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Поляна Музеи 4.09

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Терр Красной Поляны находится на терр Колхидской гео-ботаническойя зоны. В этих местах, как мало где в мире сохранились реликты – растения, оставшиеся с доледникового периода и много эндемиков – это виды, которые не встретишь нигде, кроме Сочи. Кстати, именно в этих местах мы можем встретить уникальное растение, которое не живет нигде в мире, кроме скалистых берегов реки Мзымта. Это колокольчик жестколистный. Про Колхидский лес. До пригородов Поляны. Сочи – уникальный уголок. Так ли много мест в мире, где за 20 минут из жарких субтропиков можно на вертолете долететь до заснеженных горных вершин и скатиться на лыжах вниз – helley ski – и еще через пол часа вновь купаться на солнечных жарких пляжах?!

Ну а в конце XIX на горке над Красной Поляной был выстроен для царя охотничий дворец - теперь в нем дом отдыха. Царь тут так и не побывал. А Красную Поляну решили сделать городом Романовском. Провели планировку этого города, вбили столб с надписью "Полицейское управление", начали распродавать участки. Потянулись сюда за царем вельможи и генералы. Председатель Государственной

думы Хомяков, миллионер Морозов, построили свои дачи в Романовске. Но ни города, ни курорта так и не получилось. После революции в 24 году на месте великокняжеских охот был создан Кавказский государственный заповедник.

Граница его проходит совсем рядом с Красной Поляной. Это огромная (360 000 гектаров) природная лаборатория, целый мир безлюдных скал, лесов, лугов и снегов, где природу изучают в девственном виде в целях охраны и обогащения флоры и фауны. Там строго - нельзя охотиться, рубить лес, жечь костры, рвать цветы.

Приехали мы в Поляну с побережья и сами не заметили, как поднялись на полкилометра над уровнем моря.

Справа комплекс Полянской ГЭС, построена сразу после ВОВ. 2 очередь уже достроена в поселке Эсто-садок. Попозже я вам покажу это место. Почему же Поляна Красная? Греки, пришедшие сюда в 70ых годах 19 века из Ставрополья, застали эти места после выселения обитавших здесь местных черкесских сообществ медозюев, аибгинцев и других народов, незаселенными. Осенью папоротник приобретает красноватый оттенок, и будущие колонисты, увидев эту красоту, назвали поселение Красной Поляной, которое вскоре вытеснило из обихода название Романовск Поселок Кр П официально существует с 1878г Панорама поляны у вывески. Поляна расположена в долине р. Мзымты. И со всех сторон окружен горами. Описать панораму Дзитаку, Псеашхо, (ледники) Аибги, Ачишхо. Сзади хр Ахцу. Ср годовая т +10. С ноября по май в поселке – снег. В самой поляне олимп объектов не будет – тока инфраструктура. Они все выше по течению Мзымты. И мы с вами некоторые из них седня увидим.

Слева - водохранилище суточного регулирования уровня воды в КРП ГЭС. Где труба, там сливаются две водные артерии региона самая крупная река Сочи, Мзымта и одна из самых неспокойных рек - Бешенка.

В Поляне или ауле Кбаадэ, как называли это место жившие здесь до середины 19 века горские народы много цветущих садов. Эта традиция идет от проживавших здесь Черкесских народов, которые, уходя в военный поход или на охоту, брали с собой черенок фруктового дерева и прививали его к диким лесным фруктовым деревьям. И сейчас еще можно встретить далеко в горах остатки древних черкесских садов. Черкесы считали, что лишь тот, кто посадил за свою жизнь больше 50 деревьев, попадет в рай. Что ж, у нас есть чему поучиться у горцев.

Справа мы видим храм св Зинаиды. Население КРП многоконфессиональное. Но большинство – православные – греки, русские, армяне. Мы въезжаем на глав Полянскую улицу – Защитников Кавказа. Ул названа так не случайно. Ведь буквально в дне пешего пути (на перевале Аишхо) от этих мест проходила линия фронта во время ВОВ и многие Полянцы (и старики, и школьники) взяв в руки оружие ушли на фронт в руках. Если бы немцам удалось порвать линию фронта они бы выходили на Черноморское побережье в тыл Советским войскам, героически защищавшим подступы к Туапсе. А поражение наших войск на Кавказе могло самым роковым образом сказаться на исходе вей войны (ул трудовой славы 10 и налево)

Итак, мы въезжаем в самый центр поселка КРП, чтобы увидеть то место, где в 21 05 1864 состоялся парад рус войск, ознаменовавший окончание Кавказской войны. Посмотрите налево, вот на этой ныне спортивной площадке, проходил этот парад. Чуть в глубине от дороги, стоит дуб, которому, по мнению ученых, более трехсот лет. Этот молчаливый свидетель помнит многое. И те трагические события 1864 года, тоже.

