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Books on Happiness / the happiness revolution - 2 students

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The Happiness Revolution

Standing forward bend: Spread your arms out to your side and exhale as you fold forward from your hip joints. If your hamstrings are very tight, a slight bend in your knees will help release your lower back. Take a few breaths and allow your upper body to release closer to your legs.

Right leg lunge pose: Inhale and step your left leg back leaving your right leg forward, between your hands.

Hatha Yoga


Downward facing dog pose: Exhale and step both feet back to this inverted “v” pose. Press your hands and feet down evenly. Lift your hips and then lower your heels to stretch the backs of your legs. Lastly, relax your neck and the area between your shoulders.

Plank pose: Inhale and lower your hips down so that your body comes in to a high push-up position.


The Happiness Revolution

Cobra pose: Exhale and slowly lower your whole body down to the floor. Inhale and press the front of your pelvis and the tops of your feet into the floor while using your lower back muscles to lift your chest o of the floor. (Do your best to avoid the natural urge to use your arms here – this posture helps build your lower back strength.)

Downward facing dog: Exhale, press your hands down to lift your body back up into the downward dog position again.

Hatha Yoga


Left leg lunge pose: Inhale and lunge your left leg forward, placing it between your hands.

Forward bend: Exhale and step your right foot forward to meet your left. Relax your upper body toward your knees as you come into a standing forward bend again.


The Happiness Revolution

Overhead stretch: Inhale and lift up to standing with your arms stretching toward the ceiling. Stretch your whole body.

Prayer pose: Bring your hands back down and press them together in front of your heart.

Salute the sun and watch your internal sun awaken!

Hatha Yoga


Warrior One: T he warrior is a posture of strength and victory. Breathe and feel the flow of power and vitality that is generated in this posture. Warrior One is wonderful to re-awaken your personal power and self-esteem.

Stand tall with your legs hip-distance apart. Step your right foot back about 3-4 feet. Turn your right foot out slightly. Lunge your left knee forward as you move your right hip forward. Extend your arms up, but keep your shoulders dropped down away from your ears. Your gaze is forward, steady and relaxed. Breathe deeply 8

– 10 times and feel your body releasing down through your hips and stretching up through your arms and torso. Switch sides and stay in the final pose for as many breaths as you did on the first side.


The Happiness Revolution

Abdominal Squeeze: This exercise is unparalleled in its ability to awaken your solar plexus, improve digestion, stoke your metabolic fire and massage all of your visceral organs.

To begin, stand with your feet hip width apart. Place your hands on your legs, just above your knees. Transfer the full weight of your upper body through your arms and onto the support of your legs. As you exhale, pull your abdomen in toward your spine creating a concavity in your abdominal area. This should feel like you are squeezing the internal organs of your abdomen. On inhalation, relax your abdomen, breathing deeply into your belly. Continue to squeeze on exhalation and relax on inhalation. After a few breaths, begin to slow your breath down and deepen your contraction as you exhale and your expansion as you inhale. Repeat this 10 to 20 times.

Hatha Yoga


Butterfly: Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet together in front of you and your heels drawn in close to your pelvis. Clasp your hands around your feet and press your knees down toward the floor. Lift your lower back to straighten your spine and bring your weight evenly to your bottom. Breathe deeply and continue to feel the resistance of your hips and inner thighs release.

Cat and Cow: Get onto all fours. Your wrists are directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. As you exhale, push your hands down and lift your back up. Tuck your tailbone down, drop your chin toward your chest and pull your abdomen in toward your spine. As you inhale, arch your back downwards. Lift your chest so that you are looking up. Press your sit bones up toward the ceiling behind you and feel your abdominal area drop and expand toward the floor.

Repeat this exercise several times, lengthening your breath and maintaining the coordination between your movements and your breath. Arch down on your inhale and round up on your exhale.


The Happiness Revolution

Cow Pose Cat Pose

If you wish, you can add leg movements to these postures. In coordination with your exhalation and the rounding of your back (cat pose), bring your right knee in toward your nose. This will strengthen your abdomen and stretch your lower back. In coordination with your inhalation and the arch down of your back (cow pose), extend your right leg back and lift it o the floor until it is straight. This will strengthen the back of your leg, buttocks and lower back. Repeat 8- 10 times and then switch sides for the same amount of reps.

Cow Pose with Leg Extension

Cat Pose with Knee to Forehead

Hatha Yoga


Child’s pose: Begin on all fours and then sit back on your heels. The tops of your feet are flat on the floor underneath you. Allow your upper body to relax down toward your thighs. Relax your neck, bringing your forehead toward the floor in front of your knees. Stretch your arms out in front and rest them on the floor. Your abdomen presses against your thighs as it expands with each inhalation. With each exhalation allow your body to settle closer to your legs. Stay here for up to 1 minute as your low back releases.

Bridge pose: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet 4-6 inches apart. Rest your arms by your sides, palms down. On inhalation, press your feet into the floor and slowly lift your hips o of the floor. Continue to slowly raise the rest of your spine o the floor one vertebra at a time in a rolling motion. Press your palms and forearms into the ground, as shown. Bring the weight of your upper body onto your shoulders by gently rocking from side to side. Hold this posture and breathe deeply into your abdomen. Stay here for up to 1 minute and then stretch out on the floor to rest your back.

(In this pose, your neck can feel crunched if your shoulders are too close to your ears and your chin is tucked into your throat. To release your neck, bring your shoulders down away from your ears and slightly lift your chin.)