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Books on Happiness / the happiness revolution - 2 students

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Arsenicum album patients are proper, tense, and anxious.


The Happiness Revolution


Arsenicum album patients are proper, tense and anxious. Like Aconite patients, they have tremendous anxiety and restlessness. However, Arsenicum patients are especially worse after midnight and are constantly seeking reassurance,

which they rarely believe. They try to remain in control at all times and, in this state, we see them as perfectionists who have a strong desire for companionship and orderliness. They often fear that they

have life-threatening diseases, such as cancer or heart disease, and that they will never recover.

Key Symptoms Remedied by Arsenicum Album:

Properness and perfectionism to the extreme



Restlessness with weakness (desire movement but then discover their weakness)

Strong desire for orderliness and companionship

Strong desire to be warm

Burning pains relieved by warmth

Appear to be weak, pale and cold, improved by heat

The keynote of Arsenicum is the restlessness and weakness. Arsenicum is also commonly found in health food stores at a 30c potency.


The Calcarea carbonicum patient by nature is solid, sturdy, hardworking and very responsible. He is practical, methodical, and ap-

The fear and anxiety of Calcarea carbonicum patients center on practical issues of security and safety.

Homeopathy: The Energy Medicine


pears physically sturdy and attractive. His Ayurvedic constitution is the most pure form of Kapha, with the tendency toward obesity, possessiveness and anxiety. The fear and anxiety of these patients center on practical issues of security and safety. They may develop fears in regard to money, health, and

the performance of their duties (at home and at work). Their anxiety can completely undermine their joyful and robust nature. When these wonderful, hardworking folks become overwhelmed and exhausted, their mind becomes weak and they fear that they will go insane. Their determined, obstinate

nature, which made them so reliable when healthy, becomes a huge barrier for the physician attempting to reassure them that they will not go insane. They are obstinate when healthy and when anxious.

When a patient of mine was diagnosed with cancer, she was completely convinced that she would die in the shortest time span possible. Immediately she began to plan financial matters for her children and grandchildren and systematically started to give away her possessions. Her obstinate nature was so convinced that she would die quickly that she could not accept clinical proof showing otherwise. Even after three years of being cancer free, she was still not convinced of her cure. It was only after the fourth year of good health that she finally stopped giving away her possessions and organizing her funeral. Today, thanks to modern medicine and the homeopathic remedy Calcarea carbonicum, she is a healthy and proud grandmother.


The Happiness Revolution

Key Traits & Symptoms Remedied by Calcarea Carbonicum:

Obstinate nature

Sturdy physically

Responsible, hardworking, practical

Anxious, fears concerning money and health

Calcarea carbonicum is a common remedy in your health food store at a 30c potency.


The Phosphorous patient opens his heart to everyone and is gullible and suggestible. His unbridled sympathy for everyone, friend and stranger alike, further dilutes his focus and productivity. These individuals appear spacey, di use and easily distracted. They startle easily and are easily reassured. Known for their beautiful eyes and facial complexion, their overwhelming kindness makes them easy to like and an easy target for needy, manipulative people. Any thought or idea can trigger their anxiety; likewise, any thought or idea from someone else can resolve their anxiety. Generally, their anxiety is worse from fasting and from too much travel. Their anxiety is greatly reduced by consuming warm, heavy meals and minimizing their excursions.

This type of child has an extremely open, trusting nature, and quickly o ers sympathy and love to everyone they meet.

Many years ago, some family friends sent their college-age son to me for help. He had entered a state of openness and gullibility that allowed his girlfriend to dominate his life. Eagerly running at full speed to please his girlfriend, he ignored his duties as son, employee and friend, and soon he became an anxious and confused fellow.

I quickly accepted him into my home for the weekend, knowing that the cure was only 24 or 36 hours away. Our mutual families had known each other for over a decade and the young man, Rob, was

The Phosphorous patient opens his heart to everyone and is gullible and suggestible.

Homeopathy: The Energy Medicine


willing to accept counsel. His simple treatment program was both Ayurvedic and homeopathic.

Rob was a thick, Kaphic young man who had entered a Vatic (phos- phorous-like) state of anxiety. I asked Rob to stay in our guest room in the lower level for 24 hours. I

instructed him to not read, write, talk or listen to the radio. This solitude would allow his scattered mind to regroup. I also taught him some simple relaxation exercises. All Rob needed to do was simply pull himself back together

by no longer running around trying to please others. Because his constitution was very strong, the correction occurred very quickly. Along with his restriction to this clean and pleasant room, he was given one dose of Phosphorous 200C.

The next morning we saw a miraculous turnaround. His confidence, his clarity, and his practical coping skills were back at his command. His 24 hours of rest and isolation from the duties and opinions of others allowed his system to come back into balance. From his arrival on Friday afternoon until his departure on Sunday afternoon, a great transformation had occurred, due simply to the power of homeopathic Phosphorous and a proper understanding of his Ayurvedic nature.

Key Traits & Symptoms Remedied by Phosphorous:


A tendency to be easily reassured by others

A need to please others

Phosphorus is commonly found in health food stores at a 30c potency.

Initially Staphysagria patients appear sweet and passive in nature. Gradually they reveal a long history of grief and degrading situations.


The Happiness Revolution


For over 20 years the most commonly used remedy in my medical practice has been one that treats suppressed anger and the various ailments that arise from this suppression. I see women going through divorces where their life and social status have been devastated. In a sad form of irony, it seems that women who saw their physical beauty as their strongest social acclaim su ered from outbreaks of bright red, dry eczema on their forehead and eyebrows during these times of stress and anger. The more they suppress their rage and mortification, the brighter and larger the rash becomes. Likewise, any other ailment that begins with a history of suppressed anger and low self-esteem requires us to consider this remedy.

