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The Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary Of Synonyms

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stony-hearted, hard-hearted: Despite her child's tears, she remained totally unmoved.

unnatural adj. 1 Derogatory abnormal, perverse, perverted, monstrous, unusual, peculiar, strange, aberrant, improper, unseemly; Slang kinky , Chiefly Brit bent: There was a scandal when the senator was found to have engaged in some unnatural act. 2 sodomitic(al), bestial, tribadic, tribadistic: They still coyly referred to homosexual activities as 'unnatural acts'. 3 uncharacteristic, out of character, odd, peculiar, strange, unexpected, abnormal, unusual: Isn't it unnatural for someone who has won the sweepstakes to look so unhappy? 4 laboured, forced, stilted, stiff, restrained, artificial, false,

insincere, feigned, contrived, affected, mannered, self-conscious, theatrical, stagy: She has an irritating, unnatural laugh. 5 outlandish, weird, uncanny, strange, odd, unaccountable, supernatural, preternatural, queer, grotesque, bizarre, extraordinary, eccentric, freakish: Let me tell you about the unnatural events that took place in that house.


adj. unneeded, needless, unrequired, dispensable, disposable, expendable, unwanted, surplus, superfluous, supererogatory, inessential, unessential, non-essential: The children were

asleep, so we asked the workmen to avoid making any unnecessary noise.

unnerve v. upset, agitate, perturb, ruffle, fluster, rattle, discomfit, unsettle, disconcert, dismay, intimidate, stun, stupefy, Colloq shake (up), faze: Peter drove home slowly: the accident he had seen had unnerved him.

unnoticed adj. unnoted, overlooked, unobserved, undiscovered, unremarked, unmarked, unperceived; unseen, unheard: Fortunately, Martha's

nasty aside went unnoticed.


adj. inconspicuous, unostentatious, low-key, retiring, modest, self-effacing, unpresuming, unpretentious, unassuming, quiet, humble, unaggressive, unassertive, non-assertive, subdued, reserved, reticent, suppressed: Agatha may seem unobtrusive, but she's a tigress when aroused.


adj. informal, unauthorized, undocumented, off the record, private, secret, unpublicized, unannounced: The builder acknowledged having had unofficial meetings with the council.

unopened adj. closed, shut: The book lay, unopened, on the bedside table.


adj. irregular, unconventional, nonconformist, unconforming, nonconforming, aberrant, aberrational, deviant, heteroclite,

unusual, abnormal, uncustomary, uncommon: Roebuck's unorthodox methods almost lost him his job.

unpaid adj. 1 payable, outstanding, owed, owing, due, unsettled: In the end he absconded, leaving a pile of unpaid bills. 2 unsalaried, voluntary, volunteer, honorary, US dollar-a-year: On retirement, she took an unpaid job with Oxfam.


adj. distasteful, disagreeable, unpleasant, unsavoury, unappetizing, unattractive, repugnant, nasty, offensive; rancid, sour, off, turned, bitter, inedible, uneatable: Without an education, they are often offered the unpalatable jobs. We found heavy claret totally unpalatable with the sole.


adj. unequalled, incomparable, matchless, peerless, unrivalled, unmatched, inimitable, unexcelled, superior, supreme, superlative, unsurpassed, unusual, special, singular, rare, unique, exceptional, consummate: In our experience, the food and service aboard the Normandie were unparalleled.


adj. unscented, plain, natural: This deodorant is available in sandalwood, forest pine, mint, or unperfumed.

unpopular adj. out of favour, in bad odour, unliked, disliked, shunned, avoided, snubbed, ignored, unsought after, unaccepted, unwanted, rejected, unwelcome, undesirable; unloved, friendless: New taxes are always unpopular. James had always been an unpopular boy at school.


adj. unbigoted, unbiased, impartial, unjaundiced, just, fair, objective, disinterested, fair-minded, non-partisan, liberal, open-minded, undogmatic: An unprejudiced opinion would be difficult to find, since everyone has an axe to grind.


