. J. Malik, Rev. Comput. Chem. 1, 83 (1990).

Other pertinent articles are

P.Korambath, H. A. Kurtz, Nonlinear Opticial Materials: Theory and Modeling S. P. Karna, A. T. Yeates, Eds., 133, American Chemical Society, Washington (1996).

W. A. Goddard, III, D. Lu, G. Chen, J. W. Perry, Computer-Aided Molecular Design 341 C. H. Reynolds, M. K. Holloway, H. K. Cox, Ed., American Chemical Society, Washington (1995).

W. A. Parkinson, J. Oddershede, J. Chem. Phys. 94, 7251 (1991).

H. A. Kurtz, J. J. P. Stewart, K. M. Dieter, J. Comput. Chem. 11, 82 (1990).

Computational Chemistry: A Practical Guide for Applying Techniques to Real-World Problems. David C. Young Copyright ( 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

ISBNs: 0-471-33368-9 (Hardback); 0-471-22065-5 (Electronic)

33 Relativistic E¨ects

The SchroÈdinger equation is a nonrelativistic description of atoms and molecules. Strictly speaking, relativistic e¨ects must be included in order to obtain completely accurate results for any ab initio calculation. In practice, relativistic e¨ects are negligible for many systems, particularly those with light elements. It is necessary to include relativistic e¨ects to correctly describe the behavior of very heavy elements. With increases in computer capability and algorithm e½ciency, it will become easier to perform heavy atom calculations and thus an understanding of relativistic corrections is necessary.

This chapter provides only a brief discussion of relativistic calculations. Currently, there is a small body of references on these calculations in the computational chemistry literature, with relativistic core potentials comprising the largest percentage of that work. However, the topic is important both because it is essential for very heavy elements and such calculations can be expected to become more prevalent if the trend of increasing accuracy continues.


The fact that an electron has an intrinsic spin comes out of a relativistic formulation of quantum mechanics. Even though the SchroÈdinger equation does not predict it, wave functions that are antisymmetric and have two electrons per orbital are used for nonrelativistic calculations. This is necessary in order to obtain results that are in any way reasonable.

Mass defect is the phenomenon of the electrons increasing in mass as they approach a signi®cant percentage of the speed of light. This is particularly signi®cant for s orbitals near the nucleus of heavy atoms. Mass defect must only be included in calculations on the heaviest atoms, typically atomic number 55 and up. The e¨ect of mass defect is to contract the s and p orbitals closer to the nucleus. This creates an additional shielding of the nucleus, causing the d and f orbitals to expand, making bond lengths longer. This e¨ect is most pronounced for the group 11 elements: gold, silver, and copper.

There are many moving charges within an atom. These motions are the intrinsic electron spin, electron orbital motion, and nuclear spin. Every one of these moving charges creates a magnetic ®eld. Spin couplings are magnetic interactions due to the interaction of these magnetic ®elds. Spin±orbit coupling tends to be most signi®cant for the lightest transition metals and spin±spin


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