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Iceland. The Thoroddsen family

The THORODDSEN 1)_________in a quite a large detached house in Hafnarfjordur, a small town eight kilometers from Reykjavik.

Summers in Iceland are quite mild but winters are cold. Surprisingly, most houses in Iceland 2)__________central heating. Instead of fireplaces heat 3)_________from volcanic activity. Bjorn is a pilot and 4)_________most of his time in the air or on the ground in other countries. And when he 5)___________for his job he is usually up in his private plane. As a result, most of the housework and childcare is done by Margaret, who 6)____________her family life with her hat-making business. She also 7)________time to go riding with her children on their Icelandic horses and to practice the cello by herself or with her young son. The three youngest children8) ___________Olduhinsskoli Elementary School. At weekends, the family often 9)_________to the thermal pool in Hafnarfjordur.

3. Put the verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous




d) do












The Wu family live in a small town called Shiping, about 150 km from Kunming, in southern China. The nine members of the Wu family 1) ____________an attractive house surrounded by trees, next to a lake. Every three days, different members of the family 2)___________the boat out on the lake and 3)___________the plant called water hyacinth which is used to feed pigs. Every Sunday, Yu Xian and Ba Jiu 4)_________their produce to the village market to sell and most of the family income 5)__________from this. They are well respected in the village and known for their honesty. Ba Jiu is retired local official.

Eight-year- old Wu Dong 6)____________his whole morning at school. His school is one of the best in the area.

At the moment Yu Xian 7)___________a wide variety of dishes in the kitchen. Jian Chun and Rong, the daughters-in-law, 8)______________the family washing.

After working hard all day, the family usually 9)___________ their evenings relaxing on the sofa in front of the television. They 10) __________this opportunity to spend time together.

4. Read the texts above again and fill in the table





















Who the





breadwinner is





How they relax










How they earn for










Family values










What they are doing





at the moment









5.Fill in the gaps with the appropriate tense form (Past Simple, Past Continuous.

1)At six o'clock last night our family ________ television in our apartment. a) watched b) was watched c) watching d) was watching

2)After the working day, my Dad and I _______ some supper and then we took our dog for a walk.

a) had

b) was had c) was having

d) having


When I was a child I ______ a toy that looked like a dragon.

a) had

b) was had c) was having

d) having


At seven fifteen this morning, I _______ down the street when I saw my cousin.

a) was walked b) walked c) was walking d) walking

5)I looked in the room and saw all the children ______ magazine articles on the latest fashion.

a) reading

b) read

c) was reading

d) were reading





While I was doing my homework last night, the telephone _______ . It was my mother

calling me with some good news.





a) was ringing b) ringing

c) rang

d) was rang






the parents

listened politely



children ______ to play their








a) tried

b) trying

c) was tried d) was trying





When Samuel arrived home from work, his wife ______ for him with an angry expression

on her face.








a) waited


b) was waited

c) was waiting

d) waiting


Last night, between ten o'clock and midnight, I could clearly hear the couple in the flat

next to mine. They ______ an argument about what to watch on TV.

a) had

b) were had

c) were having d) having




10) My mother and me ___________ at the table in silence when Dad came in.

a) sat


b) was sitting

c) were sitting

d) were siting


6 . Put the verbs in Future Simple, or Present Simple or Past Simple



1)Twenty years ago, the typical extended family _______ (be)―wide‖. It usually consisted of two or three generations, with many children in each ―nuclear family‖.

People ________ (have) lots of aunts and uncles but often ____________(not know) their grandparents. However, according to a new study by the British research group

Mintel, the family is changing shape. The family groups of the future will be ―long and thin», with three or four small generations.

2)Here are some of their predictions:

3)Most children _______(know) their great-grandparents (and even great-great- grandparents) because people are living longer.

4)Very few children _________( have) brothers or sisters, and it will be common to be an only child. As a result, future generations will not have many cousins either.

5)Many children _______(grow up) isolated from other children and young adults. This will make them more selfish and introverted.

6)More couples __________(divorce) and re-marry, some more than once. They may have children with their new partners; so many children will have a stepmother or stepfather and half-brothers or sisters.

7)There _________(be) many ―boomerang children‖. These (be) children who leave home to get married, but then divorce and return to live with their parents.

8)There will be more single-parent families.

9)Because houses _______(be) now so expensive, different generations may decide to live together, so parents, grandparents, and adult children may co-own their houses, and many couples will have to live with their in-laws.

2. Look at the table. Read the numbers. Consult Grammar Focus for Numerals.


Supportive sentences


1. This piece of writing essay illustrates an essay organization with comments in the boxes. Pay attention to the organizational parts of the text. You may also go to http://esl.about.com/od/beginningwriting/Beginning_Level_ESL_EFL_Writing_Help. htm



Topic sentences begin each paragraph


Tabbing each paragraph


Marriage means living together, sharing everything, and having a lot of responsibilities. However, there has been a remarkable increase in divorce in recent years. This makes some people wonder whether family relations will end in the near future. There are some factors which play an important role in the high divorce rate.

