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Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary Of Synonyms

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one of his faults. 2 mistake, error, blunder, lapse, failure, offence, oversight, slip(-up), indiscretion, gaffe, gaucherie,

faux pas, Slang boner, howler, goof, boo-boo, Brit boob: People should be responsible for their faults. There are many faults in this manuscript. 3 responsibility, liability, culpability;

blame, accountability, answerability: It wasn't my fault that the tree fell down. The fault lies with you, James. 4 sin, transgression, trespass, misdeed, offence, misdemeanour, vice, indiscretion, misconduct, misbehaviour: He will confess his faults to anyone who will listen. 5 at fault. to blame,

blameable, blameworthy, in the wrong, responsible, answerable, accountable, liable, culpable, guilty: You were at fault for failing to report the crime. 6 find fault. criticize, censure,

take exception (to), carp (at), cavil (at), pick at, pick on,

pick apart, pick holes in, niggle, fuss, Colloq nit-pick, knock: She constantly finds fault with everything I do. 7 to a fault. excessively, extremely, to an extreme, in the extreme, unreasonably, exceedingly, unduly, disproportionately, immoderately, irrationally, US overly: She is modest to a fault.

--v. 8 find fault with, censure, blame, criticize, call to

account, impugn, call into question, hold (someone) responsible or accountable or to blame, lay at (someone's) door, accuse: You cannot be faulted for not knowing the fuel tank was empty.


n. 1 criticism, censure, carping, cavilling, captiousness, hypercriticism, quibbling, fussiness, hair-splitting, pettifogging, Colloq nit-picking, pickiness: Why continue to put up with the foreman's fault-finding?

--adj. 2 critical, censorious, carping, cavilling, captious, hypercritical, fussy, hair-splitting, pettifogging, niggling, contentious, querulous, quibbling, Colloq nit-picking, picky: She could no longer abide his fault-finding attitude.

faultless adj. perfect, flawless, immaculate, ideal, exemplary, correct, accurate, foolproof, irreproachable, unimpeachable, Colloq Brit bang on, spot on: Their performance was faultless.

faulty adj. defective, unsound, imperfect, flawed, impaired, out of order, malfunctioning, broken, bad; damaged; Slang on the blink,

Chiefly US on the fritz: The carburettor is faulty.

favour n. 1 good will, approval, support, approbation: Father looked with favour on my marriage to Leslie. 2 courtesy, good or kind deed, good turn, kindness, gesture, beau geste; service: As a favour, I'll walk your dog while you're away. 3 favouritism, partiality, prejudice, bias, preference, patronage: They show favour in repeatedly giving the contract to the same company. 4 grace, esteem, consideration, view, regard, opinion, account, (good or bad) books; disposition, taste, predisposition: How does Rochester stand in the favour of the king? 5 in favour

(of). for, pro, on the side of, in support (of), at the back of, backing, behind, on or US and Canadian in behalf (of), in back of: Please vote in favour of the resolution. Are you in favour or against?

--v. 6 approve, prefer, like, have a liking or preference for, be partial to, advocate, espouse, back, endorse, support,

champion, recommend, incline to or towards, side with, take the side or part of, go for, opt for, fancy, select, choose, elect, single out, sponsor, adopt, go in for: Which candidate do you favour? 7 pamper, coddle, baby, protect, indulge, be partial

to: Notice how Billie favours his left leg when walking? 8 advance, forward, promote, facilitate, expedite, help, benefit, assist, aid, encourage, accommodate, smile upon: The warm, moist climate favours the growth of mould. 9 resemble, look like, take after: Little Jimmy favours his father, I think.


adj. 1 advantageous, promising, auspicious, fair, beneficial, suitable, fitting, appropriate, encouraging, facilitative, helpful, helping, supportive, supporting, convenient, useful, opportune, propitious, accommodating, accommodative;

facultative: A favourable breeze sent our craft towards Cyprus. 2 good, promising, positive, encouraging, reassuring, affirmative, well-disposed, sympathetic; commendatory, laudatory, enthusiastic, eager, ardent, zealous: They concluded a very favourable deal to supply the army with boots. My latest book received favourable reviews.


