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At the doctors 1 курс.doc
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6. Read and say what is happening in each short scene. Do any of the scenes you read remind you of a similar experience of your own? Tell other students about it.

Examine Surgeon Filling

Temperature Operation Thermometer

Plaster Vaccination Prescribe

X-ray Ventricle (желудочек сердца) Incision (разрез)

  1. Will you roll up the sleeve, please? Here you go. Be very quick. There we are. All finished.

  2. Right. I'm going to put this over here. There we are. OK, I'm just going out of the room for a minute. Um, all you've got to do is keep absolutely still. OK?

  3. A: Mm-hmm .Oh. Yep. Here's one .One small cavity listen, I can fill it right away if you like. You probably want an injection.

В: Oh, no, I don't, thank you. I don't like them.

  1. Oh, that's a bad cut, isn't it. We'll have to do something about that. Right sit still, I'll just put some cream on it first, it doesn't sting (Ooh)-it's all right. There we are .Sit still. There we are.

  2. OK, I'm going to make an incision above the left ventricle. Scalpel, please, nurse. Thank you. OK.

  3. I'll give you two lots to keep you going. There we are. That's two tablets three times a day, OK? And if it doesn't do the trick, come back next week.

a) OK, open your mouth. Good. Now close your mouth.

Keep it under your tongue - Oop, don't bite it. That's OK? (Mmm). Good.

7. Use the following words to fill the gaps in this joke. One of these words is used twice.

appointment bleed blood examination patient

rescription psychiatrist surgery temperature x-ray

A man walked into a doctor's and announced that he was dead. The doctor did everything he could to per­suade his that he was in fact alive: he took his____(which was 36 - too warm for a dead man), he gave him a thorough medical (everything seemed to be working) and even gave him a chest (which showed nothing abnormal). But the man still insisted that he was dead. The doctor decided that the best thing to do was to give the man a for some tranquilizers and make an __________for him to see a . But first, he thought he'd have one more try. "Look ", he said, «dead men don't , do they?" "Of course not," replied the man. "Right," said the doctor, and he took a surgical knife and stuck the point into the man's arm. flowed from the wound. «Hmm," said the man." I was wrong. Dead men do___________.”

  1. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Medical treatment often only cures people temporarily.

  2. Doctors usually cure symptoms, but not the reasons for the disease.

  3. Keeping fit is a good way to stay healthy.

  4. Being in touch with your inner self is a good way to stay healthy.

  5. When children fall ill, it is usually the fault of their parents.

  6. Diseases are often a way for people to get what they want.

g)The origins of diseases can often be traced back to early childhood.

9. Match the definitions:

Medicine internal heat of the body.

A patient institution for care of the sick or wounded.

Temperature a person skilled in chemistry; a dealer in medical drugs A hospital an art of restoring or preserving health, especially by means of remedial substances;

A chemist a person under medical treatment.

A thermometer a person, usually woman, charged with or trained for care of the sick. A nurse a room where the surgeon gives advice or treatment.

A surgery an instrument for measuring temperature.

A ward a person whose profession is the care of teeth.

A sick leave a separate room in the hospital.

A dentist a permission to be absent from duty because of illness.

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