Initially these patients appear sweet and passive in nature. Gradually they reveal a long history of grief and degrading situations. They have responded to these events with shame and guilt, while anger and defiance would be a healthy reaction. Often, they have allowed themselves to be dominated for many years. When Staphysagria

helps them rally their courage and mental clarity, I commonly see such meek, humiliated people make a huge and healthy transformation. Staphysagria is known for improving one’s self-esteem. And this remedy isn’t just relegated to dominated spouses. Whenever a person presents a history of humiliation and suppression from an older sibling or parent, Staphysagria should be carefully considered.

Homeopathy: The Energy Medicine


Key Traits & Symptoms Remedied by Staphysagria:

History of humiliation and degrading experiences

Suppressed anger

Sweetness and passivity

Shame and guilt about sexuality

Because this remedy usually deals with a deep level of suppression, 200c is commonly the starting dose. Therefore, you will usually have to visit a homeopathic pharmacy.

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Due to the infinitesimal doses involved in homeopathic remedy production, the modern medical community wonders if the success of homeopathic care is due to the placebo e ect. However, many double-blind clinical trials have validated the e ectiveness of homeopathy on a broad range of illnesses.

One such study was done in 1994 by the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Washington in Seattle. It performed a clinical trial on children stricken with diarrhea in Nicaragua. This double-blind placebo-controlled trial found that “individualized homeopathic treatment decreases the duration of diarrhea and number of stools in children with acute childhood diarrhea.”18

Another study, published in the Lancet in 1986, sought to discover whether homeopathy was e ective in the treatment of allergies and hay fever. That study found that, “patients using homeopathy showed greater improvement in symptoms than those on placebo.”19 A third study, published in the British Journal of Homeopathy, also found that homeopathy was helpful for children with attention deficit disorder (ADD or ADHD). This study compared the e ectiveness of methylphenidate (Ritalin) to homeopathic care. The findings were dramatic – “The reported results of homeopathic treatment appear

The physician of the future will skillfully integrate homeopathic medicine into his/her repertoire alongside Ayurvedic therapies, surgery, diet therapies, prescription drugs and herbal therapies.


The Happiness Revolution

to be similar to the e ects of MPD (Ritalin).”20 This landmark study dramatically changed the lives of many parents and children when they discovered that they could switch away from a powerful medication to a completely safe, non-toxic

homeopathic remedy.

There are many more studies that show the e cacy of homeopathy. There have been some poorly constructed studies that have attempted to discredit homeopathy by giving the same homeopathic remedy to every member in the study. However, this is not how homeopathy works – the remedy must be carefully chosen for each individual. As more clinical studies, that are properly conducted, show the benefits of homeopathy, it will continue to grow in popularity.



In the past few pages I have shared with you some homeopathic solutions for those very di cult situations when hope seems lost. Whether you’re experiencing profound sadness from the loss of a loved one, or deep anger from past actions, homeopathic remedies o er you a safe and natural way to resolve your torment.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that has been helping people break these kinds of longstanding habits of self-condemnation and doubt for more than 200 years; but only in the past 50 years has homeopathy seen a resurgence in the United States. This resurgence will

Homeopathy: The Energy Medicine


continue as a new model of patient care evolves. It is the simplicity, safety, and quality of homeopathy that makes it so appealing today.

Gone will be the days of pushing through 12 patients an hour and prescribing “cookie cutter” solutions for each patient. Instead, the physicians will aim to understand their patients on all levels, leading to improved patient care and superior results. Furthermore, when the physician takes the time to understand the patient on a deeper level, then the patient benefits from feeling understood. The physician benefits from finding the correct homeopathic remedy. In an age when antibiotics are becoming ine ective and diseases are more easily transmitted, homeopathy o ers great hope for the future. The physician of the future will skillfully integrate homeopathic medicine into his/her repertoire alongside Ayurvedic therapies, surgery, diet therapies, prescription drugs and herbal therapies.

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Homeopathy often helps people overcome physical and psychological problems when other therapies have failed and the problem seems impossible to overcome.

Homeopathic medicines have the unique ability to help you get through diffi cult situations. Sometimes, when you get stuck in a bout of sadness and grief, homeopathy can help release pent-up feelings that you have suppressed and bring you back to a state of happiness.

In an age when antibiotics are becoming ineffective and diseases are more easily transmitted, homeopathy offers great hope for the future.


The Happiness Revolution



Sleep, Rest and Relaxation

It had been a very long day at the o ce for me. And now an overwhelmed mother was expounding on her lists of grievances in regards to her 8-year-old son; the little boy sitting next to

her. His sadness pulled him deeper into his chair as he listened to his mother’s itemized complaints. He didn’t flinch, he just drooped. Item number five was how restless he was – constantly in motion, unable to sit still.

For ages, parents have complained to me about how restless their children are, but on that late afternoon I heard “restless” in a completely new way. Restless. “Why does he get less rest than your other children?” I blurted it out. I was questioning myself as well as the boy’s mother. At that moment, even I didn’t really know what I meant.

I knew how irritable I became when I was overly tired. If I did not get enough rest I would probably be bouncing o the walls. Maybe that was little Curt’s problem also? If an 8-year-old is not well rested, could he be expressing his loss in aimless motions and mutterings? I looked up. Curt’s mom was staring at me with her jaw open. I had