adv. 1 graciously, indulgently, sympathetically, genially, positively, agreeably, enthusiastically, with favour: They

reacted favourably to my suggestion. 2 advantageously, affirmatively, positively, in favourable terms: Your application has been considered favourably.

favoured adj. 1 preferred, chosen, choice, selected, popular, favourite, pet: The favoured explanation is that he is the boss's son. 2 advantaged, privileged, blessed, prosperous, wealthy, rich, affluent, well off: She is one of the favoured few who can afford to travel.

favourite n. 1 choice, pick, preference, preferred, esteemed, darling, pet, ideal, apple of (someone's) eye, Colloq Brit blue-eyed boy or girl, flavour of the month, US white-haired or white-headed boy or girl, fair-haired boy or girl: Raising interest rates doesn't exactly make the chancellor everyone's favourite.

--adj. 2 beloved, chosen, picked, selected, preferred, best-liked, most-liked, favoured, choice, pet, ideal: Which is your favourite flavour?


n. partiality, bias, predisposition, prepossession, prejudice, bent, partisanship, nepotism, preferment; preference, leaning, inclination, proclivity: He openly admits to favouritism in selecting employees.

6.2 fear...



n. 1 dread, terror, fright, panic, horror, alarm, trepidation,


apprehension, fearfulness, apprehensiveness, dismay,


consternation, hesitation, qualms, diffidence, timidity,


cravenness, cowardice, second thoughts: His fear of going into


the jungle alone is understandable. 2 awe, respect, reverence,


veneration: That'll put the fear of God into him! 3 horror,


spectre, nightmare, bogey or bogy, phobia, bugbear, bˆte noire,


misgiving(s), foreboding(s): When they came to break the news,


her worst fears were realized. 4 solicitude, anxiety, angst,


foreboding(s), distress, misgiving(s), concern, apprehension,


worry, uneasiness, unease: Fear for her safety is shared by all


of us.

--v. 5 be afraid or scared or fearful or frightened (of), dread, quail or tremble or quake at, shudder at, shrink from,

quiver: What man cannot understand he often fears. 6 revere, respect, venerate, be or stand in awe of: If you fear the Lord as I do, you won't take his name in vain. 7 expect, anticipate, imagine, suspect, foresee: I fear we are too late for dinner.

fearful adj. 1 afraid, scared, frightened, terrified, alarmed, panic-stricken, terror-stricken: Of all disasters, I am most fearful of fire. 2 hesitant, timid, timorous, shy, diffident, unwilling, intimidated, jumpy, nervous, edgy, panicky, anxious, apprehensive, cowardly, pusillanimous, Colloq yellow, jittery: Why is she so fearful of meeting her prospective in-laws? 3 awful, dire, dreadful, frightful, frightening, terrifying,

terrible, appalling, ghastly, atrocious, horrible, horrifying, horrendous, horrific, hideous, gruesome, grisly, grim, baleful, monstrous, unspeakable, loathsome, heinous, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, disgusting, nauseating, nauseous: The fearful monster blocked our only way out.

fearfully adv. 1 hesitantly, timidly, timorously, shyly, diffidently, unwillingly, nervously, edgily, anxiously, apprehensively: Fearfully, she approached the altar. 2 very, awfully, terribly, extremely, exceedingly, frightfully, tremendously: It was fearfully considerate of you to come.

fearless adj. brave, bold, intrepid, valorous, dauntless, courageous, valiant, plucky, daring, audacious, heroic, venturesome,

gallant, chivalrous: These fearless commandos cared nothing for their personal safety.

fearsome adj. dreadful, awesome, appalling, formidable, daunting, frightening, frightful, awe-inspiring, menacing, terrible, terrifying, intimidating: Last week's typhoon was the most fearsome storm of the century.


n. practicability, workability, applicability, viability, practicality: The feasibility of the scheme has yet to be assessed.

feasible adj. practicable, workable, doable, applicable, viable, practical, possible, realizable, achievable, attainable,

sensible, usable, realistic: The world needs a feasible method for disposing of nuclear waste.

feast n. 1 banquet, (lavish) dinner, (sumptuous) repast, (Lucullan or Epicurean) treat, Colloq spread, Brit beanfeast; Slang blow-out, Brit beano: Dinner at Patrick's is no mere meal - it is a

feast. 2 observance, celebration, rite, ritual, solemnization, commemoration, memorialization, anniversary, birthday, jubilee, feast-day, festival, fˆte, holy day, holiday, red-letter day, occasion, event, gala: Church calendars list both movable and immovable feasts. 3 treat, delight, pleasure, gratification: Seeing you again was a feast for the eyes.

