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The Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary Of Synonyms

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wreck, sabotage: The regime was subverted from within, not by outside forces.




Brit underground (railway), tube: She takes the subway to



US tunnel, underpass: Use the subway to cross the road

in safety.



1 follow, come after, supervene: The end of the war in the

Pacific succeeded the surrender in Europe. 2 be successor (to), follow, be heir (to), replace, take the place of, inherit or

take over from: Elizabeth I succeeded Mary in 1558. 3 Often, succeed in or at. make good, thrive, prosper, flourish, be a success, be successful, progress, advance, get ahead or on, attain or gain or achieve success, win, triumph, Colloq make it, arrive, get to the top: Has she succeeded in persuading you to sing? He always wanted to make a lot of money and now he has succeeded. They have succeeded at whatever they have tried.

success n. 1 good or happy result or outcome, good fortune, achievement, triumph, attainment, ascendancy, prosperity: The success of the fast food business is evident everywhere. 2

star, celebrity, (big) name, sensation: She was a great success as a singer, dancer, and actress.


adj. 1 wealthy, rich, prosperous, fortunate, lucky, flourishing, thriving, prospering, well-to-do, affluent, Colloq

loaded, well-heeled, flush, in the money, US well-fixed: He is a very successful investor. 2 lucrative, booming, profitable, fruitful, moneymaking, remunerative: The shares they bought proved to be a successful investment. How successful was last

year for the company? 3 famous, well-known, famed, celebrated, renowned, eminent; prominent, pre-eminent, popular, leading, top, best-selling: Constance is one of our most successful

poets. That book of mine was also successful. 4 victorious, triumphant; first; winning: Henry was successful in his bid for the chairmanship. I want to see a successful conclusion to the tour.


n. 1 passing (on), handing down or on, transmittal, transmission, transfer, transferral, shift, conveyance, conveyancing: According to her will, the succession of the

property is via her first-born. 2 sequence, progression, order, series, turn, course, flow, chain, train, procession: The succession of events was as he described. 3 accession, assumption, attainment, elevation, promotion; inheritance: What was the year of Charles II's succession to the Spanish throne?

4 lineage, descent, birthright, dynasty, ancestry, descendants, bloodline: The 18th century began with the War of the Spanish Succession. 5 in succession. one after or behind the other, at intervals, successively, consecutively, in a row, running, without interruption, uninterruptedly, in order, in line: They published several historical novels in quick succession.


adj. uninterrupted, continuous, unbroken, continual, consecutive, succeeding: Last season he scored in sixteen successive matches.

succinct adj. compact, brief, concise, pithy, terse, short, compressed, condensed, epigrammatic: He prefers a succinct style of writing, one that gets to the point.

succulent adj. juicy, rich, luscious, mouth-watering, toothsome: He was eating a succulent peach with evident enjoyment.


v. yield, give up, give way, surrender, accede, submit,

capitulate: I finally succumbed and agreed to their request for



n. dupe, goat, gull, victim, butt, cat's-paw, fool, Colloq

(easy) mark, easy or fair game, chump, pushover, soft touch, Chiefly US and Canadian fall guy, Slang sap, pigeon, Brit mug, Chiefly US and Canadian patsy: He's asking far too much for his car, but some sucker will buy it.

sudden adj. unexpected, unannounced, unanticipated, unforeseen; unwonted, surprising, startling; precipitate, abrupt, quick, immediate, rapid, swift, brisk; impetuous, hasty, rash, impulsive: His sudden turn caught us off balance. Your change of heart was quite sudden.

suddenly adv. 1 in a flash or a moment or a split second, all at once, instantly, instantaneously, momentarily, fleetingly, in the twinkling of an eye, in a trice; quickly, abruptly, swiftly,


speedily, rapidly: Suddenly, my whole life flashed before me.


He suddenly realized why the head of MI6 had summoned him. 2 all


of a sudden, out of the blue, unexpectedly, without warning, on


the spur of the moment, hastily, hurriedly, feverishly:


Suddenly, she turned on her heel and stormed out.


v. 1 proceed or move or act (against), take (legal) action or


bring suit or prefer charges (against); summon(s), charge,


accuse: He threatened to sue. They are suing him for the


injuries they sustained. 2 petition, beg, plead, entreat, pray,


request, solicit, apply, beseech, implore, supplicate: After


five years of constant warfare, the country is suing for peace.


v. 1 Sometimes, suffer from or with. agonize, smart, hurt,


writhe, sweat, ache: He is suffering with a stomach virus. How


terribly they suffered when their child was kidnapped! 2 endure,


undergo, experience, bear, live or go through, tolerate,


withstand, sustain, take, submit to, abide, submit to, Colloq


put up with: He suffered years of ill-health before he finally


died. 3 allow, tolerate, permit, let, admit, humour, indulge:


They suffer the storks to build their nests on their chimneys.