Посмотрите налево, вот парк, в котором установлен памятник, погибшим в ВОВ (стадион) у цветочного киоска – дуб (остановка без выхода) – со времен 1864 под сенью этого дуба парад более 300 лет. (направо) ул, где админ ПОЛЯНЫ. Ул. Волоколамская направо (пан Ачишхо). Музей Глав тема музея героическая оборона перевалов Кавказа в ВОВ. 25 .08.42 атаки на Поляну 4 горнострелковой дивизии. У Сочи 2 темы -1 подвиг милосердия (госпитали) но есть и менее известная однако не менее важна страничка – оборона перевалов. Немцы потеснили общевойсковые части, стоявшие на Псебае были отодвинуты нем альп батальонами – лучшая экипировка опыт. Турки пропустили нем и итал военный флот в Ч море 88 кораблей а тут немцы с гор(атас!) и 20 горнострелковая див ген Турчинский(?) снялись за ночь 3 полка в горы в Поляну пешком 565 поворотов по стар дороге на рассвете на перевале удержали до мая 43 когда нем стали с кавказа уходить.

Дольмены золота нет есть рукотвор посуда.

Мы продолжаем наш путь по ул Защитников Кав и сейчас на нашем пути будет одна из первых сов турбаз Горный Воздух. Не работает по назначению а в 30 здесь нач и заканч 1 пешеход горный марш по зап Кав. Пик отель 4 звездный Дворец Ник 2 (экс объект)

На нашем пути клубная система Екатерина-Альпик. Комплекс под зеленой крышей – это здание Министерствf чрезвычайных ситуаций. У МЧС здесь хватает работы. Часто кто-то теряется в горах, попадет в лавину, травмируется во время горнолыжного спуска. МЧС всегда оперативно приходит на помощь. А, учитывая олимп будущее КР П и развитие поселка как гроноклиматического курорта, роль МЧС сложно переоценить. Справа многоэтажки - это для строителей олимпиады.

Между Поляной и Эстонкой есть вариант поговорить об эстонцах упомянуть о музее Томпсаары. Эсто садок в переводе с эст означает – цветущий сад?

Александр 2 разрешил эстонцам переселяться на незанятые земли К.П. целых два с половиной года шли они через всю Россию. Часть эстонских безземельных крестьян дошла до КрП, где поселилась по соседству с греками.

Посмотрите налево. Дом музей известного эстонского писателя Антон ХАМСЕН ТОМ СААРА ЖИЛ и лечился В ЭТОМ ДОМЕ В 1912 ГОДУ.

Вагончики приспособлены для вхождения с лыжами. На базе этой канатки работает спорт школа, обучающая детей горнолыжным видам спорта. Лев берег Мзымты. Здесь Альпика сервис, построена более 10 лет назад и ныне тоже Олимп объект Владелец газпром. Место слияния рек Мзымты и Ачипсе. Ачипсе берет свое начало в верховьях Ачишхо. А выше в нее впадает река Лаура.

Справа Пасека - одна из лучших пасек КРП. КРп мед очень полезный и вкусный. Благодаря неприхотливой и морозоустойчивой кавказской серой пчеле и каштановым лесам.

Канатка на Ачипсе. Инфо полезной 0. Дорога на вольерный комплекс.

Олимпийская подтема. Основные ол объекты по плану будут располагаться на Хребте Псехако. 1500 м Там канатка Там стадионы и осн горнолыж объекты 700 руб Гранд отель флаги газпрома, Кр края. В этом корпусе Путин встречал МОК. Здесь расположен зал офиц приемов. В этом вот корпусе, кот вы видите. А впереди Псехако. За ним хр. Ассара. Вверх по Мзымте Аишхо. Вольерный комплекс Заповедника. Поголовье зубра увелич. Зап Зубровый орг в 24 году преобразован в Кавказский С 1979 Биосферный (охран все). Биосферный наш один. На международном уровне. Часть заповедника в Хосте тисосамшитовая роща Площадь 301 га. У входа туда музей, а в нем скульптур переднеазиатского леопарда. Есть программ восстан их ЮНЕСКО ПРИСВОИЛО ЗАПОВЕДНИКУ СТАТУС ВСЕМИРНОГО ПРИРОДНОГО НАСЛЕДИЯ. Также как и Ахштыр пещере – как стоянке древнего чел – объект культур наследия.