adj. unprepared, unplanned, unarranged, uncontrived, unstudied, coincidental, spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment, last-minute, impromptu, extemporaneous or extemporary, extempore, ad lib, offhand, casual, impulsive, natural, involuntary, automatic, unconscious, Colloq off the cuff: I had no inkling of her

plans, so my running into her was entirely unpremeditated. Her immediate, unpremeditated reaction was to run away.


adj. 1 unready, surprised, taken aback, (caught) napping or off guard, dumbfounded or dumfounded, at sixes and sevens, Colloq (caught) with (one's) pants down, Brit caught on the hop, US asleep at the switch: The sudden squall found us unprepared and we lost a sail. 2 unfinished, incomplete, uncompleted: Dinner was still unprepared at eight o'clock. 3 unwarned, unreadied, not set up, not forewarned: I was unprepared for the strange events that followed. 4 See unpremeditated, above.


adj. 1 unbecoming, improper, unethical, unprincipled, unseemly, undignified, unfitting, unbefitting, unworthy, unscholarly, negligent, lax: The Medical Association is quick to act against doctors whose conduct might be judged unprofessional. 2 amateurish, amateur, inexpert, inexperienced, untrained, untutored, unschooled, incompetent, unskilled, unskilful, inferior, second-rate, inefficient, poor, shoddy, low-quality, sloppy: It was an astonishingly unprofessional way to audit accounts. 3 non-technical, unspecialized, non-specialist, lay, everyday, ordinary, plain (English), understandable: What does all that gobbledegook mean when translated into unprofessional language?


adj. 1 profitless, ungainful, unremunerative, unfruitful, non-profit-making; breaking even; losing, loss-making: The last quarter was unprofitable for car manufacturers. 2 bootless,

pointless, purposeless, unavailing, futile, useless, unproductive, worthless, ineffective, inefficient: Having employees sitting about waiting for the telephone to ring is unprofitable.


adj. inauspicious, unpropitious, unfavourable, gloomy, ominous, adverse, portentous, baleful, hopeless: The forecast for the economy looked unpromising yesterday but has suddenly brightened.


adj. 1 ineligible, unfit, untrained, ill-equipped, unsuited, unequipped, unprepared: He was rejected as unqualified for the job of repairing computers. 2 unrestricted, unreserved, unconditional, categorical, outright, unmitigated, downright, out-and-out, pure (and simple), true, perfect, utter, absolute, consummate: If he told you that he flew jets in the RAF, he is an unqualified liar. Cato's unqualified 'Delenda est Cartago' was echoed in every speech he made in the Roman senate.


adj. insatiable, unslakeable or unslakable, unsatisfiable; inextinguishable, unsuppressible, irrepressible, indestructible: She had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Those principles have kindled an unquenchable fire in the hearts of the oppressed.


adj. unexceptionable, indubitable, undoubted, indisputable, incontestable, unimpeachable, undeniable, certain, sure, positive, irrefutable, manifest, obvious, patent, clear, definite, incontrovertible, unequivocal, unmistakable or unmistakeable, conclusive: Their integrity is unquestionable, and I have complete confidence in them.

unreal adj. 1 imaginary, fantastic, chimeric(al), fanciful, fancied, illusory, make-believe, phantasmagoric(al), phantasmal, spectral, figmental, unrealistic, non-existent: Fear made the whole scene unreal to Martha. 2 theoretical, hypothetical, mythical, imaginary, made-up, fictitious, make-believe, fanciful: Although the example is unreal, it will serve its purpose in my argument. 3 artificial, synthetic, synthesized,

mock, false, fake(d), counterfeit, fraudulent, dummy, spurious, falsified, pretend(ed), sham, pseudo, make-believe: The countryside looked a little unreal, too luxuriant and too sculptured.


