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Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 3

для студентов I курса очно-заочного факультета ЛГТУ

всех технических специальностей

Вариант 5


Edison was a thoughtful little boy. He was very inquisitive and always wanted to know how to do things. He was not very strong, and went to school when he was quite a big child. But his teacher thought him very stupid because he asked so many questions. So his mother, who was a teacher, took him away from school at the end of two months and taught him at home. With so kind a teacher, he made progress; and above all, he learned to think. His mother had some good books and among them an encyclopedia. It was probably from the encyclopedia that he first took an interest in chemistry. He liked to make experiments, so he bought some books, and made a little laboratory in the cellar of his home.

When he was twelve years old, he started to earn his living and became a newsboy on the train which ran from Port Huron to Detroit. There was a corner in the baggage car where he kept his stocks of newspapers, magazines and candy. To this corner he moved his little laboratory and library of chemical books, and when he was not busy, went on with his experiments.

One day Edison saved the life of a child playing on the railway. The father of the child, a telegraphist, gave Edison lessons in telegraphy, and the next five years Edison worked as a telegraphist in various cities of the United States and Canada. Working at telegraphy he at the same time spent all the spare moments in the study of chemistry and electricity. Experimenting he improved the telegraph apparatus.

About the same time Edison made an improvement in the transmitter of the telephone, which made it easier for the waves to travel, and improved the usefulness of the telephone very much. It was just about the same time that the phonograph was invented by Edison. This is the parent idea of the gramophone, dictaphone, and other instruments, but these inventions are only a small part of the work of this wonderful man.

I.Прочитайте текст и переведите его письменно на русский язык.

II.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

глубоко мыслящий маленький мальчик; быть любопытным; учитель считал его глупым; проводить эксперименты; сделать лабораторию на чердаке; спасать чью-либо жизнь; улучшать работу телефона.

III.Выберите правильную форму модального глагола:

1.You might/can have told me about that before. 2.Something must/can have happened. He behaves differently to me. 3.It may/must be cold tomorrow. 4.Who could have/should have done such a terrible thing? 5.Hurry up, we’re late! We might/should have been ready hours ago.

IV.Задайте все виды вопросов к следующему предложению.

There are some beautiful pictures in the magazine.

V.Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

1.Mike can run very fast. 2.They can understand French. 3.Kate can speak English well. 4.My brother can come and help you in the garden. 5.Can you speak Spanish? 6.Can your brother help me with maths? 7.He is able to do it.

VI.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в активном или пассивном залоге.

1.Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2.The telegram (to receive) tomorrow. 3.He (to give) me this book next week. 4.The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia. 5.Last time we (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation.

VII.Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальные глаголы:


1.Собрание могло уже кончиться; подождём немножко, он может скоро прийти. 2.Он, должно быть, заболел, иначе он был бы уже в театре. 3.Он сказал, что он может прочесть свой доклад завтра на собрании. 4.Можно мне взять его с собой в зоопарк? 5.Не возвращайте книгу в библиотеку; она может вам ещё понадобиться.

Соседние файлы в папке контрольная работа №3