--v. 4 dine, wine (and dine), fare well or sumptuously, (over)indulge, gorge (oneself), gormandize, eat one's fill: We feasted on roast turkey with all the trimmings. 5 entertain, feed, wine and dine, treat, regale: Visitors to Arthur's court were feasted with the finest viands available. 6 delight, gratify, please, cheer, gladden: Ali Baba feasted his eyes on the vast treasure in the cave.

feat n. exploit, deed, act, attainment, achievement, accomplishment, tour de force: Persuading your wife to let you go fishing was quite a feat.

feature n. 1 characteristic, attribute, trait, mark, hallmark, earmark, property, character, quality, aspect, facet, peculiarity, quirk, idiosyncrasy: What are the identifying features of traditional Chinese architecture? 2 (main) attraction, draw, special attraction, high point or spot, best or memorable part; main film; US and Canadian drawing card; column, piece, article, item: The feature of the show was the appearance of Gracie Fields. He writes the gardening feature for a Sunday newspaper.

3 features. face, visage, physiognomy, countenance, looks, Slang mug, kisser, chips and plaice: Her features twisted into a


--v. 4 present, promote, publicize, advertise, highlight, spotlight, put into the limelight, star, stress, emphasize, call attention to, play up, puff up, Colloq headline, hype: He was featured in many films. 5 be, act, perform, take or have a role or part, participate, be involved or drawn in: Novels feature prominently in our publishing programme.



n. combination, confederacy, confederation, amalgamation,


coalition, league, alliance, union, association, Bund, society:


The central government consists of a federation of states.


n. 1 charge, price, cost, fare, bill, tariff, toll, Colloq


damage(s): The membership fee is œ25. 2 pay, payment,


emolument, compensation, recompense, honorarium, remuneration,


rate, wage(s), stipend, salary: What is your fee per hour for




adj. 1 weak, infirm, frail, puny, slight, feckless;


debilitated, enervated, decrepit, enfeebled, exhausted,


weakened; effete, delicate, fragile, powerless, impotent,


impuissant, languid, spiritless, sickly, ailing, unsound, faint,


dizzy; Colloq woozy, Brit wonky: The survivors were suffering


from exposure and too feeble to walk. 2 flimsy, weak,


ineffectual, ineffective, namby-pamby, half-baked, lame,


unconvincing, shoddy, thin, insubstantial, poor, unsatisfactory,


insufficient, inadequate, unavailing, meagre, paltry,


insignificant, Colloq wishy-washy, Brit wet: She gave her usual


feeble excuse for being late. 3 weak, obscure, dim,


imperceptible, faint, distant, indistinct, unclear: He could


see little in the feeble light from the one candle. We heard a


feeble cry from under the rubble.



adj. stupid, dull(-witted), witless, moronic, idiotic,


imbecilic, simple, slow (on the uptake), slow-witted,


weak-minded, dim-witted, addle-pated, halfwitted, deficient,


subnormal, mentally defective, retarded, attocerebral, Brit ESN


(='educationally subnormal'), Colloq dumb, thick, soft in the


head, boneheaded, empty-headed, vacant, Brit gormless, US


exceptional: Why do you spend so much time with that


feeble-minded twit?


v. 1 provision, cater or provide (for), victual, purvey,


provender, supply, maintain, nurture, nourish, board, support,


sustain, wine and dine: Is there enough to feed everyone? 2


eat, devour, graze, pasture: Cattle feed most of the day. 3


feed on or upon. subsist or survive or depend or thrive on or


upon, be nourished or gratified or supported by: Swindlers feed

on others' gullibility.