Часть комплекса огорожено там будет офиц резиденция през-а. На Псехако просматривается зональность леса. От смешанного до хвойного.

Йодо бром меньше противопоказаний чем Мацеста. Младшая сестра. 80 пар поездов в сутки обслуж вагон депо в сезон. Калина Бульданеш Средезем вечнозелен кустарник – белые цветы вдоль Адлерской трассы. На фоне мыса видного на 1 level с морем – православ крест. Сан корпус надпись мыс Видный. За корпусами сан Аврора купола Хостинского православ храма – 1 из старейших храмов Сочи – ровесник М Архангела. В 1,5 КМ ОТ ТРАССЫ ВВЕРХ ПО РЕКЕ Агура каскад из 3 водопадов агурских. А выше Орлиных скал. Нац парк вход 50 р. Соч отделение росс (русского?) географ общ-ва. Охрана дачи СТАЛИНА.

Good morning friends., I your guide, my name is Phillip. Our driver is called … We will make a fascinating and very interesting travel to Krasnaya Polana – a wonderful place and a capital of the future Olimpic games Two thousand fourteen. Are you sitting comfortably> So, our journey starts, And I hope everyone feeld fine. Our way begins from the Sochi sea port - look at this magnifisant building, It was recognised the most beautiful in Europe. Built under the direction of Stalin in the begining of 50th Dear visitors, the history of a city has begun with these places in days of the Caucasian war in 1838 here the landing of Russian armies on high coast of the river Sochi. 23. 04. 1838 also is date of the basis of a city of Sochi. Soon after theend of the war on the place of this fort the orthodox temple of Archangel Michael has been constructed. This cathedral is one of the oldest temples of a city, built in the 19 th century. Near to a temple divine in there is somewhat other temple - arts. A concert hall Festival. It is the best summer concert hall. A hall where every day from May till October known Russian and foreign actors makes their shows.

On the other hand you can see the building of interesting architecture constructed in 50ых years of the last century - the Stereo cinema. For today as a cinema it is not used - the Olympic corporation sits there and then it was one of few cinemas in the country in which films with the three-dimensional image were demonstrated. Passing along the street Орджоникидзе - an original cultural axis of a city, we come nearer to the area of arts. You may see the Art Museum, constructed in 1937 in classic style. For many years the city govornement worked here, but in our dys it` s a museum in which the unique collection of works of art – are presented. Very often there pass exhibitions. Last year there was the most interesting exhibition of world famous painter Nicolai Rerich. Continuing conversation on a cult of a life of a city, it is necessary to stop in detail on a building of Winter Theatre to which we come nearer. We soon will appear on the Theatrical Square. This sign place without which it is impossible to present a city. Almost all celebrations are spent here. We by right name it a temple of arts and one of architectural ornaments of a city. The building has been constructed in 1936 under the project of architect Chernopjatov and consultation of the academician of architecture Щуко. The building is executed in the style of neoclassicism, known also, as the Stalin empire style. The reference to antiquity was dictated to that there was an idea that Sochi - the all-Union resort should be surrounded by palaces.

Hotel the Pearl a-place where all most significant exhibitions not only the countries are held, but also the world. An exhibition the beer Sea in Sochi the largest in Europe after Nuremberg. The Hostinsky r ow most resort. The most part of health resorts and the Matsestinsky sources well-known for the whole world settle down in this area. Summer residence Франштейна (to learn, чё for a goose such). Summer residence of a famous russian classic singer Барсовой. At the left you may see th unique park Dendrarium. Its Area is about 50 hectares (?) More than 1500 kinds of vegetation grows from every corner of the world. Yo have a chance to get acquanteed with all styles of park building and visit the Sochi oceanarium. Walking on park, you by your own eyes can see, that Sochi is a city of eternal spring. Why? If you visit park yo`ll be convinced in correctness of my words.

Now we ride on the Kurortny prospect the central avenue of Sochi. On bothsides of the prospect sanatorias have settled down. Most of them were built in Stalin`s epoch in the middle of 30th All of them During the war served as hospitals. That`s why Sochi was amed the hospital-city Thousands of wounded soldiers were cured here. We pass the central stadium named after the famous Soviet football player, champion of Europe 1960, Slava Metreveli. Not solong ago in 2008 sir Elton John gave his concert here. Behind this stadium the sailing centre г Sochi is situated. It Has been constructed to the Moscow Olympic Games 80. But then remained not claimed.

However now Olympic movement in Sochi strongly as never. And you can see it by your own eyes today because we are goin` to the settlement Red Glade - the centre of future 22 winter ОИ.

