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In addition, the financial system needs significant improvement. The main areas are:

1 Improving financial legislation and law;

2 Overcoming the financial crisis such forms as:

- Uncontrolled public debt of the country;

- Bankruptcy;

overcome the hidden local budget deficits;

crisis of non-payments.

3: Create a qualitatively new basis organizational and economic mechanism of financial management;

4 of sustainable development and approval of the budget and tax code;

. Improving the efficiency of the entire financial mechanism;

. Adjustment mechanism for the relationship of enterprises, institutions and organizations of the budget system, extrabudgetary funds, banking, etc .;

. Decentralization of budget system;

. Creating a civilized mechanism of financial support entrepreneurship;

. Strengthening the role of finance in Ukraine.

Therefore, Ukraine needs to take the following actions:

increase the efficiency of banks by their amalgamation;

- To bring legal proceedings in Ukraine with international standards and requirements of the European Union;

abandon the use of non-cash payments, to introduce tougher fiscal discipline.



The financial system - a set of financial relationships related to barter. The financial system is part of the economic system, which determines the form and content of the main economic issues, which arise in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of economic output. Its main components are public finance, financial market, financial entities and insurance funds. Its main element is the budget system.

Feature of the financial system of Ukraine is a long time, it was part of the financial system of the Soviet Union, and with the winning of independence achieved and all the negative consequences of such a union. The financial system of Ukraine is quite young and has little experience. Now it exists on the foundations of the Soviet system and operates on its principles.

The main problem is the absence of the law on changes in the financial system. Required clear legal and administrative management basis. Ukraine also has a financial destabilization.

The main task of the state is to build a fundamentally new financial system without negative tendencies of the former USSR.

In terms of the transformation of the economy, Ukraine requires significant restructuring of the financial system in order to achieve stabilization. The central problem of the present and future financial stability in Ukraine is inflation.

The main trend of system transformation modernity recognized globalization. The greatest manifestation of globalization experienced financial globalization. Ukraine has joined the comprehensive globalization. Evidence of this is highly dynamic and rapid growth in currency and yevrovalyutnyh markets, bank deposits in foreign currency involved in the international financial market assets, total resources of institutional investors.

For efficient operation, the financial system of Ukraine should be improved, which should be done in improving financial legislation and law, creating a qualitatively new basis organizational and economic mechanism of financial management, strengthening the role of finance in the country.

The financial system of Ukraine is largely determined by the state of crisis. Therefore, to overcome the crisis need to conduct complex reforms aimed at stabilizing the financial system. But only if a comprehensive approach to the problem can be achieved positive results.

Consequently, the financial system is vital to the economy and society, and to guarantee the normal life of the country.


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