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2. Write a letter to your friend where you share your feelings of being in a foreign country for quite a long time. You have participated in Work&Travel Program and gained a firsthand experience of living and working abroad. Highlight the following points in your letter:

fears, expectations and reality;

language barrier and the ways to overcome this difficulty;

communicating with foreigners on a daily basis: the most common problems;

being homesick and the ways of getting in touch with your relatives who are miles away;

finding friends;

your tips for a friend who will go to the US next summer by the same program.


We all go through a very special period of time: modern world is divided into supporters of globalization, anti-globalization and even glocalization that is a mixture of 2 words: globalization and localization! But no matter what ideas you share it‘s impossible to deny the importance of such phenomenon as globalization for international communication.

Share your ideas about globalization as a reality where we have to live in. What can you compare it to? Explain your choice. Below you can find some ideas.

a paradise;

a prison;

a runway for the boundless world;

a jungle, where rich countries are predators and poor countries are just prey;

a properly organized conveyor belt where every tool fits its place;

your choice.

Project work

Try to ask your group mates as many similar questions as possible which emphasize that we are all global citizens.

Do you embrace change? Or do you resist change?

Do you own a mobile phone or refuse to conform to new technologies?

Do you celebrate freedom of speech? Or do you oppose freedom of speech?

Whether we like it or not we all belong to the global community!

Unit 2.Globalization


When you wake up in the morning - do you

turn on your Sony Radio;

wear your Levi‘s jeans;

apply your French perfume? Or at lunchtime - do you

visit McDonalds?

Or in the afternoon - do you

play sport in your NIKE shoes or

watch Hollywood movies? Then at bedtime - do you


look through E-bay items, searching for a stylish but cheap clothes;

talk to your friends who are in the US on Work&Travel program via Skype or

listen to your favourite music on your Apple iPOD?

If you can answer yes to any of these activities then you are a willing or unwilling member of the global community!

Reading, Grammar and Vocabulary

1. Read the text for general understanding. What is the main idea of the text?


Development or degradation? Good or bad? Bliss or bane? What is globalization actually up to? Let us shed light on it all through this information.

Let's face it. People are moving from one country to another, trade restrictions are being reduced, domestic markets are opening up for foreign investments, telecommunications are being considerably improved and the countries that initiate innovations are passing on their know-how to the countries which do not. In short, people are no longer bound by territorial

restrictions, unless of course, there are security issues. It's no longer about 'my country and me‘; it's now more like, 'the world and us'. Businesses are expanding, horizons are widening, and people are coming together to form one homogeneous unit – HUMANITY!

Globalization has rocked our conservative and predictable lives. Call it liberalization, international integration, or broad-mindedness... it has inspired the world with its power and potentiality. If one is asked to give a foolproof answer what it is, it can be said that, globalization is a process by which people, companies, administrations, and governments all over the world can integrate and interact. It is directed by international business and trade, and effectively assisted by information technology. However, globalization does not restrain itself to integration of economies on international basis. There is more to it. Let us begin with defining it.

Definition: Globalization can be defined as an integration of economy, finance, trade, and communications from a world-wide perspective, in order to establish a successful economy on global basis.

The boom of globalization has opened gates for economies both nationally and globally. The last three decades saw many governments adopted the systems of free markets, thus, maximizing their own potential and opportunities for international business as well as investment. What's more, as a result of globalization limitations to business and trade of goods and services across the world are eliminated.

Technology, being one of the chief drivers behind globalization, has transformed the economic life in such as way that people all over the world have new ways to recognize and value the economic opportunities put forth for them. Globalization has stimulated increasing employment, cash flows, development of cultural contacts, foreign trade, and environmental as well as social awareness among people. However, like it's said that there are always two facets to a coin, globalization entails a few negatives too, that are equally considerable. With


equal advantages and disadvantages of globalization, it is hard to arrive to a conclusion whether it is a bliss or a bane to the world.

2.Point out all international words. Check if they have got similar meaning in Russian.

3.Read the text below and try to answer the questions of the first paragraph.

4.Match the words from the text with their synonyms












matter, thing












curse, destruction, evil






simple and reliable (contextual)

5. Complete the sentences with the words from the previous exercise.

1)Which of the following is the most important _______ facing the country today? The economy? The federal budget deficit? Health care? The threat of terrorism?