--n. 4 fodder, forage, pasturage, silage, food, provender: What kind of feed are you giving the sheep?


v. 1 touch, see, note, sense, perceive, experience, determine;


handle, manipulate, finger: Feel how rough the skin is at this


spot. 2 stroke, caress, pet, fondle: I like to feel a bare


carpet with my toes. 3 sense, be conscious of, perceive, be

aware or sensible of, experience: I could feel the heat of the fire across the room. 4 sense, believe, think, perceive, judge, consider, deem, know, discern, intuit, Colloq get or have the impression, have a hunch, guess, have a (funny) feeling, feel in one's bones: I feel I have outstayed my welcome. 5 undergo, sense, suffer, bear, endure, withstand, stand, abide, brook, tolerate, go through: Let the other team feel the agony of defeat for a change. 6 seem, appear, strike one, give the impression, have a or the feeling: It felt as if a great weight has been lifted from me. It feels like old times. That feels silky. 7 seem to be, be, regard or characterize oneself as, take oneself to be: I feel certain that we've met before. I felt a perfect fool. 8 feel for. sympathize or empathize with,

commiserate with, bleed for, be sorry for, pity, have compassion for: She feels for all mothers whose sons have died. 9 feel like. incline or lean to or towards, prefer, fancy, want,

desire, crave: I feel like a cup of hot tea.

--n. 10 texture, surface, sensation, touch, finish: This wood has the feel of satin. 11 feeling, air, atmosphere, climate, ambience, sense, note, tone, quality: It's so cosy here - it has the feel of home.


n. 1 antenna, tentacle, palp, sensor: Those moths have long,

feathery feelers. 2 overture, hint, suggestion, foretaste,

probe, tester, sensor: The questionnaire is a feeler put out to

test public opinion.


n. 1 (sense of) touch, sensitivity, sense, perception,

sensation, sensibility: I had no feeling in my left side. 2 intuition, idea, notion, inkling, suspicion, belief, hunch, theory, sense; premonition, hint, presentiment, sense of foreboding, sensation, impression, opinion, view; instinct, consciousness, awareness: I have a feeling you're fooling. Do

you ever have the feeling of being watched? 3 regard, sympathy, empathy, identification, compassion, tenderness, appreciation, concern, understanding, sensitivity, sensibility: He has a genuine feeling for animals. 4 ardour, warmth, passion, fervency, fervour, ardency, intensity, heat, sentiment, emotion, vehemence: She said she loved me with so much feeling that I thought she meant it. 5 feelings. emotions, sensitivity, sympathies, sensibilities, susceptibilities: She hurt my

feelings. 6 feel, mood, atmosphere, climate, sense, air, ambience or ambiance: There is a feeling of impending doom about this place.

--adj. 7 sentient, sensitive, tender, tender-hearted, compassionate, sympathetic: Their behaviour did the soldiers honour as feeling men.

feint n. distraction, mock attack, bluff, dodge, manoeuvre, false move, pretence, ruse, ploy, subterfuge, deception, tactic, stratagem, gambit, artifice: The attack on the flanks is merely a feint - the main thrust will be at the centre.

fell v. cut or knock or strike down, floor, prostrate, level, hew (down), flatten, demolish, mow (down); kill: He felled his opponent with one blow. All the trees in this area must be felled.

fellow n. 1 man, boy, person, individual, gentleman, one, Colloq guy, chap, customer, kid, Brit bloke, Slang geezer, gink, US old-fashioned gazabo: There was a fellow here asking for you today. 2 colleague, associate, comrade, companion, ally, peer, compeer: He is going to meet some of his fellows at the club.

3 mate, match, counterpart, partner, complement, concomitant, accessory: I lost one glove last week and now have lost its fellow. 4 boyfriend, man, sweetheart, love, young man; lover, paramour, Formal suitor, Old-fashioned beau, Archaic swain, Slang guy: Bailey has been Sue's fellow for years.

