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McLeod - Swimming Anatomy - 2010

25.06 Mб


Before incorporating this exercise into the dryland program for a young swimmer, he or she should demonstrate the strength and coordination to perform a push-up properly.


1 . Set yourself with your preferred starting position on the block.

2.Explode off the block into a vertical streamlined position.

3.Hold the vertical streamlined position until you enter the water.

Muscles Involved

Primary:Rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, erector spinae Secondary:Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, gracilis, external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis

Swimming Focus

This transitional exercise helps you focus on exploding off the starting blocks into a tight streamlined position. As you jump from the blocks, the initial focus should be on jumping for maximal height. The focus then quickly shifts to holding the tight, vertical streamline. A reaction drill component can be added to the exercise by having you jump on cue.


For safety reasons, the exercise should be performed only where the pool is at least 5 feet (150 cm) deep. The depth

ofthe pool will dictate how long the swimmer should hold the streamlined position. For shallower pools, the swimmer should break the streamline by slightly bending the knees on entry into the water to absorb the landing when reaching the bottom ofthe pool. With deeper pools, the streamline can be held longer, ideally until the entire body has entered the water.


Dryland Block Jump Start Into Streamlined Position

The dryland variation can be used to incorporate the exercise into a circuit program or a lifting program in a weight-room environment. To avoid placing undue stress on the joints of the lower extremity. the knees should be slightly bent to absorb the landing when initially contacting the ground.


1 . In a flat start position, set your toes and the balls of your feet against a stable object.

2.The exercise bands are brought diagonally across your body and anchored on the shoulder opposite their point of attachment.

3.Mimicking a start off the blocks, explode against the resistance of the bands.

4.To avoid reaching your arms out to catch yourself, you can bring a foot forward at end of the exercise.

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