adj. 1 impractical, illogical, unreasonable, unworkable, unrealizable, quixotic, romantic, fanciful, visionary, delusional, delusive, delusory: However exciting it is to think of travelling faster than light, the notion is unrealistic. 2 unreal, unlifelike, unnatural, unauthentic, non-representational, unrepresentative, inaccurate: The background paintings are poorly done and unrealistic.


adj. 1 irrational, illogical, unthinking, absurd, foolish, senseless, nonsensical, mindless, brainless, thoughtless, silly, mad, crazy, insane, idiotic, moronic, imbecilic, stupid, fatuous, ridiculous, ludicrous, laughable, preposterous, far-fetched, short-sighted, unperceptive, unperceiving,

undiscerning, myopic, blind: Some people have an unreasonable aversion to anything scientific. Is it unreasonable to expect

you to spend a little time with your mother? 2 excessive, outrageous, exorbitant, extravagant, immoderate, extortionate, inordinate, unconscionable, unjust, unwarranted, inequitable, unfair, unequal, improper, unjustified, unjustifiable, uncalled-for: The new tax puts an unreasonable demand on those with lower incomes. 3 inappropriate, unapt or inapt,

unsuitable, unbefitting, impractical, unrealistic: His conduct was quite unreasonable for a man of the cloth.

unrefined adj. 1 coarse, rude, rough, unsophisticated, uncultured, uncivilized, uncultivated, unpolished, inelegant, ill-bred, impolite, discourteous, unmannerly, ill-mannered, bad-mannered, ignoble, plebeian, undignified, unladylike, ungentlemanlike, ungentlemanly, uncourtly, ungracious, boorish, loutish, gross, vulgar, uncouth, cloddish, bumbling, awkward, gauche: Consider their background before criticizing them for being unrefined. 2 impure, unpurified, unclarified, raw, crude, coarse, untreated, unfinished, natural, unprocessed: The unrefined ore is first washed thoroughly.

unrelated adj. independent, separate, distinct, different, dissimilar,

incompatible, inappropriate, foreign, alien, unassociated, unaffiliated, unconnected, uncoupled, unlinked, unallied, uncoordinated: Why raise a totally unrelated issue?


adj. irresponsible, disreputable; untrustworthy, undependable, uncertain, unstable, treacherous, flimsy, weak: He is unreliable and unlikely to be there when you need him. The equipment was expensive, slow, and unreliable.


adj. unrepenting, unremorseful, impenitent, unapologetic, unregretful, unashamed, unembarrassed, unselfconscious, remorseless, unreformed, unrehabilitated, unregenerate, recidivist or recidivistic or recidivous: They were quite unrepentant, though they had seen for themselves the harm they had done.


adj. unsettled, open, up in the air, moot, pending, debatable, arguable, problematic(al), indefinite, vague, open to question, questionable, unanswered, unsolved; undetermined, undecided, uncertain, unsure, ambivalent, wavering, vacillating, irresolute: The matter of joining the monetary union remained unresolved. I am still unresolved on the issue.

unrest n. disquiet, uneasiness, distress, anxiety, anxiousness, nervousness, anguish, unease, worry, concern, agitation, turmoil, disturbance, trouble, strife, agony: The proximity of the huge army on our borders caused considerable unrest among the populace.

unruly adj. unmanageable, ungovernable, uncontrollable, undisciplined, unregulated, lawless, disobedient, insubordinate, rebellious, mutinous, fractious, refractory, contumacious, obstreperous,

wilful, headstrong, stubborn, recalcitrant, intractable,

defiant, uncooperative, wayward, disorderly, turbulent, riotous, tumultuous, violent, stormy, tempestuous: She had no idea of how to handle a capricious and unruly teenager. The first reading of the bill led to an unruly session of Parliament.


adj. insufficient, inadequate, inferior, poor, unacceptable,

displeasing, disappointing, unworthy, inappropriate, deficient, weak, wanting, lacking, unsuitable, imperfect, flawed, defective, faulty: The report was unsatisfactory in that it failed to meet the committee's demands. Why put up with unsatisfactory workmanship?