--adj. 5 associate(d), affiliate(d), allied, auxiliary,

related: Ladies, not accorded membership in the men's club, belonged to a fellow organization. She shared her sandwiches with a fellow passenger.


n. 1 companionship, camaraderie, comradeship, amity, brotherhood, fraternization, togetherness, association, friendship, amity, companionability, sociability, intimacy: I have always enjoyed the fellowship of my university colleagues. 2 society, club, association, alliance, guild, league, union, sisterhood, sorority, brotherhood, fraternity, congregation, circle, community, order, organization, consortium, partnership; lodge, clan, company, coterie, set, clique, coalition, bloc,

cartel, trust: They belong to the worldwide fellowship of artists. 3 friendliness, clubbiness, sociability, intimacy, amicability, affability, kindliness, cordiality, familiarity, affinity, belonging, congeniality, warmth, hospitality: Being a club member gives him a feeling of fellowship.

felon n. criminal, outlaw, lawbreaker, offender, culprit, miscreant, malefactor, wrongdoer: Only if convicted of a certain class of crime is a person technically a felon.

feminine adj. 1 female, womanlike, womanly, ladylike, submissive, deferential, amenable, gentle, docile, tender, soft, delicate: She is much more feminine than her sister. 2 effeminate, womanish, unmanly, unmasculine, sissy or Brit cissy, sissified or Brit cissified, effete, affected: Barry's manner and behaviour seem to become more feminine every day.

fence n. 1 barrier, enclosure, barricade, confine, wall, rampart; railing(s), palisade: Maurice had a fence put up round his house. 2 on the fence. undecided, indecisive, vacillating, uncommitted, uncertain, irresolute; impartial, neutral, non-partisan, unbiased, unprejudiced, unaligned, non-aligned, independent: She is on the fence with regard to the issue of capital punishment.

--v. 3 enclose, encircle, surround, circumscribe, bound, coop, restrict, hedge, confine, fortify, protect, separate: The

pasture is fenced both to keep the sheep in and the wolves out. Fence off this area for a garden. 4 parry, avoid, fend off, sidestep, dodge, evade, hedge, stonewall, equivocate, palter, tergiversate, vacillate, shilly-shally, quibble, cavil, beat

about the bush, qualify, prevaricate, Colloq Brit waffle: Awkward questions were adroitly fenced by the chairman. Give a straight answer and stop fencing.

fend v. 1 fend for oneself. get or scrape along (on one's own), make out, get by, make do, shift for oneself, take care of or provide for or support oneself: Mother didn't believe I could fend for myself. 2 fend off. discourage, parry, keep or hold at bay, resist, repel, stave or ward or fight off, deflect, turn aside,

avert, divert: We fended off our attackers for three days.

ferment v. 1 boil, effervesce, seethe, bubble, foam, froth, brew; rise, raise, work, leaven: A rebellion is fermenting in the northern counties. Adding yeast causes the bread to ferment. 2 excite, stir up, incite, instigate, agitate, foment, inflame, rouse, provoke: He helped to ferment a riot.

ferocious adj. fierce, savage, cruel, vicious, feral, fell, brutal, bestial, merciless, ruthless, pitiless, inhuman, barbaric, barbarous, violent, destructive, murderous, bloodthirsty, sanguinary, predatory, fiendish, diabolical, devilish, hellish,

monstrous: Cerberus, a ferocious beast with three heads, guards the gates of hell.

fertile adj. fruitful, prolific, fecund, productive, bounteous, profuse, abundant, copious, fructuous, plenteous, generative, teeming, rich, luxuriant: The land was fertile enough to grow anything. This book is a fertile source of ideas.

fertilize v. 1 impregnate, inseminate, pollinate, fecundate, fructify: The flower should be fertilized by pollen from a different stock. 2 manure, mulch, feed, nourish, enrich, dress, compost: The earth can be fertilized at any time.

fervent adj. 1 fervid, fiery, burning, glowing, hot, intense, passionate, impassioned, ardent, hotheaded, inflamed, fanatic(al), excited, frantic, frenzied: Only the most fervent acolytes were ordained as ministers of the faith. 2 eager, earnest, enthusiastic, zealous, animated, intense, heartfelt, emotional: It is my fervent desire to see you happy. 3 ecstatic, transported, rapturous, rapt, enrapt, enraptured, captivated: The fervent crowds cheered wildly when Caesar arrived.

fervour n. fervency, ardour, warmth, passion, vehemence, glow, intensity, zeal, eagerness, earnestness, enthusiasm, animation, gusto, ebullience, spirit, verve: She went about her studies