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to be in быть дома, e. g. Is Dr. Sandford m? Доктор Сэндфорд дома? Ant. to be out не быть дома, e. g. Mrs. Sandford is out. Миссис Сэндфорд нет дома.

not to be well = to be unwell; to feel bad плохо себя чувствовать. e. g. Mrs. Sandford is not well. I feel bad today.

That's a pity! Какая жалость! What a pity!

What's the matter? Что случилось? В чем дело? What is it?

flu n грипп

It's a bad cold. Она сильно простудилась (сильная простуда).

She is in bed. Она лежит. Устойчивые сочетания типа in bed, by bus, to school употребляются без артикля.

tohavea*talkпоговорить; также:tohaveasmokeпокурить:tohaveaswimпоплавать (значение однократного действия)

to be glad радоваться, e. g. She is glad to see you.

perhaps возможно, может быть

some other day как-нибудь в другой раз

to be sorry сожалеть, е. д. I'm sorry, he is out.

Remember me to Mrs. Sandford. Передайте привет миссис


I am twenty-two. Мне 22 года. How old are you? I am nineteen (years old). A college graduate выпускник колледжа; I'm a college graduate

у меня высшее образование just a beginner новичок former бывший

school-mate соученик, школьный товарищ; сравни: a fellow- student товарищ по институту companion товарищ

girl-friend подруга; boy-friend товарищ, друг jolly веселый, славный well-bred хорошо воспитанный

elder старший (о членах семьи)', older старше. Например: Му elder sister is 28. She is two years older than I. I am two years younger than my sister.

house-wife домашняя хозяйка

naughty непослушный, шаловливый

to be fond of smth; to like любить, нравиться

to be eager очень хотеть

to be against быть против

peace покой; сравни: piece кусок

People's Age-

What's your age? (How old are you?)

I am seventeen. I am seventeen years old. I am under seven­teen.

I am over seventeen. I am nearly eighteen.

I am under age yet. = I am not yet eighteen.

In three month's time I'll come of age.

She is still in her teens (13—19). She is a teen-ager.

She is in her (early, mid, late) teerfk

She is in her (early, late) thirties (/. e. between 29 and 40).

She is a middle-aged person.

She is an elderly person.

Animals and birds {domestic): horse, cow, dog, cat, goat, pig, swine, ass, rabbit, hen, cock, goose (geese), duck, turkey

Animals and birds (wild): lion, tiger, wolf (wolves), bear, fox, hare, elephant, mouse (mice), monkey, hedgehog, eagle, swan, sparrow, swallow, parrot, pigeon, donkey

Agreement: Sure. Why, yes of course. By all means. That'd be lovely. I'd be glad to. How nice of you. It (certainly) is.

Disagreement: By no means.'Far from it. I'm afraid I don't agree. I think you're mistaken. Just the other way round. I'd like to say yes, but... I'm awfully sorry but you see...

an only child единственный ребенок

five-year-old пятилетний

far-away дальний, далекий

in the North of на севере

as far as так же далеко, как

come along пойдем

it's just the time как раз пора

What's your occupation? What do you do (for a living)? worker (mechanic, turner, locksmith), farmer, engineer, teacher, doctor, surgeon, dentist, soldier, sailor, pilot, officer, salesman, saleswoman (shop-assistant, shop-girl), research worker, archi­tect, lawyer, journalist, typist, driver, actor, actress, composer, painter, writer, poet, playwright, musician, conductor, chemist, physicist


Opening remarks: Oh, it's you. Ah, there you are! Well, if it isn’t old Jack! I say... Excuse me... Sorry to trouble you... Hello!

Parting remarks: Bye-bye / See you / See you tomorrow (then); Love to... Regards to ...

Vocabulary notes

I expect = I believe = I think to be away 1 t

. . , . f from — отсутствовать to be absent J 1

Обратите внимание на отсутствие оглушения звука [Ь] в слове absent.

to be present присутствовать (на лекции, собрании и т. д.) What's up? Что случилось? temperature температура That's too bad. Очень жаль.

to check (go through) the homework проверять домашнее за­дание

exercise-book тетрадь