unsavoury adj. distasteful, objectionable, unpleasant, disagreeable, unappetizing, unpalatable, offensive, repugnant, obnoxious, repellent, nasty, repulsive, revolting, disgusting, nauseating, sickening: Her ex-husband is a totally unsavoury character. Even the most unsavoury swill tasted like ambrosia to the starving inmates.

unscathed adj. unharmed, unhurt, uninjured, unmarked, untouched, undamaged, unscarred, unscratched, safe and sound, in one piece, as new, Archaic scatheless, Colloq like new: Miraculously, he came out of the battle unscathed.


adj. unconscionable, conscienceless, unprincipled, amoral, unethical, immoral, dishonourable, corrupt, dishonest, deceitful, sly, cunning, artful, insidious, shifty, sneaky, slippery, roguish, knavish, disingenuous, treacherous, perfidious, faithless, false, untrustworthy, wicked, evil, Colloq crooked: Some people are totally unscrupulous in the pursuit of their ambitions.


adj. unsuitable, inopportune, inappropriate, untimely, ill-timed, inexpedient: Unseasonable frosts in April caused severe damage to the flower buds.

unseemly adj. 1 improper, unrefined, unbecoming, indecorous, indelicate, unbecoming, unladylike, ungentlemanly, undignified, in poor or

bad taste, disreputable, discreditable, risqu‚, naughty, indecent, shameful, offensive, lewd, lascivious, obscene, rude, coarse: Out of desperation, they engaged in some unseemly activities. 2 impolitic, unwise, imprudent, inapt, inappropriate, inopportune, inconvenient, uncalled-for, unsuitable, improper, inadvisable, ill-advised, unbefitting, unfitting, out of place or keeping, awkward, inauspicious, inexpedient, unfortunate, ill-timed, untimely: It would be unseemly for you to become involved with such a notorious


unselfish adj. generous, charitable, open-handed, ungrudging, unstinting, unsparing, giving, magnanimous, philanthropic, humanitarian, free, liberal, altruistic, selfless, self-sacrificing: We were

all greatly impressed by her unselfish concern for the well-being of her colleagues.

unsettled adj. 1 unfixed, unstable, changing, varying, variable, changeable, inconstant, ever-changing, protean, unpredictable, inconstant, uncertain: The weather remained unsettled all week. They told me of their unsettled life as gypsies. 2 disturbed, turbulent, riled, agitated, disquieted, upset, perturbed,

ruffled, rattled, flustered, restive, restless, unnerved, US roiled: It was being kept in the dark about Father that made us feel unsettled. 3 disoriented, confused, mixed up, unorganized,

disorganized, disorderly, disordered, tumultuous: The unsettled situation in the east worried us. 4 See unresolved, above: Some questions about Ian remain unsettled.


adj. unnerving, upsetting, disturbing, perturbing, discomfiting, disconcerting: Sorry for being a wet blanket, but I have had some unsettling news from home.

unsightly adj. ugly, hideous, awful-looking, horrible, frightful-looking, unattractive, unprepossessing, unlovely, unpretty, plain, US and Canadian homely: The property borders an unsightly junk-yard.

unsocial adj. unsociable, unfriendly, cool, cold, chilly, aloof, uncongenial, unamiable, unforthcoming, standoffish, inhospitable, withdrawn, reserved, solitary, retiring, distant, detached, reclusive, hermitic(al), eremitic(al), anchoritic or anchoretic; antisocial, misanthropic, hostile: Erwin, who prefers to be alone, is definitely unsocial. Donna, who despises other people, is unsocial for different reasons.


adj. unlooked-for, unsought, unsought after, unrequested, unasked for, uncalled-for, gratuitous, uninvited; Colloq US over-the-transom: Tanya is always offering unsolicited advice on every conceivable subject. The publishers receive scores of unsolicited book manuscripts each week.