In a sanatarium the Metallurgist is opened 2 years ago the first mineral drinking pump room. Sochi have all possibilities to become a mineral water balneal resort. The mountain Bitha named so after the name of Adigs people (those people, who lived here before Russia came in this places in the middle of 19th century) saint bird. Sanatorium Орджоникидзе - a monument of architecture of 30 years Architect Kuznetsov. Built under the direct of of Satalin and Sergo Orjonikidze – a minister of heavy industry in 30ths. Hotel Redisson – the more contemporary building, as you see. Many famous artists such as Elton John and Deep Purple stoped in this hotel. A chain of cottages goes down to then sea, in one of which Kuchma and Yeltsin have signed the agreement on destiny of the Black Sea fleet. Sanatorium Green Grove - Stalin's summer residence. Architect Merzhanov. Stalin had problems with health. So for many months he stayed in Sochi to improve health and rooled the country from here. A half centuty later, 1st Russian Prezident Boris Yelsin also stayed a plenty of time in Soschi.

Now We drive on the road of highest category the Agura-airport and we pass a valley of the mountain river Agura. Matsestinsky hydrogene sources have brought to a city the world glory. Therefore it is not casual, what exactly sculpture which we will see in some minutes on КП is established. The Mountain Girl has offered her life, has won evil ghosts of mountains and presented sources to people and in gratitude to it people named sources Мацестой. We look on the left, on a hillside as if the nature, long years, turning, has presented a rock this beautiful expressive image. The author of a sculpture is Ираида Гуслева. She worked over its creation not one year before that in 1976 it has been established at entrance to Masasta Valley. We now with you pass a valley of the mountain river Matsesty. On the right - suffered from flooding of the beginning 90-s' building of a balneary №9

And now look to the left upwards. You can see the mountain Ahun topped with the well-known Ahunsky tower. - It is the biggest ridge in a seaside part of a city. Having climbed up height almost seven hundred (670) m above sea level, you, dear visitors, can see a fascinating kind on main Caucasses Ridge a sea distance and a panorama of the city stretched on 145 km at length and 90 at width, from settlement Magri to village Cheerful. Sochi occupies 145 kilometres of the Black Sea coast, from Магри to the river Psou. The general extent of the Sochi beaches totals 118 kilometres.

But the sea it is far not the only unique rich of the Sochi resorts. In depth on 50 kilometres from coast of Black sea the resort leaves in foothills of the Main Caucasian Ridge which all territory is a part of the State natural national park and is a part of unique Caucasian biospheric reserve. It is possible to leave warm coast and easily to rise on heights more than 2000 metres above sea level, and some tops of a ridge have a height more than 3000 metres.

Into structure of the Big Sochi enters four areas. Lazarevsky - with the biggest extent and the population 78 000, Central - with a large quantity of interesting sights and the population 114 000, Hostinsky - the warmest area Sochi with the population 71 000, Adler – the border region with the population 102 000. The geographical position of a city has brought to it the glory of the warmest city of Russia. The Sochi climate at any time a year is one of optimum in all Europe. Sparing weather of these places allows the Sochi resorts to continue a resort season all year long.

From May till October the Sochi climate, Constant clear weather welcomes visitors. Summer in Sochi is quite hot and wet, air temperature here in summertime can reach to 40 degrees above zero in the afternoon, And here the autumn comes to Sochi practically imperceptibly therefore as warmed by a summer water of Black sea becomes colder for some months and this fact allows to prolong a swimming season up to the end of October. The "Velvet" season in Sochi optimum time for improving health. And the affinity of the mountain ridges which are keeping heat and not passing here cold wind at winter, only promotes the maximum extent of a resort season in Sochi.

The nature in Sochi amazes with its variety. Here you can meet a big quantity of kinds of vegetation thanks to unusually warm seaside climate. Landscapes of different corners of Sochi amaze with the beauty. And if you`ll visit the Sochi Natural Reserve and look at lakes Hmelevsky the extraordinary beauty so amazes, that you set to itself a question: "Who created it?" In two kilometres from the Black sea coast upstream the Hosta River there is a mountain Big Ahun. In northeast part of Ахун is located the well-known nature sanctuary protected by the state, - unique grove of ancient trees. It` s a part of the Caucasian biospheric reserve. The big box woods have not remained anywhere on Earth except here So, The Hostinsky grove is a unique place. On the area of 1104 hectares the flora of the tertiary period has remained. If we look forward we will see acting in the sea on 5 km the cape Adler created two largest rivers of our regions - Мзымтой and Псоу. On the valley of Мзымты passes our today's travel on the Red Glade. On cape Adler the village Cheerful is located, in several km from which on the river Psou other country, Abkhazia begins already. Mid-annual t at the coast makes 14 heats. The above in mountains, climate becomes colder. On the average on each two hundred metres of lifting air becomes more cool almost on degree. When you visit the Red Glade, you can be convinced of it.