4 deteriorate, diminish, decline, go down, fall off, be reduced


or diminished: If you discontinue advertising, sales will



suffering n. pain, agony, distress, misery, affliction, hardship, torment, torture, tribulation, trial: The man's suffering is written in his face.

suffice v. satisfy, serve, do, be sufficient or enough or adequate, answer, sate, satiate, quench: If you are merely thirsty, water should suffice.


adj. adequate, enough: Have we sufficient food to last through the winter?

suffix n. 1 ending, desinence, addition; affix: The suffix -ness is added to many English adjectives to form nouns.

--v. 2 add (on), join, fasten to, subjoin, amend, Colloq tack

on: One can suffix -ness to a huge number of adjectives to form nouns.

suffrage n. (right to) vote, voting right(s), franchise, voice, say, ballot, option, choice: They campaigned for universal adult suffrage.

suffuse v. overspread, imbue, pour or spread over, bathe, cover, permeate, pervade, flood, flush, penetrate, saturate, mantle, infuse, transfuse, imbrue or embrue: A rosy glow suffused her face.

suggest v. 1 propose, advance, recommend, urge, advocate, support, offer, proffer, put or set forward, present, mention, introduce: He suggested going out to a pub for dinner. Can you suggest an alternative? 2 call to mind, bring up, hint (at), imply,

insinuate, intimate, make one think, lead one to believe, indicate: His silence suggested that this was not the right time to pursue the matter.


adj. impressionable, susceptible, receptive, impressible, susceptive, open, mouldable, fictile: Patricia was very suggestible at that age and readily believed everything that she was told.


n. 1 proposal, proposition, recommendation, plan, advice, counsel, idea, notion, opinion; prompting, urging: The committee rejected your suggestion that membership fees should be increased. 2 indication, trace, whisper, insinuation,

innuendo, implication, intimation, hint, soup‡on, touch, tinge, suspicion, breath, iota, jot or tittle: There wasn't the

slightest suggestion of animosity in her criticism.


adj. 1 Often, suggestive of. reminiscent (of), evocative (of), indicative (of): To me, the smell of orange blossom is always suggestive of southern California. 2 provocative, naughty, risqu‚, ribald, off colour, racy, bawdy, earthy, lusty, rude, indelicate, unseemly, immodest, improper, indecent, prurient, blue, offensive, vulgar, smutty, dirty, pornographic, lewd, salacious, Colloq sexy, spicy, Slang raunchy: He used to sing his suggestive songs in night clubs.


v. 1 adapt, accommodate, fit, adjust, tailor, make appropriate


or suitable: It will require some reorganization to suit the


office space to our needs. 2 please, satisfy, fill (someone's)


needs, gratify, be acceptable or suitable or convenient to or


for, befit; conform to: Choose whichever room suits you. The


schedule does not suit my personal plans at all.


--n. 3 jacket and trousers or skirt, outfit, uniform, ensemble,


costume, habit; garb, clothing, clothes, livery: He showed up


wearing a new silk suit. 4 lawsuit, action, case, proceeding,


process, cause, trial; litigation: I do not want to enter into


a suit over the damage to my car. 5 petition, plea, request,


entreaty, prayer, solicitation, application, appeal,


supplication; courtship: The king rejected all suits for his


daughter's hand in marriage.

suitable adj. appropriate, apt, fit, fitting, befitting, becoming,


right, proper, correct, acceptable, satisfactory, applicable,


meet, seemly; timely, opportune: John has at last found


suitable employment. A chandelier is not suitable at all for


such a low room. Is this a suitable time for me to ask you a



suitcase n. bag, valise, overnight bag, holdall, grip or Brit handgrip,


Brit formerly portmanteau: She packed enough for a week's


holiday into one small suitcase.


n. 1 set, series, collection, number: They gave us a beautiful


suite of rooms at the hotel. 2 set: She bought a new suite of


dining-room furniture. 3 following, retinue, entourage, train,


cortŠge, convoy, escort; followers, attendants, retainers: Her


suite includes advisors, secretaries, hairdressers, and




n. admirer, beau, wooer; boyfriend, paramour, lover, inamorato,


cicisbeo, escort, Archaic swain: Madelaine has more suitors


than I can count.


v. mope, brood, pout, be sullen or moody or ill-humoured: I


wish you'd get a job instead of sulking about the house all day.


adj. sulky, sulking, morose, brooding, pouting, gloomy, moody,


temperamental, dour, lugubrious, funereal, dismal, dreary, grim,


depressing, depressed, churlish, ill-humoured, glum, grumpy,


sombre, out of humour, antisocial, unsociable, cross, petulant,


perverse, crusty, crotchety, choleric, crabby, ill-natured,


ill-tempered, bad-tempered, splenetic, peevish, dyspeptic, out


of sorts, US cranky: He remained quite sullen and refused to


associate with anyone.