adj. 1 na‹ve, inexperienced, simple, childlike, unworldly, innocent, ingenuous, artless, guileless: Is the unsophisticated consumer sufficiently protected against unscrupulous traders? 2 simple, plain, uncomplicated, undetailed, uninvolved, unrefined: The computers of twenty years ago were unsophisticated compared with those of today.

unsound adj. 1 weak, feeble, frail, rickety, shaky, ramshackle, infirm, unstable, wobbly, tottering, unsteady, broken-down, crumbling, disintegrating, dilapidated, defective, imperfect, faulty,

decayed, rotten: The building inspector condemned the structure as unsound and unsafe. 2 unhealthy, diseased, ill, afflicted, in poor health, ailing, sickly, sick, unwell, delicate, injured, wounded: The attack of flu left him unsound in wind and limb. 3 insane, mad, psychotic, unbalanced, unstable, demented, deranged: The doctors said that she was still of unsound mind and ought not be released. 4 illogical, faulty, flawed,

fallacious, untenable, invalid, groundless, unfounded, erroneous, defective, specious: We thought that his arguments were unsound, so we rejected his recommendations.

unspoiled adj. unspoilt, unsullied, pristine, virgin, whole, untainted, unstained, immaculate, uncorrupted, unpolluted, spotless, stainless: The house has been preserved in its original condition, unspoiled by modern additions.

unstable adj. 1 changeable, variable, unsteady, inconstant, inconsistent, insecure, capricious, fickle, irregular, unpredictable, unreliable, erratic, volatile, fluctuating, flighty, mercurial, vacillating, tergiversating, indecisive, undecided, irresolute, indefinite, unsettled: He seems too unstable to maintain a long-standing relationship. 2 See unsound, 1, above.


adj. 1 unfortunate, unavailing, vain, abortive, useless, bootless, fruitless, unfruitful, unproductive, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, worthless, unprofitable, sterile: We made an unsuccessful attempt to regain control of the

company. 2 unlucky, hapless, unfortunate, luckless, defeated, beaten, jinxed, cursed, foiled, frustrated, balked: Trevor

complained that he had been unsuccessful in business all his life.

unsung adj. uncelebrated, unrecognized, unglorified, unexalted, unpraised, unhonoured, unnoticed, disregarded, unknown, anonymous, unidentified, nameless, obscure, insignificant, inconspicuous: I have no wish to add to the long list of unsung authors of the twentieth century.


adj. unsuspicious, unwary, unknowing, ignorant, unconscious, gullible, credulous, na‹ve, ingenuous, innocent, trusting; unaware, off guard: Martin became an unsuspecting dupe in Lambert's plot to embezzle money from the bank.


adj. uncaring, unconcerned, callous, unfeeling, unaffected, untouched, unmoved, indifferent, unemotional, dispassionate, uncompassionate, unreactive, unresponsive, impassive, stolid, cold, cool, aloof, unstirred, apathetic, insensitive, stoic(al), stony, adamant, stony-hearted, hard-hearted, unpitying, pitiless, ruthless: We were unable to understand Taylor's unsympathetic attitude to the suffering around him.

untamed adj. undomesticated, wild, unbroken, unsubdued, uncontrollable, savage, fierce, feral, ferocious: In the story, the wolf boy

behaves like an untamed beast.


adj. unsoiled, unsullied, immaculate, spotless, unspotted, untainted, faultless, uncorrupted, unfouled, chaste, lily-white, undefiled, virginal: Despite the obloquy heaped on his colleagues, his own reputation remained untarnished.

untenable adj. insupportable or unsupportable, indefensible, unsustainable, unmaintainable, unjustified, unjustifiable, baseless, groundless, unfounded, flawed, faulty, weak, illogical, specious, implausible, unreasonable, unsound: It is

beyond me why he holds so tenaciously to such untenable views.


adj. 1 inconceivable, unbelievable, unimaginable, incredible, incomprehensible, beyond belief, extraordinary, Colloq

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