The tunnel which we pass, has been constructed in the beginning 80ых, has extent of 600 m, but he has allowed to reduce the road from city centre to the Airport to 15 km.

We have driven on terrritory Host settlement. This most resort place of Sochi. An abundance of health resorts actually thanks to a close arrangement of Matsestinsky sources. Matsestinsky water is not subject to the transportation, therefore all medical procedures can is spent only in immediate proximity from sources. We can see a chain of sanatoria stretched along the sea on nearby ridges. S Caucasus, Blue Hill, with orange balconies, the Aurora, where seamen of northern fleet have a rest.

Before you a panorama of Hosta settlement. Hosta –means clear water. At the left it is located on spurs of ridge Ахун, on the right - on spurs of a ridge of Ovsyannikov. You may see Sanatoria Progress, the Wave, (under a red roof). Each rest house belongs to the department. What does it mean? Masests& the Standard transfer - fiery water. However there is an opinion that Мацеста is a valley of smells (убыхский) and fire canyon. Any of these opinions can be correct.

On mountain Ahun slopes the Grove settles down a unique grove of acient trees. There lives one of the long-livers of flora - yews. You may see trees one thousand years old, and in the heart of a grove we can meet the trees which age exceeds 2 thousand years come across! Still at occupying these places убыхов and садзов these places were considered as the sacred. Here did not cut wood and did not hunt on an animal. Some kind of reserve. It were the earths убыхского god Ahina, - the patron of large horned livestock.

On our way a valley of one more river - Кудепста. In riverheads Кудепсты unique jodo-bromic sources are used. Unlike Мацесты, jodo-bromic waters of Кудепсты can be transported that allows to use its medical properties not being limited to limits of Sochi.

At the left the tourism and rest Кудепста centre where after the flight the first spaceman Gagarin spent his free time Gagarin. Now it’s a san of austronauts. The river Kudepsta is the border between Хосьа and Адлер. At the left? You see the boarding house Southern, one of the first health resorts of Adler, constructed in the beginning of 20 century.

So, we are on territory of Adler. Adler is one of the most unique corners of our country because of it`s nature-climatic variety. In Adler area all is planned to arrange the Olympus objects. On the right the boarding house Knowledge. It opens the Resort zone of Adler There the park, small town of fairy tales at which Zurab Tsereteli has worked is located, and also: a delphinarium and the most known aquapark in a city. In 70-s' when it was created was planned as a place of family rest. And all is made that rest in it was pleasant and comfortable. On the right party we see the territory which has been built up with 2-3 floor cottages. In the end 80ых it was planned to create on it the whole complex of boarding houses, but disorder of the USSR has prevented realisation of this project and as result such here private, chaotic building.

At the left boarding house the Emerald. In it not most protected have a rest in соц the plan inhabitants of Moscow. So you see that Sochi is rich for it` s sanatoriums and other places of rest, where the best experts of the country works. Come to us on rest and treatment and you are convinced of it.

We leaves a resort zone of Adler. But Adler as also the major transport knot of the South region. Here on the right we see the tablet «Adler Carload depot». Here the trains going from Sochi in all corners of the country are formed. A building under a green roof - railway station Adler was constructed in 50-s' years. Such stations then were built on all south direction of USSR - in Поти, Гантиади, Гаграх. Here begin the Transcaucasian railroad. But today trains do not go further. Though works directed on renewal of жд messages with Abkhazia are spent. We hope that in the near future we will have again a possibility to travel by train further on the south. The elite zone which begins from R station lasts further to the border. Жд here recedes from the sea. It is necessary to tell, what exactly the best beaches are situated in this part of Sochi. Thanks to a hard work of the rivers Mzymta and Псоу, tirelessly bearing from mountains a pebble and sand for formation of beaches.

At the left an industrial zone of Adler is situated. Adler wines factory, an integrated poultry farm, a bread-baking complex and Adler tea plantations. If driving on douth, passing the centre of Adler and village Cheerful, we through 10 km will be on state border. But our today's way lays in mountains. Travel on the coast is finished around the Airport and now we drive on Krasnopoljansky highway.

Part 2 Red Glade.