The thesis statement (your general argument) is usually placed at the end of the introduction.

First of all, there is a higher cost of living today. This leads to some conflicts in family life. Due to difficult life conditions, people are more aggressive towards each other. Couples do not tolerate a few mistakes. In addition, women think that life will be difficult unless they have their economic independence. Nowadays, there are many women working outside their homes and are independent. As a result, some regard divorce as the best way to get this independence. They hope to be free and stand on their own. Women can continue their life without depending upon men.

Another obvious reason is changing values. The values of society do not remain the same. Members of the family do not want to take responsibility, and moreover, family ties have weakened. The importance of the concept of family has declined. Above all, many causes influence family structure.

Another significant reason is the rising educational level, especially for women. Unquestionably, life-styles change parallel to educational levels. Family members are not enough interested in each other because there are some more interesting areas that they are fond of, such as their own careers, jobs and freedom. This causes lack of communication between family members.

It is a fact that some values which are very important while getting married have weakened, too. For example, love can be meaningless for the new generation. That is to say, family ties are weak at the beginning of the marriage. Of course, marriage without strong ties can easily end in divorce.

Consequently, we must give importance to this problem and its reasons. Politicians must work for higher living conditions, and people must protect their traditional values.

The conclusion briefly recapitulates the argument and either ends on a memorable thought, closing insight, interesting quotation, lasting image, or call to action.


telling favourite family stories


1.Read Eve’s story and be ready to discuss the issues raised in the text.

2.Discuss in groups the results of the research touched upon in the article. Express your opinion.

Project work

1. Do you know your family history?


Strong families have a sense of family HISTORY. They have a need for connection to the past. Knowing family history provides ROOTS and a sense of belonging. Recognizing the diversity of past generations can help family members appreciate their own uniqueness at the same time they celebrate their similarities. The past influences the present. Understanding and appreciating family history keeps families connected from one generation to the next.

Family history can be promoted by:

relating important family events

tracing family members who have moved away or are deceased

attending family gatherings and reunions

communicating regularly

sharing family history with younger family members

keeping family traditions alive

remembering and celebrating family birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and graduations.

It is never too late to begin to learn about your family history. Family history is important because it:

develops a sense of stability and self-esteem

provides a support system

helps to understand inherited traits

identifies health or medical risks

provides a family legacy.


2. Study your family history. Create your family tree. Make up presentation. Choose the best one.

Unit 2. Family SWOT analysis

Lead in.

What makes a family strong?

Is love enough to build a strong family /save a marriage?

Can you give examples of longlasting successful marriages?


Reading and vocabulary

1. Read and decide how to build a strong family. Pay attention to the words in bold.



Building a strong family is like building a house. Both need a plan.

A strong family based on unity and love takes careful planning, but it's worth every moment. The better you know about what you are doing and the better the material and tools you use, the more likely you are to build something that will withstand the test of time. But, no matter how carefully you construct a house, or how conscientiously you construct a family, they both require constant maintenance and occasional repair.

Families can work together to make their home a sacred centre for family life, a place where each family member feels a sense of belonging and a place of refuge and shelter from the outside world. When families create a sacred home, the comforting environment nourishes each family member, strengthens relationships, and fosters learning the important lessons of life. It is inside the home that relationships are strengthened and joy is felt.

All families have strengths Caring and Appreciation

Loving and caring in families involves much more than the feeling of love. Strong families notice and share positive aspects of each other. They notice the talents, skills and achievements, special qualities, and characteristics that make the other person unique. They find ways to be positive even when another family member makes a mistake. They make a conscious effort to develop closeness and show love at home. Expressions of kindness increase family life satisfaction.

Time together

Giving time is an important way of showing love and appreciation. A strong family finds that opportunities for quality time emerge from quantity time: the more time a family spends together, the better chance they have of sharing quality experiences. Eating meal together, talking about the events of the day, sharing joys and defeats, doing household chores together, and spending some evenings popping corn and watching movies are examples of shared activities.


There are many ways to foster commitment at home: discovering and enhancing family traditions. A family tradition is an activity or event that occurs with regularity and holds special meaning to a family. Family traditions promote feelings of warmth and unity, stability and safety for family members.


Strong families communicate. They take time to talk and listen to one another. They share their hopes and dreams, feelings and concerns. They take the time to listen and respond to what others have to say.


Strong families develop predictable routines, roles, and rules that govern everyday life and provide for continuity and stability. Some of the more obvious patterns are who cooks, washes dishes, does the laundry, fixes the car, make decisions, express anger, affection, or other emotions. At the same time families stay flexible, realizing that changing their routines can help them cope with stress. The varied circumstances of family life may necessitate


individual adaptation. Since no family knows what tomorrow will bring, being adaptive and flexible is a good trait for family members to develop.


