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TASK 1. Check up your knowing of the subject answering the following questions:

  1. Is public education in the USA centralized?

  2. Is there a unified system of education in the USA?

  3. At what age do children begin to attend school in the USA?

  4. What is a high school in the USA?

  5. What is an elementary school in the USA?

  6. If a person studies at a state university or college, does it mean that his education is absolutely free or does he still pay tuition fee?

  7. Is tuition fee the same for those who live in the state and for those who come from outside the state?

  8. Do private colleges and universities require an admission examination?

  9. Do private colleges and universities have rigid scholastic requirements for entrance?

  10. What is the duration of a school year in the USA?

  11. Which are the best higher educational institutions in the USA, are they private or public?

  12. What is the classification of the first-, second-, third- and fourth-year students in the USA?


  1. The pattern of education in the USA and in Russia.

  2. Teaching profession in the USA and in Russia.

  3. Higher educational institutions in the USA, public and private, the quality of education in them.

  4. History of establishing some of the colleges in the USA.

  5. Elementary and high school in the USA.

  6. The system of pre-school, school and higher education in Russia.

  7. Types of schools in the USA and differences between them.

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