Here through these modest by sight gates drives presidents @ other оffissial persons. Their way also often lies to Polana. Its bilding became in the first black days of the Second World War. It was used for military needs of the Black Sea fleet. In post-war years it has been transferred for civilian needs. It still remains the largest Airport of the south Region. In times of the Soviet Union more than 4 million people arrived to us by planes. In 1991 Union has ripened the necessity of building new аirport complex. The project and started, but in connection with economic and political events in our countries in the beginning of 90-s' was the long-term pause in airport building. And for 15 years of idle time has not lost the urgency. Thanks to personal attention of prezident Putin, Арапорт in нач 2000 has been completed and equipped and on former according to the international standards. Can and Русланы and Boeing. There is an idea of expansion of strips which and now almost come on терр villages Moldovka. The village with such name Молдовка has appeared in what image on Caucasus? May be somebody don`t know that M was one of the Soviet republic and now a State near Romania.

In 1829, after termination Rus-Turk of war on Adrianople piece, Turkey has given to the contract the earths from Adler to a mouth of the river of Kuban of Russia. The Adygo-Abkhazian tribes from time immemorial living on these earths and up to May, 1864 showing heroic resistance to the Russian armies have been moved from these places - who on plains of Kuban and who - as убыхи, have refused, - to Turkey. The coast has become empty, Cossacks from Kuban in unusual conditions for them have not coped with a task in view, to adjust a peace life and to keep won терр, the decree about migration movement in 1866 on which landless peasants from all country could move to Caucasus in search of the best share has been accepted. Bessarabsky Moldavians became one of such immigrants. In a valley of the largest river Sochi, Мзымты in the neighbourhood natives of Podolsk province have settled down. Side by side with them there lived Armenians, Georgians, Greeks, Estonians.

Look to the right, here it beauty Mzymta. And on the right coast preparations on railway building on the Glade are already conducted. It is criticised very strongly by scientists, it very much is not pleasant Сочинцам because Мзымта is that waterway, that feeds all Adler, Hostinsky and partially central areas of a city - thousand of people. How it will be reflected in the quality of river water if cutting down of woods will be continued. Nobody can foresee a consequence of these actions. Such definitions as ecological accident sounds also. But the Government promises that everything will be Ok. And of course we belive them!

To the right of us - a ridge Ahshtyrsky. We will overcome it through a tunnel. Молдовка comes to an end. We pass through village Nizhne-high. We pass on a river Mzymta valley It will accompany all of us our travel because we go on its valley. The settlement KR the Glade settles down on the average a current of this river. And it begin her travel to the sea highly in mountains of Caucasuses Biospheres Reserve, from the most beautiful mountain lake top Кардывач.

Migration movement. In 1915 from Turkish oppression амшенские Armenians and понтийские Greeks here ran. It is the largest diaspora in Sochi about 25 % of all Sochi citizens. People of 103 nationalities lives In Sochi by results of last population census. That`s why we have a lot of ethnical museums.

1ый it is opened to 1989 Armenian Sevan, Georgian - Иверия, Adygsky - Адыгхассе, Greek - Энесси. In the well-known garden-museum the Friendship Tree representatives of the people occupying Sochi for the decision of cultural, political, economic questions gather monthly.

Under United Nations forecasts by 2020 ethnographic tourism will occupy the 1 place and in Sochi already there are objects for this kind of tourism. It is an ethno-complex the Amshensky court yard, on road on Кр the Glade, these are court yard шапсугов and др representatives адыгских nationalities on терр Lazarevsky area, in the long term building of the Greek village showing history and a modern life of the people Sochi has pressed. On терр the Complex the Amshensky court yard which you will see at the left, there are 2 museums representing history and a life амшенских of Armenians, interaction contact рус and Armenians of cultures therefore this complex also name the friendship house рус and Armenians people. Here it is a lot of the exhibits representing history of these places, not connected with a nationality амшенских Armenians. On терр a court yard there is a restaurant with national kitchen. We drive with you to village the Cossack Ford. At the left we see ponds in which grow up a carp and a sazan are used.

Trout factory.

Look to the right. Against arbours under a green roof, you can see an ostrich farm.

Trout farm-factory is the biggest in country. Young is delivered other trout farms of Russia. The factory is engaged in selection and deducing of new breeds of a trout. In particular, last deduced breed of yellow colour, also has medical properties.

Well and we are at the foot of the Ahshtyrsky ridge. Upstairs is situated the cave, where many archeological discoverys were made. So we leave a subtropical zone of palm trees and cypresses, we drive to a tunnel, having passed which we will appear in the embraces of mountains. Pay attention, we can observe a unique natural object - the Ahshtyrsky canyon. At the left and on the right rise upwards almost steep to 500 metres of a wall of a canyon, and road to close gorge the beauty the river Mzymta below clears for itself, bearing the rough waters throughout 90 km from lake Top Кардывач to Black sea. In the millenia, being overthrown from height almost 2 500м, punches to itself a way through rocks, Мзымта and every second bears from mountains a material for cape Adler building. An Ahshtyrsky canyon - vertical slopes of its young growth relic wood. Look on the left, you will see rocks grown with a box and a moss and if to look to the right to our attention one of the first recreational objects on road on КР П will appear, its motto «the Life - you are fine».