Strong families share a belief in something greater than themselves. They agree about what is right and wrong and what is really important to them. These shared values give families purpose and help them unite on goals. Spirituality is thus a powerful source of strength for these families.

Community and family ties

Strong families are connected to others in the community. They don‘t stand alone. Such families are closely involved with other families and friends, schools, churches, and local organizations that promote the well-being of individuals and communities. Parents support groups that help develop and educate their children.

Family values

Values are a reflection of who we are, of our culture and of our own unique heritage. Being clear about our values enables and empowers us to establish priorities and make decisions that we can live with and by. What we learn from our families in childhood builds character and serves us throughout our lives. Families guide personal growth and education, while offering love and protection.

Family history

Strong families have a need for connection to the past. The past influences the present. Understanding and appreciating family history keeps families connected from one generation to the next.


Contentment is the state of being happy and the satisfaction with the resources and circumstances that define the family. Families can promote more contentment with a family approach to goal-setting and decision-making.


Optimism can be defined as the energy that fuels your thoughts, feelings and actions based on the difference between your expectations and your perceptions of a situation. Families that develop a positive attitude and are generally optimistic can maintain healthy relationships.

(From /www.focusas.com/Family-Strengths.html)

2. Read the text once gain and fill in the table.


Key words



time together










community&family ties


family values


family history







3.Scan the text. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following word combinations:

Прочная семья, основанная на сплочѐнности и любви, священный, чувство принадлежности, вскармливать, укреплять, воспитывать, забота и признательность, разделять, близость, доброжелательность, радость, неудача, совершенствовать, способствовать, стабильность и безопасность, надежды и мечты, заведенный порядок, выражать эмоции, духовность, разделять убеждения/ценности, иметь общие цели, сообщество, делать возможным, расставлять приоритеты, личностный рост, влиять, постановка целей, принятие решений, ожидание, восприятие.

4.Read the texts below about different families and tick their family strengths

Family strengths





My family







time together












family history






















































family values






Reading and writing. Understanding text structure

1. Read the text and find topic sentences in each paragraph.


The Kevin and Joanna Rowland family is an excellent example of the traditional family including father, mother and four siblings: Kenton, Kendra, Jeremiah Rowland and Kit. Kevin and Joanna Rowland have instilled in their children spiritual values, independence, responsibility and the act of volunteering. Mrs. Rowland is flutist at Higher Call Christian Church. Kenton, a student at Martin Middle School, is the class representative and a member of the football team. Kendra is enrolled at Powell Elementary School where she is a performer in the drama group. Jeremiah, also is a

student at Powell Elementary School, plays Junior Recreational Football at Lyons Park. Kevin Rowland takes time with his children and finds time to help coach a little league team. He serves as a role model for his children.

Education is a key priority for all members of the Rowland family. They have encouraged and supported one another in maintaining academic success. Kit, the eldest son, is completing his program at Shaw University. Mrs. Rowland is a senior at


North Carolina State University majoring in Applied Sociology. Strong work ethics have enabled them to maintain economic stability in these difficult times. Inspiring their own family and other families to improve the quality of life through spiritual values, education, economic well-being and health are hallmarks of this strong family.

2. Read the text and find topic and supportive sentences.


This mother of four, two adopted Ryan 10 and Rean 5, and two foster children, Adam 5 and Jane 3, qualifies as an exemplary model of the extended family. This is a true example of a loving family that has been carefully pulled together.

Ms. Stephens has developed a solid foundation for the successful rearing of her children. A strong advocate for her children and children in general, she has completed a

workshop on child advocacy. She goes on field trips and visits the school on a regular basis.

Ms. Stephens decided to become a foster mother because of the need for Americans to adopt other children. With the support of her family, church and friends, she has been able to provide a loving and caring environment for her family. She still finds time to care for her mother who is 83 years of age and visually impaired.

3. The paragraphs in the text have been mixed up. Read and put them in the right order according to an essay structure: introduction, main body and conclusion.


(A)Shanella volunteers at the New Hope Community Center tutoring children with their homework. Ms. Satterwhite has always participated with Shanella in all of her extracurricular activities. She has managed to balance life and work in order to meet the needs of her daughter.

(B)Both mother and daughter work very hard at being self sufficient economically. Ms. Satterwhite works two jobs and over the past ten years has been saving and preparing for Shanella‘s college education. She has encouraged

Shanella to follow her dreams and further her education. Shanella will enter a college next year where she can focus on art and fashion design. Shanella currently serves as an art honor student at Southeast Raleigh High School and her number one fan continues to be her mother.

(C)The Wanda S. Satterwhite Family is a single parent family. Wanda Satterwhite is a very supportive mother and loving parent. She has lived with the difficulties of the disease polio her entire life. She never allowed her disease to hinder the way she brought up her daughter, Shanella, and despite her illness Ms. Satterwhite graduated from Miller Business College.


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