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Assignment II

  • Questions.

  1. What meanings does the subjunctive mood express in simple sentences?

  2. What is the difference between the forms of the subjunctive mood in sentences of unreal condition referring to the present/future and past?

  3. What other forms can be used to express an unreal condition referring to the present?

  4. What conjunctions are used to introduce a conditional clause?

  5. Speak on the mixed types of sentences of unreal condition.

  • Do exercises 3-21.

  • Make up a dialogue based on the plot and vocabulary of one of

I. Bergman’s films, using sentences of unreal condition.


I. Mood. The Subjunctive Mood. The Present Subjunctive. The Past Subjunctive

Ex. 1. React to the following statements using the present subjunctive.

1. Your tax declaration is due by the end of the week. – …

2. The astronauts are ready to take off, sir. – …

3. Chicago Bulls have lost a second game. – …

4. The boat is sinking, Jane. We may soon be dead. – …

5. I have made up my mind and I need your permission. – …

6. The damned computer has lost our life. – …

7. Bless him, Father, for he died a hero. – …

8. Atishoo! God, when will I stop sneezing –…

Ex. 2. Translate into English using the present or past subjunctive.

  1. Я далек от мысли не доверять вам. 2. К черту политику и политиков. 3.Да здравствует свобода! 4. Достаточно сказать, что он так и не ответил на письмо. 5. Они вернулись, как бы это сказать, не совсем трезвыми. 6. Будь здоров! Тебе стоит принять лекарство. 7. Покойный был добрым человеком. Мир праху его! 8. Будь это сам Принц Уэльский, я не позволю ему разговаривать подобным образом! 9. Вы играете в покер? – Боже упаси! 10. Чтобы ни случилось, я не отступлю ни на шаг. 11. Пусть будет по-твоему. Я надеюсь, что ты знаешь, что делаешь. 12. Будь проклят Джон Сильвер! Разорви его на части! 13. Черт возьми! Опять мотор не заводится.

II. The Use of the Subjunctive Mood in Simple and Complex Conditional Sentences

Ex. 3. Comment on the forms of the Subjunctive Mood in conditional sentences

What If..?

- Daddy, what if the sun stopped shining? What would happen then?

- If the sun stopped shining You'd be so surprised, You'd stare at the heavens With wide-open eyes And the wind would carry Your light to the skies,

And the sun would start shining again!

-But Daddy what if the wind stopped blowing?

What would happen then?

If the wind stopped blowing Then the land would be dry,

And your boat wouldn't sail,

And your kite wouldn't fly.

The grass would see your trouble

And she'd tell the wind.

And the wind would start blowing again!

-But Daddy what if the grass stopped growing

What would happen then?

-Well, if the grass stopped growing

You'd probably cry

And the ground would be worried

By the tears from your eyes,

And like your love for me

That grass would grow so high.

The grass would start growing again!

-But Daddy, what if I stopped loving you? What would happen then?

-If you stopped loving me

Then the grass would stop growing,

The sun would stop shining

And the wind would stop blowing.

So you see, if you want to keep

This old world go on

You'd better start loving me again!

Ex. 4. In pairs, ask and answer questions about what you would do in each of the following situations. Use your own ideas.

1... you / see / someone committing a robbery

2... you /find / a lot of money

3 ... a fire / start / in your home

4 ... you / have / a headache

5 ... you / see / a stray dog outside your house

6... your boss / shout / at you

Ex. 5. Read the headlines and make a conditional sentence for each, as in the example.

e.g. If the prisoner hadn't escaped, he wouldn't have robbed the bank.




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