The Ahshtyrsky canyon is a place historical. In 30 е years scientists have opened Ahctyrs cave. Archeological finds, made here discovered that here is one of the first places on the Earth where ancient people have lodged. Ah caves is the monument wich was named by UNESCO decision Historical and archaeological property of a planet. Looking at these majestic walls ofcanyon gorge, on this river below, are involuntarily recollected, the words heard once in a mountain campaign: «mountains are open embraces of the Earth» Feel it.

The river Mzymta gives the chance to many fans of extreme water kinds of sports to receive huge pleasure from alloys on boats and catamarans . Here the lover of extreme travels may find thresholds of the higher Complexity categories. It is a pity, that we now cannot see them - т.к the part of our way passes on the underground tunnels punched in thickness of rocks whereas yet so a long time, maybe, someone remembers, a way passed to the old road lying on eaves of mountain ridges. The old road is more dangerously and slowly, but also is a lot of picteresque.

Мзымта in a free translation - written sources has not remained, for local адыгские the people had no writing - is translated as the fast river. Also it would be desirable to hope, that the futures a change Olympus will not be reflected in any way in beauty and greatness Мзымты, wich is born at the height almost 2000. It is necessary to tell, that red glade HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION provides electricity and the mountain settlements.

We see cafe on ON THE BEECH, it is a part OF A national reserve park. Recently we marked 25 летиеof it. It has been formed in May 84. Also it is the big good luck. Be late realisation of this idea of years on 5 and hardly we now had possibility to enjoy the nature on терр Соч Национал Park. By the way, it is the very first нац park in our country. The structure нац parks includes upper courses of many large rivers is Мзымта, Псоу, Шахэ, Western Host, Мацеста - Кудепста the Rivers Sochis, Псезуапсе. To all these waterways we are obliged to fine beaches, the best - as I already mentioned, in Adler, thanks to work Мзымты and Псоу, to two largest rivers of region. We pass interesting tourist object «the Mouth of the Dragon»

So we passed the Ahshtyrsky ridge, which maximum height of 500 metres. The ridge following on our way twice above is ridge Ахцу. And to us the gorge Ahtsu panorama just about will open. Here the unique air cocktail - 50 percent gets from the sea through a low ridge of Ahshtyrsky and 50 % of air getting from tops of mountain giants through gorge Ahtsu. Further in mountains air will be becomes drier and more cool.

Length of gorge of 3 km, and depth 850м. Along gorge the road which has been cut down in rocks still in 1897-1899 is laid. Now the road is reconstructed. The new tunnels, saves from frequent rockfalls and make the travel to the Red Glade fast, comfortable and safe. However now passengers are deprived possibility to see all grandiose beauty of gorge. If to rise faced to gorge at the left above we will see mountain Kepsha, 1070м, on the right mountain High 1122м, and in a gorge aperture, look please directly, the snow file is seen. It is mountain Dzitaku. Its height of 2828 metres. This snow-covered top is in 36 km from a place where we are, in riverheads Уруштен. In heart Гос of the Caucasian Biospheric Reserve.

Under supervision of general Annenkov on coast of Black sea have started to build highway. Hunger of 1891 has driven here people ready to work in for a penny. Starving with weights мерли, they were replaced with others, and highway from Novorossisk to Сухума on which site you went today between Sochi and Adler, has been constructed. The bitter name of "Hungry highway" has become stronger behind it. Then the organizer of the Black Sea coast, has decided to give the hunting house a pleasant gift for a zar. mountains of the Western caucasus were dispopulated after emigration of Circassians. He has heard, that here such rare animal as the Caucasian bison was found also and decided to arrange here imperial hunting area. And that it was easier tsar and grand dukes to reach here on hunting, in 1898 engineer Vasily Konstantinovich Konstantinov has constructed that highway on which you to us have arrived today to the Red Glade. And the most difficult site of a way - rocky - passes just on ridge Ахцу. Soft "road parts were built by Russian. Alien Turks have gathered for building of rocky sites - to one and a half thousand persons many.