v. besmirch, stain, smirch, blemish, mar, defile, soil,


disgrace, dirty, tarnish, pollute, spoil, ruin, destroy, wreck:


Sadly, his reputation was sullied when his company was found to


be involved in insider trading.


adj. 1 hot, humid, sticky, stuffy, stifling, oppressive, close,


muggy, steamy, steaming, moist, damp, sweltering, suffocating:


I was happy to be languishing again in the sultry warmth of St


Lucia. 2 lusty, lustful, passionate, erotic, seductive,


voluptuous, provocative, sensual, Colloq sexy, hot: She


continued her sultry, slow, sinuous dance.


n. 1 total, aggregate, grand total, sum total, whole, totality;


amount, quantity: The sum of money found in the satchel was not


revealed by the police. He would give the neighbourhood children


small sums to spend on sweets.


--v. 2 sum up. a recapitulate, summarize, encapsulate,


synopsize, digest, abridge, condense, consolidate, epitomize,


review: He summed up by reminding the children not to accept


gifts from strangers. b reckon, add up, calculate, total, tot


up, measure (up), take the measure of: They summed up their


chances of escaping. c estimate, evaluate, size up, assess:


She had summed him up the minute she saw him.

summarily adv. 1 immediately, at once, straightaway, directly, quickly, without delay, unhesitatingly, without hesitation, forthwith, promptly, swiftly, speedily, expeditiously, instantly, Colloq p.d.q. (= 'pretty damned quick'): Any dog caught without a muzzle will be impounded summarily. 2 suddenly, without warning, abruptly, peremptorily, precipitately: He was summarily dismissed, with no advance notice.

summary n. 1 summarization, recapitulation, encapsulation, compendium, synopsis, digest, abridgement, condensation, shortening, consolidation, epitome, epitomization, review, distillate,

conspectus, brief, outline, pr‚cis, r‚sum‚: I want a summary of the meeting on my desk in the morning.

--adj. 2 abrupt, peremptory, short, quick, brief, laconic, perfunctory, curt, terse: My simple request for some time off was denied with a summary, 'No!'

summit n. peak, top, apex, acme, pinnacle, zenith, crown; culmination, climax: The winds at the summit of Annapurna reached hurricane force. There was no doubt that I had reached the summit of my achievements.

summon v. 1 call, assemble, convoke, convene, send for, invite, muster, get together, arouse, rouse: Why would he summon us to the office at midnight? 2 Often, summon up. call or draw on or upon, draw up, mobilize, muster (up), work up, gather, invoke:

I had to summon up all my courage to ask Eve to go out.

sumptuous adj. expensive, costly, extravagant, exorbitant, dear, rich; lavish, luxurious, de luxe, opulent, palatial, royal, majestic, regal, magnificent, dazzling, splendid, showy, Colloq posh, plush, ritzy: The family treated us to a sumptuous repast to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.


n. 1 (old) Sol, Helios, Phoebus (Apollo), Ra, Sunna, day-star:


Many early cultures worshipped the sun.


--v. 2 tan, suntan, sunbathe, bask, bake, brown, bronze: They


spent their holidays sunning themselves on the beach.

sundries n.pl. knick-knacks, trinkets, small items, notions, miscellanea, miscellany, kickshaws, Brummagem, frippery, bric-…-brac, odds and ends: We might find a button for your shirt in a shop that sells sundries.


adj. various, varied, miscellaneous, assorted, different,

mixed, diversified, divers: In addition to food, supermarkets

stock sundry other items.


adj. 1 hollow, hollowed-out, haggard, drawn: From her sunken

cheeks the child looked as if she hadn't eaten for weeks. 2 submerged, undersea, underwater, submersed: The boat hit a sunken wreck and foundered. 3 buried, underground, in-ground,

below-ground, settled, lowered: The old term for a sunken fence is 'ha-ha'.


adj. dark, grim, cheerless, unhappy, joyless, funereal,

depressing, dreary, drear, sombre, gloomy, grey, Stygian, black,

pitchy, inky, shadowy, tenebrous, unlit, unlighted, dusky,

subfusc or subfuscous, darkling: It was an overcast sunless

day, with rain in the offing.


adj. 1 sunlit, sunshiny, brilliant, bright, radiant, fair,

fine, cloudless, clear, unclouded: The enchanting scenery and warm sunny climate makes it a perfect place for holidays. 2 cheerful, cheery, happy, joyous, joyful, light-hearted, smiling, beaming, buoyant, blithe, gay, mirthful, jolly, bubbly,

ebullient, genial, warm, friendly, outgoing: Being with someone who has a sunny disposition was a pleasant change.