2)Our company provides online cultural training for creating cultural ______ helping global team leaders and international businesses understand differences in national mentality.

3)If you are looking for ways to remember things better try these 25 _____techniques to improve your memory.

4)Many people think that social networking is a ______for teenagers because they live in virtual reality.

5)Central bank plays a key role in the _________ financial market.

6)This innovation is a strategic _________in the sphere of space exploration.

7)Success is ________if you know how to deal with people properly.

8)No living language is _______. Language use certainly differs in different situations, with different speakers, in different locations.

9)It‘s __________to achieve your lifetime dream!

Words: foolproof, issue, homogeneous, domestic, awareness, bane, predictable, bliss, knowhow.

Grammar practice

Present Perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past. The time of the action is before now but not specified, and we are often more interested in the result than in the action itself. F.ex. The invention of the wheel has changed the world forever.

Note: One should bear in mind that there may be a verb tense in your language with a similar form, but the meaning is probably NOT the same.

1.In the text there are some sentences where Present Perfect is used. Find them and try to reproduce.

2.Use the Present Perfect Tense (both in passive or active) to emphasize the impact of some actions or events on the present moment.

1.i-Phones (to change) radically … our lives. To date, more than 217 million iPhones (to sell) …, and they're being used by construction workers to read blueprints, doctors to diagnose patients, governments to improve services and parents to quiet their kids in restaurants.

2. There is no question that internationalization, and particularly international student mobility, (to transform) … the higher education landscape in the last decade.


3.Credit cards (to simplify) dramatically … the process of making in-person and online purchases.

4.In an era of globalization, AIESEC‘s programs (to help) … thousands of young people around the world to develop a broader understanding of cultural, socio-economic and business issues.

5.Grants (to enable) … many students to realize their dream of a higher education and being independent.


1. Summarize what changes happen to the following things from the list given below. You may develop the list. Your own ideas are welcome!

trade restrictions and limitations;


domestic markets;

telecommunications (as well as other means of communication);

money in the form of investment and transactions;

usual people;

businesses and businessmen;

horizons (opportunities and prospects).

2.Define the word “globalization”. Refer to your own experience. Exchange opinions.

Reading and Vocabulary

Globalization is a very controversial issue today. Opinions vary considerably over its pros and cons. You can find some of them below. Read the text in detail.


Goods and people are transported with ease and speed;

the possibility of war between developed countries decreases;

free trade between countries is stimulated;

competition rises thus reducing prices and improving

the quality of production;

global mass media connects all people all over the world;

as the cultural barriers reduce, the global village dream becomes more realistic;

there is a spread of democratic ideals;

growth of interdependence of the nation-states;

developed countries can invest in developing ones;

flexibility of corporations to operate across borders rises;

the communication between individuals and corporations in the world increases;

environmental protection in developed countries grows.



Outsourcing of manufacturing and white-collar jobs to the Third-World with a low labour cost;

increase in activities such as child labour and slavery;

growth of terrorism and criminality;

ecological problems, especially in developing countries – these areas turn into garbage-dumps where all industrial waste is accumulated and pollution levels are skyhigh;

spread of consumption junk food as fast food chains like McDonalds and KFC are expanding fast all over the world;

poverty in developing countries rises;

spread of deadly viruses and diseases like AIDS on a global scale;

environmental degradation and devastation of natural reserves of the planet Earth.


Improvement in the information flow between geographically remote locations

the global common market has a freedom of exchange of goods and capital

there is a broad access to a range of goods for consumers and companies

worldwide production markets appear

free circulation of people of different nations leads to social benefits

global environmental problems like cross-boundary pollution, over fishing on oceans, climate changes are solved by international discussions

more trans-border data flow using communication satellites, the Internet, wireless telephones, etc.

international criminal courts and international justice movements are launched

the standards applied globally like diplomas, patents, copyright laws and world trade agreements increase, so documents, authorized by one country are quite often recognized in another

international travel and tourism increases

multiculturalism, a concept that emerged from globalization, maintains different cultures and promotes their social linking

multilingualism develops, as every society has its own cultural identity. People learn foreign languages and lifestyle of other cultures

worldwide sporting events like the Olympic Games and the FIFA World Cup are held

enhancement in worldwide fads and pop culture

local consumer products are exported to other countries

immigration between countries increases

cross-cultural contacts grow and cultural diffusion takes place

there is an increase in the desire to use foreign ideas and products, adopt new practices and technologies and be a part of world culture

free trade zones are formed having less or no tariffs

capital control is reduced

1.Match the words from different columns to make collocations. Reproduce the information from the text where these word combinations are used. Make your own sentences with these collocations.