You look to the right before entrance to a tunnel can see as the old road has to the right Now we drive to a tunnel open of 5.07.2005 years personally by Putin. This event was widely shined on TV. Pay attention, in a tunnel all safety precautions regulations are observed - emergency exits, illumination, ventilation are equipped. Extent of this tunnel about 3 km - also is one of most lengthed automobile tunnels of the country.

We has left a tunnel before us the river Kepsha and if to look on the left upwards, it is possible to see small settlement Kepsha, where lives about 200 people

To our eyes the picture of beginning building жд on the right coast Mzymty appears. Well, state interests seldom get on with nature protection initiatives.

Well and we, come nearer to place Чвижепсе which in the people name the Godforsaken place. Чвижепсе, is famed for it sources of drinking medical mineral water. Earlier on a surface there were natural sources. Now besides them are drilling chinks. Now we will pass through one more tunnel. It has been constructed by the first in frameworks of the program of reconstruction of highway KRP and also has been open by Putin. Huge work on highway reconstruction that once again in it to be convinced has been done look to the right, here there passes one of old sites of road. It was narrow, inconvenient, though also very picturesque. Now it is possible to travel quickly, the most important thing safely is comfortable also..

One of objects Соч нац park явл a mineral sources Чвижепсе. We strenuously develop the city concept as drinking resort. Because stocks of mineral waters about 30 types ara located in our city. Well and Чвижепсе is one of the first sources of mines of waters. Once in 1 half of 20 centuries, here even сущ a clinic, in a cat there were medical procedures. But somehow it has not so got accustomed.. It contains arsenic in medical doses and iron. This connection has medical influence The potential of this mineral water is not up to the end clear yet. But scientists investigate curative properties of the Sochi mineral waters. And I very much hope, that sometime Sochi will return to idea of a drinking resort.

So, on the right a mountain Chvizhepse panorama. Ачишхо. From the Red Glade the kind will be even more interesting.

mountain buildings. Kakvkazsky mountains are young. Once it is a lot of millions years ago on a place of these mountains, Black Средзем and the seas Kaspijsk the ancient ocean Tetis lapped. Of what our mountains are made? Our mountains consist of friable and limy breeds, thanks to adjournment of the ancient sea beings occupying ocean Tetis. We practically do not have minerals. Though in upper courses Мзымты there are small exits of mercury and uraium. Under our city karstic cavities settle down, and it presence of a considerable quantity of caves. On терр Sochi more than hundred. Ahshtyrsky - we with you passed it, Vorontsovsky - the longest to Russia, more 12 km, the deepest - Nazarovsky - 500 m, too of them экс objects are opened for visiting and the Novoafonsky cave in Abkhazia which you too can visit. To mountain young on age they approximately coevals of the Alpes - therefore often call caucasus the Russian Alpes. And they intensively enough grow. To 10мм in a year (?) It to measures of mountains, rather quickly. That `why in Sochi earthquakes are frequent. Usually their force is insignificant 1-2 points and it is reflected negatively only in buildings and roads. Old people told about very strong earthquake of the twentieth years. But then these territories practically have not been inhabited, (Sochis for that moment had the status of a city less than 10 years) so there were no victims and destructions.. Therefore building in Sochi is conducted taking into account possible earthquakes by force to 12 points under the Richter scale.

Терр the Red Glade is on терр Kolhidsky geo-botanicheskojja zones. In these places as in few places in the world relicts - the plants which have remained since before glasial age - have remained and much эндемиков are kinds which you will not meet anywhere, except Sochi. By the way, in these places we can meet a unique plant which does not live anywhere in the world, except rocky coast of the river Mzymta.

Sochi - a unique corner. There ` s not a lot of places in the world where for 20 minutes from hot subtropics it is possible to reach by the helicopter snow-covered mountain tops and to roll down on skis downwards - helley ski - and through a floor of hour again to bathe on solar hot beaches?!

Well and in the end of XIX on a hill over the Red Glade the hunting palace - in it a rest house has been built now for the tsar. The Red Glade have decided to make a city Romanovsky. Have spent a lay-out of this city, have hammered a column with an inscription "Police administration", have started to sell sites. millionaire Morozov, have constructed the summer residences in Романовске. But neither cities, nor a resort has not turned out. After revolution in 1924 year on a place of grand-ducal hunting the Caucasian Biospheric reserve has been created.

Its border passes absolutely near to the Red Glade. It is huge (360 000 hectares) natural laboratory, the whole world of deserted rocks, woods, meadows and snow where the nature study in a virgin kind with a view of protection and flora and fauna enrichment. There it is strict - it is impossible to hunt, cut wood, to burn down fires, to pick flowers.

We have arrived to the Glade from the coast and have not noticed, how have risen on half-kilometre above sea level.