adj. wonderful: A super collection of synonyms for this word

appears under superb, below.


adj. wonderful, marvellous, excellent, superior, gorgeous,

glorious, magnificent, outstanding, exquisite, fine, splendid, unequalled, sensational, noteworthy, admirable, peerless, matchless, unrivalled, first-rate, superlative, perfect, classic, exceptional, extraordinary, striking, brilliant, dazzling, miraculous, incredible, unbelievable, fantastic,

fabulous, stupendous, staggering, mind-boggling, breathtaking, Woman's dialect divine, Colloq great, super, smashing, magic, terrific, fantabulous, unreal, out of this world, mind-blowing, super, Slang out of sight, far-out, boss, solid, cool, hot, bad: The curator said he had never seen such a superb collection. She

does a superb Hedda Gabler. We were treated to a superb dinner.


adj. haughty, contemptuous, superior, snobbish, disdainful, arrogant, condescending, patronizing, overbearing, scornful, lordly, high and mighty, pompous, lofty, stuffy, pretentious, Colloq hoity-toity, highfalutin or hifalutin, uppity, snooty, stuck-up, Brit toffee-nosed, uppish, la-di-da or lah-di-dah or la-de-da: She was very supercilious towards her customers.


adj. 1 surface, external, exterior, shallow, skin-deep, slight,

outside: I suffered a superficial wound to the forehead. 2 surface, slight, external, apparent, skin-deep, outward, cursory, insignificant, passing, unimportant, trivial, empty, insubstantial; paying lip-service, for appearances' sake, cosmetic: She bears a superficial resemblance to your sister. His interest in your welfare is entirely superficial. 3 cursory, slapdash, quick, hurried, hasty, perfunctory, nominal, meaningless, passing: The machinery is subjected to a superficial inspection before shipping.


n. (outer) surface, fa‡ade, face, externals, outside: The superficies may appeal to children, but adults appreciate the book's profundities.


n. excess, superabundance, over-abundance, surplus, oversupply, surfeit, glut, superfluousness, profusion, plethora, oversupply, supersaturation: The middle and upper classes wallow in a superfluity of goods.


adj. excessive, excess, superabundant, over-abundant, supererogatory, surplus, unneeded, uncalled-for, unnecessary, redundant, extra; needless, dispensable, gratuitous: The superfluous grain that remains unsold should be donated to third-world countries. They knew each other so well that words were superfluous between them.


adj. 1 heroic, Herculean, godlike, legendary, valiant, courageous, brave, daring, dangerous, death-defying, extraordinary, miraculous, phenomenal, incredible, fabulous, fantastic, unbelievable, amazing: His superhuman feats would never be duplicated.

--n. 2 superman, hero, superhero, •bermensch, Hercules: They still believe that one day a superhuman will come along to lead them.


n. supervisor, foreman, overseer, manager, administrator, chief, head, boss; governor, controller, director, conductor:

Alan has been appointed superintendent of the new project.

superior adj. 1 higher, higher-ranking, higher-level, higher-class, higher-calibre, upper, upper-level, upper-class, loftier, nobler, better; of a higher order or status or standing, Colloq classier, tonier: He was reported to his superior officer. 2 high-class, elevated, first-rate, distinguished, exceptional, excellent, preferred, choice, select, ‚litist, outstanding, superlative, matchless, unequalled, peerless, nonpareil,

sterling, supreme, fine, noteworthy, notable, worthy, estimable: Kenneth has had the benefit of a superior education. 3 See supercilious, above.

--n. 4 See supervisor, below.


n. 1 ascendancy, pre-eminence, supremacy, leadership, lead, dominance, predominance, primacy, hegemony: Her superiority in the field is unchallenged. 2 excellence, greatness,

peerlessness, matchlessness, inimitability, superlativeness, prominence, eminence, importance, distinction, prestige, renown: All commented on the superiority of Mark's contribution.


adj. unsurpassed, paramount, supreme, consummate, superior, best, choicest, finest, matchless, peerless, unequalled, unrivalled, singular, unique, incomparable, excellent, superb, sterling, dazzling, first-rate, exceptional, extraordinary, marvellous, spectacular, capital, Colloq tiptop, super, smashing, great, ace, terrific, fantastic, Slang crack: Max turned in a superlative performance in the tournament.


adj. preternatural, unusual, extraordinary, exceptional, unnatural, miraculous, remarkable, fabulous, preterhuman, ghostly, spectral, abnormal, inexplicable, unexplainable; metaphysical, other-worldly, unearthly, ultramundane,

supramundane, extramundane, occult, mystic, paranormal, psychic, uncanny, weird, mysterious, arcane, unreal, magical, dark: Some claim to hear supernatural voices speaking to them. Many characters in children's stories have supernatural powers.

supersede v. replace, succeed, displace, supplant, oust, take the place

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