VERBS (with prepositions)




turn into


a global scale




new practices and technologies




international movements


spread on






a garbage dump




diplomas, patents, agreements


solve by


free trade









2. Match the words with their definitions. Use them in the sentences of your own.




unhealthy food which has little vitamins and




minerals and contains high level of calories




from fat


a white collar job


something that comes into fashion and




becomes trendy very quickly


junk food


system under which people are treated as




property to be bought and sold, and are forced




to work




the act of using, or promoting the use of,




multiple languages, either by an individual




speaker or by a community of speakers.




a position for an educated specialist with a




diploma which allows earning high average




salaries and not performing manual labour at








a contract with another company or person to




perform a particular function




a conception which means that different




people have their own cultural beliefs and they




happily coexist, respect different values and





3. The words given below are the active vocabulary that is necessary to speak about globalization. Study them and make up a chain story with your group mate using these words. For example:

Student A: Communication plays an important role in modern society

Student B: Modern society provides a lot of possibilities for cooperation in educational sphere.

Communication, society, international tourism, satellites, a broad access to, competition, labour cost, poverty, barriers, benefits.

4. Scan the text about pros, cons and effects of globalization once again. Say whether you agree with every single point or not. Use the following conversational clichés:





I think it‘s totally right that

I agree with that up to a

I disagree because…

point, but…

I am afraid I can‘t agree with

I agree that …

That's quite true, but…


Yes, indeed.

That makes sense;

The problem with that is…

I think you are entirely right.


The way I see it…

It appears to me to be true.

It's a good idea to think that

I'm against it because…

That's just what I think.

…, but…

Instead, I think that…

Exactly. I share the opinion


I object to …

that …


I'm afraid, I don't share the



opinion that …


1. Answer the questions. Use the ideas from the previous text.

1)Has globalization affected

your country;

your city;

your college life;

your family life;

you personally? How then?

2)Think about changes in recent years in


job opportunities;




3)Do you think your country needs to be protected from the effects of globalization?

4)Would you support globalists or anti-globalists? Give your reason.

Writing strategies

1. Study the information below.

As we live in an information society people tend to spend a lot of time on virtual communication where they express their views, opinions, and attitudes by posting them in their blogs.

A blog (also called a weblog) is a website consisting of entries (also called posts) appearing in reverse chronological order with the most recent entry appearing first (similar in format to a daily journal). Blogs typically include features such as comments and links to increase user interactivity.

As the Internet has become more social, blogs have gained in popularity. Today, there are over 100 million blogs with more entering the blogosphere everyday. Blogs have become more than online diaries. In fact, blogging has become an important part of the online and offline worlds with popular bloggers impacting the worlds of politics, business and society with their words.

The best way to post involves breaking out the main points of your message and creating a list of everything you want to include, in the order you will address it. By creating a traditional outline, it helps you work out the flow of your post and organizes thoughts in a logical manner.


2. Write a post in your blog where you reveal the necessity of international communication and argue with an anonymous anti-globalist who has made an aggressive comment about your resent message.

Project work

Make up a PowerPoint presentation about globalization in modern world. Dwell upon the following ideas:



advantages and disadvantages

opportunities and threats.

Module 3. Learning Foreign Languages

Unit 1. Multilingualism. The Importance of Foreign Languages


What is multilingualism?

What is understood by linguistic diversity?

How many languages should a person know to be an effective communicator?

1.Watch the video on YouTube which is titled “What is multilingualism?” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrblYsVuofU. Summarize all ideas shared by speakers.

It is represented by short sentences, opinions about multilingualism, in Europe and in the world. The video provides facts and benefits, why it is important to speak more than one language. The spoken languages in this movie are Hungarian, Slovakian, German, Finnish, Turkish, Danish, Norwegian, Georgian, Dutch, Swedish, Kazakh, Italian, Romanian, Polish, Czech, French, Russian, Albanian, Catalonian, Irish Gaelic, Basque, and Icelandic.

