Listening Basics PartIII
.pdf2.Should there be a law that prohibits people from talking on cell phones in public places: museums, movie theaters, and restaurants?
3.Are cell phones a safety hazard if used while driving?
4.Have cell phones made your life easier?
B. Present your results in percentages. Compare them with what Americans said in this study from the University of Michigan:
1.60% found people yakking on their phones a major irritation
2.40% said there should be a law that prohibits people from talking on cell phones in public places.
3.80% said cell phones were a safety hazard if used while driving.
4.80% said cell phones have made their lives easier.
a.Are there situations where censorship is useful or justifiable? If you think so, give an example.
b.Is there censorship of the media in Russia? Do you agree with your government‘s policy on censorship?
c.Where do you get most of your news: radio, television, newspapers or some other resource?
d.Do you agree with the statement 'The violence in TV shows is just fantasy. People aren't influenced by it.‘? Why? Or why not?

e.Do you agree with the statement 'Nowadays, there's too much violence on TV which encourages violent behavior and crime.'? Why? Or why not?
Think about:
•TV programs or soap operas you have seen recently. Were there violent scenes?
•children's shows. Statistics show that they are more violent than adult shows. What effect might this have?
•why violence in TV shows is so popular.
___ |
Part VI. Individual Listening |
Below you will find a list of additional recordings to develop the topic of the chapter. Choose one, listen to it at home as many times as necessary and get ready to tell your group mates (or professor) about it.
№ |
Name |
difficulty |
length |
description |
1 |
Media in the USA |
* |
14:50 |
Two |
reporters |
(male |
and |
female) explain |
the |
concept |
of |
modern |
American |
media, |
providing |
statistics |
along |
with |
examples |
of popular |
shows, programs and |
projects |
2 |
At your leisure |
* * * |
34:39 |
A male reporter reads |
funny |
stories, |
conducts |
real |
life |
interviews |
and |
introduces |
short |
reports |
on |
various |
topics |
(including |
a |
trip to the USSR) |
3 |
* * * + |
11:41 |
Michael |
Feldman‘s |
show |
dealing |
with |
music, |
sketches |
and |
funny political stories |
4 |
Different Slang in |
* * |
9:40 |
Show Biz Language: |
Media |
The |
language |
used |
behind |
the |
scenes |
in |
Hollywood and other |
show |
biz |
industries. |
The |
Language |
of |
Terror: Two reporters |
talk |
with |
a |
specialist |

on |
the |
words |
of |
terrorism |
5 |
The Best of World |
* * |
13:47 |
A reporter interviews |
Cafe |
the |
host |
of |
NPR‘s |
world café. They talk |
about |
a |
new |
book |
―The |
best |
of |
World |
Café‖, |
sharing |
the |
experience of writing |
and events, happened |
while working. |
6 |
Soaping Water |
* * |
18:16 |
A talk with a |
singer |
from |
San |
Francisco |
about |
his |
new |
CD, |
the style of his music. |
You |
will |
hear |
some |
samples of his songs. |

Part I. Getting started
1. Reductions
A. In rapid, informal speech, past forms of modals are reduced (most reductions are not acceptable in written English). For example, would have come = would’ve come or would’a come; should have said = should’ve said or should’a said; could not have been = couldn’t’ve been or couldn’a been.
There are several examples of reduced forms in the conversation you are going to hear. Listen to these examples of long and short forms and repeat the short form after the speaker.
If I had been a woman, I might have gotten it.
You should have seen her face. I could have passed the test if I had studied.
If I‘d been a woman, I mighta gotten it.
You shoulda seen her face.
I coulda passed the test if I‘d studied.