Try to formulate your own idea what multilingualism is.

Reading and vocabulary

1. Read the text for general understanding. Think of the title to the text.

Multilingualism is the act of using, or promoting the use of, multiple languages, either by an individual speaker or by a


























becoming a

social phenomenon which is closely connected with the needs of globalization and cultural


openness. Thanks to the ease of access to information facilitated by the Internet, individuals can come in contact with multiple languages quite often; there appears the necessity to acquire more and more languages.

Multilingualism is a value for intercultural dialogue, social cohesion and prosperity. It plays an important role in lifelong learning, media and information technologies, as well as in the world international relations.

A multilingual workforce is an evident advantage that would provide world companies with a competitive edge and thus promote prosperity. Consequently, companies are recommended to invest more in language and intercultural skills. From the citizens‘ perspective, mastering several languages increases employability and allows to choose from a larger number of job offers. That‘s why countries should develop the acquisition and recognition of language skills outside the formal education systems. At the same time, European Union, for example, intends to:

stimulate student and worker mobility;

communicate the results of the study on language skills, creativity and innovation;

provide a platform to exchange best practices in learning languages.

Countries are also invited to promote language learning by:

offering opportunities to learn the national language plus two other languages;

providing a wide offer of languages to choose from;

improving the training of those involved in language teaching;

supporting the mobility of language teachers.

There exists a European Union Council Resolution of 21 November 2008 on a European strategy for multilingualism. With this resolution, the Council is inviting the Member States and other countries to promote:

multilingualism, in order to increase social cohesion, intercultural dialogue and European construction;

lifelong language learning, in particular among young people and language teachers;

the role of multilingualism in the competitiveness of Europe‘s economy as well as in the mobility and employability of Europe‘s citizens;

linguistic diversity and intercultural dialogue, by further supporting translation so that the circulation of works and the dissemination of ideas in Europe and beyond is encouraged.

2.Find in the text the English equivalents of the following word combinations:

языковое разнообразие, явление, превосходить численно, международные отношения, непрерывное образование, конкурентное преимущество, очевидный, конкурентное преимущество, владение несколькими языками, овладение языковыми умениями , намереваться.

3. Make up word combinations matching the words matching A and parts. Consult the text. Translate into Russian.




into contact




an important role




with a competitive edge





International relations


language learning


social cohesion

4. Divide the text into paragraphs and entitle them. Pick up key words from every paragraph. Give the general idea of every part using these words.

Grammar practice

Passive Voice is used to emphasize the action (the verb) and the object of a sentence rather than subject. This means that the subject is either less important than the action itself or that we don‘t know who or what the subject is. F.ex. After the earthquake, aid was sent to the people of Haiti.

Note: Verbs that have no object (no one to ―receive‖ the action) cannot be put into the passive, such as, arrive, come, die, exist, go, happen, have, live, occur, sleep, etc.

1.In the text there are some sentences where Passive Voice is used. Find them and try to reproduce. If possible transform sentences with Active Voice into the ones with Passive Voice.

2.Use Passive Voice to emphasize the focus on the action.

1.Global anti-seismic system (to launch) … to prevent earthquakes and other natural disasters.

2.Great efforts (to make) for eco-tourism to become more attractive and enjoyable for potential customers.

3.Whales must (to protect) … by an international ban on whaling.

4.Some people feel that too much attention (to pay) … by television, newspapers, magazines, and other media to celebrities and their private life.

5.The youth policy in our country (to support) … by a National Strategic Plan for Youth



Discuss the following:

1)Why is multilingualism a social phenomenon?

2)What does statistics say about the number of people who speak only one foreign language and people who speak several foreign languages?

3)What are the advantages for multilingual employees?

4)What are the initiatives of the European Union which concern the support of multilingualism?

5)What does European Union Council Resolution on a European strategy for multilingualism promote?

Team work Read and discuss

1. Read the message that King of Belgium delivered to the Parliament.

In trilingual Belgium, King stresses importance of multilingualism.

In his New Year's speech to Belgium's government authorities, King Albert II spoke of how learning foreign languages

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