You shouldn‘t have said that. You must have been tired after working for ten hours.
You should‘na said that. You musta been tired after working for ten hours.
B. Listen to the reductions in the following conversation. It contains reduced forms. Write the long forms in the blanks.
A: |
What‘s wrong? |
B: |
I‘m sure I flunked my test in Chinese history. |
A: |
Didn‘t you study? |
B: |
Yeah, but I guess I ___________________ __________________ |
studied more. I _______________ ______________ watched that |
basketball game on TV last night. Then maybe I ______________ |
________________ done better. |
A:The test _______________ __________________ been really hard.
B:Yeah, and it was too long. There wasn‘t enough time to answer all the questions.
2. Words
Make sure you know the following words from the dialog:
to apply
billing, n.
to interfere with
to be qualified for
to hit smth off uptight
It‘s a long shot to hire
to make a living no big deal
to blow it, coll.
to have a good head on his shoulders Break a leg! coll.
3. Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks
Jeff applied for a job as an office assistant in a doctor‘s office. In the following conversation, he is being interviewed by the office manager. What skills does an assistant in a doctor‘s office need to have? What questions will the office manager probably ask Jeff?
Manager: Mr. Evans, on your ________________ you list you
_______________ ____________________ as
―musician‖. Would you ______________ telling me why you‘re ________________ for a job in an
Jeff: Well, you ____________, it‘s pretty
_________________ to make a _________________ as a musician. I _____________, most musicians
______________ at other jobs during
Manager: Yes, I know. But, uh, I‘m a little _______________ that your music may ________________ with your
_________________ in the office.
Jeff: I _______________ think there will be any
______________. It‘s _______________ that I work
__________________ a lot, but this job doesn‘t
_________________ until ______ a.m., right?
Manager: Yes. Well, uh, let‘s _____________ about your
_________________. Your ______________ job was at a computer _____________.
Jeff: _______________.
Manager: And I see that you‘ve _____________ in a
________________ office ______________. What did you … I _______________, what were your
______________________ there?
Jeff: I _____________ to answer ________________, make
__________________, _______________ letters, and take ______________ of the ______________.
Manager: I see. _____________, Mr. Evans, you‘re
_______________ ___________________ for the job.
The only thing is, well you‘d be the ______________
man working in an _______________ full of
________________. How do you ______________
_________________ that?
Jeff: I ______________ with two _________________, my
________________ and one of her ________________.
It‘s no ________________ ________________ to me.
Manager: Well, okay, Mr. Evans. I _____________ that will be
________. You‘ll be _______________ from us in a
_______________ or _________________.
Jeff: All ____________. Thanks for _____________
____________. Manager: Good-bye.
Jeff: Bye.
Jeff: Hi, Nancy.
Nancy: Hi. How did your __________________ ____________? Jeff: I _____________ it, Nancy. The _______________
manager and I didn‘t ______________ it
_______________ very well. First of all, she
_____________ very _____________ when I told her I was a _________________. And you _____________
have seen her ____________when I told her I
_____________ with two _____________!
________________ if I‘d ______________ a woman I
______________ have had a _______________, but I
_________________ think it‘s a ______________
Nancy: That‘s not ______________. It‘s ________________ to
_________________ against people because of their sex.
If you‘re the _____________ person for the job, she has to ______________ you.
Jeff: I ______________, but …
Jeff: Hello?
Manager: Can I ____________ to Jeff Evans, please? Jeff: _______________.
Manager: This is Marla Graham from Dr. Erickson‘s
_____________. I‘m ________________ to tell you that if you‘re still _________________ in working for us, well, we‘d be _____________ to have you.
Jeff: You‘re ______________. I ____________ the job?
Manager: Yes, Mr. Evans, you ____________ it. You‘ve got a
________________ head on your ________________. Besides, we ______________ that we ______________ a male ______________ around this office. Can you
_____________ on ________________ at 1:00? Jeff: I‘ll be _____________.
Manager: Okay. See you _____________.
Jeff: Great. Bye. I don‘t _____________ it! I ___________ the job!
Nancy: ______________________! _______________ a leg!
4. Listen to the dialog once again and practice reading
5.Retell the dialog avoiding reported speech
-as if you were the office manager
-as if you were Jeff